Monday, August 1, 2022

Happy 25th To Rebecca Herbst!


Well, doesn't look like GH will give Becky her own stand alone show which is tradition so Twitter is going to try to get #Becky25 trending. I'd like to do a little blog for her as well. I'm at a meeting today from 2-4 so this will be your space! 

This blog is in no way comprehensive in it's history of Elizabeth Imogene Webber or of Becky Herbst. These are just the parts that are special to me! 

*Note: Becky does NOT age. Period. 

August 1, 1997: Elizabeth arrived on Grandma Audrey's doorstep smoking a cigg and being mouthy to her older sister, Sarah. Yes, back in the day, you COULD smoke on soaps!! Loved her from the start. She was no where the goodie-two shoes she morphed into. Sarah was the 'golden child" and Liz the "black sheep".  

Yes, I'm an OG L&L 2 fan!! . Loved JJ and Becky in the roles. They just seemed to have 'it'. Of course, GH "killed" Lucky in great dramatic fashion only to bring him back as 

Helena's Robot (played by Jacob Young 2000-2003 ) not my fave time for these two!! I missed JJ and the sparks that flew. 

Greg Vaughn took over the role in 2003 all the way to 2009. I didn't mind this reincarnation but I still did miss the JJ BH magic. 

Of course, you can't really talk about Elizabeth without mentioning Jason...because Liason was a huge force on the show for many years. They share a son Jake and have been through it all. 

One also can't talk about Elizabeth without mentioning her rape in 1998. Poignant and shattering, it was an excellent storyline that was eventually the catalyst for Luke confessing the rape of Lucky's mother so long ago. 


She painted the box car when Lucky was living in it (don't ask LOL)

She painted the wind when Jason took her on a motorcycle ride

Slept with Zander Smith and had his baby, Cameron

Had a baby with Jason, Jake

Had a baby with Lucky, Aiden 

Miscarried Ric's baby 

DID YOU KNOW? Becky was let go From GH in 2011 and a huge backlash/fan outcry had her reinstated to the show. 

Becky appeared in a Goo-Goo dolls video "Naked" in 1995 

She won "Best Younger Actress" in 1998 for Soap Opera Digest 

Was nominated for a Daytime Emmy as  Best Younger actor in 2000

Lucky and Liz's catch phrase was: Permanent Lock 

Material object: Subway Token

Becky Fans First referred to themselves as "The Pearls" for years 

Liz is one of the very few ladies that was never seduced by Sonny Corinthos. Super plus in my book! 

Becky is married in real life to Michael Saucedo who played Juan Santiago  on GH From 1999-2001 /various cameos. Together, they have four children (!!!)

Much has been written about and discussed regarding Becky's lack of airtime over the years. She was featured heavily when "Jason" returned (Billy Warlock) but after that, really hasn't had the airtime she deserves. Recently she was involved in the Peter murder storyline but that was directed to other characters. We thought she was going to have DID when it was found out that it was her that kept doing damage to herself. That took a left turn and Elizabeth ended up in Shadybrook for (mostly) a nervous-breakdown and sleeping pill misuse. The only story on the horizon may be one involving her parents (Jeff/Caroline Webber) but I'm not getting my hopes up. 

Elizabeth had many suitors over the years because she's been on this soap for 25!!! Her newest coupling is Hamilton Finn which has been met with mixed reviews. Some of my fave relationships are below: 

The OG Fab Four with Tyler Christopher, Amber Tamlyn, Becky and Jonathan Jackson. Hang out ?? Kelly's . 2021, I finally got some kick-ass Liz and Sam scenes while Sam burned Jason's stuff on the dock!! I've always loved their Frenimies vibe and think both Becky and Kelly work well together. 

Last but not least, Elizabeth was given a 1/2 sister when Becky Budding came to GH in March of 2015. What a great pair. Unfortunately RB left the show and so far, no plans to bring her back that I know of--one can hope however! 

AGAIN, CONGRATS To Becky for 25 great years on GH and thank you for the entertainment !


