Friday, January 31, 2025

Light A Wubsy Candle


It's FINALLY the end of January. This stupid month has lasted a year, I swear!! Today I'm in a class with 20 Four Year Olds!! FOR SIX HOURS!! Send help!! LOL IT's going to be a doozy. 

I'll have to watch GH Saturday morning and then do Sunday Surgery. Let me know how the show is!   My biggest question is: Will Jason find out about Sam before he goes to ask Michael "The question"...I have a feeling SBu is taking a few days off lol 

Thursday, January 30, 2025



WELP.. I'm here! Tomorrow I'm off subbing from 8:30-2:30 so soak me up while you can lol 

Chase is at the gym, hitting the bag. Flashing back to wanting a family and the test results. Dante walks in and tells him that Sam was murdered. They talk about Sam and Lulu. 

Brook and Lois talking. Brook wants to tell Chase about her baby she had in HS. OH!! And she wants to tell him that Dante was the father. Says it will be so hard and not sure she can do it. 

Lulu tells Maxie Sam was murdered. Spinelli will be so upset says Maxie. Lulu is still in love with Dante. Yada yada... Maxie invites Cody to dinner. 

Diane is in the office. Alexis walks in looking awful and says her daughter was murdered. They cry. Alexis throws stuff.  Then Alexis says that Krissy and Molly are coming over and she's going to tell them about Sam. Diane gets a call from Jason and leaves.  Molly and Kristina are horrified that Sam was murdered. Wouldn't Molly have known if she's with the DA's office? 

Cody sees Jason touch Sasha's belly and Jason says "I'm here for you"..then he walks away. Sasha tells Jason she's doing this ALONE! Jason says wonders if Michael really told her to raise the baby alone. 

Cody goes to the barn where Molly shows up with some papers. He says some people in this town get away with "everything". Molly and he banter. Chem test. Molly leaves. 

Carly and Brennan kiss but she pulls back and says: Wait, I need a minute. She doesn't want to do something she regrets. He says he didn't come to sleep with her anyway. He's set up a romantic fire outside the hotel with a fire-pit and everything. Um, FIRE../??????? She wants to know why Valentin tried to kill him. He tells them part of their history. Val  in the WSB and them being BFFs until Val tried to kill him. 

CODY at The Metro with lulu and Maxie. He tells them Sasha's pregnant. Maxie's like: um... he says "YOU KNEW"!! 

JASON GOES to Diane and spills that Sasha is pregnant with Michael's baby. Diane is like, omg he cheated on Willow !! Then Jason isn't sure that Michael told Sasha she could raise the baby by herself. :eyeroll: He's going to the clinic to talk to Michael. If it's true and Michael says it's ok to let Sasha raise the kid on her own, he won't tell Carly about it. 


Wednesday, January 29, 2025


NOTE:  The TAPING of GH episode of Jennifer Hudson is happening today, not airing today--sorry. Keep a look out for when it does. If I find out, I'll post it!


In Germany, Carly decides to go down to the spa. Valentin is strangling Brennan. Carly asks an attendant where Jack is. Val keeps strangling him, looks really real! Jack tries to reach for scissors but misses. They end up on the floor fighting and crashing stuff. Carly hears it but the attendant tries to divert her attention (he must have been paid off by Val).  Jack passes out, Val stands up and Carly hits him over the head. He falls and she runs to Jack. The attendant goes to call the ambulance. Jack wakes up. Valentin is gone. Jack is ok. All sparkly lol.

Anna sees Lulu at GH. Lulu says thank goodness her daughter didn't get shot again when they were in Prague. Anna's so sorry. Lulu says she knows it was an accident and it was all Valentin's fault for not telling her she was stalking Anna in the first place. Then Portia comes and takes Anna to her office. Tells Anna about the suspicious deaths.  Tells her the names of the patients. Anna's upset. 

Lulu goes to the elevator and Dante walks out. They talk about her test results and such. She's fine. Doing well after the transplant. They talk about Rocco and Lulu feels like Dante is blaming her for Sam's death a little. He says nope that's not true. Anna wants to talk to Dante alone. 

Emma goes to the Q house to see Dante and say she's sorry about Sam. Then Gio comes down the stairs and asks what she's doing there. Banter, Dante leaves and Emma asks Gio to play "for the oldies and boomers" for a fundraiser for the animal testing thing. He's like Ok, if I have time. She's VERY PASSIONATE ABOUT SAVING THE ANIMALS!! 

Cody comes in looking for Tracey to apologize. Gio says he should wait until the morning. Traceys' in a bad mood because she found out Sasha was pregnant. Cody is all @@!!! 

Tracey, Lois and Olivia go to get their nails done. Tracey can't believe a 'rando' got Sasha pregnant and hopes she doesn't want free childcare. Banter, yada yada. Martin walks in, asks Tracey who she's bashing now.  They banter about Willow a LOT. Olivia and Lois watch and giggle a bit.  Lois leaves. Olivia leaves. Then Marty and Tracey just banter--A LOT. Cute. 

Jason asks Sasha if Michael knows the baby is his. She's like Um you are making assumptions. Jason says, LOOK, I KNOW you slept together.  Sasha says don't tell anyone this is Michael's baby. He agrees. The baby moves. 

Chase and Brook talk about Chase being sterile. He cries. they hug. They have options. Yada yada. Chase has to go on a walk. 

Brook calls Lois at the nail salon and asks her to come home. Lois and Brook cry. Lois says being a dad isn't just a donation. Brook really wants Chases' baby. Is afraid IVF would 'hurt him' even though he suggested it. She wonders if she should tell him about her first baby she gave up. 


