Thursday, January 16, 2025

Goodbye Monica

It's so hard to even put into words what this incredible actress has meant to this show. There are so many storylines: Her affair with Rick, her love for Alan (he gave her the house, in case you forgot), Giving birth to AJ, Taking in Jason and Emily as her own children, her fights with Tracy, sleeping with Ned and reconnecting with her daughter Dawn. That's just the family stories. There is so much more. 

We are sure that all of you have taken the time this week to remember Leslie's storylines and what she has meant to GH. We are going to mention each of our favorite scenes/memories of her. And we ask that you mention your own personal memories in the comments section. 

Karen is out today, so this will double as today's blog for the show. Do you think they will have the character pass on or recast? I'm sure they will retire the character, like they did with Bobbie with a great few episodes and incredible acting from everyone. The big question: who gets the house? 

Dave's Favorite Scene

I could have chosen just about anything, but I always loved her interaction with Leslie Webber. And this scene just showcased the respect the actresses had for each other as well as the love. In these later years, I wish Denise was on the show just a little bit more and had more of the banter together they were known for. 

Karen's Favorite Scene

Not sure it exists on film or really more in my memories. There was a time when Laura really "hated" her mother, Leslie. Mostly over boys and any kind of discipline! She would go to Monica and they'd talk in the GH cafeteria. Monica took Laura's side (because she didn't like Leslie) but also provided that great "second ear" a lot of us needed as teens. I started watching when Genie came on so I saw all of that and the great Alan/Monica/Rick triangle. One more metion: Monica's breast cancer because at the time, it was uncharted territory. Hard to fathom now with everything that is done for awareness and charity but at the time, not talked about much. Leslie played it with grace and courage. 

Link to a good blog On The Soap Box that highlights Nancy Lee Grahn's Sportsman's Event 
with Leslie and others. Plenty of stories.  

What are some of your Monica Memories?? I'm sure many of you that are younger have some different ones than we do!! Maybe you came into the show after Alan was gone or never saw the Lucy and Alan wedding. Let us know in the comments. 

I just realized when I went to read this within the blog and not the editing shell that Leslie's photo shows on the wallpaper! That was when she was in the Hollywood Bowl parade I believe! WOW. She will forever be seen by us when looking at the blog!! 


  1. The Lucy and Alan wedding!!! I was in shock back then when Alan and Monica divorced. I never thought they ever would! They always have said they wanted a divorce, but they never did until they finally did. Lucy with the red dress and hat and Alan's face hahahaha. Too bad Monica wasn't there. :) Monica and Alan cheating on each other. Alan trying to kill Monica and Rick! ROFL! Monica sleeping with Dorman. His death.

  2. I have watched GH since the start, off and on, so I'm probably one of the oldest here. Maybe that's why it's hard for me to recall any exact memory of Monica without video reminders. I just know whenever she was on it was good and soapy. The core of a core family which no longer exists. Her love of animals always made me love her even more. On a personal note: my best friend always told me that I remind her of LC. I never really got it but felt it was the nicest compliment anyone could give me.

  3. Loved Monica with Sean Donely. I think their romance only lasted a year or so before he met Tiffany, but it was a good storyline.

    Also remember when she met Emily's mom at the retreat. That was a great follow-up to the cancer story.

    Plus any scene where Monica and Tracy got to rip into each other was always a highlight.

    1. I too loved the Tracy/Monica scenes of the past. Especially if they stood up for one another or had a temporary truce (like Christmas).

  4. So many stories. Always remember the suspense leading up to when Alan tried to drop the house on Monica and Rick.

  5. And then the scenes where Alan announced he was the father of AJ, not Rick, and the big blowup between Lesley and Monica. Prior to this, the scenes where Monica gives birth to AJ in the middle of a blizzard and confesses to Lesley that Rick was the father (he wasn't but Monica thought he was because I think they thought Alan was impotent).

    1. Laughing I think you mean sterile. I always mess those 2 up too ☺

    2. Monica giving birth in the blizzard was my very first episode of GH. I was hooked! I thought she and Leslie were awesome! :)

  6. I also liked the sparring between Monica and Nikki Langton who was the daughter of Monica's long-lost love David Langton. Nikki was like a combination of Carly and Esme.

  7. I think I in the minority that wants them to recast Monica. So many possibilities to her story, and we really only have Laura and Tracy as Matriarchs. If they get the recast right, it could work. She could be the first to tell Drew to get out of dodge! I adore Stella, she just hasn't been around long as much as I wish she was. I hope they dig deeper with her as she shines in every scene.

  8. Replies
    1. Yeah - I appreciate the thought but no recast for would be different if Monica had been around the last few years.

    2. NO, they can not re--cast Monica now. They need to have her pass like Bobbie and have a nice funeral and nice flashbacks.

      I loved EVERYTHING about Monica. She wasn't my absolute favorite or anything over the years, but her stories were always great and I always loved her. Have watched since like 1977, so have seen a lot with her and the Qs

      I think Ned and Olivia need to stay together and they need to get the house, BUT it will probably go to Tracy as they did become good friends in the end.

