Thursday, October 24, 2024

Rock N Roll


So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. I'm saying either recast or send her off because I don't want her to just fade like Audrey did! Rachel deserved better. 


Ric tells Heather she's getting out. She's like: Different prison? Nope. Parole? NOPE. Halfway house? NOPE--you're free! She goes crazy happy. She says she's going to get a BLT. Ric says she needs a job and a place to live. Any money from the hip company will take awhile. He says she can't stay with Laura or Alexis because they have family messes right now. 

Curtis' plan was to call Steven Lars to town. He wants him to take his mother out of Port Charles. Steven Lars is like: Um, what? NO. Curtis offers him his medical license back once his friend gets into office. Steven still says no. Curtis says: then it's ON YOU what happens to your mother next! 

Laura is talking to Lulu. Rocco and Dante walk in. Rocco has a moment with his mom at her bedside. He gives her his cross country medal. Rocco wants to stay and not go to school. Isaiah comes over and tells Laura it's a risky procedure and Lulu might not make it. 

Alexis is in the Surf shop having breakfast with Danny and Scout.  Alexis tells Danny what a great brother he is. 

Carly goes in to see Sam. Carly says "thank you" to Sam. They talk then Brennan barges in to talk to Carly. Carly is annoyed. Brennan and Carly go outside. Brennan tells her she has to get Jason to tell him about Sidwell and Africa because he's back in town. Carly's like Um, me? Why? Brennan--you owe me. Jason walks up and is mad Brennan is there. Carly says she needs a favor. 
Jason comes over...Carly says he owes Brennan for saving his life to tell everything about Africa. Jason stares. Jason tells him about Holly and the diamonds. Big mouth

Danny, Scout and Alexis go in to see Sam. They give her flowers. The kids are going to school. The operation will take all day anyway. Then Sonny comes in. Then Dante and Rocco. Everyone's crying. Sad scene. 

Sonny talks to Jason about Africa and the diamonds. Jason tells him the whole Sidwell story. Sonny figures out Holly is bad news. He figures the diamonds are worth 100 million. Jason says that's great but Sidewell is still alive and looking for them. Sonny says if they move fast they can get rid of Holly and the diamonds...but not today. 

Lucas gets a pastry in his locker from Brad. Brad asks him if he's hungry for anything else. LOL Lucas is like: Don't get the wrong idea. Then his towel falls. Brad says he's seen it all before. BUT 'get that mole checked" ahahhaha. They have another nice scene later when Brad is going to the baseball game. They remember a date they had going to see them. awww

Brad then goes and tells Portia he's leaving early to go to see a Woodchucks game. She's like: HAVE FUN! Liz is suspicious. 

HEATHER CALLS ELIZABETH FOR A RIDE from Prison "For Franco's sake". Ric steps off the elevator. Liz confronts Ric. He says he has to be in court and can't pick her up. Liz says she's not putting Heather up at her house. He says Naw, not a good idea UNLESS I MOVE IN TOO! 

OUTSIDE SHOT OF THE PRISON Gates. Real Prison. Liz is going to get Heather, Heather walks up but Steven Lars comes from the other way. She's like: STEVEN LARS! He says: MOTHER!!??
Curtis and Portia are so happy Heather is leaving (but is she??)

Send off for Sam/Kelly. Everyone is in the hallway, all say good luck. Jason says it will be fine. She says a "piece of cake". People say thank you. She goes into the elevator and puts "I love you" hand sign up . SAD SAD SAD. Also: No Kristina or Molly. I guess Sam had enough of them. 


