Monday, August 8, 2022



I'm still not feeling 100% ... and our heat index is over 104 LOL. LIFE right now? UGH ..SUCH a Monday VIBE!! 

Kristina is back at Charlie's...she's the manager. Sonny and tells her that he's sad Michael and Joss hate him. She says she can never hate him. He asks about how she feels about Nina. 

Dr O gives Nina a Japanese weapon thing. Kind of a letter opener knife. Nina was trying to persuade some chef to come and be a celebrity chef at The Metro Liesl says watch out for Carly. Nina is jelly that Carly is having another grandkid. 

Willow tries to look up her biopsy results but they aren't in yet. Ava comes up to her. Wants to see if Esme was checked into GH lately. Willow checks but says no. Willow loses it over talking about the baby and cries to Ava. Ava tells her being a mom is hard...yada yada. Hormones. You know. 

Spinelli tries to tell Britt not to go out with Cody. Cody overhears gives Spin a dirty look. He comes over . Not a lot happens. It's dull. 

Sam asks Maxie what the deal is with Spinelli being so weird. Maxie says nothing. Asks about Sam and Dante. Sam tells her Dante wants to move in together but she's not ready. 

Linc and Chase talk about a deal. Dante is on to Brook's plan. "Chase is no Quartermaine so don't drag him into your plans" . Brook then tells Linc and Chase maybe they'd better call it all off. 

OUTSIDE SHOOT: Michael and Dex meet at a dumpster in a car. It's really outside! Dex wants a raise. He says Sonny asked him to threaten a civilian. Oh the horror! LOL "it's a felony"! Michael won't turn in Sonny for jury tampering..but he does give Dex a raise. 


Cody says Spinelli is data mining his customers without their knowledge-- and is going to blackmail him again. Oh great :eyeroll: 

Nikolas calls Ava.. and she yells at him. She tells him that Esme isn't in GH in a bed or a morgue 


  1. A lot of funny one liners today.

    Metrocourt pool:

    Britch and Spinny: Oh I see side boob! Oops! Or was it behind boob? That was more exiting than their conversation.

    Maxie, Sam, Parachute guy, Spinny, and Britch: Parachute guy wins the line of the day.

    Parachute guy: Because he wants you all to himself!


    Dante and Brooky: Hmmm did Dante change Brooky's mind?

    Linc and Chase: Oh Linc go away! Go visit your comatose bartender brother! Damn where is Coleman! I miss him and want him back!

    Brooky, Linc, and Chase: Oh? Dante did change Brooky's mind!

    Brase: Oh wait he didn't change her mind. She is using that though. JUST KISS ALREADY GEEZ!

    Outside metrocourt restaurant:

    Spinny and Parachute guy: Data mining his customers??!?! How did Spinny get himself into that mess?

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nina and Chef lady: That chef Lady's acting was a bit off. Nina who is taking care of Crimson?! Did you sell it?!

    Nina and Dr. O: That weapon hahahahaha. Love Dr. O's dress. Nina's forehead is shiny. Who is Nina going to use that weapon on? The Tribblesb

    Outside dumbster: Oh nice shot!!! :) Great outdoor scene! :)

    Dexxy and Mikey: Awww Dexxy is getting a raise. Mikey is in wuv with him. :)

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Sonny and Krissy: KRISSY!!! :) Oh she is the manager cool! She isn't going to judge Nina! Krissy has changed. :) I like that. :)

    Sonny, Krissy, and Dex: Dex and Krissy chem test? I'll call them Krex. :)

    Sonny and Dex: Sonny has men in the courthouse.. Cool! :)

    Sona and Krissy:

    Krissy: Welcome Nina.

    Nina: :O

    Me: :O

    The hospital: Gee Willow is wonder woman! She isn't in pain after the biopsy and she can walk really well and be at work! Wow!

    Willow and Ava:

    Willow: Which makes me the the happiest person in the whole world!

    Oh that's why you are a blubbering idiot. Because you are happy! O-O

    Mildew and Ava:

    Michael: What did you do to her?

    *Facepalm* Shut up Michael!

    Mildew: Come on Willow! Tell Mikey that you had a biopsy done and that you joined the NFL!

  2. sonya said: " Data mining his customers??!?"
    *** That made my ears perk up too. Mr. "I'm just a red neck cowboy" seems to be very knowledgeable about computers, data mining and fraud detection; including the federal interest and penalties. hmmm Is he an undercover Fed investigating the Jackal?

    I was wondering abot the chem testing with Krex too.
    And as mad as baby Michael is at his father he doesn't want to turn him into the cops.

    1. P.S. And I laughed when Dex complained that bribing a juror was a felony. lol He thinks that beating a man unconscious and threatening to kill him isn't?

    2. "Di says, That made my ears perk up too."

      Yeah! Very interesting!

      "Mr. "I'm just a red neck cowboy" seems to be very knowledgeable about computers, data mining and fraud detection; including the federal interest and penalties. hmmm Is he an undercover Fed investigating the Jackal?"

      Oooooooo! That would be an interesting twist!

      "I was wondering abot the chem testing with Krex too."

      Maybe the next time they see each other is around town. :)

      "And as mad as baby Michael is at his father he doesn't want to turn him into the cops."

      Mikey still wuvs his daddy!

      "P.S. And I laughed when Dex complained that bribing a juror was a felony. lol He thinks that beating a man unconscious and threatening to kill him isn't?"


  3. I haven't seen today's episode yet, so the picture that Karen had at the beginning of today's blog confused me. Have Willow and Queen Ava ever shared a scene together?

    1. I don't think so, at least not when Willow was alone. But it was a great scene.

    2. "Di says, don't think so, at least not when Willow was alone. But it was a great scene."

      Yeah it was a great scene. Ava was so sweet to her!

  4. Michaels character is so annoying

  5. Everyone stay as cool as possible in this heat. I think I may get some lemons and vanilla and try this recipe from the Great Depression.

  6. wasted day---
    sorry but Nina is more and more annoying----I do think she may accidentally stab someone - such an odd gift for Dr O to give her
    ----I think Kristina was just there to have Sonny realize only ONE of his children aren't going to leave him.......
    ---no Liz again-----again wondering if there are only so many days of her shooting and unlimited with people we don't care about?

    1. I bet *someone else* will stab someone with that knife and Nina will be blamed.

  7. Focus today on Spinelli/Cody/Britt story. Who cares. And Chase/BLQ/Linc. Who cares. Both by the MC pool. Both stories could disappear and no one would wonder why.
    "Jury tampering is a felony" says Dex. LOL
    Couldn't they have just wound up Trina's trial?
    Michael is beyond annoying.
    Spinelli always had a quirky, lovable charm. Now he is obnoxious and annoying. The writers at GH do that very well.

    1. Yes I was thinking the same about Spinelli.

    2. I guess beating up someone isn’t a felony? Today was bad but at least tomorrow we get Val and Anna, but probably not together.

  8. Terrible episode. Hate Nina running the Metro Court. Yes, Carly was too cocky but this is a lousy storyline.

  9. I don't mind if it means Snarly has to sit back and suffer a bit. I would liek to see things run just as well with nina. Not over and over to bore us of course.

    1. Same. I don't mind seeing Carly down at all.

  10. Where is Elizabeth? That is the only story line that is interesting.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...