Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Box Car Days


Ah... I had a good ol' nostalgia-fest this week with LL2. Early days of their relationship were magic and I for one am enjoying reliving them. I'm sure there will be plenty of time for revisiting the 'bad' LL2 years but for now, I'm happy. 
If you know the Box Car reference, then sit next to me!! *Sing "Box Car Days" to Wang Chung's Dance Hall Days 

We only had 3 days this week so I'm hoping to get through it quickly!! Grab something and let's GO GO. 

ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM: How can we watch any Sam scenes and not feel...sad/mad/anxious? It's tough, that's for sure. While I think the last few years with her character have been lack-luster, Sam McCall of old was great. I will miss her and the Davis girl connection. Her scenes with Jason and Dante were poignant for sure. 

WUBSY'S NEW SHIP:  RAva * or RIVa  here I COME!! OMG don't they look SO PRETTY TOGETHER? Can you imagine Sonny blowing his top if they got together. Especially if Ric drives hard with the custody case!! Maura looks fabulous lately, doesn't she? Ava needs a great story and this could be zexy and fun. 

WE'RE LUCKY:  I know he's not everyone's cup of tea but this just harkens back to days of old. Little Lucy going to see Ruby at Kelly's...gah!! The Liz and Lucky conversation was a goodie and I liked the addition of the BLT. I almost expected Emily and Nikolas to walk in!! Yes, Lucky turned into a jerk. Yes, we had the Greg V recast which seems like a whole different character. BUT-- when I watched the LL comeback in 1993, I really fell ln love with young JJ and appreciated him growing up on our screen. 

  Yes, he is a very different Lucas than RC was but damn, VH was just "IT". I even liked the Carly scenes!! He wants the PC Tea!! Then there was the whole Brad scene. "I'm not here for you"... gah!! YEP. Liked him and he's a natural. 

:  Portia switched the lab results and is in a panic. WHO IS THERE TO CALM her nerves? AVA!! She know what you do for your child. She'll help Portia through this, right? WELP, I'm not so sure because Ric just called to say Heather has an emergency appeal and might be getting out STAT!! Either way, I'm for Portia/Ava uniting for Trina. 

BYE TO HAT DADDY:  Marshall's going off on a Jazz Tour with Wynton Marsalis and Curtis talked him into it. Who's running The Savoy? Not N'neka who is in grad school (news to us!!). Where's Wu when you need her? Twitter is hoping for Lucky to harken back to the Luke's Club Days. Maybe The Savoy will just fade away? 

  Violet has a bullying incident at school. Now, normally I'd mock this sort of thing but for some reason I liked the scenes. Do I like the fact Finn is still in rehab and hasn't collected her yet? No but it was a cute little interplay about parenting. Brook being called to the principal's office was fun. Chase "I want to tase him" cracked me up. 

  Whatever this is or was supposed to be? It's making me want Adam back stat. 


Sonny says if they don't find the gun, he'll 'turn himself in'. A collective laugh track could be heard around the soap world. 

Lucky makes the rounds; goes to Bobbie's and talks to Elizabeth...hasn't showered yet that we know of...

Sam is happy Lulu is going to be saved. Will probably go dive for that gun soon

Ric tells Ava that Heather might be out really soon--like tomorrow

Portia confesses to changing the lab results, Ava tells her it's not that bad, she's done far worse

Lucas is back to GH, talks with Carly and the tells Brad to keep his distance. They are done

Molly pleads with her mother to let Sonny go down for the count but Alexis has faith the gun will be found to exonerate her. 

Marshall decides to go on tour with Wynton Marsalis, leaving the running of The Savoy up in the air 

PREVIEW PHOTO:  UT OH... Brad, Terry and Portia... um..?? Those lab things coming up already!!? 

NEWS: Genie is due back Oct 9th, next Wednesday. 

