Friday, October 18, 2024

DNA Testing


OMG Holly goes to see Felicia looking for Mac. Says she had a secret she was taking to the grave about her daughter. Maxie: What daughter????? Holly tells them it's Sasha. Maxie is like GTF out of here. NO way. She never said anything. Holly says Sasha wants nothing to do with her. She said she couldn't raise her but she did try to teach her everything she knows and Sasha's a natural.  Felicia asks who the father is. Holly says she thought he was dead and years later didn't want to show up with Sasha on his doorstep. Felicia says she thinks she knows but hopes not for Sasha's sake. (meaning Cody) Maxie goes wacky! LOL!! and:

DNA QUESTION ANSWERED: Felicia had a paternity test done. YES or NO...not a DNA percentage test so it didn't show any relation to Mac. 

Holly leaves. Maxie wonders if Sasha and Holly can ever mend fences. Felicia isn't sure. 

SASHA IS IN Robert's office!! "Let's get one thing clear, you are NOT my father"!! Robert is like, why would she lie? Sasha asks when they were married. He's like, well...hard to say. She thought I was dead, I thought she was dead. LOL... Then she wants a DNA test. He calls Jack at the WSB so Holly can't tamper with the results from GH. Sasha is glad of all the people Holly could pick she was glad it was Robert. BUT doesn't believe they are father and daughter. 

Sam goes to the Davis girls to tell them she's a match for Lulu. Everyone is happy. Then FKING Kristina hijacks the entire conversation and talks about THE RIC Encounter at the restaurant last night!!!! WHAT!! This is also Kelly's last scene with them. WHY would they write that in!!OMG it goes on and on. Alexis tells them to shut up because Sam needs them right now. They don't. Sam is like: I'm out of here. BYE. 

Tracey is talking to Lulu at her bedside. Laura looks on. Laura thanks her for looking after Ace. Also for caring for Lulu years ago. NICE SCENE. They talk about headstrong Lulu and all the  years. AWWW. Terry comes out to tell Laura they need to talk about the surgery. 

Liz is at Laura's house and Lucky walks downstairs. He wonders why she's there. Liz says Sam is the donor. They hug. She's watching Ace. He asks what Aiden was like. She says musical like him. When the nanny comes they share a ride to GH. 

Finn moved to Seattle and Violet is going there. She packs and realizes how far it is away. She's sad but it will be ok because they'll have a baby soon. Brook sobs and finds Lois and Ned. She doesn't know if she can let Violet go. Cries. Lois is looking suspicious when Brook is talking about letting a child go. Lois has to leave the room. Brook realizes they never told Tracey that Violet is leaving. 

Isaiah tells Lucas about the ventilator failing and saving Lulu. They figure out someone tampered with it. Might have to go to the police. 


Lois looks in on Violet with tears in her eyes

Brook Calls Tracey to come home.

Holly goes to talk to Robert 

Terry says there might be a complication with the surgery. 



  1. I was actually yelling at Sam to leave the room as Shriek and Screw made it all about themselves as usual. If Sam dies I hope they drown in their own guilt and that final scene haunts their dreams for years to come. They didn't even wish her well with the surgery or compliment her bravery...nothing but ME ME ME ME ME screaming through the air.

    1. This scene is the set up to the funeral/grieving scenes between the baby sisters, who will regret that they wasted their time and last conversation with their big sister.
      It crossed my mind that the 4 actors must have know this was it for a Davis girl scene. The fact that it wasn't a weepy, pre-surgical group hug type scene might have made it easier to do? Two of the four are relatively newbies.
      I also think never say never in soap land. Case in point JJ and SB are back.

  2. Maxie's home:

    Maxie, Felicia, and Holly: Love that Maxie is upset! :) This whole thing with what Felicia said about the test results. So lame. Come on writers! I just don't buy it. The writers got Felicia to say what she said, so now it's a mystery. Fail! Also I can't believe Holly rather talk to Mac about all this than Robert! *Facepalm*

    Robert's office:

    Robert and Sasha: Sasha wins the line of the day.

    Sasha: Let's get one thing clear, you are not my father.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! And of course Robert isn't shocked or surprised. Nothing shocks or surprises him anymore when it comes to Holly. Also he is in his 80's right? So nothing shocks or surprises him anymore! ROFL! Especially in Port Chuckles. :) Oooo DNA test at the WSB. Very smart thinking. :)

    Robert and Holly: Great stuff. :) I'm glad he didn't let Holly tell him haha.

