Sunday, October 20, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Medication Needed


I've been on the net for so many years, it's ridiculous. I started in the 90s on the AOL message boards and migrated to Soap Zone. I have never seen a week like this in my lifetime. Message boards: ON FIRE with anger and puzzlement. So, let's take a dive into the world of soaps, shall we? 

I'm thinking get a parachute and some CBD gummies for this one! 

SET UP:  When I Tweet and blog, I react to what I see in the moment. When something is shocking like the Holly-Sasha reveal, I don't have time to run and check clips from You Tube to see if things could be true. Plenty of people are doing that in the timeline so I don't have to!! I've never seen Sasha as a particularly compelling character, even with her drug use and tragic life. Holly's return? Meh, could have done without it. THEN... BOOM!! My whole attention was grabbed and I sat and watched open-mouthed as things unfolded. Literally couldn't wait until Thursday when the Daddy reveal came up. Hearing "Hello Mother" made me spin. ERGO, I loved that moment as  pure soapy drama-grabbing enjoyment. Of course the "Can't be" ...'DNA" and 1992 things blew up. People were howling about it all. Some were so upset she might be kissing her cousin. Ew...incest!!  (don't go back too far in history or you'll die!!). Anyway, for the sheer shock of the moment I got, it was worth all the doubt I may have now. I really DO watch soaps for twists, turns, camp and some evil-doings. So, there it is. 

QUESTIONS:  So, let's go through each of the questions posed by Holly's reveal, shall we? 

Number 1: Sasha pulled her hair out and replaced it with Cody's when Felicia went to test his DNA with Mac's. It showed 0%. If Sasha was his niece, there would be a partial match.  SO, I did a deep dive into Paternity Testing for you all!! Paternity tests come back either 100% or 0%.  So in that way, it is yes or no. Now, I don't think a lab wouldn't say: could be related or whatnot but for the sake of the soap, they did not. Do with that what you will. 

Number 2: In 1992, Robert did leave to find Anna but had asked Holly for a divorce when she reappeared. She wasn't pregnant on screen when Robert was looking for Anna and presumed dead in 1993 and was with Bill Eckart. No pregnancy on screen. Now, could she have had the baby BEFORE coming back to PC in 1992? Not sure how that would shake out. It's a mess for sure. 

Number 3:  All of this leads some people to believe Holly is still lying about who Sasha's father is. I can't figure out why she would but...??? Some think it could be Bill Eckart's. That would make her and Michael 3rd cousins (not as bad as the 1st!). Could also be Taub's--Cody's "not dad".  I think it WILL be Robert.   Robert had a DNA test run through the WSB after his visit with Sasha. He was VERY much not shocked by the way. LOL. He was like: Meh, sounds like Holly!! We both though the other was dead for awhile and... well, there ya go. 

FALLOUT: Sasha went and kissed Cody but pulled back from actually doing anything more. It's interesting we've seen them attempt to have zex on screen but they are always interrupted. Was this why?  Are kissing first cousins going to put everyone off these scenes? Hmmm, not me because I don't really care about them as a couple. I always was hoping they were twins. 

RIC RULES: On to other stories!! Bless the Soapy Universe for bringing Ric Hearst back on our screens. We SO need this character. Ric is the villain we've been missing. PLUS he and Ava sizzle so it's a win-win. Let's hope he decides that his NJ real estate job can be part time! 

DOPEY KRISTINA: Continues to just piss everyone off. I think that might be the one thing we fans all have in common!! She's such a mouth and so impulsive. First she sees Ric and Ava and goes off on a tirade in the PC Grille. (Great move on Ric's part!!) THEN she turns the transplant conversation into a shouting match with her sister. She's just insufferable. Just ... so weak and needy and selfish. 

THE SAM SITUATION:  Oh man, buckle up for THIS week. Tissues, rage throwing, etc. That photo is one from next week and it's true, Sam makes it to GH. That means she must die on the table. Or after. Which also means if Isaiah does the transplant (Which is hinted at) he'll lose another patient. Lordy.  I'm upset at the last Davis Girls meeting and the dialog. WHY in the hell turn it into a match up about Irene/Adella?? Haven't we had enough of that? Why not do some memories or talk about SAM more? READ THE ROOM!! It really ruined it for me. Sam ended up leaving and Alexis read the riot act to the girls. Not good. 

This is of course all on top of the fact she's not going to make it. She's been on the show for 2 decades and has a huge following. The last few years have been rough and I believe that's because of the Billy Miller situation but I'm not going to speculate on things I don't know about. For whatever reason they let Kelly go and a big piece of the GH story is going with her. I'll do a more in-depth blog on all this when the end is here. 

VIOLET LEAVES:  Well, that was a fast move. Finn calls, he's out of rehab and setting up a house in Seattle!! Grab YA SUITCASE GIRL, you're getting on a plane!! LOL. Did anyone check that he's really stable?? Shouldn't he be around people that care for him? Hmmm... I honestly thought they'd come up with something to keep Violet around. Maybe Finn relapses?  BTW, during those scenes Lois was acting all sus and looked in on Gio and Violet. She was talking about her father and I think Brook knows how Gio's real father is. We shall have to wait and see what they come up with for that whole situation! 

