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YEP.. it's Faison's Brain in a Jar. |
This week's GH restored some faith although I'm still mad at the entire Genie thing. (I'll get to that later) With my new puppy watching is interesting lol. I get home some days just as the show starts to I have to get her and play and and do all that stuff!! Having a puppy is exhausting!!
Ok, enough about my adorable dog. Let's get to the show!! It was an emotional week that had me using kleenex left and right. Phew!

Lesil, What are you doing?
Why I'm enjoying the gas lepchin! Good stuffs!!
Ok, so Lulu and Dr O took the tunnels and got out of the stables. They didn't know about the Nathan Faison situation yet. When they found out, everyone ran to GH.

Oh, good old GH--back in the bullet operation business!! BUT--Lucas evaporated from last week which was GLARLINGLY obvious-- I mean come on. All of a sudden it's Griffin? Oy. Whatever. So-- both Faison and Nathan get operated on--we see them in tandem, then they are put into rooms to wait and see what happens.

Welp. They BOTH die. We saw Nathan slip away then Faison was trying to get to this call button and bit it overnight (we didn't see it). Nathan's death was of course painful and drawn out so he could say 'goodbye' to everyone. He even felt the baby move! GAH!! It was heartbreaking. KS and RP were SO great. Everyone was wonderful. Michelle, Dom-- Kathleen--everyone!!

Who was a revelation? Peter August. Geesh-- he's been so bland and in my opinion, not the most 'engaging' actor out there. BUT! At Faison's bedside? He came alive...and it was pretty cool to watch. Now, Anders Hove did a spectacular job at making it feel like he was really anxious and frightened with Pete in the room. Yes, they knew each other and if you go back and look at the scenes in Crimson, it was implied but not said.

Brains in a Jar!? Yep! We got one!! It seems Dr. Kevin is going to study killer's brains. Since Faison was handy, he had the pathologist just cut his out. HUGE weird thing though..when Anna goes in to "talk" to a dead Fiason, he only has chest scars-- NO damn anything on his head? HUH? Maybe they shot it out of sequence?? Anyhoo--Franco goes to Kev's office and notices the brain on the desk. He should have said "hey, brain, have you met my tumor"?? LOL. Kevin was eating lunch! I guess the brain study is going forward; Franco the living subject Faison the dead one. (Is Faison REALLY dead?? I'm not even counting out that he's not, btw) Loads of Ryan Chamberlain talk --loads of it. Makes me go Hmmmmmmmm?? Is Ryan hanging out somewhere? Is Kevin Ryan? Remember, Ryan blew up in the "Fun House"--but you know--this is GH.
**Side note: anyone else find it ironic that JL has a storyline as Kevin just when Genie leaves the damn show?? I would have loved to have seen her reaction to "the Brain".

YES..Anna went to talk to a dead Faison laying on a slab. Very good scene--palpable in Anna's fear. rage, relief that he was dead. Then the big reveal came, and Anna says Heinrich is their son. We kinda knew something like that was going to happen--and there it is. Now, since Peter is Heiney--I think about Anna and Faison's height and just laugh! REALLY? Um...okay. Rumors say Anna goes to search for the midwife that birthed Heinrich. (or a baby)
** NOTE: After getting some notices on Twitter it seems other people think that Anna has ANOTHER kid hidden from Faison somewhere. I was assuming it was Heinrich. She would have given him up for adoption at birth, and not have known that Faison found out somehow (but not that she was the mother). Lesil knew because she had Britt and was keeping tabs on Faison. But--I don't really know. That's just how I interpreted things. You??

Subtle surprise for me? Jordan scenes. Loved Aunt Stella just yelling about her heat when Jordan gets the call. Her telling all the officers Nathan died and her strength in the moment. When she walked into GH totally shattered, looking wobbly and pained, I just felt it. Liked Curtis talking to Lulu at Kelly's --then driving her to the hospital. He was there for she and for Jordan.

Ok, now we come to the let-down of the week. What am I talking about? The whole "Why did you take me, Faison"??
During a reveal that should have been pretty exciting and maybe given some closure, I was just like..... well... that was a sad-horn. Morgan fixed his steely blue eyes on Faison... said some stuff and we had 'the story'. Seems that Faison took Morgan to turn him into an "assasin" he could use -- but because of Jason's brain damage (thank you, AJ!! you never got any credit for that, now you can!) couldn't mind-program him. What to do...what to do. Picture this: Faison is surfing the net (yes, yes he was). He's smoking many mini-cigar ciggs. All of a sudden POOF! out of the blue he finds a Jason Morgan clone looking up at him from a S.E.A.L. team!! What are the odd? So....ol' Cesar, he decides to take Drew and do the switcher-oo. Helena took it from there and programmed her 'soldier boy' on the Island. Faison thought Morgan would be killed but "the traitor" (who we now know is Heinrich) didn't do it! Why?
No one knows yet.

