Thursday, January 30, 2025



WELP.. I'm here! Tomorrow I'm off subbing from 8:30-2:30 so soak me up while you can lol 

Chase is at the gym, hitting the bag. Flashing back to wanting a family and the test results. Dante walks in and tells him that Sam was murdered. They talk about Sam and Lulu. 

Brook and Lois talking. Brook wants to tell Chase about her baby she had in HS. OH!! And she wants to tell him that Dante was the father. Says it will be so hard and not sure she can do it. 

Lulu tells Maxie Sam was murdered. Spinelli will be so upset says Maxie. Lulu is still in love with Dante. Yada yada... Maxie invites Cody to dinner. 

Diane is in the office. Alexis walks in looking awful and says her daughter was murdered. They cry. Alexis throws stuff.  Then Alexis says that Krissy and Molly are coming over and she's going to tell them about Sam. Diane gets a call from Jason and leaves.  Molly and Kristina are horrified that Sam was murdered. Wouldn't Molly have known if she's with the DA's office? 

Cody sees Jason touch Sasha's belly and Jason says "I'm here for you"..then he walks away. Sasha tells Jason she's doing this ALONE! Jason says wonders if Michael really told her to raise the baby alone. 

Cody goes to the barn where Molly shows up with some papers. He says some people in this town get away with "everything". Molly and he banter. Chem test. Molly leaves. 

Carly and Brennan kiss but she pulls back and says: Wait, I need a minute. She doesn't want to do something she regrets. He says he didn't come to sleep with her anyway. He's set up a romantic fire outside the hotel with a fire-pit and everything. Um, FIRE../??????? She wants to know why Valentin tried to kill him. He tells them part of their history. Val  in the WSB and them being BFFs until Val tried to kill him. 

CODY at The Metro with lulu and Maxie. He tells them Sasha's pregnant. Maxie's like: um... he says "YOU KNEW"!! 

JASON GOES to Diane and spills that Sasha is pregnant with Michael's baby. Diane is like, omg he cheated on Willow !! Then Jason isn't sure that Michael told Sasha she could raise the baby by herself. :eyeroll: He's going to the clinic to talk to Michael. If it's true and Michael says it's ok to let Sasha raise the kid on her own, he won't tell Carly about it. 



  1. Carly and Jack have something special. Hoping it develops nicely.
    The fact that Lulu "thinks" about Rocco is totally ridiculous. Plus she's still "in love" with Dante. Please no.
    I liked the theories on here that Cody would be Gio's father. Oh well.
    Another very sad day in this country.

    1. I agree Zazu, and he could have been a recast Jax too but I will take Jack!

  2. Q mansion/Brooky's bedroom:

    Brooky and Lois: AH HA! So Dante is the papa of her baby!!! Well their you go! Not only does Brooky have to tell Dante AND Chase, Lois has to tell them their son is GIO!!!!


    Jason and Sasha: Oh yes the baby has been sorrased and now kicking! Yes Jason go talk to Michael! Is he awake yet? If not, then you really can't wake him up again!!!!!

    Miller and Davis office:

    Diane and Alexis: I just want to hug Alexis!!! Great scene. I'm glad Diane is there for her! Maybe the janitor can clean up the mess. :)

    Alexis, Krissy, and Molly: Very sad. :( Yeah Scout can be told about Sam being murdered when she is older, but then I bet she will find out another way.

    Cowboy Cody's horse home:

    Cowboy Cody and Molly: Damn Cowboy Cody! Are you drunk again? He is so angry about everything lately! Now it's about him thinking that Jason is the father of Sasha's baby! What next? Will he find out that Gio is Dante and Brooky's son and get angry about that?

    The gym:

    Dante and Chase: Great scene! They need a hug. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Jason and Diane: I love the look on her face when she finds out that Sasha got the preggers from Michael hahahahaha!

    Maxie and Lulu: Uh yeah now is not the time for Lulu to tell Dante that she is in wuv with him still. He is mourning and grieving Sam! Maxie wins the line of the day.

    Maxie: No. He always looks like that.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Shouldn't Lulu already know how Jason looks? :)

    Maxie, Lulu, and Cowboy Cody: Just waiting for Cowboy Cody to tell them that Jason is the father.. 3. 2. 1.........

    Germany hotel room:

    Jackly: Oooo hawt kiss!!!! Oh my Carly doesn't want to jump into bed with him. Carly has changed! :) I love it! The old Carly would jump into bed with him already! :)

    Germany fire pit:

    Jackly: Awww Brennan is disappointed with the end of his bromance with V.C. :( Ooooo another kiss with Jackly! :)

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to November 1989* Katherine and Robert.

  3. 2 days ago it was the anniversary of the challenger explosion. I am so surprised they didn't talk about it on the news!

    1. 39 years ago. I remember where I was in Florida when it happened. Taking a class and was having lunch break in the bowling Alley at Homestead Air Force Base. They are too busy with other terrible crap on the news these days I guess :(

    2. lindie, I was babysitting my nephew watching the shuttle launch when the explosion happened. One of those tragedies that people always remember where they were when they heard about it.

    3. "lindie says, 39 years ago. I remember where I was in Florida when it happened. Taking a class and was having lunch break in the bowling Alley at Homestead Air Force Base."

      I was 11 years old and in school. I had to go to gym class, but wanted to skip it because I wanted to watch the challenger go up! My teacher wouldn't let me and told me that I can watch when I get back. So I went to gym and when I came back, everyone didn't look happy. My teacher told me what happened. We watched the explosion over and over and over. So sad. :( Then when I got home I watched it again too.

      "They are too busy with other terrible crap on the news these days I guess :("

      Yeah. I'm sure. :(

  4. ----Carly not calling Lulu is ridiculous.
    so much I could say but won't...
    HOWEVER I have to say-----------Jason flies to GERMANY to ask Michael about the baby? Huh? Carly can't even get Michael drug-induced coma??? THAT is his plan? he will always see Carly and Jack.
    ------and finally -----February sweeps is gonna be Brook Lynn, Chase, Lois, Gio???? I was hoping Cyrus would be killed and was it by Alexis, Dante, Joss, Kristina, etc.??

  5. Tristan said he and Holly were back in January but maybe he meant start filming in January?

  6. Glimmers of hope for me: I like Brennan and Carly together. Also, having Maxie and Lulu think Jason is the baby daddy for Sasha could be fun.

    Quick tip: Whenever the end of "GH" is preempted during the day, you can catch the full episode on Hulu after 8 p.m. EST.



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