Wednesday, September 28, 2022

I see You


Yesterday's show: Well, DEX didn't do it...I think we know that!! LOL Too easy. I'm SO SO tired of Curtis/Jordan and Portia talks. And Drew and Carly?? WTF. That wallpaper killed me. Donna's about old enough for Kindergarten LOL . All in all a filler show. 

I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT BADGER BOB AND MOSS in the ABCs of GH!! GEESH!! I think I was going more for places but yeah, BIG MISS!! 


Sonny has Dex on a meat hook wanting an explanation about Diane. LOL  Dex isn't telling him anything. Then he brings in a guy from the Wu family to 'really make him talk"-- 

Joss goes to talk to Dante at the PCPD. She has evidence for him--maybe. She heard jinging in the alley way. OMG there is NO WAY IN HELL you could hear dog tags under a HOODIE and raincoat in the pouring rain!! come ON Dante. 

Austin and Maxie are in her place and Spin is there too.  Then Cody comes and says "Hi Sis"  He asks her if she thinks Mac is his father. They talk about Leopold Taub and the back story and Austin is listening ...oh and Cody knew the name "Gatlin" when Austin said it. SO...ties? 

Sam and Michael talk about Diane. It's nothing. Then Spin shows up. Michael leaves. Spin talks about Star Wars and that he and Georgie are watching all the movies in order . Spinelli also tells her HE's the matchmaker for Society Social. 

Curtis tells Ava Diane was hooked. Then Taggert and Trina come up.  Trina talks to Ava and feels like Curtis is being too much of a dad to her even before he's her step-dad.  Then Trina leaves. Curtis comes in and tells Ava she has to fire Trina so she can 'be safe'. 

Portia goes it to lay into Jordan. Jordan comes right out and asks if Curtis is Trina's dad and Portia won't answer. Yells at her about wanting her ex hubby back. They argue. 


  1. WHY would Spinelli be arrested for creating Society Setups? Confused...
    ---I SO want someone to be setting up Dex and it'll be MICHAEL's fault that people were hurt (i.e. Dex is being shady to Sonny)
    ----Jordan/Portia - eh....whatever
    ----SO obvious that the paternity is about to come out since Curtis is all over Trina's safety and she even snapped at him.........not sure who Ava was talking to on the phone before she is gonna fire Trina (which I don't understand either)
    ----I would like Cody and Maxie together!!! They are fun!
    -----Karen is right.....MICHAEL and SAM are at the hospital for Diane and no Finn or people running around????
    ----WHERE is Scott????

    1. Spinelli used his skills to get personal info on everybody online and that's illegal.

    2. ooooooooo-thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Thanks Di, I couldn't figure out the Spin mess either, lol!

  2. WHERE is Monica? No one even mentions her anymore. Did she just disappear? And where is Phyllis?

    1. They don't have time every day to mention everybody who isn't in. Leslie is staying safe and thinking of retiring.

  3. Joss should have told Dante that she couldn't even hear those tags when he was shirtless. lol

    Cody not only knew the name Gaitlin but did you see the look on Austin's face when they mentioned Taub and the evil cartell?

    I hope Michael is now going to mention to Sonny that he was talking to Dex when Diane got attacked because he saw him near Joss and he was telling him to stay away from her, or something similar. And then Sonny can go back and release him and ask the psycho with the knives where he was at the time. lol

    1. "Di says, Joss should have told Dante that she couldn't even hear those tags when he was shirtless. lol"

      No of course not, because she finds him attractive and wasn't paying attention to anything else. ROFL!

      "Cody not only knew the name Gaitlin but did you see the look on Austin's face when they mentioned Taub and the evil cartell?"

      Mmmm hmmmmm. VERY interesting.

      "I hope Michael is now going to mention to Sonny that he was talking to Dex when Diane got attacked because he saw him near Joss and he was telling him to stay away from her, or something similar. And then Sonny can go back and release him"

      Ooooo I like that.. YES YES! :)

      "and ask the psycho with the knives where he was at the time. lol"

      BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes! He should be questioned!

  4. Police station: That cop says Dante's stepsister is here.. I'm like huh? Stepsister? Had to think about that one hahahahaha. Then lightbulb moment.. :) Hey it's not my fault. They don't talk about Dante and Joss as step siblings, so I forgot!!! Besides Carson are divorced.

    Dante and Joss: No no no. Dexxy did not do this!!!! Too easy. The jingling is from cuffs? Hmmmm?

    Portia and Jordan: Great scene! Come on Portia! Jordan is right you can't marry Curtis with this secret between you two! Tell Curtis the truth!

    The warehouse freezer: Or wherever they are.

    Sonny, Sonny,'s bodyguard and Dexy Helly: Oh no! Flashback of AJ!!! I don't like this! The OG was iconic and special! This is a remake.. I don't like a lot of remakes. NO NO NO NO! STOP IT!

    Sonny, Carver and Dexy helly: Carver! Working for the Wu's!!! Okay me likey. Tasty soapy delicious. :) Maybe this remake is good after all.

