Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Scout Turns One

I did watch half today-- 

Julian sent a giant bear to Scout's birthday. Molly and Sam are pissed.  They think it's to butter up to Alexis. 

Mike to Michael "I won't be able to remember one day, you'll have to remember for me" SOBBING. I love Max Gail in this!! 

Julian's.. all this crud about Charles' Street. That I don't care about it anymore. He's done something and then calls for a hazmat team??  Oh the sewer is backing up--THANKS Harvey. No party for the kids

Ava dropped the charges.... she wrangled a bargain with Ava. Using a kid hostage. Kiki calls her out on it. Ava's like: Sorry, not Sorry. 

Carly's telling Mike's girlfriend that he has Alzehimer's. Rita's  not going to take care of him with the disease-- she's a bartender, they are not married and she can't handle it.  I don't blame her. She's leaves. 

Franco and Kevin. Kevin thinks Franco and Drew shouldn't search for the truth together. I can see it now: Ship name: FREW!! or DRANO if you don't like them :) 

END: Franco meets Drew IN THE GH STAIRWELL. I kid you not. LMAO Eesh!! 

Mea Culpa life!! OUT Of control!! It was the end of the month yesterday (well, today but I had to do paperwork) and today I have to file it all so--NO GH again!! I need an assistant to watch for me.I guess that's what Sonya does!! 

I see Anna is going to Brussels? I think she's looking for the midwife when she gave birth?? Is there really an earthquake or was that a joke? LOL.. I don't even know because of TILLY GIRL and MY LIFE.  Oh, it's real! Just saw the promo!! hee hee 

Port Charles had an Earthquake...1991!!  Robert was on the case! 

Kathleen Gati posted this on Twitter yesterday to her "son" ..wahhhhh!

Have a good one-- it's nice here...feels like spring but..storm coming Thursday because, well. Rochester. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Militant White Girl

First off, thank you so much for calling me militant. At my age it's just a compliment. Secondly, let me explain something to you. I've watched soaps since the beginning day ONE of AMC. Every soap star male looked the same. Same hair, same chiseled face...same ol' same ol. When Jesse came on I was so happy to see some diversity! I lived in an entirely white town. I saw these people ALL.THE TIME. I knew other types of  were out there so when they came to the soaps, it was wonderful.  OLTL always cast unique looking people. Luna was not a traditional beauty nor was Todd. Back then, if someone looked anything but middle of the road white-bread, they were  the bad guys. Even if someone had 'longer hair' they were a bit on the 'edge'.  

Soaps have the opportunity to mirror society. Soaps also have the stage to have all types of people on. When OLTL featured an Indian couple it was grand!  GH has a cast the size of a small city. Having yet another character on that looks like all the rest is just disappointing. 

I'm not making them a target-- (or old white men that I know of) but I am one to bring up the fact that daytime could do WAY BETTER in the casting department when it comes to giving us a variety. 

Have a great one. It's always a pleasure. 

Monday, February 26, 2018


Payphone. Can the wardrobe department go to DSW and get the ladies on this show some damn boots? And NOT Sam-type boots either. Carly standing the snow on the side of the road, in HEELS? SO stupid. And, PS...set people THERE IS NO GREEN HERE UNLESS IT'S PINE TREES. Ummm kay? 
Jason finds some homeless guy who says he saw someone use the phone and it was a 'dude'--ergo-- Nelle probably paid him off.  
Carly tells Jason more about Morgan's death. There's way too much Morgan talk in this episode. 

Charlie's Pub. Joss is being a bitch to Jules. Brad comes in to tell him that he and Lucas are adopting.  They want Jules to say he has nothing to do with the family. 

Joss gets shoes from Nello-- Hellooo Nello. She thinks her mom might be mad.  oh BOOM! Nelle wants to name her baby Morgan?? AHAHAA. One point for Nelle.  Joss tries to talk her out of it. Nell's not saying anything. She does want Joss to go to her baby shower. Joss says yes. 

Oscar needs to be the trans person. Or at least Genderfluid. That's the only way it can go and make me care. 

Mike is at the PCPD. Sonny's trying to get him out of jail. TELL ME THAT'S NOT HARRY CHASE. Please. With all the people in all world-- with all the 'looks' in LA -- you choose THIS guy? Nothing against clean-cut princely white guy but COME ON. 
Sonny begs for Mike to be let go for the night. Dante finally comes in. Dante finds out Mike has Alzheimer's.  Sonny leaves. Dante promises to stay with Mike all night. Dante gets mad at the new guy for not being nicer. 