Cody sees Jason touching Sasha's belly (the baby moved)

Anna comes out and just tells Dante and Lulu that Sam was murdered. Um, that was a weird scene

Carly and Brennan make out in her hotel room. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Quartermaine FUN!!


So AL retweeted this so I'm hoping it's true!! We have SO many establishments in PC now. Why doesn't she go to Charlie's? But..If she gets more airtime, bring it on. 


Q house: Tracey doesn't like her Manhattan Sasha made. Sasha says she'll make another one. Jason says No you won't. Sasha leaves. Tracey talks about Willow's 'deal' that Jason made and how Nina is sabotaging it. NED says leave Willow alone. NED! NED IS HERE!

OMG! OLIVIA IS HERE TOO...talking to a sad, sad Chase in the foyer. She hopes the kids get good news. 

THEN, they go into the living room and it's OG QUARTERMAINE stuff! IT's great. Tracey tells Sasha to get everyone 2 fingers of bourbon on the rocks so they can figure out "what to do with the adulteress in the Gate House" AHAHHAAHA. She drinks her bourbon. Says it needs Orange not lemon peel. THEN she screams!! (See below)

Brook tells Lois she's cleared to have a baby, no problems there! They hug. They talk a lot about the baby and her choice. She didn't feel like she was pressured. Weird thing: She has no idea if it was a boy or a girl. 

Ok, back downstairs Tracey SCREAMS!! THERE'S A MOUSE IN THE BOOKCASE!! GET IT! She wants Sasha to get it out... Sasha is like NOPE..Tracey insists (Gio is all of a sudden there too? ) anyway, Sasha says she's not climbing, she's PREGNANT. Mouths fall open.  Tracey is like: UM with YOUR COUSIN? Sasha says nope, some guy in a bar. Jason PUTS IT ALL TOGETHER lol...

Then GIO pipes up: I never had a Dad and I'm ok. Lois gets that 'look" on her face.  Then everyone goes their own way. Brook and Chase go upstairs and she says she has good news. 

The EXACT same scene with Carly and Brennan happens at the hotel. She looks at the vodka, knock on the door and he's there. He likes her. She likes him. He wants to take her to the spa.  She says no. She calls Felicia to get some cultures of Michael's sent to Germany. Fe says it might be hard. Carly says to get them to the WSB because Jack Brennan will help out. Felicia says: JACK BRENNAN??? BE CAREFUL. Carly rolls her eyes. 

Kai is sad he might be paralyzed if he plays again. Tri is saying it's not that bad. She wants him to talk to her mother, she wants to help. Portia gives him a sliver of hope. 

Portia has to tell the 'families' their loved ones were murdered.  Alexis is like: Um, what!! Murdered?! Portia gives her vague facts about other patients and yada yada. Alexis isn't leaving it to the PCPD! She'll find out herself who did this! She corners Isaiah to talk about everything. 

Anna and Felicia getting their nails done. Felicia saw Emma outside Club Mercury the other night at 2am. Did a follow up and made sure she got home ok but didn't talk to her. Anna says she's a handful. Emma comes in and they confront her. Emma's like: Oh, this isn't a spa day, it's an interrogation. Emma was at a fund raiser for animal cruelty. PCU still experiments on animals you know. 


If Emma gets straight As Anna will go clubbing with her

OMG.........Jack goes to the spa and VALETIN goes in and asks if he wants a towel. Brennan can't see him OMG VAL IS GOING TO CHOKE HIM TO DEATH! WHOA. 


Monday, January 27, 2025



Lulu visits Laura. Laura is worried about Lucky. She tells Lulu about Lucky and Sidwell and Sidwell being back in town. Worried Lucky will go after him. Lulu and Laura talk about the last 4 years and how hard it must have been for Laura. She says she's had Kevin (who we never see anymore). 

Jason and Anna talk about Sidwell and no charges for him. She thinks if Jason and Sasha report the kidnapping (they didn't??????) she might be able to do something. He says he thinks Sidwell targeted Sonny and he HAS to go after him. Anna's like: NOPE.  Jason cries a bit about the bomb going off and that Anna HAS TO HELP MICHAEL.

Lucky and Liz go to Turning Woods to get info on Cyrus' time there but her friend is out sick today. They talk to another nurse and try to get info on Cyrus. They say he really wants to send sympathy cards to patients' families that have died. She gets them the list. OH! But the admin guy comes in and asks Lucky why he's there. Lucky gets him distracted by saying they are going to sue Turning Woods so Liz can grab the printed list. The admin sees her  behind the desk after she gets the papers and asks what she's doing. 

Nina and Curtis bitch about Drew. Drew threatened to deny Aurora some government money if Curtis didn't do what he wants. They talk about Nina telling Willow about Drew and her but she says no. Curtis has a plan to help them both but she has to help him. 

Chase gives Willow a "house warming gift" because she just came home LOL!! WHAT? Okay, whatever. Chase gives her a candle says she's a good person. Willow feels badly she can't see Drew 'on the grounds". He tells her that Brook and him are trying to have a baby. She's so happy. 


Drew calls Monica because Yuri wouldn't let him in the gate on Monica's orders. Drew then meets with Marty at The Grille. He says nothing will keep him from seeing Willow. He wants to buy a house in PC "for Scout". Marty says Lucy could help him. 

Kristina goes to see Sonny, wonders why he didn't come to Charlie's opening. She tells him she's so happy about him letting her buy the club. He's so proud. 