    Carver and Dexy Helly: WHOA! This remake is the BEST! :D Look at those knives! *Evil smile*

    Sonny's fake restaurant:

    Michael and Sonny: Yeah Michael.. Tell Sonny why you care so much about Mr. Helly. That you used him to destroy Sonny, but now you fell in wuv with Mr. Helly! :)

    Maxie's home:

    Maxie and Pawtucket Holtster: HEY! Where the hell have you been Pawtucket Holtster? Oh hi Spinny. I didn't know you were here! :)

    Maxie, Pawtucket Holtster, and Spinny: Awwww Spinny was with his daughter. :D

    Cowboy Cody, Maxie, and Pawtucket Holtster: Hmmm interesting scenes.. Does Cowboy Cody know Pawtuckte Holtster's mama? The look on Pawtucket Holtster's face! Does he know Leo Taub and the drug cartel? Are Cowboy Cody and Pawtucket Holtster brothers?

    The hospital:

    Curtis and Trina: Awwww Curtis is over protective of her daughter/step daughter. :) So sweet. :)

    Curtis and Taggart: Hey it takes a village right? :) Great scene.

    Trina and Ava: Trina complaining that Curtis is treating her like a 12 year old. Hahahahaha. Yup that's a teenager for you. NOW Trina acts like a teenager. :)

    Curtis and Ava: Awwwww! Curtis just wants to keep Trina safe. You are a good daddy Curtis. :) I mean the hooker stabby killer could come back and finish the job!!!

    Trina and Ava part 2: It's only for your own good Trina!! The hooker stabby killer could hook/kill you!!

    Michael and Sam: Zzzzzzzzzzz.

    Spinny and Sam: Star wars talk! I am so glad Spinny and Georgie are watching star wars in order! :) Spinny wins the line of the day.

    Spinny: Georgie is an excellent judge of character.

    BAHAHAHAHAAHHA! Okay I am going to NEED a scene with Spinny and Georgie! ASAP! Spinny has feelings for Maxie! I KNEW IT! I want Spixie back together!!!! They are end game dammit! It would be very ironic if Spixie got married. :) I am glad Spinny told Sam that he owns the society setups.. He will go to jail? OO

    1. I did not like yesterday's show at all. I detest the character and story of Cody, could care less about Pawtucket Holster, and a ff'd all of the Dex torture. Not what I want to see on GH.

      Thank goodness for your optimism, and it's changed my tune just a bit. I enjoyed Spin and Sam, Joss and Dante, and Portia/Jordan. (Though Jordan is just waaaaaaaay to smug for me.) I always enjoy Ava, but Curtis's "plan" is lame. I totally support Di's idea about a buying trip in Europe for Ava and Trina! And yup, line of the day was an excellent choice. :)

    2. agree----Jordan is just annoying and Curtis has always been my fav but his character has changed...

  5. sonya said: "The jingling is from cuffs? Hmmmm?"

    *** huh? What cuffs. I thought she said like you'd hear from a dog's collar. lol maybe a lease jingling.

    1. "Di sonya said: huh? What cuffs. I thought she said like you'd hear from a dog's collar. lol maybe a lease jingling."

      ROFL! Handcuffs! :) From cops! Like Rory! After he threw that hatchet to that bullseye, I'm thinking he is the hooky stabby killer.

    2. Nooooo...not cute Rory. lol Maybe the killer had change in his pocket. lol makes more sense than handcuffs which don't usually jingle either.

      Maybe Ava is going to suggest she and trina take a buying trip somewhere in Europe while she recovers.

    3. "Di says, Nooooo...not cute Rory. lol"

      ROFL! I know. I don't want him to be the person either!!!

      "Maybe the killer had change in his pocket. lol"


      "makes more sense than handcuffs which don't usually jingle either."

      Well, on GH it can jingle ROFL!

      "Maybe Ava is going to suggest she and trina take a buying trip somewhere in Europe while she recovers."

      Oh! I like that. Then they both can be safe!

    4. I'm with Di! I don't want cute Rory to be The Hooker either. And was change jiggling in the pocket, lol!

    5. Rory the hookster makes the most sense to me. Especially because the tie in would be prison with Spencer, who has disappeared into Pentonville. But who knows. Can this really go until Nov. sweeps?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. So tired of Jordan telling people "not to leave town" which is not legal; either you have probable cause to make an arrest or you don't. Also, notice how Sonny always gets a grin on his face when he is about to torture someone--the guy enjoys it. Sadist.

  8. I enjoyed some of the dialogue today, but... some "GH" plotlines make no sense. (Examples: Spencer's scheme to use Esme's mom as a bargaining chip, Cody being mad at Scott, whatever it is Brook Lynn and Chase are doing to Linc.) Today it was Curtis asking Ava to fire Trina. Uhhh, couldn't Ava just tell her, "Don't come to work until they catch this maniac?"

    The writers need to try harder.


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