BRAD ONE...PORTIA ZERO: He figures out Portia diddled with the first Hip Test. Now he's going to use to to stay at GH and get some raises. :CLAPPING: I'm so happy. 

! He's getting the goods on Cody and Willow. Plus, we got a doggie in the scene. Win-Win. 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: For me, the Tracey and Laura scene just hit home. As someone that has watched since Genie came on, this was just a great moment. Not only that, two of my fave actresses just doing their thing is remarkable to behold. "Step-Monster" brought back those memories!! 

FACE OF THE WEEK: I know most of you were doing this during the show!! LOL 

YES PLEASE: I'm shipping these two HARD! 

I HAVE SOME BAD NEWS: I think this is Lucky's "LOOK" people. Yep. I do. I think that's his hair and like the one shirt he's going to wear.  I'm not a fan. I'm not saying he has to pretty-up but this is just...icky. 

NEWS and NOTES:  Real Andrews gave an interview about his "status at GH" ... which there isn't any anymore. :sad: Read it over on: DAYTIME CONFIDENTIAL.  He does have something coming up but can't mention what it is at this time. Wish him all the best! 

WELL!! Some other little things happened like Marty and Laura having a bro sis talk and Lucas and Isaiah realizing that something happened to Lulu's machine. Will his have an impact on what happens to Sam down the road? Is Cyrus that invested in getting Lulu back her 'life'? Hmmmm... We shall see. I have a feeling Heather will be out very soon so get ready for the hate there!! I do want to say I DID enjoy this week because it was very soapy-drama in my book. I'll take this over boring love stories any day. It will be emotional next week so hang on and keep watching!! 



  1. I was hoping that little Violet could stay on the show. How is she getting to Seattle? They just let her fly alone???

    I too liked the Tracy and Laura scenes. I am sad that they are killing off Sam.

    This whole Sasha is Holly's daughter is a typical Soap thing. Very confusing. When were Holly and Robert together after she left in 1985? Secretly behind the scenes when she was with Bill Eckert? It's a soap, but the time frame doesn't work out. I think Holly is still pulling a con and trying to get Robert back by saying Sasha is his daughter. Also, Holly is smart, she will figure out that he used the WSB lab and manipulate the test anyway.

    I still like Liz and Lucky. Yes, I think that is Lucky's "style". Don't bash me, but he looks like a homeless guy or something IMO.

    1. What is Rick and Ava's mash name? "RAVA"

    2. Becky looked so comfortable in their scenes. At least it looked like his hair was finally washed. More flashbacks would be great,

    3. I would let her fly alone. She's mature enough and would get those flight attendants doing her bidding LOL. I think Violet MIGHT come back to visit?????

  2. lol maybe Avick cause they'll wreck havoc whereever they go. lol

    Thanks for the great SS, kd. I really enjoyed this week too. I'm also glad they're shaking things up and getting ever so soapy.

  3. ----I don't like Holly so that makes it worse for me with this Holly nonsense. We are supposed to believe ALL this time Holly was Sasha' mother....and I think it's cause this isn't our first rodeo: writers make up stuff/no consistency/like they don't I hate it.
    -----I think Holly truly believes Robert is the dad and if he IS, I think Tracy buys the ranch and Cody leaves to run it.....cause no way they both stay there at the Q's. I DID love that the NEXT day Sasha went to see Robert and Holly saw Felicia *who is too nice to her
    -----PLEASE don't let Isaiah be responsible for Sam dying OR even CYRUS doing something and Isaiah is blamed.....If Sam dies on the table or afterwards, she is dead/dead so I hope for a coma!!!
    ------HOWEVER the Lulu thing has gone on since end of July/first of August so does anyone care anymore?
    -----Maxie/Tracy made the show this week.
    ----VIolet leaving just like that is SO bizarre so I will believe it when I see it....I feel again that Lois took Brook Lynn's baby with Dante and it is Gio.........please no....useless character so far - what happened to Trina and Gio?
    -----Kristina and Pee-tah belong together.
    ---I just want Ric and Ava to be BFF's - and by the way - long time no see Nina......

  4. Thanks for a great SS! FYI: forgot your FB reminder.
    Holly being Sasha's mother is soapy soap regardless of whatever happened way back when. That all means nothing when the writers write what they want.
    I still think a coma switch could be the end result. Either way KM got a raw deal. And I'm not a big fan of hers.
    It's that one hanging tuft of hair on Lucky. One swipe of a scissors.
    Violet...such a good actor.
    The darn surrogacy story will never go away, in one form or another.

  5. ''It's that one hanging tuft of hair on Lucky. One swipe of a scissors.'' OMG, yes. I have thought the exact same thing. It is so annoying.

  6. We need to have a gummies zoom some Sunday am. Who is in?

    1. OMG can you imagine!!? I tried the seltzers and like they way better

  7. what if Sasha out-cons Holly and gets the diamonds Holly is looking for. Then she sells them to Holly through a third party. Afterwards, Holly finds out. Sasha takes the money and buys Serenity for Cody.

    1. Even though I'm a minority Sasha/Cody liker. this is a great idea.

    2. I like them too. And it is a great idea.


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...