Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Bar Ware


Oh, I'm off today, everything is closed here due to it being 6 degrees.

Charlie's is opening. Might as well be the Savoy. Lucky and her toast their dads before opening the doors. I think it looks foolish with the lights on the bar. Sorry. Maxie and Spin come in. Isaiah--then Liz.  Brick and Jordan walk in but thank God she's there to meet Isaiah. OH he'll be called away by Sonny. Great. Brick didn't even wait until the door was shut to sit with Jordan. He's smarmy and tells her he did a background check on Isaiah. Tries to flirt. 

Cody talks to Spinelli. Cody wants money to 'keep quiet' about what he knows about Spinelli doing that DATING APP. He's drunk. The dating app? Like 4 years ago? WHAT? He wants 75K from Spin. OMG that happened in 2022. I mean, really. 

Lucky, who's the only bartender, tells Liz they have to talk about 'their case'. Marty joins them and they talk about Cyrus. Liz wonders why he was visiting all the people at Turning Woods. Marty says "our mother".  Marty tells the story of their mother being at death's door and Cyrus not wanting life saving measures but the mother recovered and didn't forgive him. Marty has proxy now and Cyrus misses her. Liz and Lucky wonder if he's killing off people that are terminal...but they realize Sam and Dex weren't terminal. 

Chapel: Jason wants to talk to Willow about the kids. He says: Hey why don't you just live in the GATEHOUSE? that way Monica can see the kids if she wants. THAT'S IT? After all this!! OMG.  He leaves to go tell Tracey the plan. Even though he just saw her yesterday and didn't tell her the plan.  Drew says they are bulling Willow. Willow says that the kids should be home. 

Gatehouse: Sasha is reading to Wiley, he misses his parents. Knock on the door...OH! It's FELICIA! She found them but the police can't find them IN THEIR OWN HOUSE. Okay. Felicia and Sasha talk about the Quartermaines and plans. Alan dropping the roof on Rick and Monica. 

Jail House: Lulu wants to visit Tracey. Dante says no. Lulu yammers on and on. He says ok.  Lulu yammers to Tracey until Jason comes in and tells her the plan. Tracey says NO. Lulu is trying to talk her into it. "Play the long game". 

Sonny's office floor: LaRue finds him. Puts a pill in his face and calls 911. Sonny wakes up. Won't let her talk to 911. Won't go to the hospital. OH so SHE CALLS ISAIAH to come and now stupid BRICK can be with Jordan. Gross. Sonny tells Isaiah what happened. Isaiah says he has to see a cardiologist. Sonny won't because Ava might find out. 


Cody gets out of hand and decks Lucky. He goes to the PCPD just when Tracey is getting out

Drew tells Martin he'll do anything to protect Willow from the Qs

Sonny and Natalia go to The Metro where she's going to make sure he's ok for the night. 


  1. ----HOW can people get paid to write these horrible stories? The horrible editing from yesterday to today!
    -----the kids were at the freakin gate house???? THAT is how Jason made the deal? Just to leave Nina's???? It shoul have been 'Drew can't be around you or the kids'=====WIllow would have chosen her kids and that woulda been much more soapy
    ------Drew saying "I would do anything and I mean anything to protect Willow from that family." Ominous ----- and maybe Willow tries to break up and she finds out she is pregnant.
    ----Cody came June 2022 and WHY do we CARE about him???? Will he work for Selina? NO ONE CARES.....I thought he was gonna get with Lulu BUT to dredge up with Spinelli YOU OWE ME MONEY is STUPID
    ----hate Natalia and now SHE is gonna be hooked to Sonny.....HOW MANY TIMES can he NOT have a heart attack?
    -----Laura W says she isn't going anywhere so I think Brennan shows up to visit her.....or she sees Charlotte??
    ---I DID like Marty talking about Cyrus and the background - that makes sense except Sam and Dex weren't terminal ----------but I think Feb sweeps means Cyrus is leaving us....
    ----I'll say this again - the kids were at the gatehouse...
    ----I am dizzy from the ridiculous writing and editing of this show.

  2. I am not following Sonny's logic of not going to a cardiologist because Ava might find out. Dude, if you don't see a cardiologist you are going to be dead and Ava will find out that way. 😁 Men.

    1. ROFL! They also don't like asking for directions!! :D

    2. I will gladly ask you for directions as to where we can find better writers and producers for this show.

  3. How long will they converse about why Cyrus is killing people?
    I thought Hiney was THE worst character ever. They have far surpassed him with Drew.
    More medical ridiculousness with Sonny's heart. He wants to be able to support his family without looking weak. The alternative is being dead I guess. So stupid.
    At the gatehouse all along. What a bunch of idiots.
    When Lulu says "Charlotte" it makes me cringe. Actually when Lulu talks at all.
    We are all seeing the same show. This said I can not believe that any of the writers or editors or even FV himself watches this show. It is preposterous what is going on.

