Monday, September 19, 2022

Speedy Day


Ok, so I can stay a BIT-- I have a meeting at3 I have to prepare for so we shall see. Also, I'm hoping the Queen coverage is over!!  The pomp was something and the entire country seemed so silent and united. I don't think the US would have that in them!! 

On to Soaps: 

Alexis and Greg are in the hall at GH waiting for different people and talking. They discuss the attack on Brando. He says he liked The Invader's coverage on the story and it wasn't too sensational. He wants her to go to a lecture at PCU with him. 

Portia and Curtis. She wants to know if Jordan hadn't lied, would he still be with her. He says no, he wants her but they talk a LOT about not lying to people. Gulp. 

Joss and Trina at the pool, some weird guy looking at them. Dex also comes into the pool area. Joss gives him his sunglasses.  Joss confronts the weird guy and he leaves. We find out Dex was having him watch over Joss. 

Elizabeth is visiting Kevin for therapy. She says it was a mistake to leave Shadybrook. She tells him about the missing time at the Q party. She also tells about her memory and it has something to do with her father. Stairs, grabbing woman and feeling angry. 

Sonny is bugging Jordan to tell him about the investigation. Being a pill. Keeps harping on it. 

Brando wakes up and strokes Sasha's face.  Finn comes in to examine him because Portia wants a consult. Brando is coughing and doesn't look good.  Jordan comes in and asks him who stabbed him. Brando can't identify anyone. He did hear a noise like a jingling sound. (Dog tags? handcuffs? Ryan's chains? what? and how you hear in the pouring RAIN lol) 

I can't finish I have a meeting !! I'll get the end tonight. xxoo 


  1. I'm thinking those dog tags are definitely a red herring. You couldn't hear them jingling while he walked around shirtless. You certainly wouldn't hear them if he was fully dressed and also wearing a hoody over his clothes.
    I wonder if Liz knocked her step mom down the stairs and that's why the father went away with her to work and left Liz with grandma.
    I kept saying, "Give him some ice chips!" when Brando was coughing. He said his throat was dry and they kept him talking. All that coughing may have cause internal sutures to give out.

    Glad we got to see it today.

  2. Enough with the divorce paper talk already. Tell the truth and/or move along.
    Elizabeth's 'story' has gone on long enough. Before they ruin her character as well, get on with it.
    Those rumors about Diane...I think it's Alexis who is the next one 'hooked'. I've had a feeling she might be leaving GH. Hope I'm wrong.

  3. Metrocourt pool:

    Joss and Dexxy: I'm glad Joss gave him his sunglasses! :) Great continuity there..

    Joss and Trina: Yes Joss someone is watching you. It's okay! You can kick his ass!!!! You ARE your mother's daughter afterall. :)

    Joss, Trina, the stranger, and Dexxy: GO JOSS GET THAT GUY! :) Joss wins the line of the day.

    Joss: If I wanted your help I'd ask for it.

    BAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! Yup mother's daughter. :) Oh come on Trina leave her alone.. Let her at him! :D

    Dexxy: I'll take it from here.

    *Points like this guy is a child*

    Hahahaha that was so odd!!! Hahahahahaha!

    Dexxy and the stranger: Were they former lovas? Will Mikey be jelly? Oh wait okay just Joss's body guard. You weren't guarding her discreetly! You were watching her you idiot!!! And she saw you watch her!!! What a stupid man. Fire him Dex!

    The hospital:

    Alexis and Gregory: Alexis is good Gregory. She isn't Poptart Smalls!!

    Alexis, Gregory, and Finchy: Ooooo Alexis and Gregory didn't know about the hook person! Why didn't Krissy tell her mother about it?

    Sonny and Jordan: Geez if they keep this up, I am going to want them to jump all over each other in bed. :)

    Sona ninny nanny goat: Ohhh Sonny is worried and wants protection for Nina. Oh Sonny don't worry! Dr. O gave her those knives.. She can use them! :)

    Portis: Ooooo Portia is terrified that when Curtis learns the truth about Trina, he won't forgive Portia! It is written all over her face. I wonder if the truth will come out before the wedding. Best time for the truth to always come out! :D

    Jordan and Curtis: Didn't they already have this conversation on Friday? Why yes they did. Curtis just go get a new set of divorce papers.

    Doc and Liz: Did she get a haircut? Ooooo Liz is getting hypnotized! YAY!!!! So in the flashback it's not a teenage girl, it's a woman!!!!!

    Brasha: Oh no no no.. The actor is fake coughing.. That is not good. Covid is still out there.. Anyway, Sasha is talking about when a year comes for their anniversary they will go away. Oh oh I have a bad feeling about this.. Yup I was right. He coughs up blood and has a seizure!!!! Does he have sepsis? It was brought up twice!!! Finchy brought it up today.

  4. I think the problem is they suck us into to the story with Liz and had us wondering, then don't show her for a week.

    I actually Like Brando, he's not the most exciting character but I like that he brings Gladys into stories.

  5. Zazu I agree, Curtis get over yourself

  6. Did anybody see this? Maurice Bernard's state of mind with Chad Duell again! :) So good!

  7. IF the hook does have poison, it'll be interesting to see what kind of poison and will it be something only a 'nurse' would be able to have access to??? it ain't Liz but wondering what the poison will be....

  8. If the hook had poison Ava would be dead already.

    1. but it says the attacker steps up the game since Ava didnt die

    2. But no one mentioned poison. The hooker is just going to get more active or maybe hit 'em more than once with that hook.

  9. That's why he's been out so much.

  10. Brando, exit stage left. (I hope they clear the canvas of a few more characters before this is all over.)

  11. It's kind of ridiculous that Brando and Ava don't have police protection. Is there no emergency button in Brando's room? Sasha should have immediately gotten a dr., and also when he woke up, too. Dex is cute but he is a weird looking little guy. And I find it hard to believe that Carly and Mrs. Roberts wouldn't have recognized each other, especially with that distinctive southern accent.

    1. "Dex is cute but he is a weird looking little guy." Agree. I can't quite put my finger on why.

    2. wow...I don't find him weird looking or little.

    3. it's because he's built but he's tiny. I swear he's 5-6, not that there's anything wrong with that. His head seems like it belongs on someone much taller.

    4. Diana, that's it! Large head and short legs. No complaint - just an observation.

    5. lol Well you definitely mustn't have been a fan of "Danny" on Hawaii 5-0.

  12. I have been reading all kinds of crazy rumors about the hookster on FB. I won't even repeat them. No talk of poison though.

    1. I'm surprised that the headline readers aren't repeating them as gospel.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

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