Tuesday, August 30, 2022



Eden put this on twitter LOL.. I had no idea they still wore masks on set! 

Carly and Joss drink coffee and guess what?! Moss is back on SET!! YEP! Anyway, Trina comes over and they have to tell her about Ava. Her party is tonight OH NO! Trina says the college dropped her Title 9 thing and she can go back. She wants to tell Ava. Joss says something happened to her. They are going to go to the hospital. 

Spencer is hung over and wakes up to Victor pounding on the door. They talk about Ava. Spencer thinks Victor did it. Victor thinks Spencer did it! Then they wonder if Nikolas did it. 

Nikolas is trying to find out what happened to Ava. So is Jordan. Jordan wants to question people. 

Sonny and Nina are waiting in the lobby to hear any news. He yells at Nikolas and Nikolas yells at him LOL. Ava's in recovery. Jordan wants to know where/what happened to Ava at the picnic before she got stabbed. 

Sonny then goes to Carly's to see Avery. Carly's not happy. 

Brook and Drew talk about Carly. Don't care. They are also being questioned by the police. 


Ava's in ICU ...came through the operation ok but still critical. 

Liz was going to tell Finn what happened last night (fugue state) but Jordan comes in to question them. 

Spencer offers comfort to Trina at GH 


  1. wouldn't Nik and Liz have the alibi that they were together at that time???
    ----Nik must think Spence did - NO way he did cause that WOULD be soapy stuff and the writers aren't great ---
    -----I liked Dex today - what is going on with me????????????
    -----LW and MB awkwardness is amazing acting--I felt it awkward for them!
    -----Jordan - just I dunno
    ------police officer at the Q's - do we know her? I can see her being a regular???

    1. "Mufasa says, I liked Dex today - what is going on with me????????????"

      Hahahaha! I liked Dex today too! He was bring nice and not annoying. :)

  2. "Karen says, Eden put this on twitter LOL.."


    "I had no idea they still wore masks on set!"

    OH! That's what you meant. I thought you were talking about GMA3!! :) I'm glad the GH set still wears masks. :)

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Spencer and Victor:

    Victor: All that's registered here is a Fred Flintstone. That's a dead giveaway.

    Hahahahahaha. Victor would have won the joke of the day, but Spencer wins it.

    Spencer: He is my father and I would never try to filet him.


    Q breakfast nook:

    Cop lady, Brooky, and Drew: Who is this cop lady? She is pretty. Oh oh keep Sonny away from her! He better not meet her or one look at those dimples of his, and she will fall for him.

    Brooky and Drew:

    Carly's home: THE TRIBBLES!!! YAY! They got a makeover! Nice haircut.. :) Tribbles where have you been?!?!! Are you the one who hooked Ava?! Hmmm?

    Carly and Joss:

    Joss: You know I don't love Ava, but I couldn't let her die.

    I'm glad she said that. Thank you writers!!!

    Carly, Joss, and Trina: Trina can go back to school in the fall?! YAY! :) She missed a lot of school. Will she have to be a freshman again?

    Avery, Carly, and Sonny: Daddy Nikolas Mommy Carly! Avery is so adorable!!!! :) Chocolate chip pancakes! YUMMY! Where is the stove/oven? Gee Avery didn't talk about the Tribbles!!!!

    Drew and Carly: When Carly was cleaning up, I thought something bad was going to happen. When Drew showed up, Carly's face just lit up!!! :)

    The hospital:

    Sona: Awww together waiting for news about Ava. :) I forgot to mention yesterday that Sonny was right about making mistakes and moving on from them. He is right.

    Sona and Avery:

    Ava: You're mommy's friend.

    Awwwww! Avery is so sweet and polite! :)

    Nik and Sona: Nik vs Sonny! Gotta love that! :D

    Nik and Jordan: Damn Nik is so all over the place! Jordan buy him a snickers. Maybe a bag of popcorn.

    Joss, Trina, and Dex: What? No hug for Dex Trina? :) Trina are you going home? How are you going to get there?

    Joss and Dex: Okay okay I like Dex today.. Joss and Dex having a moment today.. Oh she tells him about her boyfriend. Disappointed Dex? :)

    Finchy's office:

    Fiz: They keep having the same damn argument! Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Let's see some more flashbacks please!

    Fiz and Jordan: Once Liz hears it's Jordan, Liz goes right into fugue state!!

    Ava's room:

    Nava: Oh oh! Nik you look strange!!! Are you the one who hooked Ava?!?!!!

    Outside Ava's room: Oh Trina isn't going home okay. :)

    Spencer and Trina:

    Trina: You're here for me?

    Spencer: Always.

    Awwwwwwwww! Sprina!!!! *Heart* Forgot to mention yesterday that I loved drunk Spencer's little dance going to the alcohol hahahahahaha.

    1. Sonya...You have got to stop calling them Sona. I kept thinking you were spelling your own name wrong. lol There were too many for typos. ...Maybe call them Ninny instead. (¬‿¬)

      Nik's behavior makes me a little suspicious of him too.

    2. Sonya said "I had no idea they still wore masks on set!" A lot of places are still requiring them here in Maryland. I went to see Six: The Musical a couple of weeks ago in DC and we were required to wear masks for that.

      Sonya said "Jordan buy him a snickers." Sonya, who will Nik turn into when he eats the snickers? I loved those commercials.

      Joss is going to break Cam's heart. Love that Spencer is there for Trina. Did Liz turn into Beth again?

    3. Di, I do the same thing thinking Sonya missed the "y" from her name when she types Sona. 😊

    4. "Di says, Sonya...You have got to stop calling them Sona. I kept thinking you were spelling your own name wrong. lol"

      Hahahahahahaha! To tell you the truth, when I typed Sona today, I typed in Sonya.. Oops. Shhhh! ROFL!

