Thursday, October 31, 2024



Oh boy oh BOY---here we are! Happy Halloween and I wonder if they'll remember it's Maxie's birthday today. They haven't for a few years now so I'm not hopeful. 

Today they show everyone talking like Willow and Drew, Sasha and Michael and Dante, Chase and Rocco before they show Portia and the team coming out to see Alexis and Jason. 

I do want to point out that they said they 'worked on' Sam for 30 min...and in that time, no one called Dante. He's still at the surf shop eating dinner. Or whatever. 

Elizabeth tells Jason Sam had a heart attack and they don't know why. Jason can't accept that. He has to tell the kids who are at Bobbie's. Liz says to just be honest and do it for Sam. 

Alexis won't believe she's gone. She yells and says that it's not real because she doesn't feel it. She's her mother. She goes into  Sam's room and sees her on the bed. Alexis can't breathe. The scenes with Alexis cradling Sam are heartbreaking. You should watch them. Just wonderfully written and acted by NLG. Damn. 

Jason goes in to say goodbye as well. He won't look at her at first. Says he can't believe it. Goes to her bed. Says "I believe it now, you've left us"...he cries. OMG Burton killed me TOO!! WOW, great dialog about their relationship and Jasam stuff. Watch it. I can't write it all but he thought she'd outlive him and watch Danny grow and have a family. Then a bunch of other stuff that was just cry-worthy. 

TONS of JaSam flashbacks. TONS. Like their whole relationship. He kisses her goodbye. 

Alexis gets angry and wants to talk to Portia about what happened to Sam. 

STUPID DREW AND WILLOW just keep gabbing about their crap. Sasha and Michael say they shouldn't tell anyone. I don't care about any of this. Michael went home. He said he stayed in a hotel room for the night. She didn't tell him about the second kiss. They decide to put it behind them.  They kiss and have zex on the couch. 

Drew pays Cody 50K not to tell the media. 

Dante and Rocco step out of the elevator in time to hear Alexis say: My daughter is dead. 

This was HARD TO WATCH. I cried badly when NLG was in the room with Kelly. NLG wrote about how hard those scenes were to do. Kudos to Kelly for laying there. Steve Burton was amazing too. 


  1. I'm with J Bernard Jones on Twitter (nope, that's it's name) who said, "I'm glad the show broke this episode up with other stories because if the whole episode had been devoted to this, it would have been a bit much...because...whew..."

    1. agree and I even posted that too - I NEEDED those nonsense scenes to give ME a break!

    2. I didn't see that! We usually agree- I just found myself missing and not hearing ANYTHING else when it came on. It did make me hate Drew even more tho LOL

  2. Wow. NLG and SB were truly amazing. I too was sobbing. KM laying there so still must have been so difficult. Watching the Jasam flashbacks really proved to me haw far GH has fallen. Their relationship had everything. Sadly GH does not.
    Drew is a royal scumbag. I hope Cody uses the bribe to help take him down.
    So Michael has zex with Sasha and runs home again to do it with Willow. He's a piece of work too.
    Happy Halloween! Eat candy. Be safe.

    1. I had a White Claw. I don't do carbs/sugar anymore and it's HORRIBLE :sobbing: I mean, I feel awesome but it's terrible oo

    2. Karen why can't you have carbs/sugar anymore? Does it make you sick?

  3. Beautiful scenes with Nancy & Kemo I could feel every second and word. Poor Dante and kids, those scenes are going to be crushing. About time they had Jason realize Sam is important to him (and thank you writers for keeping Carly from the hospital).

    Sickening to watch Drew try to save his own ass while the mother of his child had surgery. Could be pre-taped of course.

