Friday, January 3, 2025

Speaker Interruptus.


UGH I'm so hoping that GH starts on time because the SOH is on and they are analyzing the HELL OUT OF IT. 
We started a tiny bit late...

OH! another alert in the middle of the show too. 


Sonny is meeting with Isaiah in his PH and Jason walks in. Isaiah leaves. Sonny tells Jason something is wrong with his heart. Jason says he'll take him to a doctor out of state so no one knows. Sonny says NOPE. BUT they have to do business differently. 

Nina and Curtis talk about Drew and Willow being in DC. Damn, that was fast.  She's so angry. Curtis thinks he knows why. Is she jealous. She says no, she hates Drew. They talk about how much they hate Drew. 

Michael tells Sasha to stay in PC. He says if anything happens to the baby everyone will be here. (well, except him.. burning flame ' fire).She says if she stays she has to tell the Qs and they'll think it's Cody's and then she'll have to say it was a rando. She couldn't live there--Michael says he can help with that. She says she won't take money but she will stay in PC. She's glad if she got PG by mistake it was with him. She leaves.

Charlotte and Valentin. She's such a sop. "it's all my fault Papa".. :EYEROLL:  He says no, his fault for taking her. He cries.  Says it's too dangerous and she should go with Lulu. 

Lulu and Dante just arguing. Lulu tells him that she was     THISCLOSE  to getting Char home THIS CLOSE---ABOUT 45 times.  Dante reads Lulu for a bitch for leaving Rocco and leading the sniper to Valentin. Damn Lulu is SO unlikeable. 

Sasha goes to GH and gets an appointment with Dr. Navarro-- she has to see a patient advocate. That would be-- Felicia. She tells her she's pregnant and it's not Cody but won't say who the father is. 

Michael walks into Curtis and Nina's convo...Nina says: OH! HELLO!! Michael! Did you know Willow went to DC with Wiley? Amelia is with the nanny!! Michael just stares and walks out. 

Michael sees Willow and Drew on social media with a photo together. Calls Diane and says Willow took Wiley away without telling him

Dante and Lulu keep yelling. Lulu ends up throwing stuff

Charlotte decides to go with her Papa 


  1. My eyes hurt from rolling them.
    Sam died for this wretched character?
    Charlotte and Valentin belong together. Far away from PC and any story line.
    Why was Dr. Gannon at Sonny's PH after tending to him at the gym?
    I ask myself why I am still watching. Love the cast and hope everything else gets better. But I am doubtful.
    Chad Duell is on MB's State of Mind this Sunday. Not looking forward to his fate.

  2. ---Dante was great - I cannot STAND Lulu! I think Charlotte and Val are gone again?
    ----so I know Michael/Chad is leaving but it was totally OUT OF CHARACTER for this guy to say - no problem - raise my child - he wouldn't do that...
    -----ya'll know I'm obsessed with the 2018 episodes I am watching. COMPLETELY forgot that Willow has ALWAYS been a horrible character from her first meeting with Chase, etc. She lies about her baby dying, DOD, Harmony, etc etc. almost daily she is backtracking with Chase 'I didn't tell the truth'......gosh how it occurred to me she hasn't changed......
    -----I think he will ask Selina to take the business (and who knows maybe Sonny is really getting out of the business?)
    -----the fire preview for Tuesday makes me mad - we don't need him burned, leaves for a clinic and a recast down the road...........and then help us all, Willow will feel guilty and won't be able to divorce Michael, etc etc.............which makes me think it will be a while before Nina is exposed.
    --------Feb sweeps starts in 4 weeks.....

    1. I can't think why Sonny would do it, but what if he offered the "business" to Ava? She's looking for extra income, knows the ropes, already has the street cred. Sonny could dangle a tasty carrot and offer to keep Avery safe. Solves the custody problem in the bargain.

    2. I think it would be great if Sonny got out of the business for good and stayed out. It would open up a lot of possible storylines and help "GH" be less one note.

  3. Curtis's office:

    Curtis and Nina: Yes yes! Drew AKA Ryan Lavery has changed!!!!! Curtis wins the line of the day.

    Curtis: You'all might be doing the wild thing.


    Michael's office:

    Michael and Sasha: I want this baby knowing his or her daddy Michael! I want Michael to raise this child!!! This stinks.

    The hospital:

    New nurse and Sasha: Oh! Changes have been made. Interesting.

    Sasha and Felicia: Awwww Felicia!!! :) She put herself down in the paperwork awwwww. :)

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Gannon: The green beans giving Sonny the side eye and worried about Sonny's heart!

    Sonny and Jason: So who is going to take control of Sonny's business? Give it to the Tribbles!!! Or the Green beans! Or both! They can do it together! :)

    Prague hotel:

    Lulu and Dante: Lulu!!! Listen to Dante!!!! He is right!!!! With everything he said!!!!

    The road/V.C.'s car:

    V.C. and Charlie: Awwww great scene! She wants to stay with her papa! I'm glad. I want them to stay together. :)

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to a bar* Robert and Bill Eckert! Ooooo this was after Bill threatens his ex wife Nancy and after Robert has just been hypnotized by Faison into believing he saw Faison and Anna were making wuv!!! :) I remember Robert was hypnotized!

    1. As soon as Curtis said, "Y'all might be doing the wild thing." I hoped he won Sonya's Line of the Day!

    2. "Judith says, As soon as Curtis said, "Y'all might be doing the wild thing." I hoped he won Sonya's Line of the Day!"

      It was a perfect line hahahaha!

    3. Hmmm not sure why my comment posted twice. That is odd.

  4. Dear Charlotte,
    Good call.
    Lulu-the Carly Jr. personality is getting pretty one dimensional. Plz advise writers to consider humility as a possible trait.
    To Ava's wardrobe person(s)- You are killing it! I will continue to watch just to lust after the blouses.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...