Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Kelly Thiebaud is Leaving General Hospital


According to Deadline who broke the story, Kelly is leaving for the Prime Time Drama, Station 19 that runs on ABC. She will be rejoining the show in season 6. 

What a loss for the show. Kelly's Britt Westborne is one of the highlights I can count on. She's a great comedic and dramatic actress. Happy for her however because Prime Time ?? Go for it. We all know people can all return to soaps at some point! 


  1. Happy for her, but not for us :-(

  2. Prime Time. Yes! She deserves this. Congrats, Kelly.

  3. I hope it's just that she leaves and nothing is wrong-----probably will fall for Cody by then and he will hurt her and she will go away-----and HOPEFULLY they will discover she doesn't have Huntington's

  4. Good for her, even though she's one of my favorites. Definitely bad for us.

  5. OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. That figures. I never liked Britt and since this time she came back I really like her. :( That is so sad for us. Good for her

  6. I have since seen an article online that Kelly will be doing both shows. I am not sure if that's feasible or just to make fans feel good for a moment.

    1. The article on Deadline ( and several other sites)said Thiebaud will conclude her run as Dr. Britt Westbourne on ABC’s General Hospital in November. The only other article speculating said "But she is not leaving General Hospital just Yet" in the title. (That's because they have enough filmed to show her until November.) and that article also goes on to say...". Could a deal be reached where she continues to do both roles?" That's pure speculation.

  7. Hate to see her go but really happy for her. Hope she takes Cody with her. She has really been a delight to watch.

  8. I would hate to see her leave but so glad she is headed somewhere great. If she is truly going, at least the Cody storyline will end.

  9. Such good news for her and bad news for GH! Ever since you know who left, the writers don't seem to know what to do with her. They don't mention Huntingtons at all, the whole dating app thing is silly and the horse whisperer has been a bust for me. Wishing her the very best!

  10. OH NOOOO!! I LOVE her!! She is one of my faves, and I love her with her Mother Dr. O, no one mentioned that, I love them together!! As others have said before me, PLEASE take Cody with her, I couldn't stand him from the moment I saw him, and I hate how he is stalking her, it is not cute or sexy.

    She has left before, and come back, and Station 19 has been on for a while, maybe it will get cancelled.

    1. Better still she could do both. Wally does that very well.


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