Sunday, March 31, 2019

Sunday Surgery: Brain Drain

I think I'm JASON BOURNE!!? 

Well TIME'S A FLYIN! March is over and here it is the end of the month already. And Monday is April 1st--the date that is the anniversary launch of General Hospital.  Because of interruptions the whole special will be Tuesday the 2nd.  Leslie is back for Gail's Will!! I don't even care if it's only a day, I'm happy. 

This week was-- confusing. I'm very very frustrated by the editing and production of the entire thing. I know the writers write--then production schedules filming and sequencing. WTF is going on? Even Genie talked about it in a podcast that Steve and Bradford did. (I'll try to find the link for Monday).  They don't even film story-scenes in sequence. Maybe that's why some actors looked baffled half the time. 

This is a LONG blog. I even put a "commercial" interruption in for you to take a break. 

Panera today-- ever had their souffles? OH. My. GOD. Yum. 

Saturday, March 30, 2019

BREAKING NEWS: Michelle Stafford to Young and Restless

Lordy, Lordy! Glad I looked before going out!! Daytime Confidential just broke the news that Michelle is going back to YR to reprise her role as Phyllis after GH couldn't keep her. YR let Gina Tognoni go. 
Click that link up there because I'm sure they'll update when more details become available. 


I just realized that-- Jason THOMPSON is at YR?? And they LET HIM GO ???? OMG. What is HAPPENING?! Dom Z as well. They'd better find money somewhere or..cut the damn cast down. 

How do you feel about this? I really like Michelle and think she gives 100% every show. I enjoy Nina so I'm very sad.  I suppose there will have to be a recast and here's hoping Frank doesn't decide to cast Gina as Nina. :Eyeroll:  



IT's been a week and I haven't been keeping up like I should!! I haven't read your delightful comments or taken much time here at all. I am writing a massive Sunday Surgery tho and hope you read it tomorrow.  Sometimes real life is real life... and believe you me, I'd much rather be here than in real life!

See you tomorrow...

Friday, March 29, 2019

I will wait forever....

It's been awhile since I've been on!! Busy Busy Karen!! Anyway, I think I missed a lot of Aiden stuff so I will go back and watch those and comment on Sunday Surgery.

So, it's APRIL 2nd the anniversary show is on--not the 1st. This is due to all the interruptions we've had, they are still not on track. 

Dante says he has to leave. He's not the same. She said she'll come with him. He says: NOPE. He's So so GOOD!! Anyway he wants to go to a specialist to get help away from Port Charles. Lulu asks if he wants a divorce.  It's a good scene. VERY choppy though and so much not discussed. WHY not discuss the whip marks and the knife? Discuss debriefing with Robert? Have the discussion at his party with all his family? I tell you what, this was not the way it should have ended. This fast. --There was SO much material there. Geezus. 

Jordan gets bad news but doesn't tell Curtis. 

Maxie and Peter. Peter is GIANT next to her, no wonder they sit down so much..Brad left Maxie an envelope. They go to tell Nina. 

Nina and Val, he brings her flowers. Boring. Sasha is there too. Dr. O comes in, says Maxie and Peter are up to something. Valentine decides to "tell" Nina. I mean, we know he got to Brad so....the results will say Sasha is her's. We'll find out Monday

Ava gets fluids...and is ok. Julian is helping her. Curtis later hacks her phone and tells Ava those were robo call scams, not Ryan. Hmmmm. ya think? 

Laura brings Kevin's clothes to him. he said she's the mayor and should come to the arraignment. HE tells her to get a divorce and he won't fight it. She says she doesn't want one.
Later, Carly tells Laura she's pregnant.  

Cam in court. Judge is bitchy. Giggle.  Trina's there!! WHOOT!! Anyway, the judged caved --prob because Cam's Good Scout looks.  He has to finish out his community service and give up his driver's permit. 

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Gail's Will

Denise Alexander will return for the Anniversary Show for April 1st! That's MONDAY!!


I may or may not be here for GH--end of the month tomorrow and all hella paperwork breaks loose! 

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Got in a 2:30.. 


It looks like SHank Day!! Chase tells Jason that someone close to him is being harassed by Shiloh too. .they give each other the "Bro-Wink" We on the same team, bro.

Sam and Shiloh. Blah blah..yada yada They go to the PCPD. 

Dante and Mike...nice to have the talk with them. Dante says he feels different on the inside and is afraid of what was done to him. He likens it to Mike not being able to control this thoughts. 

Kristina wants CarSon to take classes with Dawn of Day!! ahahaahaha AHAHAHAHA, Dying. She tells Sonny it's too funny about saying DOD is dangerous!! Sonny gets mad. 

Willow tells Brad she's leaving town. She gets to hold Wiley. 
She sees the Dawn of DAY BOOK FALL OUT OF BRAD'S STROLLER. She looks sick. She decides to stay because of Wiley ..after brad leaves she tears up her letter of resignation. 

Monica is on tomorrow! 

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Brick Wall

SURPRISE!! For Dante. Jordan, Curtis, Laura, Lulu, Rocco-- Ned, Olivia and Dante looks dead inside and thinks about his "mission" Jordan wants Dante back on the PCPD. He just kinda looks at her. Oh he's so good!! 
Michael tells Dante that Kristine was in a cult and brainwashed and basically she's stupid (LOL) and that could never happen to them. Dante flashes back to his gun stuff. He thanks Curtis for helping with Lulu while he was gone. Olivia tells him she loves him so much. Everyone leaves. Lulu goes to put Rocco to bed and Dante has a flashback. He flips the ENTIRE Snack table over!! WOW!! Scared me!! Cheetos went FLYIN!! 
In bed, Lulu sees Dante's scars. 

