Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Tuesday: The Docks


Greetings from The Frozen Tundra!! 12 degrees and lake effect snow! Whoo Hoo!! That time of year but it sure is nasty when it's here. Although truth be told, I'd rather have this than 90s and huge humidity. Guess that's the Nordic in me. 

NOTE: If you see a comment has been deleted it's because it's spam. I RARELY if ever remember deleting a comment due to the opinion. Some spammy people get in here and put stupid links in the content. Last one started with "Enjoyed your post about hospital" LOL! OY! 


In the hall, Jason walks up and asks about Michael. They all tell them about the plan to wake him up. Carly asks Michael where he wants to go and he says Germany. Then asks about SASHA!! AHAHAHAHA
Carly comes out and Jason will call Sasha. Carly's getting the plane ready..Willow wants to talk to Michael. Willow says she's sorry and Wiley and Amelia want him to get better. Then his bells and whistles go off and the nurses have to rush in. Carly screams that it was Willow's fault. Sasha gets there but too late, he had to be sedated. Carly yells more at Willow. Jason tells her to calm the FK down. She says well, I'm going to Germany so there. 

Tracey is at the PCPD. Yuri and the Nanny took the kids out for the day and she "Can't Remember Where". Drew is out in the hall being a pill about getting the kids back. Goes in, yells. She's telling them she's not saying a word without her lawyers. Covers her ears with Drew.

Brennan comes in and tells Anna he has info on the bomb in Sonny's place. It's a black ops, government device. Anna says she has to ask: did you do this to him? He's like, nope!

Anna calls Jason to come out and help with the Tracey situation. Don't ask me why, it's dumb. He talks to her and she refuses to let the kids go--and she hates Drew. Doesn't think she'll go to jail because she has too much money. 

LaRue and Maxie are talking in Deception. Maxie says Sonny was the real target of the fire. Then Sasha comes in and Natalia leaves. Sasha talks about how nice it is to be pregnant. 

Alexis and Kristina are talking on the docks. Ava walks up.  She tells them Wyndemere sold and she's going over to give Sidwell his painting. She's sorry about Michael and glad Avery wasn't there. Kristina bickers. Ava bickers. Kristina leaves. Ava tells Alexis to "put that one on a leash" LOL  Then Ava leaves and Sidwell comes up to talk to Alexis. Um, wasn't Ava on her way TO SEE HIM ON SPOON ISLAND? This makes no sense. Anyway, he wants Alexis to visit the house. She's like, no I'm good. 


Michael is going to Germany and Carly's going as well 

Sasha didn't get to talk to Michael but tells Maxie she's happy to be pregnant. 

Bunch of yelling

The bomb for Sonny was a biggie but even an arms dealer could have gotten it. 

Ava pleads with Sonny to let Avery live with her. She says Carly's not even her mother. (BTW, Carly is NOW IN GERMANY!) 


Sonny falls on the floor after Ava leaves

Jason goes to talk to Drew and Willow about the kids

Tracey is hauled off to booking and a cell. 


  1. As I do not watch the show, and only get my updates on this blog, it is interesting to read that Carly may be off-screen for a while in Germany. But, she will most likely hear about Sonny's heart attack and decide to stay. But, then, even if she does go to Germany they will probably have plenty of scenes of her screeching at people over the phone while a day-player plays a blanketed, face-covered Michael.

    Who killed Austin? Is Anna still investigating Jagger's murder? Where are Felix, Scotty and Obrecht? What was the reason for Lucky to come back? What was the point of releasing Heather from prison? How come the hospital cameras do not show Cyrus creeping into Sam, Michael and Dex's rooms? This show used to be so fantastic. Right now it is a complete joke.

    1. Zak, have you thought about applying for the position of continuity consultant? The writers obviously need someone to fill that role. I had forgotten about 1/2 the amount of story plots you just listed.

    2. Who killed Austin? No idea. Felix has been gone for ages...Obrect is gone, Scott is gone. Lucky came back to give Lulu a kidney but--he couldn't because of something he picked up in Africa. Heather was released so she could get a new hip but the fans hated that idea and she got a job on another soap so she left with Steven Lars. Hospital cameras (and cameras in general) only work or are around if Spinelli is and it's a plot point. Jagger. HA! He died and that was that. Sonny killed him so, you know...

  2. Ava was nasty to Alexis and Kristina however, I am still infuriated that Ava is begging Sonny. Has that child seen either one of her parents? Ava should have asked Alexis did you let Kristina live with Sonny when she was little? What if Avery were to find Sonny with this heart situation? This show has to stop worshiping Sonny and Carly. Its disgusting. Yes Avery is with her sister, big whoop. At the very least share custody. Both of her parents have committed crimes but Sonny is an active criminal who someone just tried to kill and who committed murder a few months ago.

    I wanted to slap Carly when she said Willow was keeping Michael awake to feel better. Very true, and I can't stand Willow for what she did but didn't Carly wake him initially? I am pretty sure she could have made that decision for him on treatment. Please writers, take Carly off canvas. If Drew & Willow can go as well, even better.

    Even though I'm not certain of her intensions, Tracy was once again the highlight for me. Stinker!