    KevLar home:

    L&L2: Awwwww an L&L2 hug. :) Uh now Lucky go take that shower and changes clothes!!!! Wait you can't leave now! Lucky needs a shower and a change in clothes!!!

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis, Sam, Krissy, and Molly: Oh Krissy just stop it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Alexis you stop it too!!!! Krissy is in the wrong!!!!

    Alexis, Molly, and Krissy: Alexis stop this!!!!! Krissy is in the wrong!!!!!! GAH!

    The hospital:

    Gannon and Lucas: Hmmmm I think Lucas has a crush on Gannon. :) Yes who interrupted Lulu's ventilator? coughcoughCYRUScoughcough.

    Tracy and Laura: Awwwwwwwww great scene!!!!!!!!!!!

    Q mansion:

    Brase and Little V: Awwww I don't want Little V to leave!! I watched her grow up. I loved her since day 1! So Finchy is in Seattle? Hmmm if the rumors are true maybe Finchy is driving to Port Chuckles to pick up little V, and hits Sam, then they both die, then little V stays in Port Chuckles? Hmmm.

    Gio and little V: Great scene!!! But uh come on writers give Gio a storyline!

    Ned and Lois: Great scene!!!! Only use the accent at home and heart!! LOVE IT! YAY! So glad Lois is keeping her accent!!! :) I thought he was going to hug her. :)

    Ned, Lois, and Brooky: Awwwww! Poor Brooky. :( She got attached to little V!

    Ned, Lois, and Brase: Awwww Chase feels the same way awwwww!

    Brooky on the phone with Tracy: Time for Tracy to say goodbye!!! :(

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to February 27th 2014* Caaaaaaarlos, Sabrina, AJ, Tracy, and Luke.

  3. I just think the VIolet scenes were so quick that even at the end I thought it wouldn't happen. They never even said 'you will fly in a plane' or anything- AT LEAST Finn didn't kill Sam in a car accident...-
    -----YES I am sick that IF Brook Lynn thought she gave up her/Dante's baby and LOIS gave it to Gio's mom - I will be sooooo angry. Lois acting weird.
    -----Yes we all know the surgeon can't do the transplant and after an emergency board meeting (to satisfy pious Portia) Isaiah will do the surgery.....still not happy with HOW does Isaiah have money/passport/wallet/drivers license/apartment????
    ------Maxie was perfection today. LOVED her.....and Sasha telling Robert upfront and knowing her mom might change the paternity test.
    ------Okay I changed my mind about ONE thing - Holly REALLY thinks Robert is Sasha's dad....IF he is, I think Sasha is leaving the show.....not Cody but Sasha.....unless Tracy buys the ranch/gives to Cody and Cody leaves to run it..NO WAY they could keep both of them at the Q's- weird storyline.....stupid that writers changed everything for Holly/Emma as she is back for another stint.
    ----I watched Kate as Abagail on DOOL forever-----I guess she is happy with her horrible character after Abby, but honestly, most characters don't last forever on GH--they are in and out......and it's miserable for us.
    -----"I wish I was an octopus with 8 arms so I could slap 8 writers at one time' cause making Sam's last scene about Kristina was difficult to watch.

    1. "Mufasa says, "I wish I was an octopus with 8 arms so I could slap 8 writers at one time'"

      Hahahahaha. Now I have an image in my head!

    2. Soaps would be boring and have no conflict if they didn't have a few horrible characters. As long as the writing is strong and the horrible actions have a well-written motivation, I don't mind them. Kristina falls into this category, for me.

    3. "Kevin says, Soaps would be boring and have no conflict if they didn't have a few horrible characters. As long as the writing is strong and the horrible actions have a well-written motivation, I don't mind them. Kristina falls into this category, for me."

      Sure yes you're right, but having the same conversation and argument over and over and over again gets annoying and boring.

  4. So Molly and Kristina sure are going to feel guilty when Sam dies :( :(

  5. Not that Soaps care about age, but how old is Sasha supposed to be? Was Holly even around after her stint between 1982 to 1985? Guess she and Robert "hooked up" after that?????


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...