Thursday, August 11, 2022


 Jordan is outside of Oz' room and Curtis and Portia can't wake  him from the coma yet.  Jordan tells them that Esme is gone. They don't know how they are going to get in there with Rory at the guard. 

Trina and Joss are at the pool Joss admires DEX's body.. GROSS ME THE FK OUT. Ugh I hate him. He's NOT a sexy bad boy...he's just.. a boy. 

Maxie and Austin kiss at the Metro restaurant. Georgie doesn't like him-- so he wants to take them all on a family fun vacation. Then he gets a call and has to go to Pautecket or where the hell ever. 

Martin wants Lucy to go away with him.  He tells her about Anna's threat. She says don't mess with Valentin. 

Spencer and Sonny talk at the prison guest room some more.  Yada yada. Spencer has a favor. He wants Spencer to find Esme. 

Martin urges Spencer to sign that he'll tell on who bribed the guards. He'd get 10 days in Spa Jail if he does. If not, 3 months in Pentonville. 

Sonny then goes to the pool because Dex called him about Joss saying something about Kelly's. He tells Joss not to worry herself over it.  He says it might save Trina. 

Oh today was just ... really bad. Sorry. 


Spencer won't sign the deal...he's going to jail. 


  1. One positive...I repeat, Nicholas Chavez.
    WTF are they doing to Roger Howarth? I thought he was from Pawtucket...they even changed that.
    Yes, really bad.

    1. He is going to Pawtucket! :)

    2. Thought I heard Maxie call it something else.

    3. "zazu says, Thought I heard Maxie call it something else."

      She said Pawtuck. :) And that is what the place is called. :) I call it pawtucket cus it sounds better and it's fun. :)

  2. I can't stand Dex, BUT in all fairness, Joss is dating Cam and she saw Dex swimming-I get it....LOL
    I have to believe either Roger H doesn't care about his character OR they keep promising him something 'huge' down the road--------I mean it's hard to watch....
    People on my LAST NERVE - TODAY it was Portia big time along with Austin, Curtis, Dex, Joss and Sonny............
    Lynn Herring is just gorgeous.

    1. mufasa, I have loved Lynn Herring from the day she went from frumpy librarian, yes she sold that look, to sexy vamp in 2 minutes.

    2. They are turning Portia into a whiner. This sub plot is stupid. Curtis always looks uncomfortable and awkward lately.

    3. "zazu says, They are turning Portia into a whiner."

      Well, she is worried and scared for her daughter.

      "Curtis always looks uncomfortable and awkward lately."

      Well, Portia's plan could cost her, her job, so yeah Curtis is nervous about that.

  3. We missed 20 minutes@ the beginning of the show here in NYC due to the Attorney General 's statement re the FBI raid on Trump's home.

  4. A lot of funny one liners today.

    Metrocourt pool:

    Pawtucket Holtster and Maxie: Pawtucket Holtster wins the line of the day. Actually it's Georgie who wins it. :)

    Pawtucket Holtster/Georgie: Do you know what happens when matter is consumed by a black hole? Do you want to find out?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Awww family fun time! Oh oh Pawtucket Holtster can't go to family fun time awwwwwwwww! He has been summoned by the head tree!!!

    Dexxy Hollar, Joss, and Trina: Okay what is this? Trina is flirting with him!

    "Karen says He's NOT a sexy bad boy...he's just.. a boy."

    He is 12 years old!!! I'm glad Joss got Trina to talk about Rory! :)

    The hospital:

    Purtis, Jordan, and Rory: Oh boy. How is Portia going to go to Oz's room and give him the drugs?!?!

    Jordan and Rory: Man Jordan is tough! Rory just be your charming self. :)

    Purtis: Good luck Portia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Pawtucket Holtster on the phone with Mr. Tree: Wow! Head boss lady tree wants him to just drop everything to go back home?!?! To do what?! I'm still interested! :)

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Larcy: I'm glad Marty told Lucy what Anna was up to! :) Lucy is by his side all the way? YAY! :) Love them so much!!! They need to have Tribbles together.. :) And I'm glad Lucy said she did very very bad things in the past hahahaha.

    Police station:

    Spencer and Sonny: Good luck finding Vampira! I have no idea where she is.. Maybe she went to go see Maggie! Maybe Maggie is helping Vampira because she is really hurt since she fell off the parapet! :)

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1993* Since we have been talking about her and Parachute guy said that she is his mother, In honor of Dominique, Here is Dominique the scene when she is about to die. This is so heartbreaking. It made me cry again. 4 parts.

    And here is all about her.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...