Friday, March 22, 2019


Hello All!!  Greetings and Salutations! I am still on my family mission... but thought I'd check in. I thought I could watch some GH but I've been unable to.  I did see a great clip of WILLOW giving it to Nina and Valentin. SHE WAS GOOD!! I loved it. I mean, she can  under perform at times but damn, she held her own.  

Roycroft Inn 

I thought I'd tell you a bit about the town I'm in...East Aurora-- it's in Western NY by Buffalo and is snow central down here. In fact, it's snowing now. Anyway it's the best little town. it's home of the Roycroft movement look them up, it's so cool.  Also has a little five and dime called Viddler's.. Also amazing. I'd love to live here!!

I will TRY to catch up for Sunday may be a fun, short open ended blog this week, we'll see. 

Hope you liked the blogs Dave and I did together. I'll read the comments at some point! Have a good one!! 


  1. Is the Roycroft movement anything like Dawn of Day LOL?

  2. I am soooooo glad you are back. I am EXHAUSTED!

  3. It looks like Dawn of Day (DOD). Large house with no one in it. LOL
    We have seen how many people from DOD; 3. Supposed to be this big organization. No one is ever at the house but Shiloh and Krissy (or Sam) and occasionally Daisy or Harmony. Too funny.

    1. Lindie, yes, I've been thinking the same thing, it is driving me crazy that NO ONE is ever there but Shiloh. He pretends to be a nice guy, but when he told Sam she has to "be available to me 24/7," that was the end of the nice guy, any normal person would turn and run at that point (I know Sam only is pretending, but still, she has a career and 2 children, how can she make herself available to him, and why would anyone do that?).

  4. They made SHank show his dark side with Willow today. Too bad, because he's a great actor who has really great chemistry with Kemo...but of course, Mumbler and Borg have to ALWAYS be right about who they think are "the bad guys".

    Still loving the Kevin stuff. Seeing as he's been charged now and is still technically married to the Mayor should prove to give us more interesting storyline.

    Love having Dom back as Dante but hate knowing he's leaving again. Ten episodes only folks, that's all Frank allowed.

    Chase and Willow are adorable. Wasn't a fan of either initially and now they have me SOLD! We all know Willow will be Nina's daughter, so I can't wait for that after seeing how Willow went head to head with Nina yesterday. Bring it! Lol!

    1. I keep waiting for Willow to show up with that half heart necklace on.

    2. And if they resolve both of the "who's the baby" storylines, and Wiley ends up being Nina's grandson, how much fun would a vist from her to the Quartermaine's be.

    3. That is Michael and Nelle baby though

  5. Oh wow Karen that Roycroft inn looks so nice!! :)


    Doc and Griffin: WOW!!!! Griffin is beating the crap out of Doc!!! HEY! KNOCK IT OFF YOU JACKASS!!!!

    Doc, Griffin, and Ava: Glad Ava showed up or Griffin would have killed Doc!!!

    Doc and Ava: Hmmm. When Ava was yelling at Griffin she didn't sound drunk, but then when she is alone with Doc she sounds drunk! ROFL! Oh hello Mr. Cop! What?! You are arresting Doc?!!! NO!!!!! He isn't Ryan!!!! He is Doc!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRR!

    Julian and Ava: He wants to help her. Inappropriate chemistry again. Ava gets a phone call. Oh a heavy breather! She thinks it's Ryan! I BET IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    School/Willow's classroom:

    King Mufasa and Willow: RUN WILLOW RUN!!!!! She is so frightened but she isn't running!!! She is threatening to call the police. But she doesn't. He mentions that she changed her name.. What is your real name Willow? Is it Willow Reeves? :) Man he just keeps getting closer and closer to her!!! King Mufasa wins the line of the day.

    King Mufasa: Is that what you are worried about? discipline? Oh no no no no no. You will be welcome with open arms.


    Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
    Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
    Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
    Oh Lord, kumbaya

    Wow! Chase runs in! Oh she must have texted him?

    Chillow: Oh she DID text him!!! :) Come on Willow! Let Chase keep you safe!!!!!

    Chase: He is the father of your child.