  1. ---- I don't think Scott Reeves/Steven Lars woulda come back only for Heather NOT to leave with him? He said it was a short intriguing stint? I kinda hope she goes..
    -----Molly and Kristina not there I liked cause they woulda yelled etc
    -----SOOOOO sad - and how in the world does Frank and the others stay in the booth and yell cut or direct etc......or say 'good job everyone'....??? is there cake for Kelly afterward? Where do Scout and Danny live
    ----FOR ME I don't even CARE about Lulu cause it started in JULY ------ at least in the previews cryin' Anna said she would look for Charlotte (plus they are acting like Lulu wakes up immediately)
    ------Carly + Brennan = I LIKE!
    ------WHERE is Curtis getting all this money? Aurora money? money from Savoy? even with both working it's alot of money until Drew is elected and then maybe/kinda Steven Lars might get his license back???
    -----Holly of course will tell Cody cause she is horrible/Sasha should tell him......I changed my mind again - I think Robert is the dad and Cody leaves for the ranch.
    Monday starts sweeps......

    1. I was wondering where Curtis was getting the money too.

    2. I sooooooo hope Cody leaves town for good.

  2. and Sam doing sign language I love you pushed me over the edge.

  3. Airport waiting area:

    Ric and Heather: She is free! YAY! But uh she should at least have an ankle monitor for a little while. Heather kisses Ric on the lips! Hahahaha! Lucky lady. :) How soft are his lips Heather? :D

    Curtis's office:

    Curtis and Steven Lars: When they showed Steven Lars, I gasped and screamed!!!! :D Steven Lars looks the same! He still looks great!!!! :) Well well well. I thought Curtis would have had Heather killed, but no he wants her away from Port Chuckles. Okay good whew. :)

    Sonny's office:

    Sonny and Jason: Diamonds diamonds diamonds. Will Sonny give 1 tiny diamond to Badger Bob?

    Port Chuckles surf lodge:

    Danny Cheeto, Scout, and Alexis: Yes you are right Scout! It IS a big deal!!! :)

    The hospital:

    Lucas and Gannon: Hmmmm. Lucas's hairy chest reminds me of Robert's hairy chest back in the day, except Robert's hair was a lot more hairy. I wonder if Robert still has his hairy chest.

    Lucas and Brad: Man that is one huge pastry! Brad is so sweet awwwww. :)

    Portia, Liz, and Brad: Hahaha go Brad go Brad! Fun fun fun! :) You are just going alone Brad to the game? You should invite Portia! ROFL!

    Carly on the phone with Brennan: Did she just hang up on him? ROFL!

    Carly and Brennan: OH! Well this IS important! Sidwell cookie is in Port Chuckles!!! It's good that Carly knows.

    Carly, Brennan and Jason: I wonder where Sidwell cookie is hiding? Is he looking for Holly? I hope Holly left town to be safe.

    Portis: Awwww hugging. :) Oh Brad you little stinker! Hahahahahaha!

    Liz and Ric: Ric wins the line of the day.

    Ric: I can move in too.


    Outside the jail:

    Heather, Liz, and Steven Lars: Did Liz know that her brother would show up? Her facial expressions confused me. She was looking surprised at one point. Heather won't be able to resist leaving with her son.

    Sam, Danny Cheeto, Rocco, Alexis, Scout, Sonny, and Laura: Very sad scenes. :( That sign language of love that she was doing on her fingers, I was doing that along with her!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to October 23rd 2019* Little V's first scene! She was so little!!!!! :( I hope she comes back when she is older. Like maybe a teenager or an adult.

    1. Sonya, you got me all hot and bothered thinking about Robert's hairy chest. That is one fine looking man. The only current male who comes close to matching Robert's looks back in the day is Curtis.

    2. I thought "get that mole checked out" would win line of the day. BUT, Ric does win and he could move in with me any day! :)

      I never was a Steven Lars fan, but he did look good. And like everyone has asked, where is Curtis getting his money for all this??

      Brennan is hawt! (just had to throw that out there)

      I loved the final scenes with Sam. Well done by everyone!

    3. "Gary says, Sonya, you got me all hot and bothered thinking about Robert's hairy chest. That is one fine looking man."

      Hahaha. Oh yeah he is! :) His accent made him even hotter! :)

      "The only current male who comes close to matching Robert's looks back in the day is Curtis."