Lucy and Metro Grille. Natalia and Sonny are going to Beverly Hills together to get a contract-- at some boutique. I'm so lost. I must have missed something. OH! I guess at the end of Friday's show Isaiah told Sonny to go to a specialist in LA and no one would know so they need a cover. 

Later, Natalia goes to Sonny's and uses the key. Kristina is like: UM, YOU HAVE A KEY??? they make some cover story. Then he tells her he's going to LA for a Deception thing. She leaves. Nat says he really should tell his kid about his heart condition. 

Chase finds out he can't father children 

Drew wants a big house with at least 5 bedrooms because you know, Willow

Curtis wants to sabotage Drew in DC...Nina will help (not sure how)

Liz and Lucky get away with the list from Turning Point

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Sunday Surgery: Achtung Baby


I'm going to talk about MY FAVES and joyful things on the show right now. Thank You for the RAVA moment. LOVE it. Two great actors and I'm here for it. Ok, a little snark here and there if you like that. I can't quite quit being a beetch!! 

What did you LIKE THIS WEEK??   Grab a great breakfast and let's GO GO

Friday, January 24, 2025

LATE Day Again!!


I have my yearly check up today (I have to get one for work...ugh) and it's at 2pm. Will I make it back for the end of the show? Not sure. Glad I did yesterday to see the Rava Kiss!! WOOT!! 

Some thoughts: 

I can't believe Ava can't get full custody of Avery after a BOMB WENT OFF in Sonny's apartment. She just can't live with his ex-wife. I mean..?? 

Cody is just reverting back to his 2022 character

Where's big bad Cyrus? This isn't a really big mystery or intrigue when the guy is never on

Who will Joss shoot instead of Cyrus? 

Carly will be in Germany today. Send them your prayers.

Sonny and Natalia ...such a terrible idea. She really hasn't done anything as a character. 

Tracey should have immediately released that sex tape when she was arrested. 

There wasn't even any background music at Charlie's. yes, it bugs me 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Day Off For WUBS


My Dad is up for the day and to be frank, I'm so crabby when it comes to the show this week, it's probably better if I skip an episode!! I mean, I can only rely so much on Jane Elliot to make the show watchable.  I don't want to be negative all the time, especially if you're enjoying the show! I will really REALLY try to present just the summary in my daily recaps and not be snarky lol

Think I can do it?!!! 

By the way: Sonny lived. 

Shocker :) 

NOTE!! My DAD left early and I saw the last 15 min of the show. Saw the Ava and Ric kiss!! WHOOT!! Sidwell has no charges against him. LOL, ok--he only tried to blow up 20 people. Liked Lucas and Joss. Did Donna do her hair?? And...that's about it!! Saw Brick leave--BYE! 

TOMORROW I have a check up so...again, I might be home for the end of the show but maybe not. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Bar Ware


Oh, I'm off today, everything is closed here due to it being 6 degrees.

Charlie's is opening. Might as well be the Savoy. Lucky and her toast their dads before opening the doors. I think it looks foolish with the lights on the bar. Sorry. Maxie and Spin come in. Isaiah--then Liz.  Brick and Jordan walk in but thank God she's there to meet Isaiah. OH he'll be called away by Sonny. Great. Brick didn't even wait until the door was shut to sit with Jordan. He's smarmy and tells her he did a background check on Isaiah. Tries to flirt. 

Cody talks to Spinelli. Cody wants money to 'keep quiet' about what he knows about Spinelli doing that DATING APP. He's drunk. The dating app? Like 4 years ago? WHAT? He wants 75K from Spin. OMG that happened in 2022. I mean, really. 

Lucky, who's the only bartender, tells Liz they have to talk about 'their case'. Marty joins them and they talk about Cyrus. Liz wonders why he was visiting all the people at Turning Woods. Marty says "our mother".  Marty tells the story of their mother being at death's door and Cyrus not wanting life saving measures but the mother recovered and didn't forgive him. Marty has proxy now and Cyrus misses her. Liz and Lucky wonder if he's killing off people that are terminal...but they realize Sam and Dex weren't terminal. 

Chapel: Jason wants to talk to Willow about the kids. He says: Hey why don't you just live in the GATEHOUSE? that way Monica can see the kids if she wants. THAT'S IT? After all this!! OMG.  He leaves to go tell Tracey the plan. Even though he just saw her yesterday and didn't tell her the plan.  Drew says they are bulling Willow. Willow says that the kids should be home. 

Gatehouse: Sasha is reading to Wiley, he misses his parents. Knock on the door...OH! It's FELICIA! She found them but the police can't find them IN THEIR OWN HOUSE. Okay. Felicia and Sasha talk about the Quartermaines and plans. Alan dropping the roof on Rick and Monica. 

Jail House: Lulu wants to visit Tracey. Dante says no. Lulu yammers on and on. He says ok.  Lulu yammers to Tracey until Jason comes in and tells her the plan. Tracey says NO. Lulu is trying to talk her into it. "Play the long game". 

Sonny's office floor: LaRue finds him. Puts a pill in his face and calls 911. Sonny wakes up. Won't let her talk to 911. Won't go to the hospital. OH so SHE CALLS ISAIAH to come and now stupid BRICK can be with Jordan. Gross. Sonny tells Isaiah what happened. Isaiah says he has to see a cardiologist. Sonny won't because Ava might find out. 