Becky met Alberta in the 2000's!!!


  1. rebecca herbst has been my favorite actress on GH for years. I loved liason. I do not understand the lack of story for her. and she discovered the fountain of youth.

    1. I just love Becky. She has not aged one day since she arrived. Now I need Liz in a front-bunner storyline all her own.

  2. She is still stunningly beautiful

    1. Because she never desecrated her face or body to suit some man's idea of "sexy." So many faces ruined for life by injections, and natural beauty lives on.

  3. Liason Liz & Lucky are 2 of my favorite all time pairings.
    She takes care of her skin more than the rest of us that's for sure. It is literally flawless. She is also one of the few that is a natural as a mom on the show. That really shines through in her scenes with her on screen babies.. My favorite scene aside from Liason scenes, was when Emily died and she sobbed over her body. OMG I sobbed with her. Same with when Jake passed.

    Least liked pairing for me was with Ric.

  4. Well I definitely feel vindicated after seeing that. I was the only one who thought that's what was triggering Liz.

    And after that ending I may need to go and calm Sonya down with some camomile tea before she writes her summary. lol Down girl, down! Stop jumping! LMAO

    1. "Di says, Well I definitely feel vindicated after seeing that. I was the only one who thought that's what was triggering Liz.And after that ending I may need to go and calm Sonya down with some camomile tea before she writes her summary. lol Down girl, down! Stop jumping! LMAO"

      ROFL! Why what happened? I couldn't watch GH today because they showed the funeral for that cop that was killed.

    2. Oh you need to watch it. I don't want to ruin it for you. That's why I didn't give specifics in case people were coming in for the tribute to RH.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. "Di says, Oh you need to watch it. I don't want to ruin it for you."


      "And after that ending I may need to go and calm Sonya down with some camomile tea before she writes her summary. lol"

      ROFL! I am going to need 5 cups of camomile tea!!!!!!

      "Down girl, down! Stop jumping! LMAO"

      ROFL! I can't stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    5. I knew you'd be excited. The more they tustled and rolled around the floor the more I laughed imagining your smile. And the slap heard around the world was so deserved.
      And I did say that the only recent thing I could see that might have triggered Liz was the whole Peter fiasco. She was so stressed after that she kept having panic attacks, and other symptoms of PTSD. That's when she started taking those pills too. Hopefully they'll end that storyline soon too and we'll get our Liz back, and fully recovered.

    6. "Di says, I knew you'd be excited. The more they tustled and rolled around the floor the more I laughed imagining your smile."

      Hahaha. It was a glorious scene!!! :D

      "And the slap heard around the world was so deserved."

      Yes it was!!

      "And I did say that the only recent thing I could see that might have triggered Liz was the whole Peter fiasco. She was so stressed after that she kept having panic attacks, and other symptoms of PTSD. That's when she started taking those pills too."

      All the bad things that happened to her in her life and she gets triggered by Hiney? Who was it that haunted her saying don't forget me? Is that Hiney too?!

      "Hopefully they'll end that storyline soon too and we'll get our Liz back, and fully recovered."

      Yeah might as well end the storyline. It was such a let down.

  5. RH is so deserving of a good story line and a relationship that works.
    And over the parapet we go. Hope Esme doesn't collide with any lost bodies down there.

  6. Elizabeth and Alexis are my favorites and they both don't have much going on now. So many possible stories for Elizabeth that have been shelved. I don't mind her with Finn but something needs to happen with them. Have been thinking that Tyler Christopher would have been amazing in scenes with Maura West last week. This Nicholas is just so blah.

  7. Awesome tribute! Terrific post for an exceptional actress.

  8. Okay I watched GH online on my phone. :)

    The hospital:

    Finchy and Liz: Oooooo He tells her he wuvs her! She wuvs him too!! Team Fiz!!! :) Now let's get some love scenes that Michael Easton is famous for. ;)

    Liz on the stairwell: Um huh?!?!?! What the hell was that? She is affected by the past of Hiney on the floor when Finchy pushed him down the stairs?

