Wednesday, August 17, 2022




  1. Replies
    1. I love the picture too! :D

    2. Young Steve Hardy is pretty hot! :)

    3. Is Dr. Steve Hardy holding a cigarette in his hand in that pic?

  2. I don't know the 2 on the right

    1. I think it's Peggy Mercer and Dr.Phil Brewer.

  3. Dr Phil Brewer was played by Roy Thinnes who is probably best known for his starring role in the prime-time TV series The Invaders.

    1. I know. He was played by many people. Roy Thinnes (1963–65) Rick Falk (1965–66) Robert J. Hogan (1966–67) Ron Hayes (1967) Craig Huebing (1967) Martin West (1967–75) When was the picture taken?

    2. I guess it was taken sometime between 1963-1965 since as you point out that was when Roy Thinnes had the role.

  4. OMG....Did they burn that letter at the end?

    1. Right? I was just hollering at the TV! I swear Nik looked right at it. Why wasn't he curious?

  5. I screamed four times today and not in a good way:
    Michael is the worst husband ever- CLEARLY it's not hormones and you LEFT her crying?
    Willow not telling Michael is not realistic enough but clearly something is wrong!!!
    Nina starts all this crap and I can't stand her----I actually liked Carly's response to her
    (did read though that they get in a physical fight this week----guess by the pool)
    Sonny/Brick not finding out more about Dex is ridiculous-------and I DID believe Dex's story but it was too much like Sonny's baggage----ready for Leo to tell someone that Michael is working with Dex

    ----so now baby daddy story heats up-------
    -----where is Phyllis?
    -----Haven't heard the word Jason mentioned in a long time - ever have that memorial service?
    ------I do like Victor - LOL

    1. *sigh* This is why I need a break.

    2. yeah it is painful-----but complaining here helps! LOL

    3. Helps the complainer maybe. But coming in every day and having to go through post after post of the same old hate and rehases of history just to see if anyone liked the parts of the show I did today makes it just too wearing on my soul. Things are bad enough in real life these days.

    4. "Mufasa says, (did read though that they get in a physical fight this week----guess by the pool)"

      Really?!?!! Carly and Nina a physical fight?!?! I hope that's true. It's about damn time!

  6. Sonny's office:

    Dexxy heller hell and Sonny: Sonny is angry with Dexxy poo because he lied about his war record? OH COME ON! Sonny should be finding out about Dexxy poo working for Mikey poo. Not this crap. Poor Badger Bob is probably bored..

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Nina: Come on enough of the same ol chit chat! Let's see a fight!!! Nina is always at the Metrocourt! Who took over Crimson?!

    Willow and TJ: Willow won't tell Mikey about her results. No no.. After the party and after the follow up then she will tell him. And then there will be other excuses. Oh he is too busy at work to tell him. He is busy having fun with Wiley to tell him. Blah blah blah.

    Metrocourt pool:

    Olivia and Carly: Oh sure Carly and Drew are just friends uh huh. The way she looks at Drew, I mean Carly doesn't look at Olivia that way! ROFL!

    Olivia, Carly, and Drew: Olivia wins the line of the day.

    Olivia: I need ice it's hot in here. I mean warm. It's getting muggy.

    *Olivia fans herself*

    Olivia: WOOO!


    Carly and Drew: Mia texted Drew about wanting to know Carly's contact information! There is a corporate coaching retreat that Mia wants to tell Carly. It's in Aruba!!!! Carly wonders if Drew is going. He can't go awwwww!


    Jam: Why are they hugging so strangely?

    Sprina: SPENCER TELL HER HOW YOU FEEL!!! Damn he doesn't!

    Calebrina: He got her a drink with a red bow on it awww. :) The same one when they first met awwwww! :) Oooo she kisses him! Spencer sees!!! He looks heartbroken. :(

    Trina: So does this make me your girlfriend?

    Rory: I don't know. Does this make me your boyfriend?

    Trina: Well, why don't you walk me to my place, and we'll take it from there.

    Awwwwwwwwww! They are adorable!!!

    Jam and Cam: Cam tells Jam that he loves Trina! Awwwwwwww! But now he is heartbroken about watching Cabrina kiss and he overheard them talking about being a couple. So his secret will be his and he doesn't want Jam to tell Trina either!!!! Joss says she can't promise to keep this secret forever! Trina is her best friend!

    Cam and Spencer: Cam's arm are around Spencer, and Spencer's arm is around Cam and they walk out. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! :) I never thought in a million years this would happen.

    Purtis home: PARTAY!!!! :) Portia invites Rory to the partay! He is so shy he doesn't want to intrude! But Trina is all like you heard my mom you are invited! :) She gives him a glass of whatever it is.. Does him being there make it official? Are they a couple?! :D

    Purtis: Curtis telling her that Trina is like his daughter. Portia has a strange look on her face. Is this Trina's next storyline? She finds out who her bio daddy is?! :) I have been waiting!!!


    Nava, Jordan, and the two cops: Jordan wants to know where Vampira is. Oh she got a bite. Vampira went online to make a post about Trina being free! And she is in France?!?!?! Uh huh. Or did Victor do this? :)

    Nava: Ava thinks Vampira is alive and in France! ROFL! Come on Ava you are smarter than this!

    Nava and Victor: Yup! I'm right. Victor made that post! :) Well he has a friend who helped him. Nik burning Vampira's clothes!!! Damn if she is alive then she will have to buy all new clothes!!! Hey did I just see that letter?!?!!?! DOH! Great scene!

    1. I loved the last scene too, very soapy! I am not happy that they burned the letter. I was yelling nooooooooo! Silly Nik!
      Cam and Spence walking arm in arm made me gooey. That was a good scene, too.
      Olivia was a stitch yesterday, lol! Maybe it was just hot flashes. HAHAHAH!
      I find new Trina childish, especially with Rory. I liked them at first, now I'm eye rolling.
      I may be the only one but yesterday every time I looked at Spencer he was reminding me of Sheldon Cooper. Especially his body language. I couldn't help myself and started giggling!

    2. And the other time I yelled nooooooo, was at Neener when she saw Willow and TJ doing the hug. Save me from Neener's speculation and interference. :(

    3. YES YES He looked exactly like Sheldon!!!! I don't think that was THE letter cause Esme had it in her hand when she fell...

    4. Thanks mufasa for confirming my crazy mind, lol! I thought I was losing it!
      (oooooh, maybe the letter burning was the one from her nanny)

    5. "Julie H says, I loved the last scene too, very soapy! I am not happy that they burned the letter. I was yelling nooooooooo! Silly Nik!"

      Hahaha. 1 letter must have fell with Vampira, and the other letter was in her things in the suitcase!!! Why didn't Ava look through the suitcase?!!

      "Cam and Spence walking arm in arm made me gooey."

      Me too!!!! :)

      "Olivia was a stitch yesterday, lol! Maybe it was just hot flashes. HAHAHAH!"

      Hahahahahaha. Nahhhhhhh. She just wanted Drew and Carly to be alone! :)

      "I looked at Spencer he was reminding me of Sheldon Cooper. Especially his body language. I couldn't help myself and started giggling!"

      Ohhhhhhhhh! You're right!!! :)

      "mufasa says, I don't think that was THE letter cause Esme had it in her hand when she fell..."

      No it wasn't THE letter, but she did have a lot of letters.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...