Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Day Two of Fillings


Here's hoping today's show is MUCH more interesting than yesterday's show. Lordy, I was falling asleep. \

Britt and Cody again... Good gravy. Leave her alone. Dr O meets Cody. He gets her an iced tea.  They get along. 

Sam and Dante talk about Britt and Spinelli... and.. stuff. Lots o talk about Lulu. They do love each other and want to move forward at some point. 

Felicia and Anna at the yoga studio. Felicia has to work out to "keep Mac" haha and they talk about her being a PI. Do exercises. Do more exercises. Anna isn't sure about Valentin. Felicia says she should find out if he told the truth about going to another clinic. 

Ava and Scotty. Talking about Nikolas and the divorce and ... he and Liesl. She flashes back to Esme falling. Nikolas comes up "we need to talk .....alone". 

Nina and Sonny at Charlie's.  Blab Blab blabber.  Carly will always be a part  our lives.. and you could reconcile. Smolz comes in and asks for a statement about Sasha or something. Sonny tries to punch him but Nina stops him. Um, Is Kristina not on today again? WTF. Anyway, they decide to face the world as a couple.! As "Sonny and Nina'!! :Eyeroll: 

Drew talks to his real life wife (life coach lady). Carly comes along. So does Valentin. Then Valentin goes to meet Victor.  Victor isn't convinced Anna's not on to them. 

Victor is talking to someone on the phone and he's trying to get Spencer out of jail and just pay a fine. He and Valentin talk about Charlotte and school and Laura being out of the country. 

Nikolas is talking to Ava about how everyone is looking for Esme so ...they have to stay married. Ava says she'll stay his wife but keep the papers. 


Dr O introduces Scott to Cody and Cody punches him. 

Nina and Sonny kiss. 

THAT'S IT! There ya go! Tomorrow doesn't look that interesting either but maybe we'll find out why Cody belted Scotty? 


  1. Cody Bell and Katherine Bell - maybe his mom or aunt? and blames Scott for what happened? we all KNOW the writers can change history at the drop of a hat......
    Nina and Sonny----the hints keep coming - they ain't gonna last..
    not a good week so far - boring.....even Felicia and Anna and Val and Victor were stagnant.

  2. So many funny one liners today! :)

    Metrocourt lounge:

    Scotty and Ava: Awwww love Scotty talking about his daughter awwww. :) Yes he would drop everything for her awwww. :) Great shirt Scotty! :) Ava's forehead is very shiny.

    Nava and Scotty:

    Scotty: You two should be doing the can can.

    ROFL! He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Nava: Yes yes great plan Nik, although this is just an excuse because you still love her! And where are you going to live Ava?

    Metrocourt pool:

    Parachute guy and Britch:

    Britch: I'm not a chew toy.


    Parachute guy, Britch, and Dr. O: Oh Dr. O doesn't know the whole story Britch! Tell her, and she will hate him herself! Britch wins the line of the day!

    Britch: Don't call Scott that please!


    Bitch, Dr. O, Scotty, and Parachute guy: WHOA! Why did parachute guy punch Scotty? Hmmm Parachute guy is your mama Katherine Bell? And are you angry at Scotty for hurting your mama?

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Sante: Hmm all this Lulu talk, does this mean Lulu is coming back? I haven't heard anything.

    Mia and Drew: Awwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Mia and Carly: Gushing over Drew eh Carly?

    Drew and Carly: Oh kiss already! :)

    V.C. and Victor: Of course Victor is able to talk to Charlie! Damn Victor has got V.C. in a choke hold. Not literally, but you know what I mean.

    Charlie's restaurant and bar: Where is Kristina? Still in the kitchen?

    Sana: Of course Carly will always be around! Carson has got kids together!!!!

    Sana and Poptart Smalls: Poptart Smalls is a chicken! Running away from Sonny hahahahahahaha. Skeerdy cat!

