Thursday, August 25, 2022

Throwback Thursday!


WHAT ICONIC SCENE IS THIS FROM? One of my favorites!! I was dying to watch the whole week. 

Today's Show was fun picnic stuff. I watched and was determined to be ALL SUNSHINE AND LIGHT!! 

Loved the clothes and Sonny and Olivia!! Liz looked so pretty.  Crew almost had boathouse Sex!

Nicholas Chavez is just a fabulous actor. My goodness.

Leo was a riot LOL.. "Mommy said you stole Carly's business" --to Nina! ahahaha 

Very fun scenes today.  

OH Spencer finds out Nik and Esme slept together and Finn called SARAH WEBBER and Liz sees it on his phone!! Sarah! I thought he called Her mother! 


  1. I enjoyed the show a lot today too. They're definitely back to love in the afternoon and melodrama. Yeah for sunshine and light.

    That last scene where Spence walked in on Nick and Ava was so soapy. lol

    I loved that line from Leo, but I loved the, "You used to be be Wiley's grandmother" one too.

    Carly and Drew were hot and heavy till the fire broke out. No hamburgers today but she almost got a hot dog.PMSL

    And Yuri, Yuri, Yuri. I think Monica may have lost you now. I like the pairing though.

    I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

    1. I rely on Karen and Sonya's recaps on whether or not to watch the episode on Hulu. But, Di your list of Leo's lines decided it for me. I gotta watch today's show. Just for Uncle Leo!

    2. "Di says, No hamburgers today but she almost got a hot dog.PMSL"


      "Gary says, I rely on Karen and Sonya's recaps on whether or not to watch the episode on Hulu. But, Di your list of Leo's lines decided it for me. I gotta watch today's show. Just for Uncle Leo!"

      Hahahaha. Yeah he was really funny today! :) Other people had funny one liners too!

  2. So many funny one liners today!!! Hahahahaha!

    Metrocourt pool:

    Nina and Balbrecht: Oh oh calm down worker lady! Don't freak out hahaha. Yes breath deeply. I guess Nina will have to go to the picnic after all! Hahaha! Oh good Balbrecht are going too! :D

    Q breakfast nook:

    Nina, young uncle Leo, and Yuri:

    Uncle Leo: Mommy said you stole Carly's business.


    Sonny, young uncle Leo, and Olivia:

    Young uncle Leo: Maybe the truck driver drank some too and fell in love.

    ROFL! Oh oh little Leo hates loud noises. I'm glad Olivia didn't yell on the phone. She is a good mommy. :)


    Crew: FIRE! FIRE!! Dammit Drew you were thinking with your fire hose and forgot to shut off the grill!!!

    Crew, Sonny, and Olivia: Fire out! All is okay now. Thank you Sonny! Crew kept giving each other eye sex right in front of Sonny, Olivia, and right in front of Nina when she showed up hahahhaha! Nina was so worried about Sonny awwwww! :)

    Parachute guy's horse home: Geez! Parachute guy really should lock his door!

    Spencer and Nik: Poor Spencer! In so much pain!!!!!!! :( I just want to hug him!

    Fiz: Liz on cloud 9. You can tell in her face she is in wuv. :) When she took his phone, and put it on the table, and when they were making out, I got distracted.. Where did his phone go? Finchy's phone ringing!!!!! OH SARAH! After that flashback I heard Finchy say SHE! I didn't hear that before, so I thought it was Jeff. Then thanks to the flashback I was thinking Liz's mother!!! Liz is going to be furious and probably will turn into Beth!

    Q home:

    Victor and Ava: Was Ava licking her lips because of the drink or because of Victor? :) Ava got close to Victor and the sparks were flying! :)

    Ava: I would love to get on your good side, if only you had one.


    Nava: Kissy kissy.. :D OH! Spencer in shock that his daddy and Vampira slept together? Will he be angry? I mean really why would he? He don't wuv her.. He has and always will wuv Trina.


    Fiz and Terry: OH! Terry talked to Chet?! REALLY?! I'm glad she is still talking to him. Too bad he likes his job. :(

    Fiz and Balbrecht:Good question Dr. O! Why IS Finchy wearing black!! It's summer! Oh because of grass stains. ROFL!