      "Maybe call them Ninny instead. (¬‿¬)"

      BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Because that's what you feel like they are? :)

      "Nik's behavior makes me a little suspicious of him too."

      Yes! What the hell was that?!?!!

    5. "Gary says, Sonya said "I had no idea they still wore masks on set!"

      Well, actually Karen said that. ROFL!

      "A lot of places are still requiring them here in Maryland."

      Oh? GREAT!

      "I went to see Six: The Musical a couple of weeks ago in DC and we were required to wear masks for that."

      I'm glad that they haven't given up!!

      "Sonya, who will Nik turn into when he eats the snickers?"

      Dracula? :)

      "I loved those commercials."

      Me too!!! :) You are not you when you are hungry. VERY TRUE! :)

      "Joss is going to break Cam's heart."

      Yeah she is! The way she was looking at Dex, oh oh!

      "Love that Spencer is there for Trina."

      Yeah awwwwwwww! :)

      "Did Liz turn into Beth again?"

      YES SHE DID!!!!

      "Gary says, Di, I do the same thing thinking Sonya missed the "y" from her name when she types Sona. 😊"


    6. I've always appreciated the recaps but now more than ever. No power for 28 hrs, but it finally came back. Of course no cable yet! I'm so bummed I missed Monday and Tuesday, but there is always On Demand, so bingeing this weekend!

      Love that the Tribbles are back, yay!!
      Can't wait to see Nik and Sonny go at it.
      No way did Nik hook Ava, but dang the writers are destroying his character.
      I so agree we need to move this Finn/Liz thing along, sheesh!
      Great, now I'll probably like Dex, too. Another sheesh!
      I highly approve of "Ninny". For ALL kinds of reasons, lol!

    7. "Julie H says, I've always appreciated the recaps but now more than ever. No power for 28 hrs, but it finally came back. Of course no cable yet! I'm so bummed I missed Monday and Tuesday, but there is always On Demand, so bingeing this weekend!"

      Oh no.. :( You can also watch it online. :)

      "Love that the Tribbles are back, yay!!"

      YAY! I'm so happy!!!! :)

      "Can't wait to see Nik and Sonny go at it."

      HA! It was great. :)

      "No way did Nik hook Ava,"

      Yeah it's probably Vampira!!! I wonder if other people will be hooked or it's just Ava..

      "but dang the writers are destroying his character."

      Well they sure are destroying Nava! After his blaming Ava, their relationship is dead in the water.. Time for Ava and Victor?!? :)

      "I so agree we need to move this Finn/Liz thing along, sheesh!"


      "Great, now I'll probably like Dex, too. Another sheesh!"


      "I highly approve of "Ninny". For ALL kinds of reasons, lol!"


    8. When I see "Ninny" I think Nanny goat. I have no clue why. So every time I see Nina and Sonny I'm going to be thinking nanny goat. 😂

    9. Naaaah That's not right. PMSL

    10. "Gary says, When I see "Ninny" I think Nanny goat. I have no clue why. So every time I see Nina and Sonny I'm going to be thinking nanny goat. 😂"

      Hahahahahahha. Sona ninny nanny goat! ROFL!

      "Di says, Naaaah That's not right. PMSL"


  3. Love that photo. I'm glad they are wearing masks. I still do when I go shopping. Not many others do but who cares. No colds and I can mumble without anyone knowing.
    I'd guess that no one that the PCPD speaks to stabbed Ava. Blogger Diana guessed Austin's cousin and I agree.
    This Finn/Liz thing really needs to move along.
    I too didn't mind Dex. He and Joss make a nice pair. For some reason.

    1. "Zazu says, I'm glad they are wearing masks. I still do when I go shopping. Not many others do but who cares. No colds and I can mumble without anyone knowing."

      Yeah I still wear masks too! Yes no colds! :) People have given up and are in denial thinking that Covid is over!!! It's not! We still have to be careful! You can mumble without anyone knowing! ROFL!

      "I too didn't mind Dex. He and Joss make a nice pair. For some reason."

      Yeah they do!!! :) Yeah for some reason. Can't put my finger on it. :)

    2. I like her when she's with him too. I think it's because she acts more like an adult in his company and doesn't revert to childish behavior. And I'm glad he's showing his moral compass in their scenes. I'm still hoping he's undercover or something. Don't want him being a gangster.

  4. I wear a mask still too. Don't have to worry about bad breath either. lol

    1. I still wear mine too. Helps prevent the pollen causing either a migraine of asthma attack.

    2. I'm glad they showed the picture of them wearing the masks. People keep asking why they are filming in small groups, and where is this person or that person, and when I say it's because of the Covid upsurge there they just ignore it and keep asking. Now maybe it will hit home. They re protecting their actors and their staff. We should be so happy we still have the show. So many prime time shows have basically given up this past season, and our soap keeps going...every day.

    3. COVID is still circulating. If you get it you are out of work. A sick. They don't want everyone to get sick.

    4. I wear mine now and then. Really helps the allergies (like Gary said) and flu season is just around the corner. (blech!)

    5. Still wear mine shopping and it does help with the allergies too.

  5. Turned on Good Morning America & they had a promo for Drew& Carly appearing on Wednesday 's show, around the 8:30am mark, Eastern time.❤

  6. Could Nik be any more obnoxious? Love that photo. Carly has been less obnoxious lately - must be love. Avery was so cute in those scenes! Dex was likable yesterday, too. I hate to see Finn groveling all the time. Those two are a real mismatch. Seems like Drew has absolutely nothing to do besides smile and encourage everyone.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...