    1. Too bad Jason tends to realize too late how important people besides Sonny and Carly are to him. First with his father now with Sam

  4. ----baby Sasha/Michael is on the way which is the ONLY reason it ended so fast/Michael forgave her. We ALL see that coming.
    ----Some may disagree but I LIKED that no other family was there. I didn't want those whiny sisters making it about them......I LOVED that today was NLG most stellar acting ever. I cannot imagine how the crew felt too's SO hard knowing KM was fired.....poor Kelly having to not move again was great acting in a different way.
    -----I did read long ago that today was filmed before the surgery scene...
    -----and I was complaining about no flashbacks and knowing Frank wouldn't allow it so I was thrilled to see JaSam scenes. I have never been a die-hard JaSam fan but they and we DESERVED to see those young people (LOL) and KM looked so gorgeous before she began having 'work' done on her. LOVED too that it was first about them ------------
    ----and then Dante and I think it was normal for Alexis in shock and not knowing what is going on not to think of calling Dante at first.....
    -I know I am in the minority but I just don't want it to be Cyrus or the candy that ALexis gave her (whatever).....I want it to be realistic that it could be a brain bleed or embolism.
    --but GH - probably not and will Alexis sue GH? Hate Laura? Hate Dante?
    -----Drew is the worst - I guess Danny and Scout will move in the Q house???

    1. Mufasa says "baby Sasha/Michael is on the way", and the only other person she could ask to be the "father" would be Cody. I've been annoyed all week because Sasha and Cody could reasonably be a couple and adopt all the babies they wanted, but this is an interesting wrinkle!

    2. if they hadn't worked on her for 30 minutes, maybe but yikes. I really think Dante should have been called. A bit later maybe. I think it was to give the JaSam parts a spotlight

  5. NLG was amazing! Her scenes are Emmy worthy! Yesterday and today were gut wrenching.

  6. Port Chuckles surf lodge:

    Dante, Rocco, and Chase: Why isn't anybody calling Dante?!?!! Then Dante can tell Rocco!!!!

    Cowboy Cody's horse home:

    Cowboy Cody and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Oh Ryan Lavery are you freakin serious right now?! It's not like that?!?!! IT IS LIKE THAT YOU FREAK! And of course you are acting like a politician and paying Cowboy Cody off to be quiet!!! I can't with this scene!!!! Where is Mr. Ed aka Comet? He would be furious!

    Metrocourt hotel/Michael and Sasha's hotel room:

    Michael and Sasha: Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Mildew home:

    Willow and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Oh I can't with this scene either!! Nope. Forget it.

    Mildew: What?!?!! Zex?!!!? REALLY?!!?! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww! Zex with Sasha and now Willow?! Is Michael in denial?!!?! I can't. Well there is that old saying when you sleep with someone who slept with other people, you are sleeping with the people he slept with, soooooooooo, Willow slept with Sasha! ROFL!

    The hospital:

    Alexis and Sam: This made me cry. Oh great scene! :( Oh this broke my heart. :(

    Jason and Sam: Oh dammit!!! This made me cry!!! He sleeps better when Sam was around? Awwww! But he never told her. :( This broke my heart! And then the flashbacks!!!!!!!! GAHHHHHHHHH! :( I did not want them back together and my Jasam heart was dead and buried, but after this scene, and then the flashbacks, my Jasam heart came up into the surface. :'(

    Alexis and Portia: Yes what happened!!!?!?!!? Yes Portia investigate.

    Liz and Jason: WHAT THE?! A heart attack?!!?!?! What about the embolism? Make up your damn mind writers!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumped into my time machine to go to December 9th 2009* Scott Reeves's Steven Lars Webber's first day. :) He came back to get Heather and now he is gone. I miss him again. :( I miss Heather, but she said she will be back! :D

  7. Everybody said everything! Gosh, what a sniveling mess I was. NGL and SB killed it. And another kudos from me for Kelly lying there for the entire time. The flashbacks were welcome and made me cry more. Sheesh, what an episode.

    Drew is still a icky, ucky, skeevy mess. Wish Cody had popped him in the nose and Comet had kicked him in the shins. Cody should have held out for more money and EVERYTHING he said to Drew was the truth! I kinda liked it, lol!

    I don't even know what to say about Michael and Willow. Mikey is a lot like Sam. Remember when she first came on and she slept with Jax then turned around and slept with Sonny the same night? Without a shower. Lot's of fan yelling about that! (Sorry if it's too soon after her passing!)

    1. lol it’s a soap character. I don’t think people should mind

  8. A heart attack and cardiac arrest are 2 different things. This show should do their homework.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...