Monday, October 28, 2024

A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers. 

MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!! 

Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over. Laura says that Heather didn't EVEN want to be released. Alexis says it was all up to Ric. Laura is like: 'WHY didn't I as the mayor know about it"??  Heather tells Laura and Alexis she's going far -far away from "all this". I'm going to Arizona.  Laura thinks it's the best she's going. Laura is calling Kevin about Heather being released. She says that Heather requested to visit with Ace one more time. She has to stay at the hospital and Heather would have to go to the apartment without Laura. Kevin is going to let her visit. Heather goes to the apartment. Steven Lars goes with her. She talks to Ace. 

Alexis and Laura talk about Heather. Laura is like "I got this ball rolling".. I mean, come on Laura YOU DID. 

Elizabeth asks Steven Lars if it's a good idea to take Heather. He says he has to and Sedona would be a good place for her. The plane leaves in a few hours. Dante finds Steven Lars in the lobby. He wonders what the hell Heather is doing here. They tell him why she got out. Dante is glad she's leaving. 

Anna goes in to see Brennan about Charlotte Cassadine. She wants to know where she is. Jack says he has no idea. Anna says she knows he does.  They talk about Anna shooting Charlotte and that's why she let Valentin get away. She's sorry and crying. Jack asks if Lulu's family knows it was her that helped Val get away. She says no.  She says she's going to find out what's going on and it will be on him. 

Drew and Nina talking about the election.  She says blue collar voters see him out of touch. "You're from a billionaire family".  Nina wants to save him from this disaster.  She takes off his jacket and shirt. He has to put on Julian Jerome plaid. (LORD...that's his "Blue collar look" AHAHHAHA). OH! They are going to have 'some beers' too!! 

Holly and Sonny make a deal. BUT Sonny has a condition. Jason is there too. Sonny tells her she knows the diamonds are Sidwell's.  Holly decides to talk about the new deal. They talk unloading the diamonds before Sidwell gets to Port Charles. Sonny needs 35% cut and he holds on to the diamonds. She says ok and leaves the diamonds with Sonny. Jason takes them to 'keep them safe'.  HIDE THEM IN BADGER BOB'S BELLY! 

Anna goes to Pozzulo's to see Jason. She says she made a bad bad call with Valentin. He was right. She feels like she ruined her life. She wants Jason's help. Jason calls Spinelli. Anna wants "The Jackal's help" to track down Charlotte. He wonders if it's off the books. She says yes. He will help. 

Sasha is telling Cody about Holly. She's my mother and that Robert is her father. "We can never be together"... although yes, in NY you CAN be together. Marrying your first cousin is A-OK! I looked it up!! Cody is like: WHAT.  Cody says Holly has to be lying. Sasha said they can't be doctored and that Robert did it at the WSB. Sasha explains the entire backstory about her childhood. 
WHERE's COMET in a TIME LIKE THIS?  Sasha's crying...Cody's all upset. They are happy they had a lot of interruptions so they didn't "go all the way", they only kissed. Cody doesn't want to be JUST friends! 

Cody goes to drink at the Brown Dog Dive Bar. Drew goes there to drink with "the common man" as well.  He does shots. Nina and Drew walk in. Some Navy Seal comes in and says he's knows Drew from commercials. Oh he remembers that Sasha told him that She saw Drew and Willow kiss. Cody wants to talk to Drew RIGHT now. Cody decks Drew "You smug bastard! You're making out with your nephew's wife while you're banging her MOM"? 

Sonny goes to see Dante at GH. They talk about the surgeries. Sam should be finished soon. Her operation should be pretty 'straight forward".  

Sasha wanders around the Horse House and cries. Holly comes in and Sasha tells her 'you're dead to me" 

Sam is out of surgery and doing really well. 

Heather says goodbye to Ace but says "I'll be back" 


Sam is on..she's awake and Dante proposes to her. Thought those other scenes were her last! 