Cody gets out of hand and decks Lucky. He goes to the PCPD just when Tracey is getting out

Drew tells Martin he'll do anything to protect Willow from the Qs

Sonny and Natalia go to The Metro where she's going to make sure he's ok for the night. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Tuesday: The Docks


Greetings from The Frozen Tundra!! 12 degrees and lake effect snow! Whoo Hoo!! That time of year but it sure is nasty when it's here. Although truth be told, I'd rather have this than 90s and huge humidity. Guess that's the Nordic in me. 

NOTE: If you see a comment has been deleted it's because it's spam. I RARELY if ever remember deleting a comment due to the opinion. Some spammy people get in here and put stupid links in the content. Last one started with "Enjoyed your post about hospital" LOL! OY! 


In the hall, Jason walks up and asks about Michael. They all tell them about the plan to wake him up. Carly asks Michael where he wants to go and he says Germany. Then asks about SASHA!! AHAHAHAHA
Carly comes out and Jason will call Sasha. Carly's getting the plane ready..Willow wants to talk to Michael. Willow says she's sorry and Wiley and Amelia want him to get better. Then his bells and whistles go off and the nurses have to rush in. Carly screams that it was Willow's fault. Sasha gets there but too late, he had to be sedated. Carly yells more at Willow. Jason tells her to calm the FK down. She says well, I'm going to Germany so there. 

Tracey is at the PCPD. Yuri and the Nanny took the kids out for the day and she "Can't Remember Where". Drew is out in the hall being a pill about getting the kids back. Goes in, yells. She's telling them she's not saying a word without her lawyers. Covers her ears with Drew.

Brennan comes in and tells Anna he has info on the bomb in Sonny's place. It's a black ops, government device. Anna says she has to ask: did you do this to him? He's like, nope!

Anna calls Jason to come out and help with the Tracey situation. Don't ask me why, it's dumb. He talks to her and she refuses to let the kids go--and she hates Drew. Doesn't think she'll go to jail because she has too much money. 

LaRue and Maxie are talking in Deception. Maxie says Sonny was the real target of the fire. Then Sasha comes in and Natalia leaves. Sasha talks about how nice it is to be pregnant. 

Alexis and Kristina are talking on the docks. Ava walks up.  She tells them Wyndemere sold and she's going over to give Sidwell his painting. She's sorry about Michael and glad Avery wasn't there. Kristina bickers. Ava bickers. Kristina leaves. Ava tells Alexis to "put that one on a leash" LOL  Then Ava leaves and Sidwell comes up to talk to Alexis. Um, wasn't Ava on her way TO SEE HIM ON SPOON ISLAND? This makes no sense. Anyway, he wants Alexis to visit the house. She's like, no I'm good. 


Michael is going to Germany and Carly's going as well 

Sasha didn't get to talk to Michael but tells Maxie she's happy to be pregnant. 

Bunch of yelling

The bomb for Sonny was a biggie but even an arms dealer could have gotten it. 

Ava pleads with Sonny to let Avery live with her. She says Carly's not even her mother. (BTW, Carly is NOW IN GERMANY!) 


Sonny falls on the floor after Ava leaves

Jason goes to talk to Drew and Willow about the kids

Tracey is hauled off to booking and a cell. 

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Sunday Surgery: And There It Is


I floundered for a title this week because, well... not a hell of a lot happened besides narrative and people yelling about custody. As you know, I took a break for part of the week and picked things up Friday. I'll do some brief summaries and be out of your hair quickly today! 

Jane is up there because without Tracey, this show would be unwatchable right now.

I have nice Chai to sip on! Let's give it a go....

Friday, January 17, 2025

Crummy Custody Stuff


Here I am!! I have only watched the clips with Tracey--first with Jason and then with Carly from the last 2 days. That's all I could deal with. So, let's see how we go! 


Lucas and Ava talk about Avery. He sees her all the time! Ava asks what she is up to. Why doesn't she see her? I'm confused...anyway, she calls Ric. She says it's no accident.  Ric says it will have no bearing on the case. Which is stupid.  "Avery is safe at Carly's with Donna". Then Sidwell comes in and wants to decorate Wyndemere. Ava is giddy. He says he bought Wyndemere. She's like OMG! I used to live there! 

Brook and Lulu at Deception. Lulu wants a job there!!! ahahahaha. They argue. Maxie comes in. Maxie tells her if she takes the job, she'd be Brook's assistant.  

Over at the PC Grille, Cody loses his bet and gets in Drew's face. Jordan stops him.  Nothing really happens. Cody leaves. Jordan and Drew argue about what he did to Curtis. 

Willow, Carly and Sonny at GH. She wants to find a way to "move forward".  Carly says she wants the kids to see Willow and she had no clue Tracey would take over. Willow has come to a decision. She wants them to see Michael and isn't sure how things got so messy. Sonny is grateful. Portia comes along to talk about Michael's next treatment plan. She says a bed opened up at John's Hopkins. Willow is happy. Carly says she might have a better option. Wants Michael to go to Germany to be treated by a great doctor that Brennan knows. Sonny's like: Um, come over here! Why didn't you tell me all this? Carly says does it matter? I'll go with him!! The whole time. 
OMG IF ONLY !! Carly gone FOR MONTHS??????????? yaaaaaaaaaaaas. They are going to wake Michael up

Chase and Tracey arguing over the kids. Chase says Tracey isn't being reasonable. She's like: yeah, sorry. They are STAYING HERE! They argue, he calls Brook Lyn for back up. Brook Lyn comes in. 

Cody goes to GH to give Brad a check for 'part' of the gambling payment.  Lucas sees them from afar. Brad takes the check. Cody leaves. 