Jason smashes SHanks' head against the wall--he bleeds. Sam sees it. Waitress at Kelly's calls 911. OH! Sam is going to have to give HER account of the incident LOL..will she throw Jason to the wolves? 
They go to the PCPD. 
Sexis. Alexis can't get thru to Jordan..Sonny talks to her about the SHank plan. She calls Jordan and says Shank is in danger ..but won't say by who. Later she realizes it was Jason. 

Good Sonny/Alexis scene about helping Kristina towards the end of the show. 

Anna and Peter and talking about Griffin. Peter nails it when he says she sees Duke when she looks at Griffin, and Faison when she looks at him.  GOOD Scene and Peter did a good job--I can't deny. 

Jason charged with First Degree Assault. 

Monday, March 25, 2019

Cult Craze

DARK DANTE ...I am so so here for this. You  have NO idea. OMG he gets a gun out with a laser on it chanting "I will complete the mission" and shoots LULU! But--it was a dream. DAMN. Rocco was in the doorway-- now Dante is scared he'll hurt him. Dang, Rocco is OLD.
Dante is so PTSD. 

Willow and Chase SHANK is THE BABY DADDY !! totally guessed that-- but anyway, she also changed her name!! It's not Willow. Didn't say yet what it is..hmmm I think she's a BECKY or Kelsey. Ok, so she tells Chase she didn't get forced to sleep with Shiloh, it was an 'honor" ewww and she left because she couldn't 'teach the children to follow him'. She's afraid he'll find out the baby.

SHank in Kelly's --Danny is there and Brad. Jason walks in. Danny hugs him but Sam has to pretend she doesn't like him. Shank talks to Brad about coming to a seminar! UGH
Jason finds Shank outside and tells him to stay away from Danny. Shank calls him angry--Jason gets even more pissed off.  He puts him up against the wall. 

Alexis tells Kristina that it's a cult. And Krissy is all in her face--and says the cult people are HER FAMILY! "Goodbye Miss Davis"!

Sonny reconning the entire Turkey Trip to Michael. zzzz. Dante comes in and tells Sonny he had to do stuff when he was with Raj to prove his loyalty. Sonny says forget it, it was war and it's over now. Alexis comes in. SEXIS DAY!! 

Michael tells Sam that Sonny has a plan to get Krissy out of the Cult. She's not happy

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Sunday Surgery: A Wing and A Prayer

But Wubs Didn't WATCH LIVE?? WHAT?? 

Wing and a Prayer.... For the show AND for me.  For me, because I didn't watch a lot and for the show--well, ratings could be better. It does befuddle me a bit because as you know, I'm a huge harsh critic and I've been enjoying it lately. 

Well, you know what's famous here in Buffalo to eat besides wings?? SPONGE CANDY! SO pull it up and take several bites of it's deliciousness.

Friday, March 22, 2019


Hello All!!  Greetings and Salutations! I am still on my family mission... but thought I'd check in. I thought I could watch some GH but I've been unable to.  I did see a great clip of WILLOW giving it to Nina and Valentin. SHE WAS GOOD!! I loved it. I mean, she can  under perform at times but damn, she held her own.  

Roycroft Inn 

I thought I'd tell you a bit about the town I'm in...East Aurora-- it's in Western NY by Buffalo and is snow central down here. In fact, it's snowing now. Anyway it's the best little town. it's home of the Roycroft movement look them up, it's so cool.  Also has a little five and dime called Viddler's.. Also amazing. I'd love to live here!!

I will TRY to catch up for Sunday may be a fun, short open ended blog this week, we'll see. 

Hope you liked the blogs Dave and I did together. I'll read the comments at some point! Have a good one!! 

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Dr. Griffin is not rising from the ashes


I dont know how Karen does links or what she copies and pastes not to ruffles feathers etc. 

I'll just say that Dr. Griffin is leaving. 

If you do a google search, you can find out more information. 

I am assuming it was storyline dictated since he no longer had Kiki or Ava.

Anyway, discuss... 

Nurse's Ball - Silver Anniversary

This is the 25th anniversary of the Nurse’s Ball, as Lucy so graciously pointed out a few weeks ago.
I thought about doing a blog entry (otherwise known as a portal for Karen to use to open up on
a day when she is busy) on the subject. But then it dawned on me that every one of you could
just go online an do a search for the history of the Nurse’s Ball. And if all I did was copy and paste that would bore the hell out of all of you, so I decided to do something different. And after reading you can go ahead and comment and talk about today’s episode. Since it is the 25th anniversary, I am going to list the “25 things that should take place at this year’s Nurse’s Ball”.

Ok, not 25. There is no way I can come up with that many. But hopefully YOU can. Go ahead and leave some suggestions in the comments.


Revisit History. Felicia and Maxie are the only act that is intact from that first show in 1994. (albiet a different Maxie) Have the 2 of them perform the very same act they did back then and use flashbacks. Maybe a side by side?

Uncle Jesse...
Break the 4th wall. Ok, we know it is a tv show. We know some characters have gone and actors have left. Let any actor who has appeared on the show come back and perform if they want to.
Even if they are not in character. Case in point: I will gladly watch John Stamos or Ricky Martin perform as themselves and not their characters. Lynn can say "Please welcome a very special guest. He played Blackie on the show for several years (show a clip of him) Put your hands together for John Stamos." I can overlook it if it is too awkward to bring them in as their old character. (This includes Stone). I know I might be in the minority on this one.

Shirts. Remember the shirts the first few years that were sold online (possibly AOL?) Bring them back and sell them online. Resurrect some of the logos from the first few years and sell them as nostalgia. Make a special one for this ball. Write a commemorative book and put it on amazon. We want and will buy tchotckes.

No Red Carpet. This was silly the first year they did it and it has been silly ever since. (I expect to get some serious flack for this). I really fail to see the concept of this. You know the worst part tho? When they get inside this great big ball they are one of about 14 people in the audience. Unfortunately, it’s not a ball per se anymore.

