Monday, January 27, 2025



Lulu visits Laura. Laura is worried about Lucky. She tells Lulu about Lucky and Sidwell and Sidwell being back in town. Worried Lucky will go after him. Lulu and Laura talk about the last 4 years and how hard it must have been for Laura. She says she's had Kevin (who we never see anymore). 

Jason and Anna talk about Sidwell and no charges for him. She thinks if Jason and Sasha report the kidnapping (they didn't??????) she might be able to do something. He says he thinks Sidwell targeted Sonny and he HAS to go after him. Anna's like: NOPE.  Jason cries a bit about the bomb going off and that Anna HAS TO HELP MICHAEL.

Lucky and Liz go to Turning Woods to get info on Cyrus' time there but her friend is out sick today. They talk to another nurse and try to get info on Cyrus. They say he really wants to send sympathy cards to patients' families that have died. She gets them the list. OH! But the admin guy comes in and asks Lucky why he's there. Lucky gets him distracted by saying they are going to sue Turning Woods so Liz can grab the printed list. The admin sees her  behind the desk after she gets the papers and asks what she's doing. 

Nina and Curtis bitch about Drew. Drew threatened to deny Aurora some government money if Curtis didn't do what he wants. They talk about Nina telling Willow about Drew and her but she says no. Curtis has a plan to help them both but she has to help him. 

Chase gives Willow a "house warming gift" because she just came home LOL!! WHAT? Okay, whatever. Chase gives her a candle says she's a good person. Willow feels badly she can't see Drew 'on the grounds". He tells her that Brook and him are trying to have a baby. She's so happy. 


Drew calls Monica because Yuri wouldn't let him in the gate on Monica's orders. Drew then meets with Marty at The Grille. He says nothing will keep him from seeing Willow. He wants to buy a house in PC "for Scout". Marty says Lucy could help him. 

Kristina goes to see Sonny, wonders why he didn't come to Charlie's opening. She tells him she's so happy about him letting her buy the club. He's so proud. 

Lucy and Metro Grille. Natalia and Sonny are going to Beverly Hills together to get a contract-- at some boutique. I'm so lost. I must have missed something. OH! I guess at the end of Friday's show Isaiah told Sonny to go to a specialist in LA and no one would know so they need a cover. 

Later, Natalia goes to Sonny's and uses the key. Kristina is like: UM, YOU HAVE A KEY??? they make some cover story. Then he tells her he's going to LA for a Deception thing. She leaves. Nat says he really should tell his kid about his heart condition. 

Chase finds out he can't father children 

Drew wants a big house with at least 5 bedrooms because you know, Willow

Curtis wants to sabotage Drew in DC...Nina will help (not sure how)

Liz and Lucky get away with the list from Turning Point


  1. All I could think today was "who the heck is writing this?". Laura calls Lulu to come over so she could tell her about Sidwell. What is that point? Seems that Laura doesn't know about Lucky's new job(s). Detective and bartender. But at least we got to hear again about what Lulu missed while she slept.
    Drew is so incredibly awful in every way. He looks "mad". Like someone you'd want to keep your distance from.
    Saw the trailer for "Beyond the Gates". Looks bright and fresh.

    1. "Saw the trailer for "Beyond the Gates". Looks bright and fresh."

      Yeah looks really good!!!!! :D

  2. Outside:

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery on the phone: HAHAHAHAHA! Oh yes!!! Monica thank you! I was clapping!! :)

    Port Chuckles Grill:

    Marty and Lucy: ROFL!

    Lucy and Natalia: This was strange but funny scene. Lucy don't remember the conversation they had about LA. ROFL! Was their really a conversation about LA? Or is Lucy forgetting because the conversation was so boring? Or was the actual conversation off camera? I'm so confused.

    Marty and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Ryan Lavery wins the line of the day.

    Ryan Lavery: The Quartermane's have banned me from the grounds.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Good riddance!! :)

    "Karen says EYEBALL BOY"

    Yup! Just like Ryan Lavery on AMC when he had bug eyes. It drove me nuts! He is doing that here!

    Lucy and Ryan Lavery: Oh goodie. 5 bedrooms. Did he even talk to Willow about it? *Facepalm*

    Curtis's office:

    Curtis and Nina: Get him!! Get him good you two! And stop talking about Nina telling Willow about the sex romp with Drew aka Ryan Lavery! She won't do it so why bother.

    Laura's office:

    Laura and Lulu: Oh! Lulu finally is thinking about more than just herself. Glad she is thinking about her mother. And also, how did Lulu know right away that Laura was talking about Lucky? She could have been talking about Nik! I mean Lulu you do have 2 BROTHERS! *Facepalm*

    Turning woods:

    Liz, Lucky, and the nurse: Oh I like this. I like that Liz and Lucky are working together.

    Liz, Lucky, and boss guy: Oh oh! Well, I'm glad Liz got the list before that guy turned around to see what she was doing. Whew! :)

    Mildew home:

    Willow and Chase: My Chillow!!! :D Yeah Chase she WAS a good person, but now she has changed. She is all brainwashed thanks to Nina and Ryan Lavery! WAIT WHAT?! CHASE CAN'T FATHER A CHILD?! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! DAMMIT WRITERS!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO! I want my Chase to be able to impregnate!!!!!

    Metrocourt hotel/Sonny's hotel:

    Sonny and Krissy: I love how worried she is about her daddy. :) So sweet! Great scene! Oh goodie. Natalia is here. Do we have to see Sonny and Natalia go to LA?

    Anna's office:

    Anna and Jason: Blah blah blah. Zzzzzzzzzz. Although Jason upset because of Michael, breaks my heart. :(

    1. Chase can likely have surgery; my friends husband did and they have 2 beautiful children

    2. "lindie Chase can likely have surgery; my friends husband did and they have 2 beautiful children"

      Awwww! That's wonderful! :) I hope that's what Chase can do!

    3. No one knows Sasha is pregnant and she's going away to have the baby . Maybe something will happen to her or she'll give it up to Chase and Brooklyn..

  3. Nina: "Crimson just did a very good piece on an important political figure." God, I hate the writing on this show. Who speaks that way?



  The new show "Beyond the Gates" topped GH during it's debut week. It runs 2-3pm/est in major markets against the ABC soap. N...