Carly goes in to question Michael who's awake. He's in agony and she asks him to 'make a choice"

They ARREST TRACY because the kids aren't on Q property and Drew has an order to take them? WHAT ? 


just bad



THIS Sunday, January 19th Bradford and Josh will be hosting an event with Coastal Entertainment to raise funds for the fires that have ravaged LA. 100% of the proceeds will go to helping those in need. Even if you can't go, buying a ticket will help out and you'll know exactly where funds will be directed. 

The Event covers all soaps; BB, YR, GH and DOOL and I'm sure many surprise guests will drop in. 

100% of all proceeds will go to benefit World Central Kitchen, Pasadena Humane Society, and the LA Fire Department Foundation.

If you can't be live on the Zoom, you can still buy a ticket and we'll email you the link to watch the recording, recording will be available for 14 days.

You will not be camera for this Zoom. Questions can be asked in the chat! 

Check in starts at 2:30pm EST, Zoom starts at 3:30pm EST

*Actors subject to change and not the responsibility of Coastal Entertainment

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Goodbye Monica

It's so hard to even put into words what this incredible actress has meant to this show. There are so many storylines: Her affair with Rick, her love for Alan (he gave her the house, in case you forgot), Giving birth to AJ, Taking in Jason and Emily as her own children, her fights with Tracy, sleeping with Ned and reconnecting with her daughter Dawn. That's just the family stories. There is so much more. 

We are sure that all of you have taken the time this week to remember Leslie's storylines and what she has meant to GH. We are going to mention each of our favorite scenes/memories of her. And we ask that you mention your own personal memories in the comments section. 

Karen is out today, so this will double as today's blog for the show. Do you think they will have the character pass on or recast? I'm sure they will retire the character, like they did with Bobbie with a great few episodes and incredible acting from everyone. The big question: who gets the house? 

Dave's Favorite Scene

I could have chosen just about anything, but I always loved her interaction with Leslie Webber. And this scene just showcased the respect the actresses had for each other as well as the love. In these later years, I wish Denise was on the show just a little bit more and had more of the banter together they were known for. 

Karen's Favorite Scene

Not sure it exists on film or really more in my memories. There was a time when Laura really "hated" her mother, Leslie. Mostly over boys and any kind of discipline! She would go to Monica and they'd talk in the GH cafeteria. Monica took Laura's side (because she didn't like Leslie) but also provided that great "second ear" a lot of us needed as teens. I started watching when Genie came on so I saw all of that and the great Alan/Monica/Rick triangle. One more metion: Monica's breast cancer because at the time, it was uncharted territory. Hard to fathom now with everything that is done for awareness and charity but at the time, not talked about much. Leslie played it with grace and courage. 

Link to a good blog On The Soap Box that highlights Nancy Lee Grahn's Sportsman's Event 
with Leslie and others. Plenty of stories.  

What are some of your Monica Memories?? I'm sure many of you that are younger have some different ones than we do!! Maybe you came into the show after Alan was gone or never saw the Lucy and Alan wedding. Let us know in the comments. 

I just realized when I went to read this within the blog and not the editing shell that Leslie's photo shows on the wallpaper! That was when she was in the Hollywood Bowl parade I believe! WOW. She will forever be seen by us when looking at the blog!! 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025



Take a look at Alan and Monica moving into the Q Mansion! 

Well, I need my usual GH break about now. I just can't watch live so I'll leave you with a post to discuss today's show. 

Tomorrow we will have a special tribute to Leslie Charleson so keep an eye out !! 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Tuesday Narrative Day


Well, here's hoping the pace is better today because-- GOOD LORD I lost my mind yesterday. I'm really surprised that no one mentioned the Michael scenes in the hospital room. I swear I was ready to bail I was so frustrated. 

I do think those scenes with Stella and Tracey were written weeks ago and it was just kismet they ended up on yesterday. Very fitting. 

TODAY'S SHOW:  OMG there are a LOT of characters on today's show so get ready. 

Lulu goes to see Tracey at the Q's. She wants money and help to go get Charlotte back. Tracey won't give it to her unless there's a solid lead. Then thank goodness, Marty comes in the door. 

Sasha finds out from the nanny that Willow and the kids are at the Gatehouse for a hot minute. Willow tells Wiley they are going back to Gram Nina's. Wiley misses his dad. Willow says that he's in the hospital and they can't see him yet. BUT! they can make cards. WHY the HELL do they have to go to Nina's? WHY wouldn't Nina go there if she needs help?? Then Sasha comes in and tells the nanny to take the kids to the main house for cookies. Tries to stop WILLOW from taking the kids?? What?? So they argue a lot and Willow says Sasha would understand if she was a mother. DUN DUN DUN.

Drew stomps into Nina's and it's just arguing. Nina says he's controlling her. Insufferable. They keep yelling.

Lucas tells Liz (at her house) Michael was almost killed last night. Just a rundown of the digitalis story.

In the chapel, Jason is telling Sonny they need a safer place for him to stay than the Metro Court.  Dante comes in. Sonny and him hug. They end up talking about the Prague trip. In case you missed it. 

Jason goes to Carly up by Michael's room. They hug. Talk about Michael being "their kid" and yada yada. His heart operation and all that jazz. They also talk about his horrible burns. Jason thinks there may be a way to help him with that. 

Lucky and Joss talk about Cyrus and maybe him being the killer guy. Dex trying to kill Cyrus for Sonny--yada yada. 

YEAH, I had to bail on this today 
See ya. 

Monday, January 13, 2025


Yes, Leslie met Alberta back in the day. This was during the 
Habitat for Humanity build that GH actors volunteered for. 