Stone and Robin. Do something. I dont care what it is, you must work the 2 of them into the episode somehow and really honor the history of the ball and how it all started.

Would love to see her sing "Rose's Turn" from Gypsy.

Dr O. Must crash the ball. There is no exception to this.

Get him out of hiding and on the show.

Focus on the acts. I know that there is backstage antics that are as cringy as Oscar banter, and they have to be shown. There will no doubt be some kind of spy caper that will coincidentally run though the auditorium. A long-dormant storyline that everyone forgot will resurface. But limit the side stories and really just go all out and showcase the talent.

ONE. Bring back the number “ONE” from the original Nurse’s Ball. Have both men and women perform it like in the actual show A Chorus Line

Red Ribbon. The logo changed from red to purple. It is supposed to be a red ribbon for AIDS awareness. (Don't even get me started on this...). Change the logo back to a red ribbon, please.

Lucy. Absolutely ...and Christian Ceriano as the designer (Karen's addition!)

Brad and Britt. They should sell tickets to THIS event.

Flashbacks. Going into every commercial break, have a clip of a skit from one of the previous shows.

That’s all I got. If Karen has time and she thinks of any, maybe she will write some below. If not, we will send this off on a day when Karen needs it. Your comments are welcome and appreciated!


Lucy's First Ball Dress

IN 1994:  Pulp Fiction, Friends....Kurt Cobain's suicide, OJ Trial...Lisa Marie Presley married--Michael Jackson...Crazy, Sexy Cool.... Amazon launched as did Play Station.  My son was 2.  Life seemed way simpler! The Nurses Ball was so innovative and really something new. The whole HIV tie-in was also novel. A bit brave too, especially since they had a guy die from getting infected from a woman and his female lover then contract it via sex. 

Dow Jones: 
High: 3,978
Low:  3,593 

Movie Ticket: $4.80
Minimum Wage: $4.25
Forrest Gump tops and box office! 
Where were you in '94??!! 

PS. This nonsense doubles as the Thursday blog.
Feel free to post anything and everything. Have a good day Wubbers!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Special Episode

ALL WOMEN EPISODE: Note, each is a short scene with no real wrap-up, letting the viewer imagine the ending. 

Scene 1: Maxie's Apartment 
The episode starts with Felicia and Maxie getting ready to watch a movie in the living room. One is making popcorn the other getting the DVD set. They talk about the movie being “The Women” and how it is a classic. 

Scene 2: Charlie's Bar 
Monica and Lesley at a table discussing Gail’s Will and and what it all means. "Why would Gail do this?". Lucy overhears this while walking by and joins them uninvited, saying:  "Gail was one of my closest and dearest friends". Monica and Lesley roll their eyes. There is food in front of them, and they start bickering like they always do.

Scene 3:  General Hospital Nurses' Station

Amy is with Epiphany at the nurses station complaining about having to work the night shift when there are perfectly good men waiting for her at the bars.  Epiphany says “Men, for sure. Perfectly good? You’d better think again".  Bobbie then walks in with Carly and asks for help.  Carly is having severe cramps and is worried about her baby. Epiphany sends them into an exam room and says a doctor will be with them shortly. Bobbie and Carly reminisce with  Bobbie telling stories of BJ and how Tony would have spoiled all his grandchildren.

Scene 4: The Dawn of Day House: 
Shiloh's followers are packing up the house and are getting ready to leave as they are fleeing overnight.  No one has told them where they are going. Alexis and Molly are driving and talking about going to try to talk to Kristina one last time about leaving the group and coming home. They get there and one of the girls is severely sick. Molly goes to find Shiloh and stall him (off camera) while Alexis tries to show Kristina that no one is getting medical help and people can die and Shiloh doesn't care. Alexis calls an ambulance with Kristina fighting her and yelling that Shiloh is handling it. Molly returns and says she couldn't find Shiloh and based on the office, thinks he ran off already without anyone and is gone. An ambulance is heard in the distance. Alexis tells Molly to go outside and wait for ambulance.  She then notices Kritsina is missing, the door wide open. Alexis realizes Krissy probably went to find Shiloh and warn him. Harmony steps out of the shadows and says to Alexis: You'll never stop him. He's a God. 

Scene: 5: The Docks: 
Anna is standing at the pier outwards at the water. Footsteps approach and she says “I didn't think you would show up”. The camera pans and the two figures face each other. It is Dr. O. Anna wants answers about Alex's time in the DVX and any connections to Victor Cassadine's experiments. Lesil tells her she will need something in return. "What could I possibly give you?" asks Anna  "Why your sister of course, we have much unfinished business she and I".... 

Scene 6:  Jerome Gallery
Ava is at the darkened gallery, pacing back and forth in front of a draped canvas. She's sipping a martini. "Always alone" she says to no one-- Her hand hovers over the sheet and she pulls it back with a mighty tug. There is a portrait of Kiki, standing in a field of sunflowers. "Franco" she whispers as she sips her drink. 

Scene 7:  Wyndemere
Nina, Lulu, Charlotte and Sasha are having a 'tea party'.  "More cookies, Sasha"? asks Charlotte. Nina praises her manners and says how wonderful it is to have both of her daughters under one roof.  Lulu's eyebrows raise a bit and she coughs.  Nina asks how Dante is doing (he's back in town) and Lulu tears up a bit. She says he hasn't been the same since coming home and is afraid something terrible happened in Turkey. "You mean he was living with the birds"? asks Charlotte. They all laugh. 

Scene 8: The Spa/Nail Place
Sam is laying back in a chair with her feet in a soak. Liz is beside her doing the same.  They talk about how it is to have kids underfoot all day. Liz tells her to just wait until they get into their teen years. Sam asks about Franco. Liz says "oh we are boring, I'd much rather hear about you and Jason"! Sam says "I bet you would "!!  Liz says maybe they should Grub Hub in some Chinese food and they laugh and laugh. Robin walks in and says "Well look at you two"! Sam "We are talking about Jason" .... Robin's eyebrows go up and down "Oh, I think I need to sit down...we have a TON to dish"!!! 

