Wednesday, January 8, 2025

GH Today--


It's a sad day for LA and watching everything unfold. Cameron Mathison has written he lost his house but his family is fine.  Difficult to put into words what is happening. I thought about not blogging today but I'll be going ahead to give a distraction for those that need one. 

They show the whole explosion again but decided to INTERJECT A WILLOW/DREW SEX SCENE in with it! With WEIRD MUSIC! Wow, that was just awful. Jason gets a big rug and puts Michael "out". Michael rolls over and his face doesn't look that bad. 

Dinner at the Grille with Brennan and Carly.

Joss and Trina. Joss tells Tri to leave. She wants to look at the gun more. 

Nina wants to take the company jet to DC but Curtis says no. 

Brook Lyn is crying to Lois about not being pregnant yet. 

Chase finds a dizzy Sasha in the Q kitchen and she says she's just hungry. Forgot to eat. 

From GH/ABC Instagram account


Back to the show: 

Michael is taken to GH. Lucas says it's his nephew and Isaiah takes over. Carly rushes in and sees Jason and Sonny. They tell her Michael was hurt. She screams and yells. Says Michael is paying the price for Sonny. 

Brook says to Lois "It wasn't hard for me to get pregnant the first time but now it is" --so there we go!!  She wonders if it's payback or karma for giving her baby up all those years ago. Lois says the pregnancy was fine and delivery good. It should be ok. Brook feels guilty because she hasn't told Chase. 

Drillow in bed, talking about Michael and the custody case. He says he'll give it all up for her. 

Curtis and Nina talk about calling the media they know to blow in Drew and Willow and force Drew's hand about coming forward about the affair. 

Sasha and Chase talk about kids and Chase says they are going to get checked out asap. He wants to honor his dad. 

Joss takes out the gun. Looks at it. Opens the chamber and looks at bullets. Finally puts the bullets back in the box. Someone knocks hard. Brennan tells her to come with him immediately. 


Nina calls Willow to tell her to get home

Lucas says Michael is burned over 40% of his body with 3rd degree. He might not live


  1. Didn't Dex have a gun when he worked for Sunny?

  2. Maybe it's me but I just hate this show right now.
    The opening sex/fire scenes were totally disgusting.
    Baby making whinery taking over after the relentless surrogacy story.
    I hate guns.
    In light of real life tragedy in LA it is hard to take this badly written soap seriously. They clearly don't care. Why should we.
    Watching the horrendous firestorm and thinking of what the future holds for all of us is more than depressing. GH shouldn't be. It should be a helpful distraction. It is not.
    Feeling so sad for Cameron Mathison and everyone else in this developing Hell's path.

  3. ---so who is Joss gonna shoot????? Cause that is the only reason I can think of that she is handling a gun....
    -----I must have missed something but the fireplace explded, right? WHY do they think it was targeted to Sonny?
    ---I just cannot believe adults/writers/producers thought ANY of this was a good storyline - are you kidding me? Fire? Michael? Carly blames Sonny? Rinse and it is a horrible idea......
    -----I am so mad at myself for even WATCHING Drew and Willow's DISGUSTING scenes....he is sleezy and she is just a pathetic person......HOW many times do we have to hear: "oh no Drew, what if this causes you to lose your place as a Congressman?" followed by "look at you - only thinking of me when you don't have to' they truly - not kidding - make me physically sick.
    -----and the editing of the fire and sex was pitiful.
    ----and the history of NEVER mentioning Brook Lynn's pregnancy and NOW it's gonna be Gio and Dante is the father ------ as the saying goes 'just pulling that out of my butt' writers....changing history..
    ----I too hate GH right now.

