Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Quartermaine FUN!!


So AL retweeted this so I'm hoping it's true!! We have SO many establishments in PC now. Why doesn't she go to Charlie's? But..If she gets more airtime, bring it on. 


Q house: Tracey doesn't like her Manhattan Sasha made. Sasha says she'll make another one. Jason says No you won't. Sasha leaves. Tracey talks about Willow's 'deal' that Jason made and how Nina is sabotaging it. NED says leave Willow alone. NED! NED IS HERE!

OMG! OLIVIA IS HERE TOO...talking to a sad, sad Chase in the foyer. She hopes the kids get good news. 

THEN, they go into the living room and it's OG QUARTERMAINE stuff! IT's great. Tracey tells Sasha to get everyone 2 fingers of bourbon on the rocks so they can figure out "what to do with the adulteress in the Gate House" AHAHHAAHA. She drinks her bourbon. Says it needs Orange not lemon peel. THEN she screams!! (See below)

Brook tells Lois she's cleared to have a baby, no problems there! They hug. They talk a lot about the baby and her choice. She didn't feel like she was pressured. Weird thing: She has no idea if it was a boy or a girl. 

Ok, back downstairs Tracey SCREAMS!! THERE'S A MOUSE IN THE BOOKCASE!! GET IT! She wants Sasha to get it out... Sasha is like NOPE..Tracey insists (Gio is all of a sudden there too? ) anyway, Sasha says she's not climbing, she's PREGNANT. Mouths fall open.  Tracey is like: UM with YOUR COUSIN? Sasha says nope, some guy in a bar. Jason PUTS IT ALL TOGETHER lol...

Then GIO pipes up: I never had a Dad and I'm ok. Lois gets that 'look" on her face.  Then everyone goes their own way. Brook and Chase go upstairs and she says she has good news. 

The EXACT same scene with Carly and Brennan happens at the hotel. She looks at the vodka, knock on the door and he's there. He likes her. She likes him. He wants to take her to the spa.  She says no. She calls Felicia to get some cultures of Michael's sent to Germany. Fe says it might be hard. Carly says to get them to the WSB because Jack Brennan will help out. Felicia says: JACK BRENNAN??? BE CAREFUL. Carly rolls her eyes. 

Kai is sad he might be paralyzed if he plays again. Tri is saying it's not that bad. She wants him to talk to her mother, she wants to help. Portia gives him a sliver of hope. 

Portia has to tell the 'families' their loved ones were murdered.  Alexis is like: Um, what!! Murdered?! Portia gives her vague facts about other patients and yada yada. Alexis isn't leaving it to the PCPD! She'll find out herself who did this! She corners Isaiah to talk about everything. 

Anna and Felicia getting their nails done. Felicia saw Emma outside Club Mercury the other night at 2am. Did a follow up and made sure she got home ok but didn't talk to her. Anna says she's a handful. Emma comes in and they confront her. Emma's like: Oh, this isn't a spa day, it's an interrogation. Emma was at a fund raiser for animal cruelty. PCU still experiments on animals you know. 


If Emma gets straight As Anna will go clubbing with her

OMG.........Jack goes to the spa and VALETIN goes in and asks if he wants a towel. Brennan can't see him OMG VAL IS GOING TO CHOKE HIM TO DEATH! WHOA. 



  1. I thought Carly was really great today, so calm and relaxed. And I definitely never saw her roll her eyes. Loved that Ned is there and definitely in charge. Loved the look on Tracy's face when he basically told her if she didn't like it she could leave...hehe And that last line with Tracy..."I thought you loved kids. You just kidnapped 2" had me laughing out loud.

    And that ending was GREAT!!!

  2. So many funny one liners today hahaha!

    The hospital:

    Trina and Kai: So boring! Zzzzzz.

    Trina, Kai, and Portia: Well good. I'm glad Portia gave Kai hope!

    Marta and Chloe:

    Felicia and Anna: I'm glad they are bonding and enjoying each others company. :) Oh so Emma is 21 huh?

