Friday, January 24, 2025

LATE Day Again!!


I have my yearly check up today (I have to get one for work...ugh) and it's at 2pm. Will I make it back for the end of the show? Not sure. Glad I did yesterday to see the Rava Kiss!! WOOT!! 

Some thoughts: 

I can't believe Ava can't get full custody of Avery after a BOMB WENT OFF in Sonny's apartment. She just can't live with his ex-wife. I mean..?? 

Cody is just reverting back to his 2022 character

Where's big bad Cyrus? This isn't a really big mystery or intrigue when the guy is never on

Who will Joss shoot instead of Cyrus? 

Carly will be in Germany today. Send them your prayers.

Sonny and Natalia ...such a terrible idea. She really hasn't done anything as a character. 

Tracey should have immediately released that sex tape when she was arrested. 

There wasn't even any background music at Charlie's. yes, it bugs me 


  1. Drew gets grosser by the day, and willow stupider. How sad that nina has to prop willow up to think for herself.

  2. ----Even Drew's VOICE makes my skin crawl - he lies all the time - so proud of Curtis
    ----ain't no way Wiley QUARTERMAINE rides a school bus LOL
    ------LOVE Brennan - yes I do
    ------so at LEAST Anna and Laura were there with Sidwell and warned him - and Anna is right - no one reported Sasha being kidnapped officially cause they were all in the WSB office - but Anna DID investigate the building blowing up.....
    ------I just can't get into Kai and Trina
    ----lemme say that no way a kid can walk up to a medical facility and volunteer with NO paper work or references and be told "sure you can take the last slot'....LOL
    -----did you see where Gio teased a big secret coming? Like we didn't know it was that he is Brook Lynn and Dante's son.....

  3. Mildew home:

    Willow, Nina, and Tracy: Tracy lays down the law! Willow don't like it. Tracy bans Drew aka Ryan Lavery from the premises! Haha!

    Nina's thoughts: YIPPIE!!!!

    Nina and Willow: Nina likes that Willow stood up for herself! They have a nice hug. I can't wait until the Nina and Drew aka Ryan Lavery's secret comes out!!!! Willow's head would implode haha.

    The hospital:

    Trina and Joss: Joss says she is trying to stop a murder. Trina has got stuff for Kai. Power bars and electrolyte water. They so get each other and that's why they are besties. Awwww. :)

    Stella and Kai: They talk about football! Stells WUVS football and can't wait for the superbowl! :) Stella do you love the Bills? :D Oh there is his doctor!

    Trina and Stella: Trina tells her she is going to visit Kai. Oh goodie. Instead of power bars, just give him tribbles! :)

    Trina and Kai: OH! His doctor said he can't play football anymore. Zzzzzzzzzz.

    Maxie's office:

    Maxie and Lulu: Lulu really really REALLY wants to work there. Maxie keeps saying no.

    Maxie, Lulu, and Brooky: Maxie and Brooky don't want Lulu and Brooky to argue constantly because it won't be a very good work place. Yeah I don't want Lulu to work at Crimson, because I don't want to watch Lulu and Brooky snark at each other constantly either! It would be so annoying and irritating!

    Maxie, Lulu, Brooky, and Tracy: Oh oh! Tracy hires Lulu! UGH! Tracy made her an offer she couldn't refuse and Lulu really tried to refuse.

    Curtis's office:

    Curtis and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Wow! Ryan Lavery wants to work there! He is making excuses! Curtis says no! Ryan Lavery threatens him. Curtis wins the line of the day.

    Curtis: Now get the hell out!

    ROFL! GO CURTIS GO! I'm so glad Curtis said no to him!

    Laura's office:

    Sidwell cookie, Laura, and Anna: They bring up everything that he has done. He asks if there is any evidence! Yeah no there is no evidence. Laura says I'll keep an eye on you! Anna kicks him out. ROFL! Laura says he may find it difficult to do business in town where you are not welcome. He says he looks forward to proving them wrong. HA! :D

    Turning woods:

    Lady who works there and Joss: Joss wants to work there voluntarily. HUH?!

    Germany: Ooooo great shot of the outside of Germany with the snow. :) Hmmm Carly is so upset, she is about to throw a bottle of alcohol across the room. Or is it water?

    Carly and Brennan: OH! The place that Carly sent Michael, they won't let her see him. Oh so THAT is why she was upset. Brennan talks about the guy who used to work at the WSB and his friend died a long time ago and he is all choked up about it. Awwww. :(

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1998* Tony watches Bobbie and Stefan talk.