    AH HA! BINGO! :) And the look on her face, means it's true!!!! :)

    Lante home:

    Lante: They are having all the sex. OH NO!!!! Dante has HUUUUUUGE scars on his back!!!!!!!! What did they do to you Dante?!?!!?! Were you whipped?!?!?!!

    Police station:

    Margoo, Jordan, and Laura: Laura did you apologize to BobTodd yet? Margoo you want to put Doc in jail?!!?!?!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    Doc, Laura, Margoo, and Jordan: Laura tells the cop that he is not Ryan!!! Laura wants to know what happened to him.

    The hospital:

    Carson: A bonding moment! Where is Turkey boy?

    Carsason: Another bonding moment. :) Jason tells Sonny about King Mufasa and Sonny wants to kill him!

    Jasam: Right in the middle of the hospital! They didn't go anywhere private! She is telling him that King Mufasa is going to be her mentor.

    Griffin and Lucas: Griffin wants Lucas to write a letter to Monica! He is resigning!!!

    Carson, Lucas, and Griffin: Griffin is saying goodbye! BUH BYE! Don't come back!


    Julian, Brad, and baby Jonah: Awwww baybay is adorable! :) He looks drugged up or just tired! ROFL! Brad is still worried about the bio mom! He isn't worried about the bio daddy!

    Sam, son Dorito, King Mufasa, Brad, and baby Jonah: Oh oh! Baby Jonah spit up on Sam! ROFL! King Mufasa wants to help! She is like no no that's fine she will go in the bathroom and clean it up! Come on son let's go! Oh wait but he don't want to go! King Mufasa asks you don't trust me? Sure she does! Okay she leaves. King Mufasa is all nicey nicey to him. Jason sees it and don't look happy.

    1. LOL Sonya, you win line of the day with your kumbaya my lord song!! Haha!! Today was pretty good! Died when SKank went to Willows room. Then when he walked in to Kellys!!! He hurts Danny and he better run because Jason gonna rip him a new one.

    2. "Michelle says, LOL Sonya, you win line of the day with your kumbaya my lord song!! Haha!!"

      ROFL! Thanks. :)

      "Died when SKank went to Willows room. Then when he walked in to Kellys!!!"

      Hahahaha. He is spreading his love everywhere!!! :)

      "He hurts Danny and he better run because Jason gonna rip him a new one."

      Oh yeah Jason will!!!!!

  6. OK, I hate Skank as much as the next person, but Sonny and Jason offering to "eliminate" him is NOT heroic, just illegal and scary.

    1. I agree with you about skank,sonny and jason.I think the cult storyline is creepy especially since it happens IRL. and who appointed sonny and jason God?no matter the writers,sonny and jason are front and center.

    2. I'm not a fan of the Jasam/Carson ht but whether it be Sonny, Jason or whoever first, I'm all for it.

  7. Does anyone think Krissy's offering will be all about Sonny and the mob. Or will it be about Alexis and who she has killed. It has to be a GOOD secret for Shiloh to accept her

    1. I was trying to figure out what the secret about her family would be.. I think you are right, it will be about Sonny!! That will give more ammunition to the Shiloh/Sunny story that might be coming up soon. And I think the Doc-is-a-bad-guy line will be interesting too. Hope they don't make it so hard for him to be redeemed that they end up writing the actor out of the show down the line. He is one of their best.

  8. Willow has grown on me. And... mark my words: SHE will turn out to be Nina's long-lost bio-daughter!

    1. I've always liked Willow can't say the same for Sasha. Maybe it's the actress? I do hope Nina gets her REAL daughter and think it'd be cool to be Willow.

  9. maybe krissy's secret is sam sleeping with ric lansing. she seems to be a little jealous of sam and skank. I don't know of any inside info she has on her father.

    1. Maybe it's that Sonny planted a bomb in Johnny's car, but nearly killed Kristina.

  10. There are a lot of things Kristina doesn't know about her parents, but there is quite a bit that she does know. Like you said, Sonny planting that bomb. She knows he did that even though they don't outright tell her.


Tanned and Teeth

 Well, I'll be out tomorrow subbing AGAIN for the UPK kids so enjoy me while you can!!  OMG the Bach guy is on today and he's CREEPY...