Scene 8:  Back at Maxie's apartment
Felicia and Maxie on the couch and the last scene of the movie is on the TV. They  make small talk about their relationships and the heartbreak of loves and losses.  Georgie will be mentioned and a flashback shown.  Maxie asks "I wonder what she would be doing if she were alive.   Felicia says "Something courageous and noble, no doubt"

Scene 9: (Fantasy Scene) at General Hospital 
Cut to the hospital. We see a pair of legs walking into Carly's examining room. Camera looks up and it is Georgie  in a doctor's uniform, telling Carly that everything is fine, and the baby is fine. She says she will fill out the discharge papers now. She walks to the nurses stations and asks Epiphany for the papers, and her phone rings. She answers and says "I'll be home soon. Tuck her in and give her a kiss for me. I love you".  Georgie walks to the elevator and gets in. As the door shuts, 4th wall is broken and she winks to the camera.  

Fade to black.

This episode was directed by Kimberly McCullough

PS. This is a work of fiction doubling as the Wednesday blog.
Feel free to post anything and everything. Have a good day Wubbers!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Cookie Crumbs

Geesh, they didn't even TRY with Alex's hair did they?? LOL.. It's like, welp they ARE TWINS it. OMG what if Robin isn't Anna's!!?? I'd die. Just DIE. That won't happen but-- anyway. it would be a shocker. LOL 

Franco is all cleaned and shaven. They love each other but Liz wants to be all careful of the boys..She doesn't want Franco to come home. 

WOW... Drew and Liz scene was amazing. Billy was just so good. BILLY-WAS-SO-GOOD (yes, I said that!!)  "Did we use to be together"?? he laughs. Tells her to give Franco the benefit of the doubt and she helped him (drew) so much when he was having the worst time of his life. Nice dialog. Liz goes back later to talk to Franco

Carly and Ava..LET THE SHOW BEGIN!!! Ava is HAMMERED! ahahaa. Wants Avery. Carly tells her she's at the Qs making cookies and fell asleep.OMG OMG you have to watch. Carly is actually being mean to her but it's actually GOOD for her.
Watch THE SCENES! Heartbreaking and great.Maura and Laura were wonderful. 

Julian is going to pick her up

The Teens. Joss gets invited with the Volleyball Team to play at Duke and there's college recuriters there and she wants to go. Oscar is all: Let's GO!! When is it? Josslyn sees it's in AUGUST and you know, he'll probs be dead then-- and she and Cam cover it up by saying they have to check to see if they can go. 
Cam goes to give Franco a gift that Jake and Aiden gave him. He's not happy to be there. Aiden made him cookies and they drew him pictures. Cam says that all of Franco's past follows him and it disrupts his family. Which is what Liz said. 

Dr. Terry says the Tumor has grown. Oscar has a month to 6 weeks. The scene with he and Tamara made me cry. AND I DON'T CRY!! wow..  I just got all teary!! 

Oh yea. Sonny and Dante are on too. Weakest link today. 

SO hoping Ava and Franco get together. They are dynamite. BOOM!  Yeah, nope. SO, Liz finally tells him to come home. 


Monday, March 18, 2019

Monday, Monday

Who remembers that song?? 

TURKEY---Dante goes to shoot Sonny-- I'm like OK! WE CAN LIVE WITH THAT!! OMG! he DOES shoot him I think!! Sonny's down!! Dante knicked his arm.. and says "he's not worth it dead, he can move your product through Port Charles. If you kill him Jason Morgan will take over and HE WILL--KILL--YOU"!!  Of course, Dante was just faking it...Sonny's in a cell and he tells him he's undercover still and ..yada yada. Sonny is going to tell him about Lulu.  OMG he still thinks Franco stabbed her!  Anyway, Dante was going to get sent home by Raj but Sonny messed it up!! LOL Sonny says Dante will have to "kill" him so they can all get out of this. 

Alex is here!! She's blind. She tells Finn he smells good! LOL ... brilliant. Finn looks at her, then Anna and is like DAMN!! Alex flirts with Finn. Anna just wants to know which memories are which.  Alex is being all flirty with Finn.  Alex says she's not sure who's memories are who's but Anna doesn't believe her. 

Maxie, Lulu. They talk about Dante. Ryan. And Chet is now working at The Rib. She tells Lulu she had a crush on Chet in HS. Oooooo, interesting!! 

Sasha, Peter also at the Rib. They are talking the wedding. She thinks he might mess it up because he doesn't like Valentin.

Mike, Michael and Carly ALSO at The Rib. Mike wants to know where Sonny is. Carly finally tells him he's looking for Dante. She tells he and Michael that she's Pregnant. They are happy. 

Michael sits with Sasha and tells her Nelle was lying and destroyed his whole family-- Sasha feels guilty. Then leaves. 

Marcus and Stella. Yvonne took a fall. She's getting a CAT scan. She's ok. 

Jordan is getting out of the hospital.  She finds out Curtis wants kids, which might be hard to do with one kidney and a donor one.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sunday Surgery: Hoodies UP!


Ok, so.. this was something someone made this on Twitter!! OMG!! It's awesome and look closely in the right hand side!! RYAN!! LOL!! 

I had a breakdown midweek about the show and how the Post-Ryan story was told. I'm still not happy-- you'll hear it soon!! Put your hoodies on and get comfy....

Friday, March 15, 2019

Light and Love

Sad Day for a blog... I know this is about GH  but hard not to think about the events in NZ.

That said, I'm in another meeting today--it starts at 2:30.  So.. have at it on this thread. I will have three shows to watch before Sunday! 

Thursday, March 14, 2019

The "So Sorry" Project.

