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I think I'm JASON BOURNE!!? |
This week was-- confusing. I'm very very frustrated by the editing and production of the entire thing. I know the writers write--then production schedules filming and sequencing. WTF is going on? Even Genie talked about it in a podcast that Steve and Bradford did. (I'll try to find the link for Monday). They don't even film story-scenes in sequence. Maybe that's why some actors looked baffled half the time.
This is a LONG blog. I even put a "commercial" interruption in for you to take a break.
Panera today-- ever had their souffles? OH. My. GOD. Yum.
So many memory themed stories right now! Dante's...Mike's...Anna's... Drew.. maybe Ryan and Kevin... They should just play "Memory" before each show.
I lost my ish on Twitter Friday because the show's scenes were so chopped up a lot of the emotion was just drained right out. Lante--good stuff... but if the scenes were longer than 30 seconds they would have resonated so much more. Let's get into it:

Oh, Laura... it's not bad having two jobs.. I get to come here, party, then go over there, have a real story and it's all good. You should try it.
NOTE: Dante's Party. Sigh. I put a photo up of Ned for two reasons: I was so happy to see him--they could have easily had Olivia there and said he was on business. I also love he and Laura's friendship, they are natural together. Talking about being mayor and Edward, nice touch. Yes, happy he was there but let's talk about that party, shall we??

Yeah, Ma, you should know I"m dead inside when I didn't eat your manicotti
MORE NOTES: I loved this party--not for the usual reasons (there were more than 3 people in a scene) but for Dante's reactions/non-reactions to everything. Damn. You LET. THIS. MAN. GET. AWAY. Let that sink in, Frank. He should be running the PCPD and having stories about clashing with the mobular father he loves but has to fight with his soul to not arrest him. Father issues, money issues--anything issues. BUT! Nope. Should have backed up the money truck for this one, because this week proved what a powerhouse he is. Case in point:

MORE, MORE NOTES: Talking to Mike about his memory issues. Stroke of genius on the writer's part, imo. Mike can understand what he's going through in an organic sense. Not the "I was brainwashed sense" he could have with Anna but the raw, "my brain is fk'd up" sense.

EVEN MORE NOTES: This was chopped to pieces. Why oh why didn't Lulu ask about Dante's whip marks? Why didn't Dante tell her about the knife incident? Why was this scene just cut to bits and not given the running time it needed? For godsakes, you had Dante roll all over town, why not give a few extra minutes to Lante's destruction? Robert could have explained to Lulu (and Olivia whom I would have totally included) the "WHY" Dante had to go get his brain fixed and how complex it could be.

Yes, I 'm dying but Julian has this great line of flannel and I treated myself, ok? I'm going to be donating a kidney real soon and I need to enjoy the softness of flannel while I can.

So, as Oscar's grandmother I needed to be in at least one scene...
NOTE: Can we ALL be honest here? This kid looks WAY too good to be stage 99 brain cancer and on his way out. Aren't we all just waiting for the end now?

HOW can you stand there when I Just told you it was either you or me? You were a baby--you didn't even know what was going on?! And frankly I don't even know if you're mine! Not that this 2 week endless cycle of talking to my sister led us to anything anyone wanted to know but here we are...me crying in a stone fenced in place. So.. there. Take that.
NOTE: No, I have no idea what that Alex sequence was about, this Peter ish--or anything. And, frankly (like Sasha) I don't really want to. BTW, Peter could donate a kidney to Jordan and I still couldn't care. I did think he did a good job in this scene, I like him angry I guess. Maybe? Who knows?
COMMERCIAL INTERRUPTION: (coffee refill or pit-stop)

Did leave my sandwich in the break room...or dressing room?

So, he wasn't invited to a birthday party?? MY Aiden? He could bake that kid's cake in 2 seconds flat!!
NOTE: I think the Aiden story could be good, I'm happy for the whole addressing of the bullying thing but the issue of "WHY" he's being bullied is way muddy. First he was "different"-- then it was because he I guess did "different things" ?? Then it was a maybe gay issue with the whole message on the computer--to now an apparent gender identity ???????? So..???
Anyone think I'm going to do anything but rake yards and smile pretty? Come on... look at me. That judge will yell a little bit--I'll look cute and well, my taking a car and slamming it into a pole and leaving when I wasn't supposed to will be water under the bridge.

WELP!! He got a good deal...
Who are you?
I'm Trina, Cam's friend...
I'm Trina, Cam's friend...
You're a GIRL!
Um, yah, last I looked...
Ok, I'm going to have to have my husband speak to Cam about SEX like ASAP.
Lady, he's 16.
Thank god I got to this while he's still young!!