    3. I think the house will go to the person least likely to expect it: Jason. And they may be trying to set him up as the new male helm of the clan. And no to the Monica re-cast. She is too identifiable with the role. Plus, who's photo would they put up on the memorial wall? Leslie Charleson deserves to be on that wall along with all the other GH hospital greats!

  9. Ava's art gallery:

    Trina and Ava: They are working, and Trina can't stop thinking about Kai and how hurt he is. *Facepalm* Ava tells her to go see her friend and Trina makes excuses. Trina finally realized she should go.

    Nina and Ava: Besties! :) Nina talks about Willow and about Drew aka Ryan Lavery. Ava says that doesn't sound like Willow! HA! No kidding! Ava wants Nina to tell Willow the truth about sleeping with him! To break the spell!

    The hospital:

    Kai and Stella: Kai is in his own room with all the goodies his teammates gave him. Stuffed animals and cards. Stella wonders if he is thinking about someone specific. Oh Stella stop it! So anyway, Kai doesn't need all those stuff animals, and wants Stella to take them to bring it to the children's wing.

    Stella and Trina: They run into each other. Trina thinks Kai had enough visitors and Stella convinces her to go see him. *Facepalm*

    Kai and Trina: They visit. Kai can't do the draft now! So he is going to stay in school another year, then do the draft next year. Ooooo riveting.

    Nina and Willow: Nina is trying to convince Willow to stand down! Willow keeps bringing up Drew! Nina is making a lot of sense! Listen to Nina!!!! Stop crying Willow!

    Brase: They have an appointment with the doctor. Chase already did his testing. Now it's Brooky's turn. Josh Swickard sounds like he has a little cold. Sounds a bit stuffy.

    Brooky and doctor: Brooky tells her doctor all about how she got the preggers as a teenager and gave the baby up for adoption. Brooky is going to be tested.

    Chase and Willow: My Chillow. :) Willow finally realizes she goes from savior to savior to savior! Chase disagrees! I was about ready to rumble with him, until he said to her that all she wanted was a family. She has been searching for her own family that she has always wanted. Hmmm. Okay Chase okay. You got a good point, but I think it could be a little bit of both. :)

    Alexis and Curtis: They are in AA. Hmmm. Curtis wasn't an alcoholic. Didn't he do drugs? I'm confused. Anyway they talk about Drew aka Ryan Lavery. Curtis says spend as much time as you can with Scout while she cant. Alexis asks what he means. Curtis says they could move to DC Alexis says if he tries to take my granddaughter I will fight him and win!! GO ALEXIS! :)

    Q mansion:

    Tracy and Carly: Great scene!!! Tracy won't budge! Tracy brings up the past!

    Tracy alone: Someone walks in the house. She wins the line of the day.

    Tracy: God what now?

    ROFL! Oh it's Chase!

    Tracy and Chase: Chase says this has got to stop! You can't keep Wiley and Amelia away from Willow. Chase is so sweet. :) My Chillow!!! :) How will Tracy react? *Grabs the popcorn*

    Cowboy Cody's horse house:

    Cowboy Cody and Gio: Cowboy Cody has a hangover!! Gio is helping him clean. Where is Comet aka Mr. Ed? Probably with the Tribbles and friends because of the death of the green beans. :(

    Cowboy Cody and Dante: They talk about Lulu and she is mad at him. They talk about the past again! How Dante had feelings for Brooky back in the day! And she was mad at him back then. *Facepalm*

    Ms. Wu and Cowboy Cody: MS. WU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT! :D She wants him to gamble! He says no! Will she give up? Nahhhh. She did leave, and while leaving she talks to Gio.

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to Holly* Holly rips up the divorce papers from Robert. She thinks Robert is dead. Ohhhh so this is the time when she was "pregnant" with Sasha!!

    1. Oh Sonya, your recap really had me giggling today! The face palms, Ooooo riveting, rumbling with Chase, hahahahahaha! Kai/Trina make me yawn.
      Too bad Weeping Willow didn't give Joss credit for her sudden self-awareness. Big fat eye roll from me. Tracy is my hero.

    2. "Julie H says, Oh Sonya, your recap really had me giggling today! The face palms, Ooooo riveting, rumbling with Chase, hahahahahaha!"

      Hahaha oh good! I'm glad I made you laugh. :)

      "Kai/Trina make me yawn."

      Yeah they are so boring!

      "Too bad Weeping Willow didn't give Joss credit for her sudden self-awareness. Big fat eye roll from me."

      Yeah from me too!

      "Tracy is my hero."

      Mine too!!! :D

  10. After Thursday's episode and some of the dialogue, I think I agree with what a couple of people have suggested on here. February sweeps may be a whodunnit about Drew's murder.

    1. Yeah! Another murder. Probably will never get solved.

    2. I could SO get on board with this idea-----I think it is either Drew or Cyrus murder

    3. I sure hope so and I vote for killing them both off!

  11. LOL. Quartermaine Thanksgiving 2001. "How about some gravy Skye?" Monica pours gravy down Skye's sweater. Skye flings mashed potatoes at Monica.



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