Ok, so I had EVERY intention of doing the blog today but it's 60 degrees out and if you know Rochester, that's like HIGH SUMMER--so I had to go out. It's the new New York Beer Project, which expanded from Lockport NY. 

Swamky, great beers and I even had a pretzel. Now, I had to go at 2pm because it's been jammed since it's been open!! So..again. Sorry.

PS. I heard Willow has a tattoo of the Cult Club. Totally thought she was in it, remember? Now I have TWO days to catch up on! OY!! 

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

I Must Meet

I think I told you this time of year is meeting-central for me. Believe it or not, although school ends in JUNE we have our annual reviews now. Like the year is over--very frustrating. So, I won't be blogging today..which is probably a good thing after yesterday. I AM STILL LIVID! 

You know--when you watch a reg TV Show-- or even a min-series, they continue the story-- there's an ebb and flow. Yes, sometimes they jump but DAMN. Soaps are on my LAST nerve for this. Having Michael on ...taking Avery's LUNCH to school when his Mom was kidnapped and in the hospital is... um..??? And don't tell me Jason wouldn't have called him looking for Carly. He said to Willow "with my parents out of town"... Hello--Carly wasn't scheduled to be "OUT OF TOWN" so how does she know she's gone if not kidnapped and thrown into a ditch?? I also take it Sonny's unreachable in Turkey. They DO have wifi there... and you know he has a SIMS card. 

That brings me to MAXIE.  I do not have enough energy to yell about this at 7:45am. To have her trying to get some foolish DNA sample from Sasha with Peter is .well.. DUH. Did Lulu call Peter about the HUGEST BREAKING STORY EVER? Like, RYAN CHAMBERLAIN IS ALIVE?  "Um, Hi, yeah..I was attacked by a DEAD SERIAL KILLER--STOP THE PRESSES"??? Why the hell wouldn't Felicia have called her and the whole "old gang" recon at Bobbie's or something? Bobbie's not even IN this so.. I don't know what I expected.

I'm just really disappointed. I LOVED parts of this ending--- and yes the acting was brilliant but damn. So much was wrong with the "finale" too. I feel like there should have been a group moment with all this and instead we get the Metro Court Shasha Saga.  

PHEW! I feel better!! Ok, take it away people!! 

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Smoothie NOT Milkshake


Michael and Brad...and Willow...she looks at baby photos. MICHAEL IS LIKE "oh my parents are out of town" and he DOESN'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT CARLY IN THE HOSPITAL? What the hell? It's the next day!

Maxie and Peter...Dr. O has an interesting Letter for the Column. AND MAXIE DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT KEVIN/RYAN SWITCH??
What the HELL. ?? This is NOT ACCEPTABLE. 

Oscar and Joss...Oscar wants to go on the Maid of the Mist... LOL... is it frozen ?? But Drew and Kim say he has to go back to GH asap for more tests. He's like NO I want to see The Falls!! I'm dyin' man..can't I see the falls!! Drew is going to have the pilot go over the Falls. 

Carly and Jason...she is told that Ryan was Ryan since Labor Day. She's mad at AVA.  The baby is ok, btw. Jason explains how he found her with Laura's help...and that Ryan almost took Ava over the bridge but he saved her. Carly says "that was nice of you"...Jason says "I couldn't let Laura see her die"!! aahahhaha 

Valentin and Sasha...blah blah blah... and Nina walks up.  Blah blah blah... nothing much. They leave. Nina and Sasha go to Charlie's. 

Sonny in Turkey... befriends the stupid Pick Pocket Kid. (who's really BAD at pick pocketing).. 
He thinks he can help him find Dante. The kid is going to help. I wonder if Sonny's gonna like him and want him in Port Charles? know.. it feels like that might happen. 

Joss and Jason run into each other in the hosptial. Joss explains to Jason what happened with Oscar and Jason tells her Carly's in the hospital. Josslyn goes to see Carly..and they explain what happened to each other.  Carly tells her she's pregnant. Which I guess, Joss didn't know?? Joss says it's weird and it's going to take her a minute to get used to it. Carly says "You have nine months" 

Maxie talks to Brad about testing someone 'that's not someone elses' child".. he gets a sick look on his face. OF course Valentin sees her giving Brad the samples. 

Drew gives Oscar "the sex talk"... good lord, I didn't need to hear about all that. "Do you love her" "Being intimate ... intimacy"... :shudder:  Carly gives Joss the sex talk..kinda.

Jason and Carly should just have sex already. 

AND I'm off tomorrow and maybe for the whole protest over the whole Maxie and Michael thing. UNFORGIVABLE. 

Big happy day to the guy that's helped me out on this blog since OZ! So glad I asked him to do it! 

Monday, March 11, 2019

Bad Boys

I got in at 2:!5.. Today's theme: The women of GH vs Bad Boys

Finn and Alexis playing stop her from drinking. Like their friendship a lot. He has her take a foot bath in the vodka. LOL that's what he used to do. That and wash windows with it. Really good explaination about why she 

Ava is alive!! She won't believe that "Kevin is Ryan"... Laura explains the switch. 
Someone told me that Jason saved her from going over? 
OMG so get this..Ava thinks the switch JUST happened THAT morning!! She thinks "Kevin" JUST changed...Laura has to tell her it was months ago and she was NEVER with Kevin!! OMG!! Ava won't believe her!! WOW! She lays into Laura saying Laura didn't accept Kevin leaving her and choosing Ava. She's screaming at Laura.. Laura's face is so priceless. Pity for AVa knowing she's going to realize Ryan killed Kiki.

You have to watch the end of the show where Ava realizes everything. It's just---harrowing. 

Carly. Fell back down the ravine.  She up..she's trying again and ST. JAYSUS is there! "I'll always find you". 

Turkey. blah blah.. Dante...blah..Sonny gives Robert the slip ..whatever. 