Sonny goes home and tells Carly and Jason. Really good stuff from Maurice. A change of material makes a difference. 

Ava and Griffin. Ava: "I love you". Griffin: "ummm" This is so BORING!!  

ENDING: yep..Nelle paid off that guy with a case of Vodka lol 

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Sunday Surgery: Blind Trust

Ok, so I didn't watch the show this week--you think that will stop me posting? No way!! It's going to be a photo capture and my trying to guess the dialog!! See how well I do. Yes, I do know some things that happened but not many. 

It's the end of my break week and I got basically 1/2 of the things done I wanted to. I guess half is better than none, right?? 

CONGRATS to GH on their 14,000 show on Friday--wow. An achievement for sure.  I love Roger's pose up there! 

Friday, February 23, 2018

Notes and News

TODAY MARKED 14K Episodes! 

So, my break is going very well- but I have sneaked on Twitter to see some things happening on the show. I am doing Sunday Surgery blind however, because it's too fun to just grab photos and try to imagine the dialog!! I did hear that Dante got a new partner. Harrison Chase. Or Ol' HARRY Chase.  I'll bitch about that later. Brad was on (sans Lucas natch)... um.. oh, the election was held (even tho I had no clue it was going to happen in 4.5 seconds) and Nedly won. People are still fighting about  JaSam and Dream.. ugh. WILL it never END?  

It's been a weird week. When you don't go on vacation you think you have all the time in the world until everyone starts visiting THE PUPPY-- and you have 900 errands to run and you're trying to do all the things you wanted to: 
and it's FRIDAY!  EESH, already?? 

Tillie is great and growing. Had her 2nd puppy class last week. She's the smallest of all the dogs and by that, I mean she's basically a rabbit next to massive hulks! Tillie holds her own though and LOVES playing with any doggie. 

OK! Hope you are well and not watching too much of the news because, let's face it, we could all just start drinking and never stop. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Feb Break Time

I guess I forgot to inform you that this is my break week-- I have so many people coming to see THE PUPPY, I feel like I gave birth! LOL... I have make-up sessions to complete this week as well plus a lot of things to do that hit the 2pm hour. So.... I don't think I'll be watching much GH This week! I'll try to catch up one night enough to do a Sunday Surgery. 

Hope things are going well for you. It's National PET DAY and that means you get a new picture of Miss Matilda or..."Tornado Tillie"!! 

I hope I'm not missing anything stellar on the show?? I haven't even been able to read comments. Tillie hates it when I'm on the laptop. OY! 

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Sunday Surgery: Foot Rubs

May all of our Mamas comfort us like Ava does Kiki

In a week where our show was interrupted by horrific news, I was considering not posting a recap today because it all seems so pointless. Acting as if yet another tragedy hasn't happened hardly seems right. Life never stops for these things--although it feels like it should. I'll be brief... 

Friday, February 16, 2018


Ava isn't answering Griffin' calls ... Ava is taking care of Kiki --she rubbing her feet awwww... Kiki goes to GH to do her shift. 

Mike is being "dragged" to GH by Sonny for a check up. Dr. David Bensch is there (I thought he was off the show--seriously it's been in forever) He wants to do lab work and tests. But I tells Mike it's probably Fatigue (I think to humor him and get him to do the tests).  Dr. Bensch consults with Griffin and Griffin asks Sonny if Mike was confused. Sonny thinks a minute and says yes. Griffin wants to do 1:1 cognitive testing with Mike.  Sonny's in the room while he asks some questions. Mike gets the short term memory ones wrong. 

Jason is at Carly's for Coffee. 
Anna is at law office for Faison's reading of the will. Killy walks in-- Anna's like: Wha?  Oh, over at Carly's we find out that Jason is also in the will. Diane comes in to get a paper from Carly and is all "YOU need to get over to the will reading". Jason says "I want nothing from him"! Diane tells him he needs to go. 
SO! Finally everyone is in the office.
Faison leaves the following:

Britt: "The sandbags that once lined the estate because you've been a weight on my neck for years" LOL...
Drew: The one thing you want the most "your past memories"
Jason:  Ok, this got tricky but it came down to the fact that each could get their memories back if one killed the other.

