Sunday, September 18, 2022

Sunday Surgery: Scream Dream


Well, another one is hooked and we are all just...waiting to see who the next one will be! I love a good murder mystery. I've often been really disappointed in the people doing it however so.. let's see if this surprises me! 

Short and Sweet this time because I was in and out when it came to watching the show. I saw a lot on Hulu and skipped around. 

Ready do dive in?? Let's get going! 

HOUSE OF WU OF THE WEEK: Starting off with one of my fave scenes; Brad and Selina speaking Cantonese !! Yippee! Adds so much and I loved it. Loved her straightening his shirt too. Did you notice Britt saying Ms Wu had "her HOOKS in him"?? HOOKS?? hmmmmm. No I could not find a pic of it! SORRY!! But here's Wu giving bartender N'neka some orders at The Savoy! 

HOUSE OF POO OF THE WEEK: Here we are in Cody's Horse House! I mention it for 2 reasons. One, we are SO getting a backstory on this guy about a crime he committed and Two, I actually liked him with Leo! 

HOOK OF THE WEEK: Brando is down!! Brando is taken to GH and operated on. His eyes open when Sasha talks to him. It's been the rumor he dies because someone leaked a scene that looked like his memorial. BUT! It was way blurry. So??? Now some are speculating that Diane bites it. I'm still hopeful it's Michael. Maybe Morgan is back to get some revenge. 

WELCOME BACK OF THE WEEK:  There is no way I could leave out a GIANT  WELCOME BACK for our Lexi! Kristina came in with a drama and it just never left. She's such a good actress, it's amazing to watch. One thing however; MOLLY needed to be at the hospital too. TJ is operating? Her sister was witness to a crime? Get her on too! 

DID WE REALLY NEED THIS OF THE WEEK: Look, I love Linda Purl. She's amazing. WHY COULDN'T SHE HAVE BEEN LIZ' mother? WHY? Why does Carly get her 100th backstory ? Seriously? I mean.. I just don't get it. Carly should be destitute in some corner. But NOPE! Let's revisit REESE and Carly's SA ? Yawn. 

SPEAKING OF YAWN OF THE WEEK:  Surely this Elizabeth story could move forward without umpteen convos with FINN about This That and The Other. I swear I thought I had jumped into an old episode on Hulu when she and Finn were talking in his office. Like..come on. 

CONFESSION OF THE WEEK: BLOOP! Stella remembers taking the divorce papers and tells Jordan. Instead of throwing her under the bus, Jordan says it's HER mistake. Curtis gets all mad. Also in all of this mess is Jordan figuring out Stella's "relative" in Port Charles might be Trina. Dun DUN DUN....

FASHION OF THE WEEK: Good ol' Granny Squares! Just like the 60's and 70's. Loved the shorts 

JUST CUTE OF THE WEEK: Violet, hanging out at the pool. Took the edge off Finn telling Liz's entire personal story to Greg!! 

WUB FUN OF THE WEEK: I DO Love guessing who a killer could be! I'm all over the place on this one-- I thought for sure Esme--(she is left handed) BUT!! I think Avery is on contract and no way will they give up a popular bad-girl. Ryan? Another safe guess (he only has his left hand) .. but is he too easy? Dex?? really working for Cyrus and the West Coast Mob? Rory? Just a rogue maniac disguised as a policeman? Austin (because he does nothing else??) Is the killer targeting Sonny's family like he thinks or...people that are close to Trina?? Hmmm.. Red Herrings ALL OVER!! House of Wu could be another angle. It's so FUN to guess. Like I've said though, I'm rarely thrilled or surprised by a serial killer anymore. 


Brando ends up on the wrong end of The Hook; Right after Sasha signed guardianship papers

Stella confesses to taking the divorce papers, Curtis thinks Jordan didn't file them

Carly's plane gets stuck in Jacksonville FL where she meets an old friend's mother 

Ms Wu offers Cody a job as a ringer and he takes it

Finn and Liz discuss her going to the police with the truth but they tell Ava 

Jordan is closer to learning the truth about Trina's DNA links

Sonny tells Nikolas to stay away from Ava 

Scout starts school 

That's a wrap!! I'm sure I forgot a lot that happened but well, is it really important then? Lol. There's going to be another Hook victim an Alexis and Gregory stumble upon them. Laura will be making her way home. Supposedly we see Holly at some point and... I read there are a lot of VAnna scenes coming up. 

This week will be interesting as far as my schedule goes but I'll try to be here when I can!! I don't think the funeral will interrupt GH Monday because it's in the mid afternoon in England, morning for us. BUT! You never know.  There are also some processions when she's being taken to lay to rest. We shall see. 



  1. So glad you made it to Sunday Surgery. I'm hoping we're not disappointed with the murder mystery too. Nothing worse than a great work up followed by a fizzle.

