I floundered for a title this week because, well... not a hell of a lot happened besides narrative and people yelling about custody. As you know, I took a break for part of the week and picked things up Friday. I'll do some brief summaries and be out of your hair quickly today!
Jane is up there because without Tracey, this show would be unwatchable right now.
I have nice Chai to sip on! Let's give it a go....
BOUNCING KIDS: Let's see, since pre-Christmas when the sex video was shown, Wiley and Amelia have been to Gram Nina's... then Willow took Wiley to DC. Then Diane and a social worker show up after Michael is injured and take the kids. Then the kids are given back to Willow after impassioned speeches all around. Then somehow, Tracey puts them in the Q Mansion and Friday the police show up to take them back because Drew somehow has rights? Where was Willow? Anyway, Tracey then ends up ARRESTED for saying they aren't in the house. Did they search the house? Nope. Not that it matters but the whole thing is exhausting and a farce. At this point, those kids can be taken care of at Doodle Bugs down on the docks. I DON'T CARE.
BURN UNIT: All I'm saying about this is: WHAT in the HELL. With all the stories to tell and all the ways this could play out you let CARLY convince his wife and 1 doctor (not a team but ONE person) To "WAKE HIM UP" and decide where we wants to go for treatment. BTW, waking him up puts him in excruciating pain and who the fk can make a decision on morphine and shooting fire-scar agony? Look, we know he's going away, just send him. Why make Carly look like the grand-dame of daytime by doing this foolishness?
LULU: So unlikable. Even in "calm" scenes she has that Lulu edge that drives me nuts. So, the upstart on this is she's working at Deception now as Brook Lyn's assistant. So, ha-ha sparring and arguments will abound. Not having ONE scene since those first few with Rocco is criminal, imo.
THE BET: Good to see Ms Wu and I guess the college betting thing was at least original. They could have ran with it being a big sports betting ring but... ah, well. We did know Kai would be hurt though (at least I did) because how could a fancy pants Football STAR stay in Port Charles any length of time? My wish: He was way more cocky and grand--he's just bland now.
SCOOBY DOO: Joss is leading the Cyrus investigation. That says it all. So glad JJ is back for.. this, I guess? Maybe? Wonder when his big bartending gig is starting at Charlie's.
MONICA SITUATION: The writers certainly could sense our need for more Monica information but sadly, didn't recast long ago and now she's gone in real life. I think the time for a successful recast has now past. It's going to be a hell of a story to write given what's been seen on canvas.
SURPRISINGLY DECENT: Yes, Steve Burton is getting and giving some great stuff lately. Loved this scene with Tracy. As someone that really couldn't deal with "Stone Cold" much anymore, this is a lovely change.
DEADLY DECOR: Ok, so I would love for Sidwell to be a secret Cassadine and things branch out from there. Do I have any hope this will go anywhere? Hmmm, not really. Plus the fact the WSB has been looking for him since the explosion and now apparently, he's just a guy, walking around Port Charles, free to eat at Bobbie's and buy art.
Why NOT bring CHARLOTTE BACK? WHY have her go on the run with Papa at all? She should have come back with Lulu. We need her age. Get Jake back while you're at it. Having this 'search' and Lulu screetching all the time about her is just exhausting. Try to rebuild her life in a sane way.
Please get something going with Ava other than a stale old custody case we've seen play out a dozen times. Also: Ok, she has no money, we get it. She's just being wasted at this point. I don't have hope for the "Sidwell" business either because it won't be shown enough to matter.
Why are you dragging out this Gio story? Just fish and cut bait. You went "there" so let's get going and get it over with one way or the other. Thanks
Why was Diane on daily then just ... evaporated? What was that Will we saw?
Where the FK is Kevin? Olivia isn't around the Q house?
What exactly is Anna doing? Because... um.. I don't have a lot to go on here but her tasing people and crying.
Why drag out Sonny's heart stuff? I mean, come on now. Twinge... a week later falls down... then...??? Then I guess another twinge? NOT EXCITING AT ALL.
NOTE: Your cast is still way too big and your stories are spread too thin. Nothing connects much anymore and it's SO disjointed. There is not one thing I really care about. I was leaning towards Sasha's plight but again, it's so jumpy it just not enjoyable.
Ok, enough of my bitching for today!! As you can see I'm just really not feeling the show lately. I swear something shifted around the time Lucky came back on canvas. Can't put my finger on it but... damn. And btw, if you hire people and they have such a schedule where they block tape for tiny scenes inserted here and there, I don't want to know about it. Thanks.
