Monday, January 6, 2025


 Sidwell bought Wyndemere!! Lucy welcomes him and gives him her Travel Guide to Port Charles lol. She's talking about introducing him to all of Port Charles. He acts interested but I think he's a wanted man? Anyway, Lucy shows him the city from the window and gives him a fancy set of cards. She must have made a mint on that property. 

French Lady apologizes to Brennan. He never asked her to take a shot at Valentin. She did it anyway and now they know they are on to them. Brennan thinks that Charlotte will slip up again. Brennan gets the footage of the Dex stabbing. It's Cyrus. 

MARTY and Laura talk about Lulu in Prague. Just a recap. Basically, if you haven't seen the Lulu Char reunion, watch that part. Marty says Char will try to call Lulu or Laura again. 

Cyrus talks to Isaiah about saving Lulu. Isaiah is not happy, doesn't like Cyrus because of what Jordan said about him. Brad walks over and says Cyrus needs to be back in jail. He yells about what he did to Britt. Lucas drags him away. Portia tells Cy he's banned from the hospital. He's like YOU CAN'T DO THAT. She's like YEP! Get out. He leaves mad. 

Willow gets divorce papers from Michael, cries to Drew in the DC hotel. "It says I'm an unfit mother" boo hoo. Drew is pissed off because Michael is so mean :eyeroll:  Willow sobs. HE might use the SEX footage! She calls Marty who tells her not to worry because she's the mother. THEN he finds out she's in DC with Drew. LOL! WHOOPS

Michael is in Sonny's talking about his divorce. He's mad Willow took Wiley out of state without telling him. Sonny thinks Drew needs to pay. Michael says he already took Aurora. They talk about Willow needing someone to 'save' her. He thinks she married him because of her love for Wiley. 

Joss and Trina are packing up Dex's apartment.  They talk about him. Some flashbacks happening. All Joss wants is to catch Dex's stabber. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. 

Carly is bitching about Willow going to DC. Jason is standing there, staring at her. Carly wants to fly to DC herself! She HATES WILLOW! Jason goes to Sonny's -- Carly's meeting Lucas. They leave. 


Jason comes into the PH and takes Sonny out in the hall. EXPLOSION! Michael is on fire

Lucy leaves, Sidwell dances to the window to watch the explosion 

Josslyn finds a gun in Dex's drawer. Not his police issue one, a personal one

NOTE THERE IS NO GH tomorrow. I think it might be because Carter will be laid in state in DC. Then, a new Show Wed. And Carter's funeral is Thursday. Another 3 day week. 


  1. Thanks for the preempt note. A three day week isn't so bad right now.
    Fakest fire I've ever seen. No boom.
    Willow looks like a slut with her robe hanging. If the shoe fits.
    As much as I love JK clearly his time on GH is limited. Brad was so good.
    So the Hayden look a like agent just happened to be casually carrying a high power weapon. Lordy.
    Wasn't it stated in the Cassadine money talk that they reacquired Wyndemere and it is under Alexis' charge? Am I mistaken or are there two writers writing differently about the same thing?

    1. "Zazu says, So the Hayden look a like agent"

      She so does look like her! :)

      "Wasn't it stated in the Cassadine money talk that they reacquired Wyndemere and it is under Alexis' charge? Am I mistaken or are there two writers writing differently about the same thing?"

      Yeah I don't think the writers talk to each other.

  2. Brennan's office:

    Brennan and WSB lady: Ohhhh! Brennan didn't tell her to shoot! Okay good. :) Brennan is a good guy. :)

    Brennan and beautiful bean footage: CYRUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!

    Marty's office:

    Marty and Laura: He chose an opportune time?!!?! Seriously Laura?! What the hell did you expect V.C. to do? Stand there and have Charlie shot?! COME ON NOW!

    Marty on the phone with Willow: I heard an accent!!!! *Dancing and spinning around*

    Dex's apartment:

    Joss and Trina: During Christmas she was fine, and now she is all sad. :( I wonder if Joss is thinking who will I have sex with now?!

    Joss and Dex's gun:

    Dex's gun: Hello Joss! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Jason's warehouse:

    Jason and Carly: I'm glad Carly won't ever forgive Willow! When she said that, I said out loud, Good! Carly wins the line of the day.

    Carly: Drew can open doors.


