Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Parade of Characters

         OMG CL is coming back as NELLE for a short stint!! What do you think????? 

 Anna and Victor talk at the pool. Anna says she wants to make ammends because he's Val's father. She's just trying to snow him, we know this. OMG Victor says he donated equestrian stuff to Char's school and Anna REALIZES he's been using Charlotte this whole time!! Finola is the best actress ever. Damn

Drew and Carly talk in the kitchen. They think they are awesome!! BUT Carly is afraid to start anything with him. yada yada. OMG another couple not "sure".

Trina and Spencer talk at GH ..he tells her his father disappointed him but not about Esme. She says she's sorry. He says it's not her problem. Looks at her longingly SOAPY 101

Nikolas talks to Ava who's still asleep... then he says "I hate to see you like this" and goes towards her. Trina walks in--what are you doing? HE doesn't say-- (that was a nothing burger). They talk about who would do this to Ava. He says someone that hates her. She says or someone that used to love her. 

Jordan asks Liz where she was between a certain time..and Liz says walking alone to 'clear her head' Finn says they got in a fight and he went to the Q house and saw Victor and Spencer. Liz is sure where I was LOL. Jordan badgers her. Nik walks in and gives Liz her alibi --and gives himself one! "We were together"! 

Sasha and Brando go to visit a new doctor (psychologist??) before she goes to the judge. Hoping to get no jail time. She finds out that the whole thing is to get Brando to get guardianship over her. Martin thinks she can get off jail time if she does it. Sasha freaks out. 

Lucy tells Valentin that Sasha needs to go. They talk about that but he says you're really here to check that I didn't tell Martin you were flirting with Victor at the picnic! They talk about pickles Giggle. 

Carly thinks she needs to be on her own awhile 

Jordan finds out that Spencer was puking in the bathroom when Ava was attacked-- one of the servers at the Qs saw him. 

Ava's machine starts beeping badly..TRina: She needs help!

Tomorrow: Bobbie is on... Curtis is on 


  1. I think Nelle will be in Willow's nightmares she is supposed to have--
    JPS = be still my heart!
    When Trina said, 'even Spence', Ava's heart thingy went nuts....
    I did like Drew calling BS on Carly's reasoning......
    Sasha is annoying - I guarantee the fan will not want a pic and will make fun of her.....

    1. "Mufasa says, I think Nelle will be in Willow's nightmares she is supposed to have"

      I was thinking Nelle would be a ghost, but yeah it could be Willow's nightmare.

  2. Although I would love for Nelle to return for real it doesn't make sense now. If she's in anyone's nightmares I want it to be Michael or Snarli's

  3. I guess she will be a ghost or a nightmare, I hope she is not "back from the dead."

    Yesterday, it was suggested here that Sonny & Nina be called "Ninny." ITA, I can't stand them, and I can't stand Carly & Drew together, either.

    1. "AntJoan says, Yesterday, it was suggested here that Sonny & Nina be called "Ninny." ITA,"

      ROFL! Ninny nanny goat! Hahaha.

    2. Killing me, lol! Read Gary's comment about Nanny Goat, and laughed out loud. "Ninny" for the win!

    3. "Julie H says, Killing me, lol! Read Gary's comment about Nanny Goat, and laughed out loud. "Ninny" for the win!"

      HAHAHAHAHAHA! You guys crack me up! :D

  4. Nelle coming back from the dead would be a "jumping the shark " moment for me. I can tolerate her in a dream for an ep.

    They are dragging the Sasha story out too long. I've lost interest. Previous Emmy nominated performances have turned into headache inducing screaming that my brain now translates as yada yada yada. FF time.

    Anna is putting 2 and 2 together. She'll find out what Victor is doing soon and hopefully help Valentin.

    I hope it was Mason jar who stabbed Ava and that Austin does him in and goes on the run.

    Sorry...fighting a migraine and my happy brain is taking a break.

    1. Oh no, I'm sorry about your migraine Di. I have them too and I know how bad they can get. Hope you feel better soon.

    2. I can't stand the Sasha story anymore either. Enough already!

    3. Feel better Di! I'm ok with Nellie as a ghost or dream, for 1 day. I repeat, 1 day!

      I feel the same about Sasha/Brando. I was like what are they doing on? Get back to Ava, lol!

  5. "OMG CL is coming back as NELLE for a short stint!! What do you think?????"

    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Should have been a surprise though. So many funny one liners today!

    Metrocourt hotel:

    V.C. and Lucy: Love Lucy's dress! I'M DYING!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Pickle picture! ROFL! V.C. wins the lines of the day.

    V.C.: You looking for pickles? You did everything but bite Victor's gherkin.


    Carly's home:

    Crew: I though it was a great scene and a great conversation. You are right Drew. She IS scared! WOW talking about when she was 22 and met Sonny and Jason!!!!?!?! Great job writers talking about age! :)

    Drew: You don't have to be afraid of me.

    Ooooooo hot hot hot! :) Then they kiss. HOT HOT HOT! :)

    Metrocourt pool:

    Anna and Victor: Anna is very smart today. :)

    Lucy and Anna:

    Lucy: Bye.