Kidney ---the whole family got tested for Jordan. Nice Stella and Jordan talk. Nice Curtis TJ talk 

Franco and Liz. She tells him this time for the sake of the kids it might have to be over. He explains that Jordan came to him--and he did it for Kiki. He had to stop the killer. He stands by his choice. She says "Good, but I don't know if I can' and leaves. 

Jordan and Liz...Liz lays into her..BIG TIME!! Then Jordan says "we used Franco because of who he was... so if you don't want your kids around a serial killer, think about that"!! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!! 

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Sunday Surgery: Q and A

I've Seen the Light!! SHAWSHANK! 

HAPPY SUNDAY! It's that time again and I'm ready to go. Dave had a GREAT idea to 'interview' me this week. I had a good watch with the show so hopefully my answers will provide you with some insight.

We will have Tim Hortons in honor of Niagara Falls. 

It's Daylight Savings Time--- you up?? 
I HATE DST. I really wish we'd just leave it standard time. 

Friday, March 8, 2019


Sam and Krissy. Sam says she's taking the whole thing harder than Jason. I didn't listen to most of what they said. 

Robert and Sonny in the hotel in Turkey--or somewhere-- Sonny has his gun. Palm reading lady comes in. Yada, Yada...Sonny yells he 'WANTS TA GO FIND DANTE, NOW"!  Dante is captured by Raj. Robert tells him he will help because Robin will have his hide if he doesn't and it's kind of his fault 

Carly wakes up in the ravine. Hair/makeup perfection. She tries to crawl out. 

Nina and Michael ...Michael wants to test for the kidney donation. She wants to introduce him to Sasha. yada, yada.. OMG Michael tells her about..KELP FARMING. Today of all days? Really??? 

For some stupid reason, Maxie and Peter are in Charlie's talking about Sasha not being Nina's. WTF--There's NO WAY she'd be out and not freaking over Ryan Chamberlain. And she'd know, the police would let Felicia know too. Seriously. Maxie is talking about Dante and Lulu's baby mess with her. 

Alexis and Julian. He goes over to see her. She says why are you here? He says it's because Osar is in bad shape. She wonders why he's not with Kim.  Julian "Drew and Kim are the end game, just like you and I are"... Flirt Flirt.. this can't be real can it?? Hmmmm...oh they have WILD sex. WILD. But, it's a dream. Yep, Alexis had a giant Julexis Sex Dream. 

Jason and Laura get to the hotel Laura didn't stay in the car!! Its' empty. Jason knows the footbridge is only 1/2 mile away. they go
Niagara River Footbridge--Ava and Ryan. Ava wants to call 911-- Ryan's like WHY?? She says it's cold! Carly could DIE! Ryan says; "AND"?? She said she can't do it-- Ryan is trying to convince her. 
Ava says she'll go-- and they turn to go and Jason runs up and shoots Ryan in the arm! Ava's like DON'T SHOOT KEVIN! He's having a breakdown!! 
Laura: THAT'S NOT KEVIN, that's RYAN CHAMBERLAIN !! She tries to convince her. Jason shoots in the air...Ryan says: If you do that, you'll never know where Carly is. Ava tells them she's 5 miles back. He gets mad ....she says "you're sick".. and then he kisses her and jumps over the railing WITH HER!! 

NOTE: Wonder who's watching Avery. Joss is gone...Carly's gone...Michael's out and Sonny's in Turkey
Wow, today was ruined by way too much filler that made NO difference and not enough on the Ryan story.  IT needed to be Felicia, Mac, Lucy maybe Bobbie..(since Carly's missing), Lulu telling Maxie..Maxie going to her mom. Maybe some Kidney stuff.  Hell, even some Oscar dying . 

Thursday, March 7, 2019


Turkey. Robert and Sonny drink some yummy Turkish Coffee! They are waiting for Robert's contact to come. Some Turkish lady comes to do Sonny's "Fortune" using his palm. I think she's the contact, btw. She reads his palms and says he has a long life and someone he loves is in danger. She ends up giving Sonny a note when she pays him. IT's an address and they are going there. 

Laura and Jason She tells him he's driving too fast lol. "It's ICY"!!! They retell the entire damn Ryan story-- from when Carly was in Ferncliff!! Laura is giving orders out like  a BOSS TODAY lol. 

Kim tells Drew Oscar is in Niagara Falls and had a seizure. Drew says they'll take the company chopper to the Falls. Who even remembers Drew has Aurora?? LOL 

Ryan tells Cam he can't "leave"...Finds out that his mom isn't with him and says have a  good time . "I won't tell if you won't...wink".. Cam leaves.  They go to the hospital. Oscar tells Joss he's leaving his car to Cameron. She's like shut up!! 
Drew and Kim get there and Joss leaves them with him. He doesn't want them to be angry. They are furious but not going to yell at him. They all realize he's going to die soon. 
That actress playing Trina is good. 

Oscar is awake, Joss goes to see him. He's upset about the trip. Cam gets a call from his Mom. She said she's proud he got Oscar to the hospital but he'll be in trouble when he gets home. She has something to tell him about Franco. Franco is cleared of charges and Ryan Chamberlain is pretending to be Kevin Collins. Cam realizes he saw him at the motel and gives his mom the name of it. Liz calls Laura. Laura and Jason speed to the hotel. Spinell is going to hack into the computer to get Ryan's room. 

Franco is going to be OK says the doctors. 

Lulu finds out it was Ryan the whole time. She freaks out like only LULU can. BIG EYES, strident voice. 