    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Brennan: Oooooooooo! :D

    The hospital:

    Brad and Cyrus: GO BRAD GO GO GO BRAD! :D But oh oh will Brad be next? Will Cyrus try to kill him? I hope not!

    Portia and Cyrus: YES PORTIA YES! :D Oh oh will Cyrus try to kill her?

    Brad and Lucas: Awwww I'm glad Lucas is there for him. :) #Brucas.


    Lucy and Sidwell Cookie: Welcome back Lynn Herring! I just want to give her a hug! :( Hmmm Sidwell Cookie is going to live in Wyndemere? Interesting. What happened to the other owner that bought it? Who was that anyway? I loved his dancing hahahaha. A villain who dances! Nice! :)

    Prague hotel:

    Willow and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Oh Willow! What did you expect Michael to do when you took the kids without telling him to go to Prague?! You are so stupid! Hate this scene. Oh look Drew aka Ryan Lavery wuvs you. UGH!

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Michael: Great scene. Michael isn't going to take the kids. :) Willow should know Michael better than that. Willow is so stupid. She should call him and communicate, but of course she won't. Oh hi Jason! :)

    Michael alone: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FIREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Sonny why don't you have a fire extinguisher!!!?!?!?!?!!? Save Michael and save the green beans!!!!! :( The Green beans think they are going to die so they do a final group chat with Comet, The Tribbles, the Greenies, Toady (Lucky's parasite) and Tommy the Tapeworm. They are devastated. The green beans says goodbye. :'(

    "NOTE THERE IS NO GH tomorrow. I think it might be because Carter will be laid in state in DC. Then, a new Show Wed. And Carter's funeral is Thursday. Another 3 day week."

    Oh really? Well this is a good reason not to have GH. So there IS going to be a cliffhanger for GH afterall. :)

  3. ----Willow is a pathetic person - she wouldn't even close her robe while saying 'Michael thinks I am an unfit mother".........cannot stand her ----- or him ----- but really her
    -----so Sidwell makes his way to PC, slipped into the church and heard Sasha's confession of pregnancy and the WSB cannot find him??? and bought Wyndemere which means he must be staying a while?
    ----at least Brennan showed us proof that Cyrus stabbed Dex; and since Joss found a gun in Dex's drawer, is she going kill him? and Brad threatened him? HMMMMMM - is there a who-dun-it coming?
    -----still don't trust Collette......and have no comment about Carly...
    -----I know the scene called for Sidwell to look at the penthouse at the moment the fire started.....but I watched it twice - so it started with the fireplace, right?
    ------WHERE are the stupid guards????
    I dunno.............

  4. sonya said..." I wonder if Joss is thinking who will I have sex with now?!"
    Joss doesn't seem to be the type to sleep around.

    And Sidwell was the anonymous buyer maybe

    1. It would be believable for her to not act herself for a while since she has been through so much to numb the pain. I still think the actor playing Brennan should have been Jax. She could use her dad.

    2. "Di says, Joss doesn't seem to be the type to sleep around."

      Oh I'm joking, she isn't. The question should really be who will be her next boyfriend. Unless she is going to join the WSB hmmm.

      "And Sidwell was the anonymous buyer maybe"

      But he just bought it, unless he bought it along time ago and finally decided to move in? Or he just bought it because he wanted to see Sonny's apartment go up in flames.

      "Linda says, It would be believable for her to not act herself for a while since she has been through so much to numb the pain."

      I can see that happen. It would be understandable.

  5. I must have missed something. I didn't get that Sidwell went to the terrace to see Sonny's apartment burn. What does he have against him? I must have missed that too. Oh well, I'm old.

    1. Didn't Sonny end up with some of his diamonds?

    2. I guess that's it but big deal. Anna and Jason ruined everything for him.

  6. Drew and Willow's are gross and delusional. Micheal wants to "steal" HER kids??? Ugh.

    And this Sidwell/Windermere stuff makes no sense. Ava had sold Windermere after receiving it in divorce, was sold months ago. Now the divorce settlement is supposed to be invalidated and Windermere part of Casadine estate yet we have a new buyer. Sidwell shld be on the run, with limited access to funds no able to buy a multimillion property.

  7. Just a random tidbit. Demi Moore was just 19 when she played Jackie Templeton. Yikes



  The new show "Beyond the Gates" topped GH during it's debut week. It runs 2-3pm/est in major markets against the ABC soap. N...