 Michael codes as his family argues about who gets to hear about his care.  Carly can't understand why they can't see Michael. Willow is the proxy. Drew argues that SHE can see him no one else. Nina tries to intervene -- Drew shuts her off. Drew tells Sonny if they give the kids back, they can see Michael.  Yada yada, yell, yell, scream scream and Nina wants to talk to Sonny alone. Nina tries to say that the kids will need their mother. 

Carly talks to Willow and Drew pokes his stupid face in MULTIPLE TIMES to interrupt. This is so gross.  Sonny decides that the kids DO need their mother and they should focus on Michael. 

Portia asks Brad to help her find if there are more digitalis deaths. He says of course he will help. This is all under the table because legal can't know. Brad goes to do his stuff and Drew scares him BOO! He asks what's up. Cody wants him to ask his Aunt Selina to let him place a bet. She's not returning his calls. Brad's like FOR WHAT? Cody "A sure thing". 

Michael's "rescue" was played through the show in 3 second blasts. Finally, Isaiah pushes some medicine that has digitalis reversed. He's ok. 

Tracey says that she doesn't like Lulu but the Qs have to stick together. Cody asks her if he should invest in crypto currency. She laughs and is like: DUH NO! He wants to buy Serenity and Tracey thinks the realtor is trying to get him to buy by bluffing. Cody says "easy for you to say" and leaves. 

Stella knows Kai from their yoga class with "Ashanti"....Tri is there to work out too and is surprised.  Then Cody comes in... he recognizes Kai. They talk about the Winter Bowl coming up--and you can see Cody is going to bet on the game. 

Stella goes to see Tracey and brings a smoothie. Wants her to do yoga. Tracey laughs. She talks about all the kids in the house. Stella is sad about her great-granddaughter. They talk a LOT about Monica and her not doing well!! WOW..a LOT. Sad. 

Lulu goes to Laura and says she saw Charlotte. Blames Dante for "losing her". They talk more and Laura says she's actually glad Dante went to get her. More talk about Laura being in a coma. Lulu says that probably she led the shooter to Prague. 


Isaiah tells Portia about Michael almost dying, says they need to go to the PCPD 

Kai might not go back to school but go to the NFL draft

Brad agrees to help Cody place his bet for 15% 

NOTE:  Today's show started (before the bumper) with Michael coding. The NEXT TIME they picked it up was at: 2:20. This is unacceptable and a TERRIBLE way to edit a show. The NEXT time was 2:43

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Sad News


It's with heavy heart I read about the passing of Leslie Charleson today. We all knew she was ill but this is just so sad. Monica was one of the first characters I remember and was always with Laura when she was mad at her mother.  She will be missed--one of the greats. 

Sunday Surgery: Singe of the Father


I do feel badly for GH because it seems like this has happened before. Mass shooting and they have an explosion or shoot out. Fires in LA ..and Michael..well, you know. Hard week to watch and there are so many fans that will be needing help in the near and far future. 

With that said, let's dive in, shall we? 

Friday, January 10, 2025

Needing to Sub Today


Unless something changes, I will be subbing in a UPK today all afternoon. Please send Lysol and wipes because you know how those GERMS GO!! 

Have a fun Friday Show and let me know if it's good or not. 

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Day Of Peace and NEW GH


No GH today. Just a note to all of those in harm's way with the fires; stay safe and millions are thinking of you. First responders and fire fighters are the heroes of our times. 

There will be a lot of rebuilding to do and helping those that have lost so much. Also, RIP to Jimmy Carter. I remember his term as attempting peace in the Middle East and programs for social structure. Of course, his work with HH is also a great legacy he left. 

If any of you are in CA, let us know how you are.  

THERE IS A NEW SHOW TODAY. I guess ABC is just crazy pants. Whatever!!

Everyone is at the hospital for Michael.  

Marty tries to talk Willow into moving for custody of the kids NOW. She's like NOPE, Michael's might die, not going to do it. Then Willow leaves. Martin tells Nina Willow COULD use her position as Michael's wife in charge of his medical care to bargain for custody for the kids. 

Diane tells Carly to get the kids away from Willow NOW to get the advantage. 
Lucas tells Carly they have to prep Michael for burn unit type stuff and to guard against infection. 

Carly goes into the chapel. Idiot Drew walks in. He's like "So sorry about Michael". She lays into him. Then he tells her it is HER fault Michael is in that hospital bed. 

Curtis gives it to Drew. Basically tells him he's a scum bag. 

Willow comes to GH and Joss like "hey, bitch".  She asks why she was in DC with Drew and if it was for Wiley to get to know him as his new "daddy" PFffffffft. 

Sonny and Jason trying to figure out an "Exit Strategy" . Then Anna and Chase come in and talk to Jason (Sonny left) about what happened. 

Alexis and Sonny go and look for Kristina who "stepped out for air" awhile ago. Molly comes to the hospital to see Alexis and Krissy (who's not there). 

Kristina is on the stupid roof. She and Sonny hug. ON THE ROOF IN JANUARY. In WNY. Oh my lordy. Welp! She's sad and doesn't know if she can see Michael in the hospital. 

Jason has baby Michael flashbacks. He goes in to sit with him. Michael opens his eyes and groans. 

OMG!! Diane and Chase show up at Nina's with a social worker to TAKE THE KIDS 'HOME'!! AHAHAHAHA! Curtis is there and Nina is freaking the hell out. 


