Friday, January 31, 2025

Light A Wubsy Candle


It's FINALLY the end of January. This stupid month has lasted a year, I swear!! Today I'm in a class with 20 Four Year Olds!! FOR SIX HOURS!! Send help!! LOL IT's going to be a doozy. 

I'll have to watch GH Saturday morning and then do Sunday Surgery. Let me know how the show is!   My biggest question is: Will Jason find out about Sam before he goes to ask Michael "The question"...I have a feeling SBu is taking a few days off lol 


  1. Lots of short scenes today.
    Cody is unhinged. No Jason today.
    Doesn't Kai have any family?
    Brad is so silly. Love his scenes.
    I don't recall not liking Lulu. That was then. I know we all love Laura but my teeth hurt from the sugary words she shared with Lulu today. Already tired of hearing how much she loves Dante. I fear for him. lol Where is Rocco.
    Curtis/Jordan/Drew...good scenes. Yay to walking out on him.

    1. "zazu says, Lots of short scenes today."

      I noticed that too!!! Lots of scenes were cut off!!!!! I hate that!

  2. ----Lulu is just not entertaining or likeable....and Laura is just too sugary for me (she did it with Lucky when he came back)
    ----I REALLY want Drew to GO AWAY!
    ----There HAS to be a reason they have backtracked and made Cody horrible.....I thought he and Lulu might be a couple but obviously it's gonna be Molly and Cody but he is VERY difficult to watch (Did TJ leave town?)
    -----Feb 25 - custody hearing - remember that date cause LAST TIME it was November 11 and nothing happened.
    -----so trainer is gonna be new guy for Brad or Lucas - a spoiler said new guy comes between them
    -----I don't think Sonny and Natalia are gonna even MAKE it to LA....I think talking to Dante will make him fall out again......interesting Ric noticed Sonny...
    ---HOW is Curtis not blackmailing Drew that he knows about him and Nina??????
    -----Maura is just gorgeous....
    ----so to repeat myself sorry - but the more I say it the more I will try to understand it LOL:
    Gio, Brook Lynn, Dante, Chase, Kai, Trina is the main focus this month???? I was hoping Cyrus death, Selina Wu back and Willow finding out about Nina....

    1. Watching Kai and Trina today was like watching paint dry. She and that "self-centered prima dona have nothing in common and no chemistry whatsoever. And they are suddenly making Cody completely unlikable. I don't want to see more of him either or the old Brooklyn Lulu rivaly Lulu is unlikeable enough as is. Can Drew's plane just go down on his way to that resort island. lol

  3. Central Perk:

    Laura and Lulu: Laura is staring at Lulu! Laura realizes that Lulu is still in wuv with Dante. Lulu knows she can't tell Dante how she feels because he is grieving over Sam. Lulu says that her and Rocco was just there and he drank coffee. Wait first of all, Lulu saw Rocco and we didn't get to see it?!!? Come on! Second of all, Rocco drinks coffee?!!?!?!? But he is 13!!! No teenagers should be drinking coffee!! Especially at 13 years old! Lulu blames herself for Sam's death..

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Ric and Ava: Ava thinks since Ric stopped bugging her about payment that Ric is helping her pro bono! Hahaha. Nope! :) They talk about the kiss. Nothing will happen between them until she gets her daughter back.

    Portia and Curtis: Kisssy kissy.

    Portia: CEO looks so fine on you.

    And so does his outfit. Mmmmm mmmm. :) Take you shirt off Curtis! :D They talk about Curtis's new project that Drew aka Ryan Lavery has put a halt on. Of course he did.

    The gym:

    Brad and trainer: Brad is working out! He has got guns!!! :) Maybe Brad and the trainer should start dating. :) Brad is working out for his vacation, and for Lucas. :)

    Jordan and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Jordan tells him off about the project that he put on hold. She gets him good! Jordan calls Curtis to come over.

    Curtis, Jordan, and Drew aka Ryan Lavery:

    Anna's office:

    Anna and Dante: Whoa! Great scene!!! Dante was pull off from Sam's case and he is furious! He is yelling!!!! He wants to know who killed Sam, but Anna won't tell him. Anna wants him to see a therapist. Dante walks out.

    Cowboy Cody and Anna: Cowboy Cody wants to talk to Mac about contacting Robert! Anna wants to know what is going on. He says that Sasha is in trouble and it's Jason's fault. Sasha is pregnant and Jason is the father. Cowboy Cody! STOP!!!!!

    Too long. Too be continued.

    1. Cowboy Cody's horse home:

      Cowboy Cody and Brooky: Whoa! Cowboy Cody knows that Brooky was preggers back then. She told him to keep it a secret and not tell Dante! Then she left town. She asks him if he ever told Dante. He said no. Cowboy Cody tells Brooky that Sasha is pregnant. Damn Cowboy Cody just stop!!!! You don't know anything about what is going on!!!

      Miller and Davis office:

      Diane, Sonny, Krissy, Ric, and Ava: Diane was going to leave so that Krissy can tell Sonny that Sam was murdered, but then Ric and Ava showed up! Ric has an offer and gives the papers to Diane. Diane laughs. Visitation every other weekend. Ava retains soul custody and all wmajor holidays. Ava wins the line of the day.

      Ava: I am willing to give up Arbor day.

      BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Great line and the way she said it. :) Diane and Sonny are not giving in. Krissy was calm cool and collected. Ric notices and makes a comment about how she won't be this way in court. :) Sonny is having the heart problem again but is trying to hide it. Nobody notices. The court date is in February.

      Krissy and Sonny: Krissy tells Sonny that Sam was murdered. She is worried about Dante. Sonny doesn't want her to worry about it and he will worry.

      The hospital:

      Portia and Brad: Hahaha. Brad wants to extend his vacation. Portia says she made accommodations for him and not to push his luck. He asks does that mean yes? Portia agrees!! Hahahahaha!

      Kai and Trina: Kai is being all negative and having a pity party. Trina is trying to help him. At one point it looked like they were going to kiss. Glad they didn't.

      Cowboy Cody's horse home:

      Dante and Brooky: Dante is so sad and wants to talk to Cowboy Cody, but he isn't there. Dante tells Brooky what is going on. Poor Dante. :( He made me cry! :( He blames himself for Sam's death! :( They hug and Lulu sees them.

      Metrocourt restaurant:

      Ric and Ava:

      Ric notices that something is wrong with Sonny. :) Ric talks about payment.

      Ava: You will get paid. After that, maybe we can see where everything stand between us.

      Oooooooo! Yes yes! I want another Rava kiss!!!! ;) Speaking of kissing, what are Carly and Brennan doing? Still kissing? ;)

      Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to November 13th 1981* Luke has a bachelor party, and Laura has a bachelorette party! There are two parts to it.

    2. I think they said the new court date was Feb. 25.

    3. "Di says, I think they said the new court date was Feb. 25."

      Yes! :) Feb 25th. Cant wait! :)

  4. I predict Cyrus is killed for sweeps month setting up a who-dun-it........
    and as a twist, his mom kills him and no one suspects her....
    The End

    1. I like that. You are hired as the new GH writer!!!!!

    2. Ooooo great twist!!! :) I agree with lindie!!! You are hired as the new GH writer. :)

  5. sonya said : " Ava retains soul custody " - had to laugh - sounds like she's the devil lol



  The new show "Beyond the Gates" topped GH during it's debut week. It runs 2-3pm/est in major markets against the ABC soap. N...