    Exercise room:

    Felicia and Anna: They both have things on their mind. Don't give up on V.C. Anna!! And yes Felicia, V.C. is hot! :) And so is Mac daddy! :)

    1. Seriously, half the audience probably doesn't know what the Can Can is, lol! That was my line! And Scottie looked good!
      Today was a bore. I think Cody is a dang stalker and I'm tired of seeing his face. Britch is so cranky and no guy would want to be around her right now. And no one is going to believe Spinelli has a thing for her. And don't get me started on Neener. I don't want Sonny and Carly back together, but Neener?? She has the constant whiney conversation with Sonny, over and over and over.
      I thought the life coach scenes were a waste of time. We get that instead of Liz or the trial? Even Eva couldn't cheer me up. :(
      But like others have said, at least we have Wubsy and Sonya to cheer us up!

    2. "Julie H says, Seriously, half the audience probably doesn't know what the Can Can is, lol!"

      Hahahahaha. They should look it up! For people who don't know what the can can is, watch this video! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!



      "And Scottie looked good!"

      Yes he did!

      "I think Cody is a dang stalker and I'm tired of seeing his face."

      Yeah enough is enough! Leave Britch alone!

      "Britch is so cranky and no guy would want to be around her right now. And no one is going to believe Spinelli has a thing for her."

      Britchnelli? Yeah I don't think so. They don't have chemistry like that! Britch is cranky give her a snickers! :) She is hangry! :)

      "And don't get me started on Neener. I don't want Sonny and Carly back together, but Neener?? She has the constant whiney conversation with Sonny, over and over and over."

      Nina Neener Reeves is acting like she is a naive teenager. Of course Carly is going to be around! Carson has kids together! Duh!

      "But like others have said, at least we have Wubsy and Sonya to cheer us up!"

      Awwwwwwwww! *BEARHUGS*

    3. "Hangry, give her a Snickers" BWHAHAHAHAH! Good call!
      OMG, the Can Can....lol!! Thanks for that!

  3. I don't want a Drew Carly matchup because we all know Carly and Sonny are going to get back together. They always do.

    1. "Gary says, we all know Carly and Sonny are going to get back together. They always do."

      Dr. O just said that. She is brainwashed and so are you and I and everyone! ROFL! Just kidding. Yes they always get back together.

    2. in the last 2 days, it has mentioned 4 times, so yes the writers are already laying the groundwork for their getting back together........now in fairness, it could be 2023 LOL

    3. I like Sonny better with Nina or better yet, alone. He's so much happier. Less Snarly= happy Linda

    4. I totally agree Linda, but Sonny and Carly seem to be the end game. Both characters are so much better away from each other.

  4. Schmaltz is another waste of time

  5. It was so good for two weeks and then this!

  6. OMG - seriously....no Kristina again? SUCH A WASTE OF TALENT AND POTENTIAL STORIES!!

  7. I don't usually nap during the day but this show put me to sleep.
    Sad waste of time.
    But at least we have karen and sonya.

    1. "Zazu says, But at least we have karen and sonya."

      Awwww. :) *BEARHUGS*

    2. I stream now and Karen and Sonya's recap determine whether I watch the show or not. Thanks guys.

    3. "Gary says, I stream now and Karen and Sonya's recap determine whether I watch the show or not. Thanks guys."

      You're welcome!!! *BEARHUGS*

  8. Replies
    1. BAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA! You're right! He does!!! :)

    2. BWHAHAHAHAH! I thought the same thing! Don't like the character, don't really care for the actor.

  9. Oh, I just had a thought. Out of all of Michael's girlfriends only Sasha hasn't died. Well, Star left town. Willow better dump him so she has a better chance of living. 😊

    1. Lol! Now you know Neener is going to save Willow's life and lord that over everyone for the next 20 years.

  10. There is no way Dr. O would ever approve of Cody for Britt, except as a momentary distraction.

  11. Sorry but the gray hair looks horrible on her. Obrecht and Scotty always are entertaining and I like his and Ava's friendship. Too much Cody - always at the pool.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...