Thursday, January 2, 2025

Ready, Set...Aim


WELL! It's been a couple of days, hasn't it? Every time I turn on the news, it's just something else. I needs some GH escape for sure. 

Hope you had a fun NYE-- we had a little nosh with friends and home by 10 lol. That's how I roll. I bartended for 3 years on NYE and if I never ever go out again on those nights, it will be FINE. 


Sonny still on the ground in the gym. Isaiah finally gets there, calls ambulance. Thinks he has afib. They paramedics arrive and Sonny's sitting up getting his BP taken. He's ok...but Isaiah wants him to go to GH to get checked out. Sonny says NOPE, ain't happening. Also wants Isaiah to promise he won't tell ANYONE what HAPPENED!! PERIOD! He's in a business where his enemies can't see weakness. They talk about his symptoms and Sonny says he was shot in the chest 20 years ago and Isaiah tells him he HAS to do something or he could have a stroke or heart attack. 

Anna goes to see Brennan, says they have a giant problem. She says she knows Lulu went to find Valentin. Then his phone rings, it's French Sniper lady saying that Valentin and Charlotte got out of there. THEN-- ANNA tases Jack! He's down. She says she did it so he will listen and pay attention. She found out he talked to Emma and he's NEVER TO TALK TO HER AGAIN! ( I think he said hi to her in Bobbie's??) He says Joss introduced them, he was just getting a burger and he has no agenda. Anna doesn't believe him and says to leave her alone. 

Dante jumps and gets Lulu down. They realize Char and Val are gone. Lulu's going to follow the airtag she put in Charlotte's bag.  They find the airtag in the bushes, Val found it and tossed it. Lulu wants to roam the streets looking and Dante says they need help.  THEY GO BACK to the cafe and sit. Talk to a police officer... who wants to know the custody situation. Then he leaves. IT's really really badly done. I guess they'll sit in that cafe for days. 

OMG Drew the walking slime ball goes to GH to see Willow. She seems happy to see him. Says how PROUD she is of him and he'll be off to DC in awhile. She's afraid she won't see him because everyone will want to piece of him. He says he will be able to pick out her voice even in a crowded football stadium because it's the ONLY VOICE THAT MATTERS! OMG Vomit. He wants her to go to the inaugration and bring Wiley. She's like, um, Michael filed for divorce and this will give him fuel. He doesn't care. 

Michael and Sasha are talking in his office. He says he might have to expose Drew and Willow's affair but their affair has to stay QUIET. She says she's leaving town and pregnant. Michael asks if it's his and she says yes. She wants the baby but nothing from all. She thinks the Qs and Corinthos are toxic and his childhood was dangerous. Michael wants to be a part of the child's life. Sasha says it will also compromise his access to Wiley and Amelia. 

Alexis finally lets Ava in to say her piece. Ava thinks there's been a mistake on the estate. Alexis says NOPE! That money you thought was yours? It's gone. Ava's desperate. Alexis is like: WELP! SORRY not SORRY! Ava's angry. Alexis is gloating. That's about it. 


Brennan tells Anna never to come at him again

Isaiah tells Sonny there's a "ticking time bomb" in his chest

Michael agrees to let Sasha raise the baby alone. 


  1. How could the writers go this way with Willow and Drew. Vomit. It is physically distressing to watch.
    Anna. Tasers and cuffs him to the chair to tell him to never talk to Emma again. So most likely he'll have an affair, or one nighter with her. Yuck. Anna leaves and trembles with whatever outside of his door.
    At least Alexis and Ava were entertaining.
    Lulu is still annoying. Run Charlotte run.

    1. agree - I mean I am trying to imagine a group of people in a room discussing Drew and Willow disaster and NO ONE says, "Folks, this is creepy and everyone hates it. We gotta do something."

    2. "Zazu says, So most likely he'll have an affair, or one nighter with her."

      Ewwwwwww! I don't want Brennan to have a one nighter with Emma!!!

    3. Seems that the writers are going for the "ewwww" factor. So anything goes.
      I liked that Brussels, or wherever they are, cop. Add him to the PCPD please.

  2. Weird show today, but there were some funny one liners.

    Michael's office:

    Michael and Sasha: Oh come on!!! This is deja vu!!!! Flashback of Sam pregnant with Sonny's baby and they have to keep it quiet, and then Jason would have been the father. Jason was also the father with Michael in the beginning. So what is going to happen now? Will Jason be the father of Sasha's kid? *Facepalm* I cant with this!

    The gym:

    Sonny and Dr. Gannon: Geez! Gannon is so calm and has no urgency!!! What a strange scene. I'm surprised Sonny wasn't taken to the hospital. I thought he did have a heart attack! I guess not. I'm telling you it's heartburn from Sasha's cooking! :)

    The hospital:

    Drillow: UGH! So Drew Aka Ryan Lavery brainwashed Willow to come to D.C. with him. It's all Wiley Wiley Wiley, but what about Ohsaka Walnut aka Amelia? Why can't she go?

    Miller and Davis office:

    Alexis and Ava: Alexis telling her that she isn't nice hahahaha. She would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. Ava you are the queen. Don't beg! Get yourself a lawyer!! Not Diane.. Maybe Marty!

    Ava: This isn't over!

    That's my girl! :) That's the queen acting like a queen! :)

    Brennan's hotel room:

    Brennan and Anna: I love Brennan all yelly! I love Strong Anna!!! But then Anna had to ruin it by being all teary eyed when she left. COME ON ANNA!!! DAMMIT! Well, Brennan wins the line of the day.

    Brennan: If this is your idea of foreplay, I have to say I don't think things are going to work out between us. It's not me, it's you. It's definitely you.


    Prague restaurant:

    Dante and the Prague cop: What is with this Prague cop guy? Is he working for Brennan? Very weird scene.

    Dante and Lulu: Oh Lulu don't be blaming him! You were the one being followed!!!!!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to August 9th 1984* Robert and Holly at their home, with a visitor! :)

    1. Cause Jason's life is so much safer than Michaels... SMH

    2. "Linda says, Cause Jason's life is so much safer than Michaels... SMH"


    3. Sonny will go to the hospital so someone can try to kill him next., I hope Liz is at home at the time.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...