Nelle gets Monica on her side by telling her that Carly's been mean and making her anxious. Monica is very sympathetic. She goes over to Carly's and tells her to BACK OFF of Nelle.  Carly bitches, then throws Monica out.  Monica tells her she's throwing Nelle a baby shower. 

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Want some Coffee

Alexis and Silas--she's talking about Jules and he's talking about Anna. 

Anna and Maddox--she tells him she had a baby with Faison. Anna says she has to confide in one person-- besides Maddox.   We don't find out who that is. 

Drunk Kiki and Spinelli --she kisses him. OMG--Kiki has her own apartment now???

Ava waiting for Griffin She's got rose petals out.  BUT! Spinelli calls GH and Amy tells Griffin so you know he's going over there to help Kiki and Ava will find out about it.
YEP..Amy tells her that Griffin went over to Kiki's. Ava's furious.

Mike is working at Kelly's....he used to work there so-- he thinks he still does. Totally dementia/alzheimers. The poor worker is trying to get Mike away from behind the counter and Mike gets pissed. Mike drops the coffee pot.  The waitress is named Mara--someone found it on the TV description! She was the one that was snarky to Ava after Ava dissed her. I love her. :) 

GH interrupted due to School Shooting update.  I have no words on this.

Back to GH: 

Nelle calls Michael to tell him his grandfather is at Kelly's and in trouble. Sonny comes over an and smooths things. Mike says he hasn't been "sleeping well lately". Aw, looks lost/confused.

Ava's bitching at Griffin a lot she's at Kiki's "Why didn't you call me" yada yada...they make up.

At Kelly's Anna sees Silas and Alexis. Diane comes in and tells Anna Faison left her some of his estate. 

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Thank You For Killing Faison

Says Robin... she's with Jason today. She also says she's surprised that Sam married Drew and she knows Sam loves Jason.

Sonny's home.  Mike's visiting, Sonny wants to keep an eye on him. Robin comes by and hugs Mike. Mike has a dizzy spell. She asks him when his next check up was. Mike thinks Sonny did it--set him up. Gets cranky mad. 

Friz might have their wedding at Ava's Gallery. Ava's giving it to them for a gift. Later, Nelle brings roses from Griffin. Nelle's all jelly--wish she had a man that loved her.  Michael stops by and tells her he's selling her apartment building. 

Later Friz goes into Kelly's with Jake. Jake won an art trophy. Jake asks Jason "Are you coming to the wedding"? Awkward.  Franco points out that Jason is a murderer too and it happened after HE had a head injury, just like Franco had his tumor.  Jason says, yeah, good try but you're still going to pay for what you did.  Liz comes by later and tells him everyone has moved on but him, maybe he should too. 

Kimmy gets Drew over to the apt to tell him about Drew's fight. That kid that's being bullied "Identifies as a girl"... I heard that  yesterday. If GH wanted to be cutting edge, should have been binary. But...?  Drew and she talk about when they met. She was getting roughed up by some guy in a bar and Drew swooped in and 'saved' her. 

Yes, I'm here

HELLO FROM PUPPY LAND!! OMG-- I am totally exhausted by 2:00!!  So... let me's GH after the funeral?

Sorry I'm absent! Blame that Tillie girl!! 

Oh, GH won The Writer's Guild Award for Daytime Drama. 

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Sunday Surgery: Heart and Soul

There's really only one thing to talk about this week and that's Friday's show.  The rest of the episodes? Meh.  Nothing to write home about, that's for sure! 

So, let's get started, it's mostly going to be some nice photos of the funeral and my praising the acting.  By the way,  my eyes were swollen all night and I got a crying headache!! 

Saturday, February 10, 2018

John Gavin has died

John Gavin, Constance Towers husband since 1974 has passed away in their Beverly Hills home his manager has confirmed.  John starred in "Imitation of Life" , "Spartacus" and "Psycho". He later became the US diplomat to Mexico under then president, Ronald Reagan.  Thoughts and wishes go out to Connie and her family. 

Friday, February 9, 2018

Friday Funeral -- Amazing

Nice opening sequence with close ups of people/places while Valerie says "Last Watch" -- 

Everyone goes to the funeral-- Spinelli is there. Frisco "Couldn't get away"... Maxie wants a minute alone in the apartment. She looks at the blood spattered photo of the ultrasound. FLASHBACK to first time she saw Nathan. Damn, Ryan P is gorgeous! 
OMG!!!!!!! GEORGIE Shows up!! She 'comforts" Maxie. Tells her she doesn't need anyone to save her, she has the inner strength. 