Nina is saying they aren't taking the kids. Diane is like: HAND 'EM OVER


Debridement is a surgical procedure where healthcare professionals remove non-viable tissue from a wound, like a burn, to promote healing and prevent infection

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

GH Today--


It's a sad day for LA and watching everything unfold. Cameron Mathison has written he lost his house but his family is fine.  Difficult to put into words what is happening. I thought about not blogging today but I'll be going ahead to give a distraction for those that need one. 

They show the whole explosion again but decided to INTERJECT A WILLOW/DREW SEX SCENE in with it! With WEIRD MUSIC! Wow, that was just awful. Jason gets a big rug and puts Michael "out". Michael rolls over and his face doesn't look that bad. 

Dinner at the Grille with Brennan and Carly.

Joss and Trina. Joss tells Tri to leave. She wants to look at the gun more. 

Nina wants to take the company jet to DC but Curtis says no. 

Brook Lyn is crying to Lois about not being pregnant yet. 

Chase finds a dizzy Sasha in the Q kitchen and she says she's just hungry. Forgot to eat. 

From GH/ABC Instagram account


Back to the show: 

Michael is taken to GH. Lucas says it's his nephew and Isaiah takes over. Carly rushes in and sees Jason and Sonny. They tell her Michael was hurt. She screams and yells. Says Michael is paying the price for Sonny. 

Brook says to Lois "It wasn't hard for me to get pregnant the first time but now it is" --so there we go!!  She wonders if it's payback or karma for giving her baby up all those years ago. Lois says the pregnancy was fine and delivery good. It should be ok. Brook feels guilty because she hasn't told Chase. 

Drillow in bed, talking about Michael and the custody case. He says he'll give it all up for her. 

Curtis and Nina talk about calling the media they know to blow in Drew and Willow and force Drew's hand about coming forward about the affair. 

Sasha and Chase talk about kids and Chase says they are going to get checked out asap. He wants to honor his dad. 

Joss takes out the gun. Looks at it. Opens the chamber and looks at bullets. Finally puts the bullets back in the box. Someone knocks hard. Brennan tells her to come with him immediately. 


Nina calls Willow to tell her to get home

Lucas says Michael is burned over 40% of his body with 3rd degree. He might not live

Monday, January 6, 2025


 Sidwell bought Wyndemere!! Lucy welcomes him and gives him her Travel Guide to Port Charles lol. She's talking about introducing him to all of Port Charles. He acts interested but I think he's a wanted man? Anyway, Lucy shows him the city from the window and gives him a fancy set of cards. She must have made a mint on that property. 

French Lady apologizes to Brennan. He never asked her to take a shot at Valentin. She did it anyway and now they know they are on to them. Brennan thinks that Charlotte will slip up again. Brennan gets the footage of the Dex stabbing. It's Cyrus. 

MARTY and Laura talk about Lulu in Prague. Just a recap. Basically, if you haven't seen the Lulu Char reunion, watch that part. Marty says Char will try to call Lulu or Laura again. 

Cyrus talks to Isaiah about saving Lulu. Isaiah is not happy, doesn't like Cyrus because of what Jordan said about him. Brad walks over and says Cyrus needs to be back in jail. He yells about what he did to Britt. Lucas drags him away. Portia tells Cy he's banned from the hospital. He's like YOU CAN'T DO THAT. She's like YEP! Get out. He leaves mad. 

Willow gets divorce papers from Michael, cries to Drew in the DC hotel. "It says I'm an unfit mother" boo hoo. Drew is pissed off because Michael is so mean :eyeroll:  Willow sobs. HE might use the SEX footage! She calls Marty who tells her not to worry because she's the mother. THEN he finds out she's in DC with Drew. LOL! WHOOPS

Michael is in Sonny's talking about his divorce. He's mad Willow took Wiley out of state without telling him. Sonny thinks Drew needs to pay. Michael says he already took Aurora. They talk about Willow needing someone to 'save' her. He thinks she married him because of her love for Wiley. 

Joss and Trina are packing up Dex's apartment.  They talk about him. Some flashbacks happening. All Joss wants is to catch Dex's stabber. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. 

Carly is bitching about Willow going to DC. Jason is standing there, staring at her. Carly wants to fly to DC herself! She HATES WILLOW! Jason goes to Sonny's -- Carly's meeting Lucas. They leave. 


Jason comes into the PH and takes Sonny out in the hall. EXPLOSION! Michael is on fire

Lucy leaves, Sidwell dances to the window to watch the explosion 

Josslyn finds a gun in Dex's drawer. Not his police issue one, a personal one

NOTE THERE IS NO GH tomorrow. I think it might be because Carter will be laid in state in DC. Then, a new Show Wed. And Carter's funeral is Thursday. Another 3 day week. 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Sunday Surgery: Pew Pew Fail


Another 3 day week !! I could get used to this!! It was a very strange 3 days in my eyes, especially since we never really saw an official "Christmas-Christmas" (people opening gifts etc) and no New Years. Couple that with no Thanksgiving and.. hmmmm... peculiar. The "How Michael Exits" spoiler reel dropped and THAT set the socials on fire...literally. 

Anyway, let's get to it!! Grab what you got and let's.......GO GO 

Friday, January 3, 2025

Speaker Interruptus.


UGH I'm so hoping that GH starts on time because the SOH is on and they are analyzing the HELL OUT OF IT. 
We started a tiny bit late...

OH! another alert in the middle of the show too. 


Sonny is meeting with Isaiah in his PH and Jason walks in. Isaiah leaves. Sonny tells Jason something is wrong with his heart. Jason says he'll take him to a doctor out of state so no one knows. Sonny says NOPE. BUT they have to do business differently. 

