Sunday, August 7, 2022

Sunday Surgery: Whack a SchMole


Things were a bit violent  on GH this week or what!?? Valet Signs!! Parapets!! was wild. SO much happening, hard to fill it all in, that's for sure. 

Park it for a bit and enjoy! 
Photo thx to: @Soapspoilers 


SPRINA: FINALLY Spencer lets down his guard and in perfect Nik Chavez acting style, slays the court with his testimony. Single tears are shed. Parents are angry but finally --FINALLY that link is starting to spark and hopefully we will move forward with this soon. Kudos to everyone in those courtroom scenes. Well done. 

SASHA'S FREAK OUT:  It was so over the top, so out of the blue I lost it! LOL  Smoltz goes after Sasha by trying to get her to admit she ran over Harmony while on drugs. He uses Sienna the make up artist but she messes up. Sasha catches them in his car talking and does a Britney Spears type break-down on his car with a valet sign. Um... it was something to see!! Anyway, she's basically cataonic and since the PCPD is so dumb, she doesn't even get checked out by a doctor. Her lawyer, Martin decides maybe she needs 'guardianship" ... and...there's the link. Spears/Gilmore!  (But I wish she would have shaved her head.) 

USE OF THE PARAPET:  OH MY!! When you're in Wyndemere and you're in the room off the parapet-- you KNOW what could happen. Ava and Esme square off in true soapy-fashion. Esme has a letter, Ava wants it. Esme does a swan dive over the edge! Nikolas swoops in and tries to get the situation at hand. I'm just glad they didn't find her body and Ava moved to The Metro!! And..PLEASE have someone tell Spencer Daddy Slept with his Ex-Girl!  Thx to @SoapOpera_Fan

MAC AND FELICIA: First of all, I'm happy KW is back on set. Secondly, how great to get Mac Daddy givin the once-over by the chicks at the pool???!!  He and Felicia were so cute. He's encouraging her to work with Sam too. Nice. 

ALEXIS AND GREG:  TAKE NOTE: THIS is how you do banter! This is how you get things going!! We know they'll hardly be on but damn, they are enjoyable! 

LUCY:   Gummies!! And I think LH is one of the best comedic actresses in soaps. Dramatic too. Just love her. 

WARDROBELOVING the summer looks. Sam..on point. Brook, beautiful. Even Carly looked amazing.  The guys? Very dapper in all different shades of blues. One misstep? Maxie... lordy. Come on. 

                                               MIXED BAG OF THE WEEK:  

While I appreciate where this story may be going (Liz' backstory) and Becky is amazing, the starts-stops on it has just killed so much momentum. You don't show her enough to get things rolling. Finn is just a big tree trunk in the way. Show her with her kids and Scotty. PS. THIS story should be the one that's up with Trina's Trial...not Sasha's breakdown. 

WILLOW WOE'S:  Her keeping the diagnosis from Michael is just... so overdone. And I wished I cared about either one of them. But-- nope. We all know this is leading to Nina's finding out she's her mama and Carly didn't tell her. Probs in November.

                                                     NOT GOOD THIS WEEK: 

PCPD/SASHA SITUATION: I get it's a soap. I've watched them for 50 years. But in 2022? After having that violent breakdown? They would have at LEAST gotten a doctor to come IN and see her if not taken her straight to GH. She already had one public meltdown on a TV set and you'd think... they'd get some blood work? Anything?  

CODY: Unless the writers ARE trying to make him JOE from "YOU" it's just gross. I really wish that they had chemistry. ANY chemistry. Kelly usually has chem with almost anyone. But ..what a miss. 

BOREY ROREY:  Yeah, he's nice. Yeah, he's  Trina's back up but come on.. he's just TOO NICE.  GH has way too many "nice" guys LOL 

DEX:  He actually threatens the jury guy IN THE OPEN AT KELLY'S and Sonny still employs him? I've mentioned the cookie-cutter looks before. Bland acting. And I ... think Michael trying to pull one over on Sonny coutd be entertainting  BUT -- execution? Ooofff.. 

CHASE IS A SUPAH-STAH:  Um, I WISH I liked Linc as a sexy, sleazy music guy but he's just.. not. Another miscast, imo.  I don't know if the whole Chase Pop-Singer thing is even going to work out. Seems kinda cheesy.  Photo thx to @onlyjutes

PROP OF THE WEEK: Give it up for the Valet Sign!! Smashing that car up was it's job an it did it fine! 

RUNNER UP: Esme's shoe. That's all we got left. And wouldn't she have Gucci slide on? Or at least high-end Nike? Thx to @socflyny



Spencer reveals he's Trina's alibi,  gets arrested for it

Trina's trial goes to the jury. Portia is still worried about the verdict and wants to wake Oz up from his medically induced coma 

Joss finds out Cam knew Spencer's plan all along 

Willow gets the news she has leukemia --gets biopsy--won't tell Michael 

Sasha loses it on a sneaky reporter's car, she's in lockup. 