Ava goes to open the trunk and DAMN IT but Josslyn comes in front of her! ugh They talk about Oscar and Joss leaves. 
AVA SEES CARLY IN THE TRUNK!!!!!!!! Carly starts to open up her eyes...Ava "What is this"" Ryan comes up: 'SURPRISE'!!!!  Ava is like "Was she here the whole time"?? He asks if she loves and trusts him. She says yes and he tells her to go to the room and he'll take care of Carly. SHE LEAVES!! LOL she looked scared but she still left!! 
Ava is in the room and starts to call 911. She thinks that Kevin is having another breakdown like he had years ago. He walks in before she can call. She asks why Carly is in the trunk.
"Isn't it OBVIOUS?? She's a WEDDING GIFT FOR MY BRIDE"!! :clapping: YES LOL such a great line. The tension is just amazing. Ryan tells Ava shes' everything he's wanted. 


Jason goes into Ava's room and no one is there (we could see that from the previews)

Carly's down a ravine!! Ryan just chucked her there. 
Lulu wants Ryan's name tattooed on his forehead so no one can mistake him for Kevin again LOL 

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Cascade Motel

Ok, we go:

Ava and Ryan find a remote motel-- it's to a footbridge to Canada...(which they do have)..and Ava goes in the room. Ryan gets the luggage and tells Carly "Now you can stretch out" LOL!! Slams the trunk shut.
Ava's waiting in the room for him naked "Let's start our honeymoon now"... She goes to take a shower and Ryan goes through his suitcase and takes out money, passports and tickets to Singapore. He has no intention of letting Ava get Avery. 

He showers. Ava can't find her shoes. Takes the keys to go see if they are in the car!!! SQUEE!! 

Anna and Finn tell Kevin about the whole Twin Study and blind thing. 

Kim is at Julian's bar... Flannel alert. She wants to have sex right in the dining room. It's closed so that's ok lol. OMG huge sex scene!! whoa.

The kids are watching a move (Cam and Trina) and fooling around (Joss and Oscar). Trina likes to play Candy Crush! Oscar and Joss are out of a YA novel. :eyeroll: OMG Oscar is DOWN!! having a seizure!! Joss is yelling. Ambulance comes. 

Jordan wakes up. Curtis tells her it was Ryan killing people. Jordan is going to have to start dialysis. Laura goes to see her. Jordan is afraid she'll have to resign. Laura says NO! NO ONE knew Ryan was alive.
Well, are going to find out that Kevin knew... Dun Dun Dun. 

Jason tries to find Carly and sees if she's been admitted to GH .
Laura is in GH getting checked out. Kevin's on his way and is going to be operated on to restore his eyesight. Jason finds Kevin and thinks it's Ryan but Laura tells him it's Ryan... Lordy. MESS.  Laura leaves to talk to Jordan. Jason gives Kevin shit about keeping Ryan at Ferncliff. 
Curtis tells Jordan she lost a kidney and needs another one. 

END: Jason goes to Julian's to find out where Ava and Ryan went. Thank GOD Kim and Jules were 'Done". Laura comes along and wants to go. Jason says "NO" She says "well, I've been friends with Sonny for a long time-- want me to call him"?? LOL so he takes her!!

Ava opens the trunk! Ryan is on his way to the car and Cameron smashes into him out of the woods-- after Oscar is taken to the hospital.

Joss calls Kim about Oscar's seizure. 

WHOOP lots goin' on!! 

TJ should have been on today, damn it. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Shank and Krissy. She brings in a new recruit..some young girl ..maybe she's 20?? Not sure. Anyway, Bridget was living in the parking lot of Charlie's Bar for a few weeks. SHANK is so proud of Krissy.  Daisy comes out to help set up the seminar. He tells Daisy Kristina is going to help him, no her!! LOL Daisy is NOT happy. She has to go get the snacks!! ahahhaa. He says she has to do some thinking about her "steps" in the program and Kristina is doing her duties now. 
Daisy goes to Sam to tell her in person she's sorry to repent for her mistakes. Sam forgives her. Daisy bends over to pick something up and she has a GIANT TATTOO on her back!! She says she did it when she was younger and stupid. She gets all jumpy and leaves. Shank has that symbol on his iPad. 

JaSam Domestic stuff. Picking up toys...yada yada.  It's just banal.  They want to build a ROCKET SHIP as a family for Danny (yes) ..but think Shank wouldn't like it. Sam wonders if she should bail on the whole plan. She decides to stay doing it. 

Epiphany, Liz and Franco. Epiphany finds out Franco and Liz are married. Drew and Liz talk about what Franco said about Ryan Chamberlain. Chase comes around the corner and says: Oh, his body was never Liz is like "could he be alive"??? 
She asks Drew to find Kevin. He leaves.
Franco wakes up! Franco tells Chase he and Jordan had a plan to bait the killer and reveal himself. Franco doesn't know that Jordan was hit by a car. His memory is fuzzy about who was in the room with him.  Then he remembers and tells them all about Ryan. They aren't sure (See below) 

Kids are in Niagara Falls.  Car skidded into a bad pothole and they can't get it fixed until tomorrow.  The girls text moms to say they are staying at each other's houses-- and Cam doesn't care. Oscar says his Mom is working and won't notice. LOL. They get vending food!! Then Trina says "Cam and I have a present for you two...we're staying in the other room"!! Joss says: Um, I thought the girls were in here. Trina is like NOPE, I want some alone time with Cameron and you two need alone time. ahahaahaha. Cam's all @@ 
Trina and Cam go into another room. She's like "I'm not into you, I'm trying to give those 2 alone time"...They watch a movie. 
Oscar waxes poetic about the Falls, the Stars and we are "mortals"...they will be here long after we are gone. BUT! I think Joss is jelly that Cam is in the room with Trina because she thinks Trina likes him. 
Oscar thinks it's time to "Go all the way" he and Joss make out. 

Laura and Kevin. He won't go because he's still blind. He doesn't want to drag her down, he thinks she should go as quickly as possible. Laura won't leave without him. He convinces her to go. She crawls though and comes out, leaves. 