    Felicia, Anna, and Emma: Great scene with Felicia and Anna! :)

    Anna and Emma: UGH! This Emma does nothing for me. Emma is manipulating Anna! She is so up to something. Zzzzzzzzz.

    Felicia on the phone with Carly: Felicia how many times are you going to warn Carly about Brennan?

    Q mansion: Oh these scenes were hysterical! Hahahaha. Oh Ned! Threatening Tracy about kicking her out of the mansion. Oh I hope Monica puts Tracy in her will and gives her the mansion!!! Then nobody can threaten her with being kicked out, and Tracy can kick anybody she wants to out! Hahahaha! Ned has a very good point about Willow. If you keep going after her, she will run to Drew aka Ryan Lavery! Tracy wins the line of the day.


    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh my Sasha! Glad you told the baby truth. :) Of course Jason will know right away who the daddy is! *Snicker*

    Lois and Brooky: Lois's insecurity is really getting on my nerves. Brooky doesn't know if the baby was a boy or girl huh?!!?!

    Olivia and Gio: Awwwww! :)

    Brase: Poor Chase! I just want to hug him!!!! :( He needs to go to the hospital to see a doctor to get more info!!!

    Jason and Sasha: Jason will you offer to be the baby daddy? Will Sasha lie about Jason being the father of her baby? UGH! I hope not. Not again.


    Carly and Brennan: Awww Carly! Go to the spa with him!!!! Maybe you two will get stuck and then kiss. :D


    Brennan and V.C.: Whoa!!! Where did V.C. come from?!!?! Hahaha. So very soapy!!!!

    Sidenote: Last night on the show Papa's house, Papa had the Tribbles!!!!!! :D

    1. I was thinking the same thing about Jason, sonya.

    2. "Di says, I was thinking the same thing about Jason, sonya."

      Great minds think alike again! :D

    3. Me too about Jason. But I kind of like him with Sasha. Guess we'll see how that plays out. Line of the day for me was "the adultress in the gatehouse!". Reminded me of the game Clue. All Tracy had to add was "with the lead pipe", lol! I just loved the Q's!
      I am very fond of Jack and Val better not kill him. I'm with zuzu, don't care much for Val.

    4. "Julie H says, Me too about Jason. But I kind of like him with Sasha. Guess we'll see how that plays out."

      Yeah I like Jason with Sasha too, but I don't want him to lie about being the father! Yeah we will have to see how this plays out.

      "Line of the day for me was "the adultress in the gatehouse!".

      Haha. Yeah that was good too. There were so many funny one liners! :D

      "Reminded me of the game Clue. All Tracy had to add was "with the lead pipe", lol!"

      Hahahahaha! True! :)

      "I just loved the Q's!"

      I will wuv them forever!!!! :D

      "I am very fond of Jack and Val better not kill him."

      I like Jack too so I don't want V.C. to kill him either. I hope something happens that will stop him!

  3. Any shenanigans at the Q's is always entertaining. Finally Ned and Olivia.
    Jack Brennan is a mysterious man. A new character that I like. If Valentin kills him I will be really pissed. I may be alone but I do not care for Val at all.
    Crazy day here...3 men working in my home and my dog whining at them as they do.

    1. "Crazy day here...3 men working in my home and my dog whining at them as they do."

      Oh! What are they working on? Well of course the dogs don't like it. They don't know them do they? :)

    2. Just a new bathroom vanity. Ziggy's whine is because he wants to help and be with the men rather than be on the couch with me. He is a hoot.

    3. "zazu says, Just a new bathroom vanity. Ziggy's whine is because he wants to help and be with the men rather than be on the couch with me. He is a hoot."

      Awwwwwwwwwwww! Ziggy! :D

  4. I wonder if Chases infertility could be caused by the poison that Peter gave him.

    1. That would be a good plot point, but I doubt the current writers are clever enough to connect it.

    2. Kevin, you beat me to this observation - you are so right!

  5. Ned and Olivia need to be on more often. The Q stuff is the only thing I'm consistently enjoying right now.

  6. spoilers say Selina Wu interacts with Curtis' family so I guess this is N'neka coming back is related to that???

    1. But what is N'neka's new role at the Savoy?



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