Guess who's pissy about this? Yep-- Grouchy Drew who had yet another reason to be resting-bitch face when he got back from his honeymoon. He's not happy he was cut out of the SaSon Detective Agency and that no one told him about Heiny. Oh well... good reason to continue to be mad next week too!

Friday gave us Maxie having a wonderful dream about Nathan being alive, then crashing into reality. Nina came over to console and weep with her. They looked at funeral pamphlets and were perfect as sister in laws. I hope this will keep going forward. If you didn't know, Nate's funeral will be this Friday....Feb. 9th.

ORGAN OF THE WEEK: You guessed it...

PROP OF THE WEEK: Nathan's BAG--- Amy delivered it to Maxie and when Maxie went through it--it was heartbreaking.

SADNESS OF THE WEEK: OMG--who didn't look at the blood stained ultrasound photo and NOT just lose it??

SHOCK OF THE WEEK: When he sat up, I swear I thought: OMG he manufactured this WHOLE thing and even those stitches on his chest were fake?? But no-- those meanies in the writing department got me!! Kudos to Anders and Finola!! Wow.. they were just so on-point! I think the editing did this wrong--Kevin got the brain AFTER this scene happened, hence no scars on Faison's head.

FOOD FUN: Watching Scotty and Todd-Franco eat always makes me swoon! Fun scene and Scott is going to be Franco's best man. Anytime we get to see RoHo and Kin is a win!
Other take-aways: JaSam will be having eye-sex and flashbacks until the end of time. Yep. Kiki and Michael chem test?? Ava's still groveling for 2 minutes with her daughter, Avery. Nelle and Carly had an epic-half smackdown at the Metro. It was perfect in every soapy way. I see Robin is coming (maybe for Maxie and funeral?) and Brad is supposed to make an appearance but I'm not sure when. Obvs too hard to get him when LUCAS was there.