Laura goes to GH to talk to Jordan, not knowing she's injured. She tells Chase it's Ryan. Then, is awesome about telling him what to do!! Laura says to find Ava Jerome. 

Tomorrow, it looks like Jordan is awake. 

Monday, March 4, 2019

My Arms Hurt

Laura and Kevin. Yep, they are still in the broiler room.  Oh boy, Kevin's going to tell her he is the one that brought Ryan to Ferncliff. Nope, she finds the name "Danginzer" carved into the brick. They figure out he was a serial killer long ago locked in the basement and has left clues for them to get out. Escape Room from Mental Hospital! Cu for Copper is written too. They find a copper pipe. When Kevin turns it, it opens a secret door!! 

Felicia and Mac talk about Ava marrying "Kevin" tonight. Lucy overhears and drops stuff. Lucy's not happy. They talk about how Kevin hasn't been himself and he'd never do anything like this--not this fast. Felicia says he's not been himself for awhile. She's going to "do something about it".  Lucy is crying to Mac about Kevin..good scene. 

Carly and Ryan."I saw what you have there in the trunk"..oh she saw the suitcase not the box. Dang. She wants to know about the Patient in his room.  He gets mad. Carly thinks she saw Ryan at Ferncliff. "Kevin" says, no, that was me..not him. Carly is like "ok but I'm going to keep searching". 
OMG So.. he opens the trunk..then the next scene, he's getting blood off the tire iron and Felicia comes in "Kevin, it's about time I got some answers from you"!! So they talk and he says "Life and Death" at some point and Felicia's face changes. "I've heard that before..."
Ava walks in and Felicia leaves but knows something is wrong.
Felicia goes back to Mac and Lucy. She has flashbacks of RYAN !! SQUEEE!! 

Curtis and Chase. Curtis wonders if Chase knows who "urgent" is...Jordan's phone is passworded. Curtis tells Chase to call the PCPD to hack it. Curtis listens, hears Franco say Ryan Chamberlain is the killer! They try to figure out if it could be true or not. Anna and Finn come along and they tell them about Ryan/Franco. She says she's heard a dead man's name way too much lately. Hmm??

Sonny in Turkey. You can tell by the smoke, Turkish coffee cups, music, rugs-- LOL. hey, there's a hottie playing poker and Sonny wants in. He starts playing. Oh, the "Turkish" guy is hand-some. They think Sonny's a cop. So, Sonny is cornered and he flips the table over. He gets a guy on the ground with a gun. Then the Turkish guy gets him with a gun..then ROBERT comes in and gets the Turkish guy with a gun!!  Sonny asks about "his son" (Dante--which is stupid to tell them he's his son). The  guy doesn't know. They call it a draw and Robert and Sonny leave. Robert wants a dry martini...Sonny says "Why you doin' this"?? Robert says Sonny was there for Robin when he couldn't be and he repays his debts.  Robert knows something about Dante and will tell Sonny in the morning. They need their rest lol. 
I liked these scenes believe it or not! 

Anna calls Dr. Maddox to tell him about Jordan and to ask him about her memories. She leaves a message. Anna cries to Finn about her memories. She wants to know if her memories are her's and not Alex'. 

END: Ryan put Ava's suitcase in the trunk and we see Carly duct taped in there. Ava and he leave. 

MY ARMS ACHE WHEN I have to type so much up!! LOL... They just hurt in the upper part!! I live tweet too so I'm spent!! PHEW! 

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Sunday Surgery: Slowly We Turn...

SO, who's bringing the Twinkies and Red Bull? 



And if you don't know that Stooges routine, look up 3 Stooges Niagara Falls on You Tube!! Hilarity! I heard "Niagara Falls" so much this week I had to laugh. Every time I hear those 2 words, I think of this. People say it around here too. 

 What a week, eh? Things are coming to a Dr. Pimple Popper moment for Ryan!! I enjoyed most of the week--with a few exceptions (which I'll be glad to share with you later in the blog).

Friday, March 1, 2019


Ryan gets a "flesh wound"....Chase made him go to the hospital. He tells Ava Franco escaped.  Ryan has a fantasy about winning a hero's reward for 'catching' Franco and it's at the Metro. Ava kisses him but at the bar Felicia says "That could have been me". LOL
Chase tells Ryan and Ava they found Franco. Ryan says to Ava 'Marry me tonight"! In Niagara Falls Canada!!
She says yes. 

Mac and Flea come into Lulu's office. They talk about the longer list of victims she found. Mac calls the police and those "extra" ladies were missing their licenses' when they were killed too. They figure out Kevin was the only one that knew about the other 2 ladies. But WHY?

Nina goes to see Curtis at Jordan's room. They hug. Love they are friends. Finn gives an update.  She needs a kidney transplant for the remaining kidney. 

Franco GOES TO LIZ' house!! of which is WAY drama but why go there?? You're putting everyone in danger. Ok, I forgive him, he's not thinking clearly. He spits up blood, tells Liz to call the police and he was lying about killing those people. He says RYAN CHAMBERLAIN DID! She thinks he's hallucinating and says "Ryan's been dead for years'!! 

Carly and Jason...just blabbin' it up about Shank. Carly says that "Wilson" was Ryan's alias and the same name as the guy next to her in Ferncliff. Jason doesn't care because she's pregnant and should be taking it easy. 

Later, Ava sees Carly and tells her she's getting married. 

Robert, Anna and Peter. Talking about Klein---he doesn't know who the other guy was. Anna tells him about Alex and she may have had memory transfer too.  Anna's going to look for Dr. Klein (they guy that experimented on Jason and Drew). 

END: Carly is behind Ryan when he's at his car, going through the box in his trunk!! Ut OH!! 
Liz tells Chase what Franco said about Ryan Chamberlain
Nina finds Jordan's phone (she wanted Curtis' keys to get him a change of clothes) and says: URGENT VOICE MESSAGE, gives the phone to Curtis! 

Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...