    Vanna: V.C. touching and caressing her leg and calling her darling!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH! :)

    The hospital:

    Ava's room:

    Nik and Ava: Nik what are you doing? Were you going to put that pillow over her face?!?!?!?!??!?! OO

    Trina and Ava: Oh oh! Machine going off! What's wrong with Ava!!!! :'(

    Outside Ava's room:

    Sprina: A lot of touching!!!! GAHHHHHHHHHH!

    Victor, Spencer and Jordan:

    Finchy's office:

    Fiz and Jordan: Geez Finchy calm down. Jordan is just doing her job trying to get to the bottom of who hooked Ava!!

    Liz and Nik: Niz were hot back in the day. :)

    Doctor's office:

    Brasha and Doctor: I hope Sonny doesn't meet this new Doctor, or she will fall in love with him when he shows her, his dimples! Oh stop whining Sasha! Let me sign the papers and I will take control! Let's just get on with it!

    1. "Chatty says, Yes, what was Nik doing??"

      Yeah it was creepy!!! Hi are you new? Welcome to the blog!!! :D

    2. "Victor's gherkin! I was dead right along with you! Seriously loving the 1 liners the past 2 weeks. Lordy!!

      Like I said above, I'm ok with Nellie for ONE DAY only as a ghost or dream. Then I'm out, lol!

      So glad Anna figured out about Char, but still not liking her being a bully. She so needs to stop playing games and work with Val on this.

      It makes me so sad what the writer's are doing to Prince Nik. And I was one of the few that LOVED Nik and Liz together. Ooowheeee they were smokin'!

    3. "Julie H says, "Victor's gherkin! I was dead right along with you!"


      "Seriously loving the 1 liners the past 2 weeks. Lordy!!"

      Yeah me too! :D

      "Like I said above, I'm ok with Nellie for ONE DAY only as a ghost or dream. Then I'm out, lol!"


      "So glad Anna figured out about Char, but still not liking her being a bully. She so needs to stop playing games and work with Val on this."

      YES! And V.C. needs to tell her the truth too!!!

      "It makes me so sad what the writer's are doing to Prince Nik."

      Yeah he needs to do something that will redeem himself!

      "And I was one of the few that LOVED Nik and Liz together. Ooowheeee they were smokin'!"

      Yeah pass the fan over here! Yowza!

  6. Maybe Willow has a nightmare that Nelle is her sister. Bingo.
    Finola is a fine actress but I find this Anna reincarnation so annoying. Even her unAnnaDevane look. Major hair extensions.
    Sadly Fiz is going the same way as Brando and Sasha. Enough already.

  7. Replies
    1. Nelle died on August 27, 2020. She fell off a cliff while trying to escape Carly in the woods. Her body was revealed to have been found on September 23. She couldn't possibly have stabbed Ava.

  8. You can see it all over Anna's face. Now will she keep quiet or call Valentin out.

    1. Valentin and Anna do need to come together now to get Charlotte and stop Victor. The keeping secrets is getting old. They are much better working together.

    2. Yes. This is what I want to see too, Lindie.

  9. What is the point of Victor controlling Charlotte again?

    1. Chatty, if I remember correctly Victor is using Charlotte to get Valentin to do Victor's dirty work for him. Val really needs to just let Anna know what is going on so they can do a rescue of Charlotte from her boarding school. They are both former WSB agents, they can do it.

    2. Oh, and welcome to the blog also.

    3. It's time Valentin and Anna come clean with each other

    4. Yes Chatty welcome to the blog. The more the merrier

    5. Well, gee, thanks, but see my note above. I am not new, but returning with a different name. I guess kind of like when we get a character with a new face, lol. But it is nice to be welcomed. So, thank you.

    6. "Chatty says, Well, gee, thanks, but see my note above."

      What note above?

      "I am not new, but returning with a different name."

      Oh! What was your name before?

      "I guess kind of like when we get a character with a new face, lol."

      Hahaha. You have been recasted!!!

      "But it is nice to be welcomed. So, thank you."

      You're welcome! I like the new name. :)

  10. I loved watching Anna with Victor and with Lucy-pure gold. I think the writers ruined Nick way back when he tried to have Shawn kill Violet’s mom. Now he is a total jerk. No interest here in Drew & Carly or Brando & Sasha.

  11. carly telling drew how much she changed is a joke. she is still the selfcentered selfish character she has always been.

    1. So no redemption allowed here, just perpetual damnation till the end of time. Sad.

    2. For me Snarly is so self righteous it takes a lot for me to see the change. I do see her kindness with Joss, which I can appreciate. Just hard to root for her.

    3. Don't have to root for everyone. I don't. But I don't come in just to name call a character who's actually had a good day and who they're trying to reform. That said, some sites are worse. Some actually come in with a long history of wrongdoings to go with the name calling. Like we don't know the history of the character, or are so old and demented we forget it from day to day. lol

    4. snarly is a character I got sick of years ago.


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