Tuesday, October 22, 2024

She's OUT!


It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? Maybe those of you that don't usually comment can chime in a YES watching or NOPE or I watch HULU! 


Marshall's goodbye party at the Savoy. Joss and Dex make out at a table. TJ and Molly sit at another table talking about Sam's operation. Trina brings in Gio to meet Marshall. "You are both musicians"! Portia is concerned about the upcoming Heather ruling and Stella tells her to just enjoy her time. TJ and Molly aren't happy when Marshall mentions having another child. Molly goes to the bar. She says she's waiting for Ric. Stella then tells Molly that her and TJ need to talk and listen to each other. 

Ava and Ric at some restaurant. She's confident she can take the stand. He's not so sure. HE does say she can be compelling. Banter going on. He takes a call and she puts on more lipstick LOL!! He comes back, all harried and says he has to go. (maybe Heather?) Then NINA comes in to talk to Ava. They talk about Ric. Nina's like you like him?? NOoooooooo. 

Ric runs into GH and finds Elizabeth. He's freaking out because Heather is getting out of jail. Like NOW. He thought that she might get better living conditions or a transfer but she's being let out!! Liz is like WAHHHHHHT. He says he's nervous to tell people. He's due at the Ashford's party and he could tell everyone then. Please come with him?? Liz is like: HELL NO!! 

Ric walks into the party to talk to Curtis and Portia...he's nervous. 

Sam is in her hospital room. Liz cares for her. Then Felicia comes in and says she's there to advocate for her. Sam says Lucas is going to talk to her about the complications. Maxie and Spin come in with Balloons and hug her. Maxie thanks her. Lucas comes in and asks if she has any questions. She's upset to hear he's not doing her surgery. Lucas says I can't, I'm your brother. She says she'll sign whatever waiver she has to. Oh nooooooooooo is he going to .. ohhh no. Will he be operating and she doesn't make it? 

Dante goes to see Sonny, tells him that Sam is a donor. They talk about how great Dante's family is and how together they are. He's afraid Lulu won't make it. WELP!! IRONY! 

Holly is in Anna's office and tells her she and Robert have a daughter. She tells Anna she can't say anything because she hid Robin. Anna says Robin was FIVE. Then Holly tells her it's Sasha Corbin. Anna's shocked. She says she's horrible for Robert and breaks his heart every time she's in town. Then figures out Sasha is dating Cody. Anna tells her the best thing to do is leave town. Just go. They don't need her and she's chaos. 

Rando Jordan and Isaiah scene in Bobbie's. He's eating before surgery. He says Lulu's odds aren't great. 


Portia makes Ric tell the entire party that Heather is getting out of jail tomorrow

Sam and Dante kiss on her bed. She says Lucas will do the surgery 

Sidwell is spotted in Miami 


  1. ---Very glad Marshall got a farewell party/Trina looked beautiful in that dress
    -----Ric being nervous was funny 'yeah but I didn't think she would get out!"
    ---I know people on X were talking about this and I KNOW it's a soap but come on writers but Heather bing/bang/boom out of prison next day???? Shouldn't the MAYOR/LAURA/Ace's grandmother have been notified???? I thought Jordan was gonna get a call.......Steven Lars is supposed to show up Friday------------surely he won't take Heather away?
    ----completely forgot that Jordan has Ryan's kidney
    -----I didn't do well with Kristen/Bradford saying goodbye to Kelly......and then Kelly looking at Dom
    -----PLEASE tell me Lucas wasn't recast just so he kills his own sister accidentally!!!!!!
    ======HATE Holly------------WHY would Sonny want diamonds????? We should have seen Holly with SELINA talking about diamonds!!! I don't want Sidwell after Sonny----I want him after Sidwell.....

    1. meant after Holly!!! and sweeps starts Monday so is all of November Sam's death and Holly/Sasha fiasco with Sidwell intertwined?

    2. Yeah you're right! Holly should be talking to Ms. Wu not Sonny!!!! Makes no sense.

    3. I completely forgot didn't holly and ms. Wu have some interaction last time holly was back? A piece of the ice princess for a favor?