  4. I am dropping YouTube TV and subscribing to Comcast's StreamSaver service which is a great budget option, but it does not include the networks (except for NBC via Peacock) so I will be losing regular access to GH for the first time. As you can tell from my screenname, I've been watching since 1977. I'll still be able to catch clips online, but based on what's recently transpired, I don't think I'll miss it. I've said this before...but unless the show changes course quickly...I really think the end is in sight. CBS ain't playing with Beyond the Gates. They have a proven track record with ratings and there will be a strong lead in from YR and BB. The Powers That Be are ilstening to a bunch of marketing idiots who are telling them what they THINK the viewers want to watch. Yeah, and I don't think it's Willow and Drew.
    Where is Jonathan Jackson?
    Where is Genie Francis?
    Where is Kin Shriner?
    Where is a compelling front burner story for the show's only African American family?
    Where is the romance?
    What is the long-term story? I feel like the show is a bunch of disjointed events. No thread linking everything together.
    What is the point of Eva La Rue's Natalia when you wrote out her daughter?

    There are some bright spots - Nancy Grahn, Jane Elliot, Rick Hearst...But it's not enough to sustain a whole show.

    1. "Diana Taylor says, I am dropping YouTube TV and subscribing to Comcast's StreamSaver service which is a great budget option, but it does not include the networks (except for NBC via Peacock) so I will be losing regular access to GH for the first time. As you can tell from my screenname, I've been watching since 1977."

      Oh that is no big deal. Just go on dailymotion! :) Today's GH for example. :)

    2. "Diana Taylor says, Sonya, thanks for the tip!"

      You're welcome!!! :)

  5. The actress who plays Jordan. Perhaps one of the most beautiful stunning women in daytime. On contract. But she's on screen like 3 times a month. Why should we care or invest in her?
    TJ. Why should we care about him or him and Molly and when he's on screen like 3 times a month?
    The murder of an FBI agent and legacy character - Jagger. Dropped.
    The murder of Austin Gatlin Holt. Dropped.

    1. I agree 100% with your comments. The show desperately needs a new EP and writers.

  6. Lulu recast. Good. Story. Horrible. The character as written now has one range: Anger/rage. The character has showed practically no empathy to the family of the woman who basically sacrificed her life for hers. Incredibly self absorbed. And she's had like 1 scene with Genie Francis. Some reunion.

  7. Dex's apartment: Ooooo a new cast member! The gun! Well temporary cast member.

    Joss: and Trina: Don't listen to her Trina! She just wants the gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Joss and the gun:

    Gun: Come on! Put the bullets in me! Yeah yeah. Good! Now point that gun. :) Now you know what to do with me. ;)

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny, Jason, and Michael: I'm glad Jason grabbed a rug!!!! Where is the green beans?!!!!? :( Sonny you need a fire extinguisher!!!!

    Cafe Cherie restaurant:

    Carly and Brennan: Carly knows that Joss is Carly Jr! :) Great scene! :) Brennan is right Carly! People grieve in different ways.

    Curtis's office:

    Curtis and Nina: Yes delicious revenge. :) Show that beautiful bean picture to the world!!!! :) Nina wins the line of the day.

    Nina: Well, she's acting like a hormonal teenager.


    Q mansion:

    Chase and Sasha: Uh why is he talking to Sasha about his and Brooky's fertility problems? That is so inappropriate!

    Brooky and Lois: Oooooo! Brooky had a baybay before. coughcoughGIOcoughcough.

    The hospital:

    EMT lady: Male in his 30's.

    Ooooo Michael is in his 30's!!! :D I love how the EMT's and Lucas were wearing masks! :) Hey where is the green beans!!? Did Sonny grab them to take them to the hospital?!

    Prague hotel:

    Drillow: Showing the burning of Michael and them having zex was so disgusting.. Yuck! Gross!!! And also, Drew aka Ryan Lavery likes the woman on top it seems!

  8. I am confused about Joss and the gun. Who is she going to go after, exactly? No one besides Jack knows that the culprit was Cyrus.



  The new show "Beyond the Gates" topped GH during it's debut week. It runs 2-3pm/est in major markets against the ABC soap. N...