Lawyer Martin wants Brando to consider guardianship of Sasha to save her from jail 

Ava confronts Esme-- Esme "falls" from Parapet. Nikolas tries to cover it up

Esme's body not found; Ava moves into The Metro Court 

Elizabeth sees a dead Peter in her mind, almost faints and 'hears' her little girl voice call out for "Daddy" 

Cody tries again with Britt, this time using a handmade dating passport

Linc is interested in representing Chase, falling right into Brook's plan

Sonny has a job for Dex: Fixing the Jury

Dex screws up and Joss sees him threatening the jury foreman

Carly says it's ok that Sonny does that as long as it's a 'good reason" (basically)

Alexis and Greg talk The First Amendment over coffee

Lucy is worried Sasha's stunt may cost Deception a lot of business 

STUNT DOUBLES OF THE WEEK: Ava and Esme!! Photo thx to @Bellqbanita

This is actually from 2021!! When she was "Back" the last time! 

NEWS AND NOTES OF THE WEEK:  Kristina returns on Monday! For how long? Your guess is as good as mine. Every time they say "return" she's on for a day or maybe two then nothing. I need to get Frank in a room and say: You have TWO awesome characters/actors (Krissy/Molly) and  you're fking around with Cody and Drew? Shame on you! 

NLG is writing a book! I believe she's taking a bit of a step back from GH (Meaning not contract? I can't confirm that though). She's announced she's writing a book on the Daytime Biz. Ohh! Given her candor, I CAN NOT WAIT! 

This photo was circulating Twitter because the little actress shown here booked something on GH and many are thinking it's young Elizabeth. With her murmuring "Daddy" while looking at Dead Peter, one could think that! 

Speaking of "Elizabeth" ...go to Soap Opera Digest for their podcast with Becky about her 25 years as the character! 

SPOILERS: There may be a Cody/Lucy/Scotty connection but I have no idea what it is. His last name is Bell ...and that's Katherine's last name..? Remember her? He grew up in Brooklyn tho so? Jordan looks into the disappearance of Esme, the verdict is in and Spencer isn't happy in Shadybrook. Does he run into Ryan? 

That's a wrap!! Although a lot happened on the show, it's still so disjointed because of the giant cast and it's really hard to get into one thing when another just pops up. Characters like Dr O, Selina Wu... Brad... Kristina, Molly... (I can keep going) come and go and I just lose interest. 

 Felty is beat up... the jury guy is almost beat up--all this Dex hooplah. Brick is on one day 'checking in' with Sonny. Scotty's off helping his daughter with a dolphin trial and Marshall (who was there at a distracting rate) is gone in the middle of the trial. At least show him with Epiphany? Now we have a whole other layer of Elizabeth and she and Cam couldn't be around for Trina's trial? Why are we getting Chases' singing career going? (seriously, why?) Cody is probably going to turn out to have a connection but he's just creepy and Britt could be knee-deep in her Huntington's journey. Terry? Filler for bone marrow biopsy. Spinelli? Oh don't even get me going on that. I don't care if we ever see Austin again. Just way too many loose and floating ends around. You know the Sasha story doesn't grab me. It was fun this week but other than that. Meh.  The POOL is awesome tho! Great set.  

Hope to see you this week and I also hope the heat simmers down here a bit because honey, it's DAMN HOT!! 


  1. Cody was interested in Britt after Dante mentioned Faison was her father. I'm not interested in him now and won't be in 6 months when the tell us why. Maxie is no friend to Britt pushing him on her. I wish when Sasha was opening up to Gladys, she would have told her what Smoltz said to her about Liam, that automatically should get him the Sonny treatment. This show has 2 women experiencing some type of mental breakdown and are not doing justice to either story. Where is Kevin, shouldn't he be examining Sasha? How is Martin not pushing for an eval? There is so much wrong with this. Hoping the pacing of Liz's storyline picks up, the stop and starting is ridiculous, and there need to be more people in it. Finn obviously has no patients because he is always around her, where is Terry her childhood friend who would notice her odd behavior at times and possibly have some insight into what's going on? GH shouldn't make watching this show a chore.

  2. Hell yeah it's hot! :) Ooooo I love the new ad ons! Like the good stuff, the mixed bag, and this is not good. Are we keeping it? I hope! I love Rory! I like that he is a good guy. I love both bad guys and good guys. I don't know what they are doing with Pawtucket Holtster! He is out talking to trees and has to go back home to Pawtuck because the head tree wants him back home.. They should really show him more! Where the hell is he? Did he go home to Pawtuck? They should show him at Pawtuck!