Nice Dr. O Franco scene--and Anna and Nina one too.

GAH.. Nina's eulogy is HEARTBREAKING!! Wow, Michelle was stellar. I haven't cried like this for a soap in years. The whole thing was done SO WELL. wow.  Dante folding the flag,reading the "final inspection" poem.  Presenting the flag to Maxie.  Amazing Grace on the bagpipes!

The graveyard scenes felt so raw and real. Geesh. I'm a mess. MESS HAVE TO WATCH THIS. I'm not spoiling the ending just yet but I did sob. 

At The Floating Rib Spinelli sings "Danny Boy" chokes up and Amy helps him finish. 
Lulu finally goes over to Maxie and Maxie tells her she should be sorry because "you killed him". Ut oh..
KUDOS to GH because that was a remarkable show. I straight up sobbed and I really don't do that often.  I'm exhausted.  

Kristina Wagner tweeted this--"Ryan takes the cake"!! At least they gave him a great send off! 

Thursday, February 8, 2018

WUBS update

Oh boy--so I hear that Valentin knows some stuff about Henrick. Not surprised. Don't care-- but not surprised. 

I'm still on a semi-break because of darling dimple dog Tillie. It's so great to not watch TV as much (and you know I watch TV!!) It's also the time of year my reports are starting to be due so I'm busy  right after work. 

Here are some of my thoughts: 

**Kevin is in the whole Mind-Mapping Ring, may even have the disco-ball. 
**Mike has Dementia
**Nelle will end up living at the Qs. Just a feeling. Monica will encourage it

Things I don't really care about: 

Julian/Kim/Alexis/Finn musical dance
Ava (sorry) and Griffin
Kiki and whatever
Started to not care about the mayor thing. I think they had to re-write a lot because of Genie leaving so the momentum is gone. 
Henrick and Anna--I don't care. Sad, but true. 
Whatever Lulu is doing
and...most of all:  I DON'T CARE WHO SAM CHOOSES.  UGH tired story

Tomorrow is Nathan's funeral, I'll try to watch that.  Mike's story could be intriguing but it should have been Bobbie or Monica.  Drew's past memories also interest me as does Nelle making Carly cranky. 

Other Stuff: 
I saw 32 Pills on HBO--good documentary if you like those. Finished Season 2 of the Travelers. Light fare for NetFlix but I enjoyed it a lot.  The only shows I'm watching on regular TV are The Middle, Blackish, The Alienist and VersaceSneaky Pete is back next month on Amazon. yeah!! 

Some News/Notes: 
Ron Hale is retired from acting so didn't want to come back to GH, so-that's why there's a recast 
Kim McCollough reported she is back home after the devastating fires in her area of CA. 
Kirsten Storms IG'd that she's NOT pregnant in real life. 
OMG we are getting a LOBSTER Emoji with the next update!! Alberta is thrilled. 

Ok, Enjoy the day!  Thank you for the Amazon orders over the holidays! I hope I can catch up on this week  enough to do Surgery on Sunday. 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018


Robin's home!  She's there for Maxie but is glad Faison is dead. She sees Anna looking online and is curious. Robin says she hates Obrect but she gets why Dr. O gave up Nathan. Robin says there will be 'peace' now. Robin wonders where Finn is. 

Alexis has a smear commercial out on her by the opposition--all about her private life.  Alexis takes Finn to go register to vote. Please keep these two friends ONLY! Thank you.  But they go out to lunch after at the Rib (ugh). Guess who walks in? Jules and Kimmy! 

Mike says he dropped off the money -- Sonny doesn't believe him. Maybe Mike has dementia? Sonny's going to help Mike and make some phone calls.  Sonny tells him not to work for Caruso. They have a scotch.  Mike talks about Courtney--instead of Carly. YEP!! He's got dementia!! :) NICE. I want Sonny to have it (like The Fear) but this will do.  You know, if Bobbie had it, it would involve a LOT MORE people and we'd care. 
So, Mike goes to get the guest room ready for Sonny and Sonny finds the money in Mike's Cuban cigar box. He thinks he's lying. I think Mike forgot. 

Dante is cleaning out Nate's desk. Aunt Stella got arrested. She was seen assaulting a man--she says he was trying to steal her purse. He says she attacked him when he tried to help her when the streetlights went out.  So, Jordan calls Curtis to clear it up you know the PCPD.  Jordan tells the guy to not press charges because he's on parole and not a good idea.