  1. ---oh my gosh - you DID watch today
    ----I JUMPED when Cody blurted out everything - I did NOT see that coming.....Cody's character was very good and interesting today.
    -----HATE HATE crying Anna - so now SPINELLI is gonna break the law and help her and YET she wants SONNY brought down? WHAT A HYPOCRITE - and wouldn't Brick be better finding Charlotte? I think Charlotte SORAS returns.....and Anna TOTALLY has dropped Cates' death.....she is pitiful
    -----Well we got our answer - Heather IS gone for now and will return one day and I like that
    -----They must have filmed the Dante/Sam scenes BEFORE the surgery scene. I don't want Cyrus to cause Sam's death ----- If she has to die, I hope it's natural. I REALLY wanted her to just be in a coma but the previews show differently.
    -----Is Sasha/Sophia pregnant again? She's been wearing oversized clothes/black
    -----I was surprised Sonny took the diamonds - I thought Sidwell coming for them would deter him - I CANNOT STAND Holly - hope SHE is gone soon

    1. There was a scene last week with Sasha and someone, maybe Tracy, at the Q's and she was wearing a green snug top and I thought she looked pregnant. So maybe.

  2. I want Holly to give Sasha the diamond. She can buy Serenity for Cody and he can have his refuge for animals. They can live their lives and just not have children if they're worried about those implications. No one there will know of any relationship between them.

  3. I do not understand why the writers randomly made Sasha Robert and Holly's daughter. It makes zero sense, in the realm of history, or in storyline. I don't get the purpose.

  4. OH KAREN! I thought you didn't watch GH today!!! :)

    WSB Brennan's office:

    Anna and Brennan: Oh stop Anna!!! This is ridiculous! She worked for the WSB! She was a freakin spy! She can find 1 person.

    Sonny's office:

    Sonny, Jason, and Holly: Boring!!! Badger Bob is falling asleep. :)


    Hahahaha. That would be perfect! Although Badger Bob will probably not like it. ROFL!

    Jason and Anna: Stop it Anna!!!!

    Jason, Spinny, and Anna: So stupid!!!!! Enough said.

    The hospital:

    Dante and Sonny: Awwww great scene. Love the hugs. :)

    Heather, Laura, and Liz: Yeah Laura is right! She should have been contacted!!! So should have Diane!

    Laura and Alexis: When Alexis blamed Ric, I rolled my eyes.

    Laura and Liz:

    Laura: Well I'm grateful this will be over soon.

    Oh oh. Famous last words!!

    Kevlar home:

    Doc and Heather: Heather wins the line of the day.

    Heather: If it isn't my favorite good twin.


    Heather and Ace: Awwwwwwwwww! Great scene!!!! :) Hmmm isn't Ace a little too old to be having a binky in his mouth? Oooooo Heather will be back?!!?! Ooooo soapy! :) I will miss you Heather! Until you come back. :)

    Nina's office:

    Nina and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: What? No zex? Damn. :)

    Cowboy Cody's horse home:

    Casha: This is just heartbreaking. So stupid!!! When he talked about how he saw his future with her, it made me tear up! :( Hey where is Mr. Ed aka Comet? Must be with the Tribbles. :)

    Sasha and Holly: Stupid stupid stupid!!!

    The brown dog bar:

    Nina, Drew aka Ryan Lavery, Another navy seal, and Cowboy Cody: GO COWBOY CODY GO! :D Nina is so embarrassed!! Hahahaha.


    Dante proposes to Sam. I'm so confused. I thought she was going to die on the operating table.

  5. I HATE what they have done to Anna, and I hate what they did to VAnna. ONE of the reasons that I don't watch anymore :(

  6. I wonder if the preview with Dante proposing is a dream.

  7. I'm hoping with Sam it is a post-op complication and not a faulty machine or Cyrus or someone else murdering her. I am glad they didn't have her die in surgery with Lucas having done it. As I've said, I feel bad for Kelly and her fans, but the material is going to be great for Nancy (as evidence by the picture) and likely Dom and Genie. I'm thinking the proposal is real, she accepts, and promptly codes.

  8. Brennan is good looking but his conversations are yawn inspiring. Anna weeping once again is just tiring.
    Wonder why the writers feel the need to repeatedly torture Sasha. Here is a recap of her "joy": (credit to General Hospital Snark) • Drug addiction
    • Death of baby
    • Death of husband
    • Mother in law as conservator stole all her money (Hi Gladys!)
    • Drugged and gaslit by court appointed therapist
    • Locked in a mental institution
    • Nearly killed by a therapist
    • Hired as a cook in the Q home and treated like dirt
    • Continual Coitus Interruptus with her COUSIN!



  FROM The NED and OLIVIA Fans on Twitter!  OK !! SO I messed up and didn't get a blog out yesterday. I started watching the shows I mis...