    1. Drew is Hiney & Shiloh combined

    2. Cyrus is killing people because Cyrus is CRAZY. I think Sam and Dex must have seen something Cyrus was doing and wanted them gone because of that


    3. Agreed Drew is Hiney and Shiloh put together. Didn't like Hiney or Shiloh and don't like Drew

    4. I really didn't mind Shilo. But, did we all forget about Levi Dunkleman?! Worst character ever!

    5. "Zak says, did we all forget about Levi Dunkleman?! Worst character ever!"

      Levi Dunkleman!!! UGH!

    6. Zak, I had managed to purge those memories and then you had to go and remind me of him. 😁

  4. The hospital chapel:

    Jason, Drew aka Ryan Lavery, and Willow: Wait I thought the plan was Tracy's plan? Cus she had a plan she said she has an idea. I'm so confused. Shut up Ryan Lavery!!!!


    Ryan Lavery and Marty: Is wittle Ryan Lavery jelly and disappointed that Willow can be with her kids at the Mildew home? You have no right! You are not married to Willow! Unless that's what he wants to do. Hmmmmm.

    Charlie's pub and restaurant: What the hell is this?! HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA! It looks like it's turned into a ritzy club! Krissy welcoming people and taking their coats. What next? People will have to call for a reservation?! ROFL! I like the lamps, but it looks too dark and too blue. I guess people can't drink at the bar anymore because of the lamps! Oh they can drink at the end of the bar.

    Marty, Liz, and Lucky: Oh hmmm very interesting. I hope Liz and Lucky find proof that Cyrus is killing people off!

    Spinny and Cowboy Cody: Oh man! Cowboy Cody is so desperate for money and very drunk!

    Cowboy Cody and Lucky: OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!! Well maybe the punch will kick out Lucky's parasite.

    Jordan and Gannon: Is this a date? If it is yikes! Well he IS a doctor. She will never see him unless she goes to the hospital.

    Jordan and Brick: Hmmm he had a background check on Gannon? What did you find Brick?! Is Gannon related to RJ and Hank Gannon from Llanview?!?!! From OLTL? :D Oh wait Brick stopped the fight? We didn't see that! Damn!

    Mildew home:

    Wiley and Sasha: Awwww poor Wiley misses his parents. I want to hug him!

    Felicia and Sasha: Felicia wins the line of the day.

    Felicia: The Quartermaines thrive on toxic shenanigans.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Well I'm glad Willow is home with her kids now.

    Sonny's office: Badger Bob is screaming for help, when Natalia hears it and comes in! :D

    Sonny and Natalia: Oh wow! This scene was really bad! Natalia puts the pill in his mouth, without seeing if he had choked on anything!!! ROFL! She didn't even see if he swallowed it! ROFL!

    Sonny, Natalia, and Gannon: What?! Dissolved in his mouth? HOW DO YOU KNOW NATALIA! YOU DIDN'T LOOK IN HIS MOUTH TO SEE! BAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA! So idiotic. Oh so Sonny lives at the Metrocourt okay. I wondered where he lives. Oh great so she is going to look after him all night. Zex time? If they do, he has a bad heart, but sure go have zex. ROFL!

    Police station:

    Tracy and Lulu: I love that Tracy swirled her chair around hahahahah! WEEEEEEEEEE! :) Well, Lulu, Jason, and Tracy all have good points.

    Tracy, Lulu, Dante, the cop, and Cowboy Cody: Where the hell is Lucky?! He isn't at the police station and he isn't at the ritzy Charlie's, so where is he?

  5. Oh for the love of God please tell me they aren't spinning Kristina into Lucky's orbit. The way she talked about him and they lingered on her at the end: "It'll be really good to have him around."

    1. At least we will then be able to hear her talk about someone besides herself. She is bi after all.

  6. kd said ". OMG that happened in 2022. I mean, really. '........... More proof that the new youngsters writing these days can't think of anything mew. Just rehash all the old shows.

  7. NO to Kristina and Lucky. Can't happen. I am team Liz and Lucky again. I KNOW their history, but they still have great chemistry together.

  8. Another rewrite? I recall that the reason why Florence Grey shut Cyrus out of her life was because Cyrus backed over him with his car after an argument over Cyrus getting involved with the wrong crowd in Shreveport, Louisiana. She blamed Cyrus for Gordon's death even though Cyrus said it was an accident. And then it was revealed in scenes with Laura that Cyrus had actually been sending money to help with his mother's care. Sounds like they just threw this all out the window today.

  9. Sonny goes to the metro and of course his 2 daughters are with the nanny at CARLY'S. Good gravy



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