Thursday, September 1, 2022





  1. Oh oh does this mean you won't be watching GH today? YES SPRINA!!! :D

  2. I'll go first since I am giddy with Vanna today---I mean I grinned the entire them....I bet now they fake breaking up but today was great...
    I got a COMPLETELY new vibe today with Carly----she knows she lied about Willow's mom/Nina and THAT is why she won't try with Drew/who wouldn't forgive her....sorry I am a little slow on that-----------
    ----kinda weird that Liz just completely changed today, right? Gave me hope that they are gonna move forward from the Jan 9 start date of her issues.
    ----I giggle everytime Jordan pulls out her little notebook--like it is a 40's detective LEAST she caught Trina's saying Ava was living at the Metro....

    1. lol Mufasa. I smiled all through the scene wondering how long it would take Sonya to recover before she could watch the rest. lol

      And I think Carly was feeling the guilt about that today too. I read that Chloe is coming back for a bit so maybe Carly has a guilty dream.

      And police are still required to keep a notebook to refresh their memory when they write reports.

      I'd like to see Liz go to Kevin now and get hypnotized to recover that memory. We've all suffered long enough. lol

    2. "Di says, wondering how long it would take Sonya to recover before she could watch the rest. lol"


  3. The theme for today: Listen to the advice!!!!!

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Vanna: GREAT SCENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When he said he was losing his mind I cried!!!! OH V.C.!!! :'( I'm glad he told Anna! Now they can work together!!!!

    Carly's home: Damn are the Tribbles growing already?!!?!?!

    Carly and Bobbie: Listen to your mother Carly! I get it though you are scared. Great scene!!! Bobbie wins the lines of the day.

    Bobbie: Oh that. Maybe with a new man. Maybe with a man.


    The savoy:

    Drew and Portis: I love the way Portia squeeled hahahahaha!

    Drew and Curtis: Curtis is right!!!! Take his advice Drew.. You do everything for everybody but what about you!!!!! :) Great scene.

    The hospital:

    Ava's room:

    Ava, Nik, and Jordan: Sounds like Maura West has a cold.. No Ava I don't think Nik hooked you.. I think it was Vampira. Nik don't be lying to Jordan or your credibility will be shot!!!


    Spencer and Victor: Spencer listen to Victor!!! Don't make trouble when there is none!!!

    Finchy's office:

    Fiz: FINALLY Liz says she needs help!!! Good!!! Now where is Doc? I'm glad she said that Finchy is right.. Cus he is.

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to July 8th 1991* The original Dominique and Mac, Robin with Tiffany who is sick, RnA and others. Dom is wearing a wig because she is hiding from her awful husband. She don't want him to find her. This is the time she is deaf.

    1. Vanna was the bee's knees! Maybe Anna will leave Lucy alone now, lol!
      And what you said "FINALLY" about Liz. She needs to get to Doc stat to get this story rolling stat!
      And yup! The Tribbles got some fertilizer and are growing like weeds. :)

    2. As right as Finn is, I didn't like how they had him approach it. I am in for them to be great friends but I no longer am in their corner romantically.

    3. I've never been in their corner romantically.

    4. "Julie H says, Vanna was the bee's knees!"


      "Maybe Anna will leave Lucy alone now, lol!"

      ROFL! Well now that Anna knows the truth, I'm sure she will! :)

      "And what you said "FINALLY" about Liz. She needs to get to Doc stat to get this story rolling stat!"

      Yes! Get hypnotized and remember everything!

      "And yup! The Tribbles got some fertilizer and are growing like weeds. :)"


  4. Oooo a new episode of GH on labor day!!!! :O :O

    1. That's great. We've had enough breaks this summer.

    2. That's really awesome! They probably have extra episodes all over the place due to all the breaks. Yay for us!

  5. Wow, Those VAnna scenes are THE BEST. I love those 2 so much. Thank goodness they are working together now and not going through that torture to us anymore. You know it's a good actor when their acting is all over their face. You can just feel the torture Val is going through. And, Anna is keeping him calm so they can come up with a plan. She knows what it is like to have a daughter kidnapped too.

    1. Yes finally some kind and real scenes. Loved every second.

  6. They are really making it look like Nic stabbed Ava. Too obvious.

    1. Yeah wayyyyyyyyyyyy too obvious!!!! He is a red herring.

    2. Yes, but I still don't understand that scene from yesterday where it seemed like he was going to strangle her. I don't think he did it, but what was that scene??

    3. Agree with Chatty about that Nik scene! I'm sure it was a red herring but please enough of making Nik look so awful! :(

  7. Maybe Valentin and Anna will go looking for Charlotte and bump into Holly.

  8. So, Victor is protective of Spencer his great nephew, but he could hurt Charlotte, his grandchild? This makes no sense to me.

    1. Well, the Cassadine family is old school and probably values male heirs above females. Also, when push comes to shove, I doubt Victor would actually harm Charlotte -- just keep her from her father and slowly turn her against Valentin.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...