    Balbrecht and Victor: Dr. O wins the line of the day!

    Dr. O: And I hope you plunder into a patch of poison ivy.


    Sona: What are you doing Nina? Testing Sonny? As you can tell, he don't give a crap about what Crew were doing! :)

    Spencer and Victor: Whoa. Why is the camera so wonky? I hate when that happens! Quit doing that director and camera man!

    Terry and Yuri: TERRY AND YURI?!!?! :O :O I was in shock at first, and was thinking, Oh no! What about Monica?!?!!? Terry and Yuri? Hmmmmm.. Anyway did Yuri and Monica break up? Well, if they are going to become a couple we can call them Turi.. :)

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine* Watching Sonny school Katherine Bell! :D

    1. " thinking with your fire hose" lol

      I really liked Chet too but I think Yuri will be a good replacement .

    2. "Di says, "thinking with your fire hose" lol"


      "I really liked Chet too but I think Yuri will be a good replacement ."

      Yeah I think he will be a good replacement too. :D I just love unexpected couples that I didn't even think of! :)

    3. Seriously one liners ALL over the place. I was giggling throughout the show!
      Yuri is a hottie and if he's on more because of Terry, then I'm all in, lol!
      Nina screeching up to Sonny because of the fire...I started to roll my eyes, but then she brought up the Tano fire and I cut her much slack. How could I have forgotten Nixon Falls?? I Must be losing it!

      Question here, do we know who Liz's mom even is? Isn't Jeff's current wife her stepmother? (and a doctor) Wasn't expecting nosy Finn to call Sarah, but ok. LEt the angst begin! :)

    4. I meant to go back and see who wrote the dialog...I bet Scott Sickles!

    5. Julie, I'm glad you mentione that about Nina. I was thinking the same thing till they mentioned the fire and I actually cut her some slack and rewatched it from the different perspective. PTSD reactions can be triggered years later when you're involved in something so violent and frightful. I was actually glad the writers wrote it in.

    6. "Julie H says, Seriously one liners ALL over the place. I was giggling throughout the show!"

      Hahaha YES! :D

      "Yuri is a hottie and if he's on more because of Terry, then I'm all in, lol!"

      I hope they are both on more!!! :)

      "How could I have forgotten Nixon Falls?? I Must be losing it!"


      "Question here, do we know who Liz's mom even is? Isn't Jeff's current wife her stepmother? (and a doctor)"

      Yeah Caroline! She is a doctor too!

      "LEt the angst begin! :)"


      "Di says, PTSD reactions can be triggered years later when you're involved in something so violent and frightful. I was actually glad the writers wrote it in."

      Yeah I'm glad the writers wrote it in too. Very realistic! :)

    7. I watched it again too Di! And I was very glad they wrote it in. Nina really did have quite the traumatic time in that fire.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. There has been more movement on the storylines during than the past week than in the past six months combined. It's a welcome change. Maybe Frank and the writers are finally listening to the fans.

    I loved the last scene with Spencer walking in and the look on his face.

  5. Just heard on the news abc will have a special report this afternoon on the FBI warrant

    1. "DeeDee says, Just heard on the news abc will have a special report this afternoon on the FBI warrant"

      Oh boy! Thanks for letting us know! :)

    2. Oh nuts! But thanks for the intel! :)

    3. Hopefully it won't take up the whole show and I can watch it here. And you can watch it later today.

    4. "Di says, Hopefully it won't take up the whole show and I can watch it here. And you can watch it later today."

      Well, they already showed it during Young and the restless. I don't know if they are going to talk about it again during GH.

    5. ahhh They don't usually repeat them. Guess it was someone else's turn for a change. Off to watch now.

    6. "Di says, ahhh They don't usually repeat them. Guess it was someone else's turn for a change. Off to watch now."

      If it's something really bad they will repeat. I'm so glad GH wasn't interrupted!!!!!

  6. Yesterday's show was really good-hardly ever say that. And the more Leo the better. I see Sonny's hair is all black again. Love Liesl and Scott.

  7. OMG This ep is really good too. The acting is out of the park. You'll laugh and you'll cry. i will say no more because of the time differences. I'll wait till kd does her writeup. Be sure to watch!


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