THAT'S IT!! I did like the show Thursday and Friday. It felt very put together and flowed nicely. You can tell when care is taken for episodes. There is a lot at work lately and I really with they'd trim the cast some and keep focus. When I saw that Millow is on Monday I had to remind myself what was going on with them. Oh, yeah, the Drew mess. :eyeroll: Can't he just win the election and move already? (Nov is coming!!)  With Lucas back and Isaiah a surgeon maybe the focus will be shifting back to the hospital? One can only hope. 


  1. We liked pretty much the same things: Ric and Ava, NuLucas, Lucky and Liz, and Ava and Portia. I am tempted to say everything is finally moving in the right direction but when I have done that before during the past year, they never seemed to keep it on track.

    Lucky and Elizabeth are a great pairing and I hope it's part of an effort to make the Spencers/Webbers the heart of the show again.

    A Ric and Ava pairing could ignite all sorts of juicy storylines and that is exactly what "GH" needs right now. Sonny would be pissed, Alexis would be suspicious, Molly and Kristina would fight more. Pull the trigger and do it, producers!

  2. Thank you for taking your time doing this Karen

    Sure hope LL2 is done right. More flashbacks please.

    Love Genie in that white coat and blue shirt.

    Ava and Ric could be fun if done right. Don't want Ric with Liz again; he looks like he could be Liz's father with the white hair. lol

    1. Huh, I just looked it up. Rebecca Herbst is 5 years older than Jonathon Jackson. 47, and 42. She doesn't look 47 IMO

    2. That pic is from 2017 I think..I love it too!! and Becky looks 30 LOL

    3. I agree Lindie. Just loved their story way back when. I wish they would show their history.. heck devote part of an episode so newer viewers would understand. It wasn't a passionate relationship "can't stand not to be with you sexy vibe" but so very beautiful none the less. It was pure and safe.

  3. Excellent SS! I am still a sucker for Lucky and Liz. JJ is such a great actor and was from day 1. Love seeing those flashbacks! Ava and Ric could be a great duo! NuLucas is a great recast.

  4. Thanks for another great SS!
    The week was short and sometimes sweet.
    Ava looks wonderful.
    More focus on hospital goings on would be welcome.

  5. Great SS!!! Not looking for Sam's death. Very disappointed in Alexis tanking her newly minted law license for her adult daughter's actions. If Kristina was really experiencing Post-partum Depression and PTSD then a good attorney could get her off! This makes no sense.

  6. ----Lucky could run the Savoy - Lois too cause she has time.....where has Olivia been?
    ----I still think there is a purpose for this Violet storyline.......
    ----wish we had gotten Marshall and Stella saying goodbye
    ------Lucky finally saw Isaiah but I am still working on WHY he saw Sonny......and WHY he hasn't showered.........I first thought Lucky wouldn't be a match and then Charlotte would come back...
    ----not missed: Drew and Willow/anything Lucy/anything Natalia---don't care for Holly
    -----I am gearing myself up for the pious hypocritical Anna back in town with all "I WILL bring Sonny down for Cates murder".......sigh
    ------So KM last scene filmed September 27 - 6 or 7 weeks ahead means November sweeps so I think Sam DOES find the gun/Alexis is freed but feels guilty that Sam died for her and starts drinking again......
    -----WHERE will Danny live? I saw board school somewhere...
    Good week for sure

  7. I still don't understand why they are killing off Sam. If it is for "budgetary reasons" (because they have re-hired Steve and Jonathan) there are so many others to choose from (Sasha, Willow, Drew, Portia).

    And, on top of that, they are ridding us of Sam, but bringing back Lulu and Lucas. And added Gio????? (Who seems like a completely useless character). If anything, I would prefer a storyline of Lulu waking up, having Dante going back to her to help her recover, and having Sam leave PC because of this. But KILLING the character seems very extreme.


Sunday Surgery: Tie Me UP!

  GH was certainly back to Soap 101 certain times this week! This is when I seriously think at 30 min show would really work. Cut that fat r...