  3. Michael E. Knight and Jane Elliott make this episode a hoot.

    Jason evolving into the elder statesman, family patriarch is a testament to 1. Steve Burton 2. the powers that be at GH and ABC, and 3. us, the fans. I can remember him as the teen dream.

    With Leslie Charleson's death I hope Monica may also have a dignified death. I really hope Monica leaves the house to Jason. And then the tag line can change from: Alan gave the house to Monica to Monica gave the house to Jason. Wouldn't that just tie Tracy in knots????

    1. I hadn't thought about Jason. Ya, Monica might give the house to Jason????

  4. How many times is Sonny going to "fall on the floor"? So, so stupid.

  5. Were JPS and Scarlet (Charlotte) only back for like one episode? What is up with that? Is JPS done GH for good? Does anyone know? I'd MUCH rather have him around than half the clowns we have

  6. Jason is the only character they have changed for the better. He should be the Q patriarch.
    Sidwell? International criminal or soon to be PC mayor. Anything goes.
    "giggle mouse" is disappearing.

    1. Yup, the show and the country have "gone to pot". Sidwell will have Laura's job next on this show. lol

  7. Minus 7 at my house this morning after only about 4 inches of snow overnight. Ice fishing is back. lol

  8. Yep Jason will get the house!
    ---very confused that Carly said she was going with Michael - WHO has Donna and WHERE is Avery and WHY would she leave her small children....did she tell Olivia? STUPID

    ----and I am in the miniority but Carly saying 'if she had loved him, she wouldn't have slept with Drew' I LIKED!

    -----I was SO hoping that Natalia was gone and shoot she will save Sonny.

    -----I liked Alexis words to Ava...

    -----the whole where are the kids is beyond ridiculous

    but let's get to the reason GH is HORRIBLE right now

    ---DREW controlling Willow and blaming Carly and Sonny for MANIPULATING HER???????? He's so horrible I am beginning to think Willow IS gonna see it, break up, find out she is pregnant.

    poor Scout.

  9. and I still think Sidwell is Natalia's ex --- and a former WSB agent but WHY IS HE walking around?

  10. Anyone remember if micheal told hason he slept with sasha? I kinda think he did but maybe didn't mention her name? I'm convinced Jason will end up playing dad to to this baby and be the only who knows it's Micheal's...

  11. "Greetings from The Frozen Tundra!! 12 degrees and lake effect snow!"

    BRRRRR! Yeah so cold! Our heater broke so it became 53 degrees. Got a new heater and thermostat Whew! :) Warm now.

    The docks:

    Queen Ava, Krissy, and Alexis: Queen Ava wins the lines of the day.

    Queen Ava: Maybe next time someone goes after your father they'll actually hit the target.


    Queen Ava and Alexis:

    Queen Ava: Someone put a leash on that girl.


    Sidwell cookie and Alexis: Too bad they didn't show Wyndemere. :) I have seen people wonder if Sidwell cookie is a Cassadine.. *Giggle* Hmmmm. :D

    The PCPD:

    Tracy, Anna, and Marty: Tracy is killing me!!! With her making the paperwork into planes! Putting her fingers in her ears! Hahahahaha. *dead* Oh Drew aka Ryan Lavery go away! You don't belong at the PCPD!!!!

    Tracy and Marty: BAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Marty and Anna: GO MARTY GO! Anna is not taking this seriously!!!!

    Tracy and Jason: I agree with Tracy about Drew aka Ryan Lavery!

    Brennan and Anna: Oh NOW she is taking this situation seriously. Thank you Marty!

    The hospital:

    Carly and Michael: Damn give him pain meds NOW!!! GRRRRRRRRR! Michael wants to see Sasha! ROFL!

    Carly, Jason, Willow, Drew aka Ryan Lavery, Sonny: GO AWAY DREW AKA RYAN LAVERY! You can go too Willow! GRRRRR!

    Carly and Jason: I guess Carly forgave Jason for choosing Monica instead of her and Sonny! *Giggle*

    Mildew: Don't touch him Willow! You are so stupid!!!!

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and weeping Willow: UGH!


    Carly and Brennan: Awwwwwwwwwww! Now kiss. :)

    Maxie's office:

    Natalia and Maxie: Zzzzzzzzz.

    Sasha and Maxie: YAY! Glad Sasha is happy about the baby. Now tell Maxie who the daddy is! :) The baby might come out looking like Michael! *Giggle*

    1. Oops forgot something.

      Sonny's office:

      Sonny and Ava: Sonny I think it's best to let Ava have Donna!!! I mean Ava IS her mother!!!!

      Sonny on the ground: RA RO! More heartburn! Badger Bob is freaking out!!!!!

  12. If there isn't a murder mystery surrounding the demise of Drew I'm going to have a fit. He was so beyond obnoxious yesterday that I don't have the nasty words to describe him. Well actually I do but Karen would delete me!

    I whole heartedly agree with other posters that Ava needs custody of Avery, leave Sonny on the damn floor, give the house to Jason, leave Carly in Germany and keep her quiet, why is Sidwell galivanting around town without Jack knowing about it and Tracy once again saved the day. Though Alexis and Ava were pretty good too.

    -3 here in Michigan. Anything below zero is ludicrous, LOL!



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