Thursday, August 18, 2022

Thursday 8/18


                                      Courtroom Soapyness is always good Soapyness. 


  1. Yes!!! Courtroom Soapyness is always good Soapyness! I agree! :)

    The hospital:

    Scotty and Liz: Geez. Scotty brings up Liz's parents and she turns into Beth. So cold and angry! Then she turns into niceness lickity split.

    Scotty: Don't talk to you mother. Stay away from your father. Whatever. Just don't write us off.

    Britch, Scotty, and Liz: Britch dabbles in other things? What?!?! How odd. Anyway Scotty telling her to stay away from Parachute guy. Britch don't like hearing what he is saying.

    Liz cleaning up: Flashback!!!! What Scotty says to her about don't talk to your mother, stay away from your father, made her remember something!!!! Young Liz and young best friend? At the stairwell!!! Liz grabs her best friend's arm!

    Young Best friend?: Elizabeth what are you doing?

    Young Liz: Stay away from my father!

    Uh what was that?!?!?!?! Did her father have an affair with Liz's best friend? Then they got in an argument, and then Liz pushed her best friend down the stairs?!

    Britch and Maxie: Maxie talking about Dominique and the whole story. Maxie is gushing over Parachute guy and encouraging Britch to date him! UGH! Britch don't waffle!!!! Don't date him! Maxie wins the line of the day.

    Maxie: Oh it's not like Scott hasn't been hit before. Luke Spencer used to do that all the time.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And also bit half of his ear off! HAHAHAHAHHAHA!

    Metrcourt restaurant:

    Vanna and Victor: They are going to eat! Lucy shows up in red. :)

    Vanna, Victor, and Lucy: Lucy flirts with Victor and makes Anna uncomfortable with all the talk about Marty and that he isn't in Port Chuckles.

    Anna and Lucy: Anna wants to know where Marty is.

    Anna: Don't try to run Lucy, or I will hunt you down like a hound on a hair!

    Okay what the hell Anna?! What is going on?! What is with your bullying?! I don't like it! STOP IT! Or are you Alex?

    Lucy and Scotty: They literally bump into each other. He wants to tell her about parachute guy's last name! :) She is the perfect person to tell too!!!

    Parachute's guy's horse home:

    Parachute guy and Olivia: Olivia being nice to him is very strange.. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone! Olivia being nice to him, to Anna being a bully to Lucy.

    Britch and Parachute guy: Oh no! They are gonna go on a date! UGH!

    Q breakfast nook:

    Young uncle Leo, Olivia, Ned, Brooky, and Chase: Fashion show!! Hysterical! Made me laugh.. Chase trying on different outfits.. The 2nd one with the black and white outfit with the black hat, made Chase look HAWT! :) Old picture of Ned when he was Eddie Maine!!! :) YUMMY picture! Ned found the perfect outfit for Chase. Eddie Maine's old tight pants and open shirt! YUMMMMMMMMMMMM! :)

    Metrocourt pool:

    Finchy, Chase, Gregory, and little V: That little actress I bet had the time of her life in the pool! :)

    Finchy and Gregory: Talking about Liz. His father says that if he keeps going then he could lose Liz, but Finchy said it's not about him and that he will be okay if he loses her, if she is okay. Yeah she isn't okay!!!!! Something is terribly wrong with Liz!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to January 6th 2000* It's Laison talking.

    1. Hated Anna bullying Lucy. That was awful! Enjoyed Chase playing dress up, which was hysterical! I liked the Liz flashbacks, keep it coming!
      Agree about Eddie Maine! He was hawt!!!

    2. "Julie H says, Hated Anna bullying Lucy. That was awful!"

      Yeah Alex is the one who is a bully, not Anna!!

      "Enjoyed Chase playing dress up, which was hysterical!"

      Hahahaha yeah.. It was great! :)

      "Agree about Eddie Maine! He was hawt!!!"

      And those tight pants that Eddie Maine wore!!! :D

  2. Filler day-----sigh
    BUT am I to believe that this 6 year old girl is the ONLY person in the pool? LOL! Good for Violet-----cause in real life adults and teenagers would be splashing around and bothering the little kids....
    -----So confusing about WHAT DAY IT IS! so I know Liz said 'don't wait until the next day to come in next Scott'-----Trina's trial was the same day Scott got hit?
    ------I liked Cody today - there I said it - sorry....

  3. FORGOT - okay I can get behind the Liz thing since the first flashback IS in a stairwell and she obviously pushed someone down after saying 'stay away from my father' ------ like Peter-----so WHO was the woman??????

  4. I guess they are SORASing Emma now to a college freshman. Guess we'll get a recast :(

  5. Lol I cant believe they made Katherine's mother Cody's adopted mother. How did they think their ages worked? Dante and Brooke are supposed to be close in age, dante a few yrs older. Cody and dante are same age. Katherine married Ned before Brooke was born when no one knew abt Lois. So Katherine was an adult when cody was a baby and died before he woulda really had a chance to know her. And adopted mom woulda been pretty old.
    And again, Elizabeth flashbacks are too much like franco's flashbacks and its dumb that Peter triggered as franco's similar memories shoulda triggered.

    1. I think someone said Katherine was Cody's adopted sister. I think, lol!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. They did say that, which makes Catherine's mom Cody's adopted mom with a w
      20+ yr age diff between cody and catherine!

  6. Catherine thought she was the daughter of the cook at Dominique's childhood home. She later discovered that she was actually the sister of Dominique, the illegitimate daughter of Dominique's father and the cook. Change the name and you have Cody's story.


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