Thursday, March 21, 2019

Dr. Griffin is not rising from the ashes


I dont know how Karen does links or what she copies and pastes not to ruffles feathers etc. 

I'll just say that Dr. Griffin is leaving. 

If you do a google search, you can find out more information. 

I am assuming it was storyline dictated since he no longer had Kiki or Ava.

Anyway, discuss... 


  1. I guess I am not surprised Matt Cohen is leaving. Everyone seems to be jumping ship

    1. I honestly feel that Billy MIller is not far behind...

    2. No no no....I love Billy! ❤

  2. I like matt cohen.easy on the eyes. his character is a doctor.the writers could of written better for him. so tired of the sonny and jason show.

    1. Well maybe the plan now is to have Jason become a doctor and moonlight for Sonny. This way he can be in every story. Sam can be a Nurse/PI/Cult member. It's all covered now.

    2. Yeh funny!! Never gonna happen.

  3. Yes, so sad! I think Karen told us this about a month ago, so I knew he was leaving, he is a really good actor, and they NEED doctors, it IS General Hospital, after all . . . So sad that they couldn't give him storylines and material that he is worthy of. And he is a doctor, and a surgeon, he NEVER would be boxing or fighting, he makes a living with his hands, makes no sense . . .

    1. "AntJoan says I think Karen told us this about a month ago."

      Oh good I'm not losing my mind! ROFL!

  4. Although I like the actor, and even the character, I cannot think of one story line that was really HIS.... He was always just an add-on to someone else. Too bad. Maybe if he was given something to work with he would have made the decision to renew his contract. Stupid how TPTB hire these people and never do anything with them. Do they really put them on contract just to walk around shirtless from time to time? Is that what they think of their audience?

  5. From what I read, he chose not to renew his contract - has a mini movie that he produced. He has been on primetime (How to Get Away with Murder) and will most likely get work there. He is handsome and a decent actor. Hopefully he won't move on to Hallmark and Lifetime like most others that leave soaps.

    1. Hmm why don't you want him in Hallmark and lifetime? :)

  6. this is how i felt when jason cook left the show. good looking doctor, has ties to a family in the cast. just weird.

  7. So, we won't have many doctors left at General Hospital now. Actually isn't Monica the only original doctor there. Weird how they are eliminating doctors and nurses

  8. No big loss as far as I'm concerned. His acting style is "wooden" at best. And his character was pretty generic. I`m surprised that he didn't just disappear, like Big Alice or Epiphany.

  9. Replies
    1. No. After that first seizure when Jason saved him, he made peace with his mom and moved back home.

  10. Wait didn't Karen already bring this up before? Didn't we talk about this already? Or maybe I am losing it! ROFL! Well Griffin is gone now, so BUH BYE! Don't come back now ya here, you hypocritical, angry, abusive, whiny baby!!! And glad you could admit to Ava you are a hypocrite!

  11. They have wasted this character. This man looks so much like Duke. He could have been Duke's and Anna's long lost son. The writers are just writing to get paid.



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