Karen, thanks for a truly great SS, glad you and Tillie are getting along!
ReplyDeleteThe reason they gave for Heinny keeping Jason alive was that he wanted to use Jason to kill his father "when the time was right." That is what I remember hearing--so either you missed it or I am hearing things . . . :)
Maybe it is because I am a guy, but...
ReplyDeleteHow does a woman "forget" that she was pregnant and gave birth to a child? I remember when Monica told Alan that she forgot she had a daughter named Dawn. And now Anna forgets that she gave birth to a son? Now we are to believe that Anna has more children we never heard of?
I don't get it.
ps. they conveniently wiped away the Dawn character as Monica never, ever mentions her when she gives her litany of dead children once a year
Looks like “the brain” is bigger than Faison’s head
ReplyDeleteExcellent SS! Really great performances for the week. That brain was huge and Faison’s head did look intact. Maybe he is someone else with a mask. Kevin is acting strange and his hair is different. Maybe Anna just wanted not to keep a Faison child-understandable.
I worried that we have another massive storyline dud on our hands. They 1."nonchalantly" tell us how Kevin is a messed up man, 2. Kevin has Faison's brain, 3. the memory mapping program is missing(Heiny has it, my guess).
ReplyDeleteI worry they will do a weird brain transplant/memory mapping with Faison's brain(simular to Get Out), so that Faison will somehow "live on", without AH protraying him.
David - I feel you. If bugs the crap out of me that Monica never mentions Dawn. On a side note, it's interesting how Steve Burton and Sharon Case were "together" as Dylan and Sharon on Y&R. Pre-SB Jason, Sharon Case was his sister Dawn #2, although Jason and Dawn were not blood-related.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to know yet whether this child of Anna's will be a result of her time as a double-agent with the DVX when Faison was her boss (pre-GH) or her lost years after she, Robert, and Faison were assumed dead after the boat explosion. However, this wouldn't be the first child she kept a secret from the father - Robert didn't even know he had a daughter (Robin) when Anna arrive to Port Charles. On another side-note, I have fond memories of Anna in the 80's, especially her run-ins with Celia and how Celia despised her because because of coming between her friend BFF Holly and Robert...lol.
GH is a total disappointment these days.
ReplyDeleteKS was astounding, but it just shows GH does not give time to its "supporting cast" cause too much time is spent focusing on Sonny & family.
I am totally saddened and pissed off about the Genie situation, especially now that Kevin is getting a story. What sense does that make? I think there's a lot more here than meets the eye. But TPTB seem to be ignoring fan reaction which is still going strong. I hope--really hope--there are consequences--on the level of what happened to Guza, JFP & Frons.
Oh the quiet moment Nathan kissed Maxie and his sister as a ghost and they both felt it but didn't overplay the scene. Gutted me. I don't even really watch the show anymore. I read about it and find clips on YouTube that sound interesting after I read the spoiler. I ended up watching a whole bunch of Nathan and Maxie clips yesterday just to feel worse I guess.
ReplyDeleteAntJoan said...
ReplyDeleteThe reason they gave for Heinny keeping Jason alive was that he wanted to use Jason to kill his father "when the time was right." That is what I remember hearing--so either you missed it or I am hearing things . . . :
** Yeah, that's the reason he gave. Accounting for a few changes over the course of 3 different writing teams, I thought it was a reasonable enough explanation. There weren't any huge holes in logic. If I have any complaint with the explanation, is that it was pretty mundane/simple overall for something Faison would be involved with. He's always had much more flair, than this.
david said...
ReplyDeleteps. they conveniently wiped away the Dawn character as Monica never, ever mentions her when she gives her litany of dead children once a year
** They haven't, every once in awhile Monica will mention her. It's just that the character was pretty much universally disliked, as to why she's hardly ever brought up, is all.
LSV422 said...
ReplyDeleteThat brain was huge and Faison’s head did look intact. Maybe he is someone else with a mask. Kevin is acting strange and his hair is different. Maybe Anna just wanted not to keep a Faison child-understandable
** While reading through the latest issue of SID earlier today, near the front in the "news" section there's a piece that's about a page and a half in total with Anders Hove talking about his return and such. How much fun he's had and what not. Near the end, things get quite interesting. Nothing set in stone (of course). But, the way things are worded, I can't see any other way to read it than: This isn't the last we've seen of Faison. (And not just the way they've done with Helena (flashbacks and hallucinations)..As far as Anna having a child with Faison, I really don't wanna even think about going down that road. But, it is absolutely feasible if it occurred during her double agent days, but not the "presumed dead" period. As that entire time she was staying with an old hermit/fisherman type person, and being cared for. She was in no condition at all to do so. It wasn't until he came across Alex and brought her to where he was living, that Alex could treat her well enough that she was physically healthy enough to leave, and accompany Alex back to PV. She was nowhere even remotely capable to do much of anything at all physicaly, for certain.
** They're DEFINITELY paving the way to do something with Ryan. My guess is Kevin will have/has had another mental breakdown of some sort, and thinks that's who he is again. (Like the last time he did, near the end of PC's run.)
Yes, they have mentioned Ryan SOOO many times, that definitely foreshadows something . . . And Carly mentioned Brenda (who sent Joss the dress), so maybe my Brenda is coming back? I had read something somewhere that she might, but they're ALWAYS speculating that VM is coming back to GH . . .
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Vanessa Marcil, she's pregnant with a girl. 😊
DeleteMichelle, I just read the other day that VM had a miscarriage, her 7th :( I hope that what you read means she is now pregnant again . . .
ReplyDeleteWhat I heard...read, whatever it was, was recent. They said after 6 miscarriages she was finally pregnant and it was a girl. Possibly due in March???
Delete😢 I just did a search for Vanessa and yes sadly just days after announcing miracle baby she has in fact lost her. So sad....
DeleteTilly is just about the most adorable doggy ever! I lost my 17 yr old Westie a couple years ago and cannot seem to stop grieving him, my dearest buddy. I want a doggy like yours so much--but it would have to be old like me, because these days I could never keep up with a pup.
ReplyDeleteIt seems fans are still VERY upset about Genie, but I don't see that anger or grief or frustration over Ryan. There is something so odd about how sudden and abrupt the Genie let-go happened, like her story was just getting interesting and something happened backstage we know nothing about. There has not been an explanation yet. The studio and show seem to just go along as if it amounted to nothing, but fans are angry enough we are owed some sort of reason! Still it could be something very personal... But, damn, Genie was important and super talented and the character an icon for GH...
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ReplyDeleteMichelle Latta said...
ReplyDelete😢 I just did a search for Vanessa and yes sadly just days after announcing miracle bab she has in fact lost her. So sad....
** There was a small paragraph in the news section of last weeks ABC SID that must've gone to press before she announced that, then. As it said this time it it was looking like she might be able to carry girl all the way. That was the most recent word on it I'd seen. That really is awful. She most definitely doesn't deserve to have to go through it all over again.
soaplover said...
ReplyDeleteIt seems fans are still VERY upset about Genie, but I don't see that anger or grief or frustration over Ryan. There is something so odd about how sudden and abrupt the Genie let-go happened, like her story was just getting interesting and something happened backstage we know nothing about. There has not been an explanation yet. The studio and show seem to just go along as if it amounted to nothing, but fans are angry enough we are owed some sort of reason! Still it could be something very personal... But, damn, Genie was important and super talented and the character an icon for GH...
** I can answer that in one word: money. The show's budget has been hacked up and whittled down so much. The networks themselves could care less. It's sickening, but the funding isn't there at all. It's a VERY different thing going on behind the scenes, than it was even 10 years ago. I hate to say it, but the main reason GH is even on the air these days is because FV knows how to do things on a shoestring budget. This time, he went WAY TOO FAR. I started watching GH in the late 70s, and was a HUGE L&L fan, she's always meant quite a bit to me. Sadly though, the networks these days don't give a damn about soaps anymore. The ONLY reason Y&R and B&B don't look like GH & DAYS do, is the Bell family still has VERY tight control over them. I am SO hoping that there is something going on BTS with GH right now, trying to get things worked out.