NO GH Monday --and then we will pick up with torturing Michael into making a choice between Germany and John's Hopkins.
Didn't write what I was going to about no GH Monday...... lol
ReplyDeleteThe whole show is just too stupid for me now. Michael's maxi pad bandages and PERFECT skin make me nuts. And, it's not a thing to "wake a patient up" to ask him where he wants to go for burn unit. OMG
Jane Elliot has been great/cute. She likely will get the house???? They have to have Monica pass now; AND they had better do that episode justice.
IRL, Sonny would likely be DEAD by now. lol
Thank you Karen for your hard work. I don't watch much anymore, but do love your blog!!!
Getting snow tonight in NH and it's been cold. It's ok because I went for a winter hike yesterday with the dog and there is maybe an inch of snow only. Scary climate change going on.
I agree totally, Tracy is fantastic. I don't get why Nina doesn't just tell Willow that she and Drew were involved. I am glad to see Elizabeth have a story line trying to nail Cyrus. Hopefully, she won't be on once a week, it also keeps her in Lucky's orbit. I hate Drew and feel like he is being shoved down the audiences throat. I wonder if they are setting it up that someone will kill him. Jordan, Nina, Tracy, Carly, Curtis, and Sonny have all had it out with him. I think Michael should go to a burn facility and Willow and the kids with him. Drew can go to DC and leave Scout with Alexis.
ReplyDeleteNina is pathetic, and now afraid of losing her daughter when she finally has a daughter who gets along with her.
DeleteIt was so ridiculous that everyone came to Tracey for Willow's children, except for Willow herself. My guess is they are in the gatehouse, and Tracey will say they are "home."
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of ridiculous, Rick told Ava that she couldn't ask the court to get custody of Avery immediately despite the fact that her father's home was bombed and her brother seriously burned because ... checks notes ... she is safely staying with her former stepmother who has no legal rights to her at all.
The only thing that could make BLQ's teen pregnancy storyline every vaguely interesting to me is it if turned out that Kai actually was the child she gave up.
I'm assuming Jack hasn't turned the surveillance tape of Dex getting stabbed by Cyrus over to PCPD because the WSB shouldn't be spying on domestic citizens or something along those lines. But he sets Joss on the trail of a man who - at least very least will stab a police officer in the back - despite the fact she's a young woman with no backup or training. If he wants sexy time with Carly, getting her daughter killed isn't a good strategy.
Cody was actually starting to have a bit of charm when he was with Sasha. He's back to being a clueless doofus. Even if he had won his ill-advised football bet, does anything think this person could successfully run a ranch? Mac deserves so much better for a son.
Drew - the less said, the better. At least they could hire a day player as a congressional aid to pop up occasionally to remind him he needs to be getting back to Washington.
I did like the scene with Tracey and Jason. It was a long 29 years.
Clapping to this
DeleteI forgot about the whole Avery/Carly thing...it's laughable. Just like Drew with Willow's kids THEY HAVE NO RIGHTS ...like less than none lol. They aren't even married to the parents. UGH so dumb
DeleteHow can the SS, and the daily blog be so good and the show be so bad? It's the writer(s)! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteYes, the only ones watchable are Tracy and Jason. Tracy came close to the edge with this custody crap but that's not the character's fault.
Waking Michael up is one of THE stupidest things I have seen on GH. Never mind the earlier scenes with Isaiah and Lucas mulling around in his room wondering what to do.
Drew is nauseating.
BLQ has become pathetic. Move it along.
GH is nominated for a Writers Guild Award. Go figure.
GH does not deserve ANY awards. The only ones that deserve awards now are some of the actors/actresses. The ones who still give it their all, and don't "phone it in".
Delete----everyone said everything perfectly
ReplyDelete---I WAS disappointed that Selina Wu is back ---- for CODY??
---Lindie is right - the whole show is just stupid now.....
THIS blob is the highlight for me!!
Heather. WTH happened to Heather? Maybe she is the digitalisizer. Anything can happen on GH.
ReplyDeleteRemember Heather went to Arizona or somewhere with her son Steven Lars
DeleteOh right. She still could be the killer though. LOL
DeleteSidwell is gross; why would Ava be "smitten" with him..........
DeleteJust got caught up yesterday and Tracey was the star of the week. Why in the world would Ava not be able to get Avery if she was at Carly's house? SO many things just don't make sense. Like keeping the kids there for Monica. Joss is such a pain and how was she allowed to watch Anna question Cyrus? I do like Marty a lot - good actor.
She absolutely should not have been so dumb.
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