    So tired of Finn being a sounding board for Liz. He doesn't even work as a doctor any more. Can I vote for him for next victim? (¬‿¬)

    I read the preview blurps before the "extenders" got a hold of them and told what they think might happen and I believe Liz sees Kevin this last! Some actual treatment, not just talking into a pipeline that's blabbing your personal business around the town. And I want her to actually finish seeing all of that flashback.

    Here's hoping tomorrow holds a revelation!! Happy Sunday.

  2. Thanks for another great SS!
    No one has died yet so not a serial killer or murder mystery yet. I'm sticking with my theory of Morgan, but not sure they would make Sonny's son the hookster. Rory is the perfect suspect. Only been on GH a short time, he's a cop and is probably leaving for new job.
    Time for Dex to be found out. Nice chem with him and Kristina. I have a feeling she may out him.
    Liz and Finn are a joke. Two good characters. Sad.

  3. "Ms Wu offers Cody a job as a ringer and he takes it" HeeHee, more like Cody asked for the job and Ms Wu decided it was her idea and upped the ante on him. Gulp!

  4. I think it's Rory. We're lead to believe he's this wholesome law abiding police officer. But we know the actor is doing a prime time show. I think it's a re-write because they may not have had that in mind until the actor got his prime time gig. So far, I think the common thread is Trina, not Sonny. We'll see if the rumors of the next attack are true. But with Spencer in prison, this is sort of a stupid story...if in fact it is Rory.

    1. Then Rory gets caught and goes to prison with Spencer. Someone kills him and Spence is blamed. Boom.

    2. I like that zazu. It's not going to be someone obvious for the killer

    3. The attacker was tall - Rory isn't a big guy and neither is Dex..

  5. The best murder mystery on GH was Diana Taylor.

    1. Isn’t that the truth! That was spellbinding especially in the lead up and immediate aftermath. Nothing can top Heather trying to frame Anne Logan by using Diana’s finger to write Anne’s name in blood.

    2. I remember that lindie. I don't think anyone had that murder figured out. It was a shocker.

    3. Complete shocker and so so we'll done

    4. The shocker was that if I remember correctly...they really did write Heather as the murderer...but then Robin Mattson caught fire as Heather and become very popular. They rewrote the ending and it actually was Heather's mother Alice Grant, who had been hiding in the closet waiting to confront Diana when Heather came in and went into a trance and then Diana went to get a gun. What was also shocking is that the show would kill off a legacy character. Diana was a lead character from the late 60s through all of the 70s.

  6. --- I KNOW I am in the minority but I want US/AUDIENCE to know who it is NOW so we can yell and scream at the TV as characters try to figure it out - to me, that is so fun (yes, I often read the ending of the book first)--------but it's more effective than all the guesses we do!
    -----Brando gonna die - I feel it ----- and yes I read Nina is 'almost attacked" but either she pulls out that knife she has?
    ------if Diane also dies, I am done with GH...
    -------too obvious that it might be Dex plus I see him staying and torn between Trina and Kristina......gotta say this week I am thinking Rory..

    1. I'm with you, Mufasa, the writers kill our Queen Diane at their own peril.

    2. Mufasa, I sometimes read the ending of the book too. If I don't like the ending I won't read the book - it saves me reading time. 😊

      I don't really see them killing Diane. I could see it if we had been seeing her a lot recently so her killing would be more of an emotional impact but she hasn't been seen in recent episodes.

      They better not kill Diane.

  7. Replies
    1. For the love of all that is soapy no! Sonny doesn't need another kid.

      Lindie, don't type that too loud or the writers will hear you. 😁 But who would his mother be? Maybe Sonny and Selina hooked up and Rory is a result.

    2. He needs another son just about as much as we need another resurrection.

  8. I know Sonny doesn't need another kid, but you know, it is Sonny after all.

  9. If Trina is the common thread, where does Brando fit in ?

    1. Josslyn was meant as the target. But Brando got in the way.

    2. My question is if Trina is the common thread like we think she is, why? Does the hooker have an obsession to have Trina to him/herself or does he/she hate Trina? Is their plan to have Trina be the final victim? If they hate Trina why not just kidnap her and kill her.

  10. Someone mentioned this idea on Twitter and I thought it was 100% correct -- they should have made Linda Purl be Carolyn Webber, Liz' mom.

  11. I agree Karen with the Carly storyline. Nice guest stars but all for more Carly. Plug in some vanna instead please

  12. Some news...
    General Hospital’s Chad Duell Opens Up About the Health Scare That Resulted in His Recent Recast: ‘I Thought I Was Dying’

    Here's the whole article.

    Please don't just read the title.

  13. And the show is on. I hope you're all watching.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...