Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Drama Days!

 So I watched yesterday's show...!!!!! OOOOOOOO HUM DINGER!! Loved the Trina/Spencer looks when she was on the stand EEE!! Esme!! Parapet!! WOW! Another one gets pushed over. LOL We know she's probably not dead but.. it's so soapy 101~ 


Shows Esme falling again and she has the letter in her hand.  Nikolas tells Ava not to call 911.. and he's going to clean up everything. She goes to the master bedroom.  She finds a giant bruise on her collar bone. Covers it with make up. Nikolas comes back. He can't find Esme, but has her shoe. Ava worries because she survived the parapet fall herself. They talk about the staff hearing the fight. She thinks she'll be implicated no matter what happens. They figure out their plan. Nikolas hid her suitcase. 

Willow thinks about her cancer diagnosis. She consults with Terry and Britt. They wait for Liz to get back with the final results but Terry is fairly sure it's leukemia. They want to do a bone marrow test. Willow insists they do it that day. She won't tell anyone. In a split second, they get her in the op room and do the procedure LOL GEESH, even for GH that's fast. 

Later, she finds Michael. She's all dressed and ready to go! 

Curtis steals Oz folder and takes a photo. Jordan sees him. Oh she didn't see him take a photo of the report. They talk about getting evidence that Esme visited Oz at the apartment. They talk about the drug in his system and how Spencer asked Britt about the same drug. They figure out Trina was drugged by Esme. They want to talk to Esme. 

Trina admits she had feelings for Spencer but doesn't anymore. (BULL SHEEZE) They talk about Esme being jealous and how Trina would never hurt her friends. The ADA tries to get her to admit she used her phone to film everything. She denies it. So.. back and forth and the closing arguments are given. Trina talks to Rory after the trial. Spencer wants to talk to her and Joss is like, um.. let's just leave it at you doing a good thing, ok? 

Liz sees Peter at the bottom of the stairs, almost falls. Then she hears "Daddy..Daddy.." in her head. She sits. Finn finds her. He tries to comfort her. They get up to leave and leave Willow's chart in the hallway. They go to his office. She drinks water. Shrugs off falling... Finn says she needs to see a neurologist. She gets mad. He says do it for your kids. "you think I can't take care o my kids"??!! 


Spencer is arrested for leaving Spring Ridge

TJ tells Curtis if they take Oz out of his coma, he could die


  1. Courthouse: OH LOOK! THE JURY! Well I only see 2, but still! :) ADA wins the line of the day.

    ADA: The defendant is living in the land of wishful thinking.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That song popped in my head!

    I'll get over you, I know I will
    I'll pretend my ship's not sinking
    And I'll tell myself I'm over you
    'Cause I'm the king of wishful thinking
    (King of wishful thinking)
    I am the king of wishful thinking

    Spencer and Joss: Ooooo Spencer wants to talk to Trina so bad! :) Yes yes Spencer you can get around Joss. You still can.

    Spencer and Jordan: Oh oh!


    Vampira and Ava: Oh they reshowed the parapet fall! YAY! :) Oh hi Nik! The look on Nik's face! ROFL!

    Nava: Will they have zex because it turned them on when Vampira fell? No? Wow that's surprising. You don't need to cover up the fall!!! Just call the police and tell the truth!! I hope Vampira isn't dead! I want her alive!!! Oh look Nik found one of Vampira's shoes. It lost it's mate!!! Oh no! :'( That poor lonely shoe!!!! :( Aww the shoe is crying. :( I hope Vampira isn't dead! I want her alive!!!!

    The hospital:

    Stairwell: Oh oh Liz! Is she turning into Beth? Liz hears a little girl asking for her daddy! Is it Liz as a little girl talking to her daddy? Hmmmmm? Oh hi Finchy.. Uh you forgot the papers!!!

    Finchy's office:

    Finchy and Liz: Oh so Piffy got another nurse to get the papers. All off screen. How fun. I want to go to the land of off screen fun! Man Liz goes from being all sweet to mad and cold. I swear she turns into Beth!!!