END: Dante keeps Nathan's Yankees Mug (Thank GOD he wasn't a Mets fan)!! Anna and Robin go to Floating Rib and see Finn with Alexis. 

General Hospital: Could It BE?

OK, so that's the phone on the left that was shown when the disco ball was hidden-- and that's KEVIN'S DESK. Hmmmmm, Thanks to Angela on twitter for the pics! I said before, any guy walking around with a brain in the JAR might be suspect.
Kevin also said the words "disco ball"yesterday--so... ??? Hmmmmm.. 

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sunday Surgery: Brainiacs

YEP.. it's Faison's Brain in a Jar. 

This week's GH restored some faith although I'm still mad at the entire Genie thing. (I'll get to that later) With my new puppy watching is interesting lol. I get home some days just as the show starts to I have to get her and play and and do all that stuff!! Having a puppy is exhausting!! 

Ok, enough about my adorable dog. Let's get to the show!! It was an emotional week that had me using kleenex left and right. Phew! 

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Friday's GH

Maxies' dream. Sad--- when you wake up and realize it's REAL!! ughhhhh. Kirsten is doing so well. I liked she and Nina too. I'm glad Ryan wanted to leave on his own too and wasn't just let go.  Nina and she yell, cry..hug. ugh... 
Naxie flashbacks..gah

Loved the waitress at Kelly's!! OMG she was perfect! When Ava acted all high and mighty to her she just had the best faces!! Yes, I do think 

Nelle and Carly!! WHOOT!!!  Loved the fight--good old school stuff. The shove they gave each other at the end was priceless. 

Mike is gambling-- Sonny's gotta go get Mike!!  WoJo is going to be on!! 

Drew.. LORD. Angry boy...he's just always angry.  He's driving me a little nuts. They have to find that disco ball flash drive to get Drew's memory back. 

Nelle and Ava having an Anti-Carly talk. OMG I'm going to have and Anti-Carly talk. She's just a mouth. LOVE SAM! TAKE JASON WITH YOU! You were in a MENTAL HOSPITAL. Um, Carly YOU WERE IN THERE like 2x!! MORGAN was in one! Geesh!!

Are they trying Michael and Kiki again?? Hmmmmmmmm.. 

Friday, February 2, 2018

Important WUBS News!

Most of you remember Gus. He would watch GH with me daily, star in my Periscope GH videos and had a great IG account.  It's been a year and a half since Gus has been gone and we finally decided to bring a new joy into the house! 


Introducing Matilda "TILLIE" !! She's 2 months old, a rescue and a Bischon Maltese mix (Multshon) that we adopted yesterday. She's just wonderful and getting used to our family. Having a puppy again is exhausting! She's been here less than 24 hours and I'm ready to have 8 Tylenol and sleep for days! 

She will be a big addition to the blog and to my life. Who knows if she'll let me watch GH when I want to! If updates are spotty, blame Miss Matilda!  That's my news-- hope to see you later! 

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Brains For Lunch

Franco and Scotty..eating and talking in Kelly's about the wedding and Franco's bad self-esteem. Adorable. 
Then, Franco goes to GH and feeds Liz those little cutie oranges while they talk about Ryan --Kevin's evil twin. WAY TOO MUCH RYAN TALK LATELY!! 

Sam and Jason talking about Faison dying.  Sam tells Jason she grieved him forever... and ever here he is. She feels sorry for Maxie. Then DREW comes back. 

Nelle gives Joss the Cartulo dress she wants. Carly is mad. Carly knows Nelle went to a mental institution and taunts her. Um, girl--didn't YOU go to Ferncliff like 2x?? 

Kevin going into the morgue while some guy cuts into Faison's skull so he can study his brain?! HUH? LOL.. YEP....he takes a brain away in a jar!!! Later--OMG, Kevin walks into his office, leaves the brain on his desk while he eats a burger!! Then Franco walks in, and says "Um, there's a brain on your desk" ! "That can't help the Yelp ratings"!!!  Franco tells him he started murdering when he was 3 lol. Kevin "hold all my calls".

Anna and Sonny argue about how to handle Heinrick-- he wants to basically get the info out of him and Anna wants to "debrief" him first. Sonny senses it's PERSONAL with Anna. UGHHHHHH
I hope they don't go there!!! 

END: Anna's in the morgue with Faison. JUST WATCH IT. I'm not saying anything. Nope. JUST watch IT. 

Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...