      Ah yes. Curtis is fine!!! :)

    4. "Julie H says, I thought "get that mole checked out" would win line of the day. BUT, Ric does win and he could move in with me any day! :)"

      Hahaha we all could be roomies! :)

      "I never was a Steven Lars fan, but he did look good. And like everyone has asked, where is Curtis getting his money for all this??"

      Yeah Curtis! Where is the money coming from? Did you get it from the Savoy?

      "Brennan is hawt! (just had to throw that out there)"

      HE ISI!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  4. I think they should have Monica retire in another state. Don't want to see her die, and don't want a recast

    1. Yeah that's a great idea. :)

    2. I would love a final scene of Monica on the phone with Tracy. Monica telling Tracy that she is in some exotic place, plans to retire there and is not coming back to New York. She gives the Q mansion to Tracy. They have warm, final good-byes. Monica hangs up the phone and the camera pans to a hot, hunky young guy next to her, smiling.

    3. Agreed. Zac wins suggestion of the week! :)

  5. My guess is Heather is going to try to finally get her life together and then when she finds out her son is working behind her back, she's going to snap. I would love to see the show do a full blown story on mental illness. Heather's life has been train wreck from the moment she was introduced as a late teenager in the 1970s. From the moment she gave up Steven Lars on the black market, her life was never the same.

  6. I watched the show very late last night. KM looked so small and sweet and sad. These were some of the saddest scenes I have ever seen on GH. I went to sleep with tears in my eyes. I hope whatever she does next brings her more success and joy.

  7. Hmmm. Karen did you forget to hit send again? ROFL!

    Alexis's office:

    Alexis and Diane: Oh Alexis you don't know why Ric is helping Ava so shut it! Wow Diane should have been called about Heather! What the hell?! Great scene with Diane being upset. Yeah she has a right to be. Alexis wins the line of the day.

    Alexis: I hear that men have a hard time saying no to Holly Sutten.

    ROFL! And then that face Diane gives hahahahaha!

    Robert's office:

    Robert and Sasha: So Robert IS the father. But Holly knew about the DNA test! She could have switched it. Maybe not. Dammit this is so stupid! GRRRRRRRRRRR! I guess we will have to wait until we get new writers and they can change it. ROFL! But right now, STUPID STUPID STUPID!

    Riane: The look on Diane's face when she finds out Robert is Sasha's father hahahaha!

    Outside of the jail building:

    Liz, Heather, and Steven Lars: Great scene! Oh Liz didn't know that Steven Lars was going to be there.


    Heather and Steven Lars: Heather frowning about Arizona hahahaha. I don't want her to go, but then again maybe it's for the best. OH! She IS going!

    *The greenies sees Heather and freaks out and texts everyone*


    Tribbles: HOLY CRAP!

    Green beans: HOLY CRAP!

    Badger Bob: HOLY CRAP!

    Tommy Tapeworm: HOLY CRAP!

    Comet: HOLY CRAP!

    Toady the parasite: Who is Heather Webber?

    The hospital:

    Anna and Laura: Oh yes. Where is V.C.? Is James Patrick Stuart coming back soon?!

    Cyrus and Laura: Laura would love prayers for Lulu! :) She still doesn't trust Cyrus though hahaha.

    Liz, Steven Lars, and Heather: Liz's facial expressions hahahahaha. So funny! :)

    Heather and Laura: Why is Laura all nervous? That's odd. Wasn't she told that Heather is free? Maybe she is just surprised?

    Nina's office:

    Nina and Sasha: You can't stall any longer Sasha. You need to tell Cowboy Cody. :(

    Cowboy Cody's horse home:

    Cowboy Cody and Holly: What is this?! What is the point?! Unless when he finds out the truth that he and Sasha are cousins, then it will change him and he will join Holly in the con?

    Casha: This is going to break my heart. :(


    Casha: Yeah! I don't want you two to be friends either Cowboy Cody!!!!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to July 20, 2016* Caaaaaarlos's brother Jose Rivera! Damn too bad Jose couldn't stay and too bad Caaaaaaaaaaaarlos had to die. I miss Caaaaaaaaaarlos! :(


Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...