  3. Re: liz. Remember franco had repressed memories of pushing drew down stairs and thinking he died? All to save him from a molester. Liz was w franco when those memories surfaced so if she also had childhood trauma culminating in someone at the bottom of stairs wouldn't franco's journey have been a logical catalyst? Then again the writers have probably forgotten that story... sigh.

  4. Thanks for the great SS, kd Sooo hot here almost forgot it was SS today.

    Agree with you about the good guys, Sonya. We need both. Not all girls want a bad boy, and Rory is a breath of fresh air.

    And I agree with kd about Pawtucket Holtster. Don't need him or want him back. He had turned into another useless character. And I definitely don't want to go to Pawtuck. Those woods are full of mosquitoes and ticks, Sonya. Stay in the city.

    I love the little girl who might be playing Liz. I was wondering if she had been attacked as a child and someone ended up dead as a result. If her daddy killed someone that may be why he's out of country since then. I really hope the writers don't screw it up and do the story in a continuous storyline, not a blip here and a blip there till we no longer care about that either.

    Once again, kd. Thanks so much. You are my Sunday addiction. Have an iced coffee on me. :)

    1. "Di says, Agree with you about the good guys, Sonya. We need both."

      Yes we need balance!

      "Not all girls want a bad boy, and Rory is a breath of fresh air."

      No they don't and yes he is! :)

      "And I definitely don't want to go to Pawtuck. Those woods are full of mosquitoes and ticks, Sonya. Stay in the city."

      ROFL! And full of half human half trees! :) A humatree! :)

  5. Thanks for another great SS!
    Either too much going on or absolutely nothing. Why can't there be a balance. GH needs a trim so badly.
    Unlike most I didn't mind Cody at first but his persistence is nauseating. He called Britt a nag early on. He's the nag. This "story" will go nowhere.
    Sasha needs medical attention. It's crazy for them to ignore that.
    If they keep adding cast members GH will explode.
    NLG posted on FB that she has been away at a cabin by a lake in the midwest. Sounded like she is making big changes to her life. Writing a book included.
    I live in a forest not too far from the shoreline. Even when it's hot it's not bad...until today. It is brutal out there. No air. Those of you under this spell stay cool and hydrate.

  6. Don't like Rorey and he's got no chemistry with Trina. Willow keeping her diagnosis from Michael is lame and boring, symptomatic of their boring relationship. Sasha absolutely should've gotten a psych eval. I really like Gladys and she should be the person who helps Sasha. Can't stand Nina operating the Metro Court. End the Trina courtroom story already! Too many major storylines at once and the stops and starts are bad.

  7. Don't like Cody, don't like Rory, and -- truth be told -- don't like Sasha and Brando. "GH" has a bevy of characters they could spotlight instead, so why are we stuck with all these drab newbies?

  8. I like Rory!
    is it just me - just a thought - that all of a sudden Sasha's storyline is FRONT AND CENTER when Liz's storyline drags ----- maybe Sasha and Brando are in a different salary cap and can look more days? There has to be a reason that all of this is happening with Sasha: whether Shadybrook or whatever - no one cares about this storyline
    -------either Liz killed someone when she was small or she saw Jeff kill someone------cause the writers CLEARLY are rewriting this story...
    ------read a spoiler that Esme ends up where Maggie is -----which made me laugh out loud=no money, no passport, no ID, etc unless Victor helped her?
    -----Cody BELL and Katherine BELL-------------connection there
    -----not sure why Spence has to go back to Shadybrook for one day?
    ------Dex needs to go----------being forced on us.....
    -----Trina's trial needs to end TO-DAY! enough already...

    1. "Mufasa says Cody BELL and Katherine BELL-------------connection there"

      I didn't even think about that.. Could be!!! :)

  9. Shadybrook is a mental care facility. Spence was in Spring Ridge.

    Glad you agree with me about Jeff maybe killing someone.

  10. Now that would be more in character if Jeff killed someone and Elizabeth witnessed that. Jeff as someone who molested his daughter I just don't buy.

  11. The story lines I want to see are not happening. Liz should be front and center. Anna/Valentin/Victor/Charlotte and ice princess or whatever should be front and center. AND, for pete's sake give Chase his cop job back. They already DESTROYED Alexis and I will never forgive them for taking away her law degree. Now Coleman was a fun, sexy sleazy guy. Linc is just yuck. Cody is just yuck. No and No

    1. WOOOO I loved me some Coleman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Coleman was SO sexy with how he and the Kate #1 were together. OMG. SO HOT

    3. "Now Coleman was a fun, sexy sleazy guy."

      COLEMAN! I miss him. :( I want him back!!!!

    4. OMG! Yes me too. Loved him with Kate.

  12. And, also, just let Chase and Brooklyn kiss again already!!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...