  4. I'm starting to wonder if Drew has programmed Willow the way Dante was a while back. Like he clicks a pen or says a key word and she goes full ding bat (that was for you Julie H lol). Brainwashing is the only explanation for finding him appealing. Did anyone else notice Ava's snake earrings? I was obsessed all week with them.

  5. Miss Britt and Dr O and their smiles and lightness on GH

  6. Some thoughts: No drama, no emotion, no heart. I ask you: Name one romance and couple worth rooting for and investing in on this show. Zero. Zip. Nada. Great actors. But the writing is off the charts awful and they seem to have no sense of what makes compelling storytelling. I can't decide if this is because we're stuck with the worse part of Chris and Dan (I always forget which one is still writing for GH) or if it's Elizabeth Korte (who should know better, having been with the show for a long time) or if it's Frank Valentini and the Marketing Idiots. I'm way behind the times and just started watching streaming on various apps like Netflix. In the last week, I got totally sucked in watching Heartstopper, a coming of age drama/comedy with LGBTQ themes. Unique characters, compelling story and moments that tug at the heart. And I say this is someone who is almost 60 years old. A few years ago, GH had a superb teen cast that was capable of acting out stories like this. The only thing missing was a protagonist to mix things up. Enter Spencer and Esme. But all of that went out the window. Eden McCoy is such a lovely young woman and emmy winning actress. But they write drivel for her, same as most of the adult cast. I guess what I miss about GH are those moments that tug at the heart, make you laugh or make you want to root for a couple against all odds.
    Sonny and Eva LaRue are not cutting it for me. Sorry, I can't help but see anyone but Eva LaRue when she's on screen. The character is so poorly defined I have no idea what Sonny sees in her, other than the Marketing Idiots are pushing this.

    1. This is so well I said on another outlet (and people DISAGREED and said GH is the best it has been in years) - what? I have watched since 1970 and there are NO power couples and NO romance and love......and and the Mob thing hasn't been mentioned in months and ZERO bodyguards ever and suddenly BOOM Sidwell is after Sonny but I don't think it's mob related.....Natalia is being forced on us...SCREAM.....

    2. Mufasa, I have been watching since 1977. NO WAY that GH is any good now. Agreed. Say what you will about Gloria Monty. She had her faults, BUT she was a perfectionist through and through and the show was HUGE. People were staying HOME from work and school for Luke and Laura's wedding and it was all over the news and magazines.

    3. "GH" is a shadow of its former self. It has more or less sucked ever since it came back from the Covid break.

    4. I'm not opposed to any of these characters, really, except for Natalia only because she feels forced on us by the Marketing Department. Think back to each of these characters and what was the story that made you really want to tune in. Cyrus, yeah, total mob bad guy...but the story with Laura discovering he was her brother was riveting and should still be playing out on our screens. Instead, it was wrapped up in about a month and Genie Francis is on so infrequently, there's no momentum.'s not the mob wars that you's the story with Mike having Alzheimer's. When was the last time there was a star-crossed couple that made you want to tune in. They started to have that with Spencer and Trina...but Trina was recast and I'm sorry Tabyana Ali is just no Sydney Mikaela. I never saw the chemistry between them. They had that spark with Chase and Willow...but they threw that out of the window in order to put Willow in Michael's orbit. And bleh, zero chemistry between Katlyn McMullen and Chad Duell. Amanda Setton is best when she plays the bad girl or someone with a bit of an edge.
      There is a story floating around quoting the actor who plays Gio on how he's excited for some big reveal for his character and how the show has been building up his relationships with other characters over the last year. WHAT is he smoking? He's been on like a total of 8 episodes and done absolutely nothing memorable other than play the violin.

      By the way, the Beyond the Gates trailer looks pretty good. GH your days are numbered if you don't get your act together. CBS is not playin'.

    5. What is Beyond the Gates? Another daytime soap?

    6. I just looked it up. Michele Val Jean. Prominent African American wealthy family. Looks good. Hope it succeeds. Don't want it to crush GH, but GH better gets it's act together

  7. Willow, Nina and Drew need to go. I can't stand them. Willow trying to tell Tracy what for in the Q home.



  The new show "Beyond the Gates" topped GH during it's debut week. It runs 2-3pm/est in major markets against the ABC soap. N...