    4. YES! cause she drugged Victor

  2. It is hard to watch any scenes with and/or about Sam. Can't imagine having to act them.
    Good news is I read that Emma Samms is done filming.
    Portia gets the ugliest dress at the party award. Please Heather, go get her.

  3. Man it seems like almost everytime Emma Samms has come back, they have done her character wrong (although the latest stuff is nothing compared to when they made her a bioterrorist when Scorpio first returned). It's just damn sad because I was a big fan of the character in the 80's. Still love Emma though, she is gorgeous and has aged so beautifully. -OldSChoolGhfan

    1. "OldSChoolGhfan says, (although the latest stuff is nothing compared to when they made her a bioterrorist when Scorpio first returned)."

      UGH! Don't remind me! That was awful!

    2. Totally agree. The story between her and Robert in the 80s was really sweet. Can't stand how they changed her character.

  4. Bobbie's:

    Jordan and Gannon: Oh! Jordan is dressed up sexy in her jogging outfit. :) Gannon likes it ROFL! Great scene with them. #GanFord. :)

    Restaurant: I thought it was at the Port Chuckles Grill, but maybe not? I don't know where they are.

    Ric and Ava: Great scene with them! :) I guess it's not a date? Too bad.

    Nina and Ava: Ava likes Ric!!!! :D

    Nina: Nooooooooo!!

    Me: Yessssssssss! :) #RicVa #Ricoollllaaaaaaa! :*Snicker*

    Sonny's office:

    Dante and Sonny:

    Dante: We found a donor. It's Sam.

    Badger Bob: YAY!

    *Badger Bob texts in the group about Sam being the donor*

    Comet: YAY!

    Greenies: YAY!

    Green beans: YAY!

    Tribbles: YAY!

    Tommy tapeworm: YAY!

    Toady Lucky's parasite: I'm new here and all so, who is Sam?

    Anna's office:

    Anna and Holly: What is the point of Holly telling Anna about her daughter? They are not close! Such a dumb scene. Yeah Holly maybe it's best if you leave town.

    Anna on her computer: Oh yes. There is Sidwell cookie! :) He wants that diamond! At first I thought it was the recast of Taggart. The one that we have had in the past.

    The hospital:

    Ric and Liz: Heather will be free?!!?! DOH! :D Liz wins the line of the day.

    Liz: This is all you buddy!

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Just bite the bullet Ric and go to the Savoy!!! If I was on GH I would go with you! :)

    Terry and Liz: Oh yes! Get ready for Portia's tirade!!

    Felicia and Sam:

    Felicia: I'm here as your patient advocate.

    UGH! I hate when she says that. It's so boring!

    Felicia, Sam, and Spikie: Awwww family. :) Love the balloons!!

    Lucas and Sam: Oh come on!!! Is Sam dumb? She should know that family cannot give surgery to family members! *Facepalm* Oh great now Lucas will do the surgery and then when Sam dies he will feel all the guilt feels. *Facepalm*

    Spixie: I don't remember if Lulu told Maxie that she still loves Dante. Does anybody remember?

    The Savoy/Mr. Hat man's goodbye party: No Mr. Hat man! Don't go!!! :( Yeah Molly taking her hand out of TJ's hand ouch! Stella giving Molly great advice. Will Molly take it? I'm not sure. OH! Hello Ric! Yes tell them the news, and watch Portia's head explode!!

    1. Sam & Maxie were good friends back in the day. I liked them!

    2. "Linda says, Sam & Maxie were good friends back in the day. I liked them!"

      Yeah!!! :) I liked them too! :)

    3. Lulu did tell Maxie she still loved dante. I think Maxie even mentioned it recently that she never told dante...

  5. I still do not watch the actual show. Get all of my updates from here. That being said, if they brought back Lucas just to have him be the one to kill Sam, I might not even care to read about this show anymore.

  6. I watch when Karen tells me to.

  7. I think Holly is going to ask Sonny to fence the diamonds for her. I still wish she would seek out Ms. Wu, though.

    There is an actor hired to play Kai, who is a new love interest for Trina. Isn't Kai the name of Natalia's son and Allison's brother


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...