    Operating table:

    Willow, Terry, and Britch: Yes yes keep Michael from knowing everything that is going on! Shhhhhhhhhhh! Even when you need a transplant keep that from Michael.. Willow is going to experience pain. I hate pain! I'm a chicken!!! Give me all the drugs!!!

    Nurses station:

    Curtis and the folder: YES YES YES! :)

    Curtis and Jordan: When Jordan got that phone call, I thought it was because of Vampira.

    TJ and Curtis: Oooo I don't think it's a good idea to get Oz out of his medically induced coma!! So dangerous. I wonder what will happen when Oz eventually gets out of his medically induced coma when it's time.. Will he have psychic abilities like Olivia did? Will he be able to talk to Vampira in her mind?

    Michael and TJ: Wow! TJ not telling Michael what is going on with Willow really?!?!! TJ must really take HIPPA seriously.

    Mildew: Oh yes. She calls Michael the love of her life, but yet let's keep secrets. If she loses the baby keep that a secret. If she wants to become a clown, let's keep that a secret. If she wants to join the NFL to be a football player, keep that a secret. What fun!

    I'll get over you, I know I will
    I'll pretend my ship's not sinking
    And I'll tell myself I'm over you
    'Cause I'm the king of wishful thinking
    (King of wishful thinking)
    I am the king of wishful thinking

    1. literally laughing out loud about mildew and i'm gonna have this song as an earworm tomorrow morning, lol.

    2. "Mrs. Manning says, literally laughing out loud about mildew"


      "and i'm gonna have this song as an earworm tomorrow morning, lol."

      Hahahahaha! I have that song as an earworm now!!! I keep singing it!! I also made the mistake of watching the video on youtube! ROFL!

    3. "lindie says, Pretty Woman"

      ROFL! Yes! :)

    4. Think I know that whole movie by heart. Lol. Watched about 20 times back in the day

    5. "lindie says, Think I know that whole movie by heart. Lol. Watched about 20 times back in the day"

      Haha. Love Pretty woman! Great movie! :D

  2. Sure, the head of the hospital has time on her schedule to perform a procedure right now. If this was so fast will it lead to Willow finding her mama quickly? Let's hope.
    Will Esme float downstream for someone to find her? Maybe right to the doors of Spring Ridge and her 'dad'. I don't think her absence will be a long one.

    1. "zazu says, Sure, the head of the hospital has time on her schedule to perform a procedure right now."

      Hahahaha. I know right? :) Just ridiculous!

      "If this was so fast will it lead to Willow finding her mama quickly? Let's hope."

      I hope so too!!!

      "Will Esme float downstream for someone to find her? Maybe right to the doors of Spring Ridge and her 'dad'."

      ROFL! Maybe her daddy will find her. :)

    2. I think she will be found on the Pennsylvania side of the river

    3. "Johnny 265120 says, I think she will be found on the Pennsylvania side of the river"

      HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA! *DEAD* She will be at Nixon Falls!!! :)

    4. Esme would definitely shake up boring Nixon Falls

    5. Pennsylvania side of the river!! OMG, I spewed my coffee!!!
      Such great shows the past 3 days, I love it! (Watched them back to back as I was on vacation.) I'm not even going to complain about Mildew and secret keeping or the ear worm I now have. Thanks Sonya, hahahaha!

    6. "lindie says, Esme would definitely shake up boring Nixon Falls"

      Yes she would!!!!

      Julie H says, Pennsylvania side of the river!! OMG, I spewed my coffee!!!

      ROFL! Miss it? Or miss me saying it? ROFL!

      "I'm not even going to complain about Mildew and secret keeping"


      "or the ear worm I now have. Thanks Sonya, hahahaha!"

      Hahahahahaha! You're welcome! :)

  3. Nic to Ava with a cover up plan was too predictable. It would be a character twist if Ava did call 911, tell the truth that she was defending herself, tell the truth that she didn't push Esme AND that no one believed her because she and the Casadines always lie their way out of trouble. What if she and Nic had left the room as it was and Ava got accused of staging the scene and got arrested anyway?????

  4. Just watched the clip with HAWT Mac Daddy. Yowza. Is Kristina Wagner back or was that filmed from before?

  5. I LOVED Ava and Esme fighting. I was like Go Ava. Go Ava.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...