Nina and Curtis talk about Drew and Willow being in DC. Damn, that was fast.  She's so angry. Curtis thinks he knows why. Is she jealous. She says no, she hates Drew. They talk about how much they hate Drew. 

Michael tells Sasha to stay in PC. He says if anything happens to the baby everyone will be here. (well, except him.. burning flame ' fire).She says if she stays she has to tell the Qs and they'll think it's Cody's and then she'll have to say it was a rando. She couldn't live there--Michael says he can help with that. She says she won't take money but she will stay in PC. She's glad if she got PG by mistake it was with him. She leaves.

Charlotte and Valentin. She's such a sop. "it's all my fault Papa".. :EYEROLL:  He says no, his fault for taking her. He cries.  Says it's too dangerous and she should go with Lulu. 

Lulu and Dante just arguing. Lulu tells him that she was     THISCLOSE  to getting Char home THIS CLOSE---ABOUT 45 times.  Dante reads Lulu for a bitch for leaving Rocco and leading the sniper to Valentin. Damn Lulu is SO unlikeable. 

Sasha goes to GH and gets an appointment with Dr. Navarro-- she has to see a patient advocate. That would be-- Felicia. She tells her she's pregnant and it's not Cody but won't say who the father is. 

Michael walks into Curtis and Nina's convo...Nina says: OH! HELLO!! Michael! Did you know Willow went to DC with Wiley? Amelia is with the nanny!! Michael just stares and walks out. 

Michael sees Willow and Drew on social media with a photo together. Calls Diane and says Willow took Wiley away without telling him

Dante and Lulu keep yelling. Lulu ends up throwing stuff

Charlotte decides to go with her Papa 

Jan 7th


So I can't upload the video-- but here's a photo. That's Michael- on FIRE in SONNY'S PH after what looks to be an explosion. The GH team put the spoiler out by mistake I think as the video says "On the next GH" and it's marked for the 7th. 

I believe Michael will live but be in a burn unit until they decide to bring him back as a recast --or whatever. He'll have plastic surgery and just be a NuMichael. Interesting ---because this is pretty brutal even for GH, especially for a main character like Michael AND Sonny's kid. Yikes. 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Ready, Set...Aim


WELL! It's been a couple of days, hasn't it? Every time I turn on the news, it's just something else. I needs some GH escape for sure. 

Hope you had a fun NYE-- we had a little nosh with friends and home by 10 lol. That's how I roll. I bartended for 3 years on NYE and if I never ever go out again on those nights, it will be FINE. 


Sonny still on the ground in the gym. Isaiah finally gets there, calls ambulance. Thinks he has afib. They paramedics arrive and Sonny's sitting up getting his BP taken. He's ok...but Isaiah wants him to go to GH to get checked out. Sonny says NOPE, ain't happening. Also wants Isaiah to promise he won't tell ANYONE what HAPPENED!! PERIOD! He's in a business where his enemies can't see weakness. They talk about his symptoms and Sonny says he was shot in the chest 20 years ago and Isaiah tells him he HAS to do something or he could have a stroke or heart attack. 

Anna goes to see Brennan, says they have a giant problem. She says she knows Lulu went to find Valentin. Then his phone rings, it's French Sniper lady saying that Valentin and Charlotte got out of there. THEN-- ANNA tases Jack! He's down. She says she did it so he will listen and pay attention. She found out he talked to Emma and he's NEVER TO TALK TO HER AGAIN! ( I think he said hi to her in Bobbie's??) He says Joss introduced them, he was just getting a burger and he has no agenda. Anna doesn't believe him and says to leave her alone. 

Dante jumps and gets Lulu down. They realize Char and Val are gone. Lulu's going to follow the airtag she put in Charlotte's bag.  They find the airtag in the bushes, Val found it and tossed it. Lulu wants to roam the streets looking and Dante says they need help.  THEY GO BACK to the cafe and sit. Talk to a police officer... who wants to know the custody situation. Then he leaves. IT's really really badly done. I guess they'll sit in that cafe for days. 

OMG Drew the walking slime ball goes to GH to see Willow. She seems happy to see him. Says how PROUD she is of him and he'll be off to DC in awhile. She's afraid she won't see him because everyone will want to piece of him. He says he will be able to pick out her voice even in a crowded football stadium because it's the ONLY VOICE THAT MATTERS! OMG Vomit. He wants her to go to the inaugration and bring Wiley. She's like, um, Michael filed for divorce and this will give him fuel. He doesn't care. 

Michael and Sasha are talking in his office. He says he might have to expose Drew and Willow's affair but their affair has to stay QUIET. She says she's leaving town and pregnant. Michael asks if it's his and she says yes. She wants the baby but nothing from all. She thinks the Qs and Corinthos are toxic and his childhood was dangerous. Michael wants to be a part of the child's life. Sasha says it will also compromise his access to Wiley and Amelia. 

Alexis finally lets Ava in to say her piece. Ava thinks there's been a mistake on the estate. Alexis says NOPE! That money you thought was yours? It's gone. Ava's desperate. Alexis is like: WELP! SORRY not SORRY! Ava's angry. Alexis is gloating. That's about it. 


Brennan tells Anna never to come at him again

Isaiah tells Sonny there's a "ticking time bomb" in his chest

Michael agrees to let Sasha raise the baby alone. 

Sunday Surgery: Tie Me UP!

  GH was certainly back to Soap 101 certain times this week! This is when I seriously think at 30 min show would really work. Cut that fat r...