    TJ and Willow: TJ just spit it out!!! We are going around and around in circles!

    TJ and Dr. Singh: TJ asks the oncologist Dr. Singh for what he thinks, and Dr. Singh says TJ is right. TJ gives Liz all the papers to print out.

    TJ and Willow part 2: TJ is worried that Willow has............... Wait for it............. LEUKEMIA!!!!!!!!!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!

    Outside Kelly's:

    Sam and OG Michael: Oh look. Michael telling Sam that Willow got the preggers. Michael says that not everyone knows about Willow being pregnant. Uh YES THEY DO MICHAEL! DUMMY! YOU TOLD EVERYONE! *Facepalm*

    Metrocourt pool: Ooooo 2 young girls find Mac daddy attractive.. Silver Fox.. :) I don't blame you ladies. Mac daddy IS hawt! :) Felicia wants them to know that Mac is her husband! :)

    Mac daddy and Felicia: Mac Daddy don't believe that anybody is looking at him because he is old! HAHAHAHAHA! Oh Mac Daddy, you are one HAWT speciman. ;) Mac Daddy tells her he is just planting seeds to Dante. That he isn't going to retire now. :) He does miss the floating rib. And Felicia misses her PI days and is thinking of working for Sam. To help her with Sam's load.

    Courtroom: The truth is out!! Thank you Diane!!! Trina protected Spencer because she wuvs him! And the look of smile on Spencer's face!!!!!!!! :)

    Nik and Spencer: Ooooo Nik is gonna tell Spencer that he did a porn movie with Vampira.. Well, at least he tried, but Nik got a phone call. There is a problem at Wynemere! ROFL!


    Vampira and Ava: That slap that Ava did was beautiful! :) Ooooooo FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!! OVER THE PARAPET?!! HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! UNBELIEVABLE!!! :0 I hope they reshow this again tomorrow! Oh hi Nik! Nik sees! Nik sees! NIK SEES!!!

    Parapet: Thank you Ava. I was hungry.. Now I want dessert.. Where is Dex? Go get me Dex.

    Sidenote: Mac Daddy is HAWT! :)

    1. lol Too funny sonya. And NO, we're not throwing Dex over next. lol

      They also need to get a stake and go look for that body. lol and the letter that went over just before she did.

    2. "Di says, lol Too funny sonya."


      "And NO, we're not throwing Dex over next. lol"

      Awww why not? You like him and want him to stay?! :)

      "They also need to get a stake and go look for that body. lol"

      Hahahahaha. Hopefully she is not dead..

      "and the letter that went over just before she did."

      Oh yes they need to get that letter!!

  9. Thinking Nic & Ava make up (after he begs and pleads for months of course), then in a year Esme returns with his spawn

    1. I hope not. Too many unseen children already. Once they get past the "fake baby doll" size they are too much trouble for the show.

  10. My favorite pairing for Liz was Jonathon Jackson's Lucky. LOVED them when they were young teens together

    1. Yes, him sleeping on her floor so she would feel safe. Oh my heart!

  11. Well - Nik and Ava won't divorce - married means he cannot testify----maybe or maybe not blackmail but for sure they ain't divorcing - she needs Nik
    ------well, Felicia is gonna be Esme's mother - we saw that hint drop HUGE today when she specifically said, "cause I have no personal interest in this case" and WHO KNEW Sam was so busy?
    ------Mac lookin good
    -----Rory's face broke my heart - but Trina was SO good today
    -----maybe later Victor finds Esme alive?? I think it won't be long
    ------TOTALLY threw me off with Liz remembering Peter's death - that CAN'T be what is wrong with her?????
    ------so will Carly tell Willow the truth and (1) Willow wants Nina's help or (2) will Carly blackmail Nina 'give Olivia the Metro Court' or something?
    GREAT SHOW today!
    ------now Nik won't tell Spence the truth - we all see that coming -

  12. what if LIZ blocked her memory of letting Peter out? It was such a bizarre thing to remember a year later?


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...