So, although I was smart last time, I decided to go with sketchy Brad to do the DNA test because I don't know, I'm stupid? Anway, like we have the results here--you ready to find out if Sasha is your daughter?
NOTE: I'm swearing inside my head right now, can you hear it?? This story is on my last fking NERVE!! COME ON!! Valentin and Nina are back together for the 99th time, and we know he's lying. The "Sasha isn't Nina's daughter" could have been written by anyone who's watched soaps in forever. Then the double-fake out DNA tests that Curtis witnessed. THEN the Maxie and Peter on the hunt for a month DNA testing-- WHICH. WILL BE that SASHA is NINA'S DAUGHTER. What the living hell is this? We all know it should have been done a year ago anyway when Kiki was still alive. Can you imagine? Nina finds out that Kiki is her daughter, Ava had no idea her dead baby was switched out at birth because she was almost dying after having her. Donna Mills and Dr. O did the switching, thinking they could reclaim Kiki at some other point in time. So, Nina finds out, bonds with Kiki, Kiki and Ava butt heads, the whole Ryan thing happens, Kiki is murdered and can you imagine the Nina/Ava scenes after that?? WOWZZA. Those two are sort of the Blair/Tea of OLTL anyway, just do it up. Damn that would have been a good story. :pats back:

All you need to know is that Nora is comin!!

Yeah, um...Willow, um..can you not like draw blood when you hold him so tight??
NOTE: Willow finds out Brad's interested in DOD and she's spooked enough to stay in Port Charles. We found out he likes to have kids in the Cult so..this could be interesting. Oh, by the way, Jason almost broke Shank's neck--why he just doesn't shoot him sniper-style is beyond me. He should and then have Harmony take over the Cult. She seems way more interesting.
**Dante leaves to go get un-brainwashed by the WSB which will take as long as it takes for Dom Z to come back--or not
**Anna still has no clue if Peter is hers or not
**Oscar's dying
**Cam gets off with a slap on the wrist
**Liz is mad Aiden didn't get a birthday invite and oh, he may have some gender issues
**Kevin is beat up in jail, Laura brings him a suit and decides she's not divorcing him
**Jordan's not doing well with her one kidney
**Shank almost gets killed by Jason, Sam covers bases for all
MICHELLE STAFFORD IS LEAVING FOR YR!! WHICH totally made me stay up too late last night!! @@See Below
MICHELLE STAFFORD IS LEAVING FOR YR!! WHICH totally made me stay up too late last night!! @@See Below

FACE OF THE WEEK: Liz sees Nina walk into Kelly's WHILE SHE'S PLAYING CANDY CRUSH! How Dare You!?

RUNNER UP: "Charmed, I'm sure"-- Liz really had the expressions this week!

HAIR OF THE WEEK: and.....I'm not saying a WORD.

PROP OF THE WEEK: Dante kills a table.
FUN CAST PIC OF THE WEEK: From Instagram; the four are at it again! Love to see them having fun-- must be weird to be on the show, off the show..on the show (all of them) and now back to Carly, Jax, Sonny and Jason!
Michelle Stafford Leaving: Damn... unexpected and very interesting they let her walk. I would imagine they have to recast? Unless they kill her off and kill the whole Sasha story too? Hmm. This has to throw things in disarray because it's not like she announced she was leaving. It just--happened. Ouch. ... DOM Z got away..and see that gorgeous girl up there?? Vinessa? SHE'S GONE TOO!! Jason Thompson is gone as well. Brytni -- WTF...Franck, get your ish together.
Michelle Stafford Leaving: Damn... unexpected and very interesting they let her walk. I would imagine they have to recast? Unless they kill her off and kill the whole Sasha story too? Hmm. This has to throw things in disarray because it's not like she announced she was leaving. It just--happened. Ouch. ... DOM Z got away..and see that gorgeous girl up there?? Vinessa? SHE'S GONE TOO!! Jason Thompson is gone as well. Brytni -- WTF...Franck, get your ish together.
Thanks for reading this whole bloated-blog! Hope I'm here more this week-- also hope you're enjoying the show!!
Thank you to @Redbil, @SoapJen @JasonFF and @SoapCentral for cappies.
never liked nina. stafford will always be phyillis. cant wait for her to back on ynr.
ReplyDeleteNever was a fan, but when she was with Franco he made her likeable. She's just a childish brat now. A child in a womans body.
DeleteKaren, does "ish" mean what I think it does? Never saw that expression before . . . Kevin was not beat up in jail, he was beat up on the docks by Griffin, causing Griffin's exit from the show . . .
ReplyDeletePretty sure I know what it means, and if you are thinking what I am, yes the same. As far as using it, she does, alot. Haha!
Deleteyes..LOL. I actually got a TOS violation for saying S*E*X in a post and google took away my AD to make money!! SO.. "ISH" and "FK" will be it. Can't have "Adult content" on here! and you never heard it?? Whoa. that's surprising
DeleteAnother great read Karen. I enjoy the Surgery every Sunday. Holy bleep with Michelle Stafford leaving. That sucks! Anyway totally agree with comments about Dante's story this week. You can't let DZ go. He's tremendously important to show for his acting as well a good chemistry actor. Very stable character that the show couldn't lose. Like you said make him commissioner or I think have him take over Sonny's business in some really decent story. Anyway Roger looks just like Todd with haircut. Maybe a sign of things to come with his character? Has anybody heard that ABC was considering bringing back OLTL and AMC? Is this ligit? What's the deal with Billy Miller? This guy has become ancillary to this show. I wouldn't be surprised if he left next.
ReplyDeleteI heard that wks ago, maybe a couple months, about the 2 soaps. Who knows if it actually will happen.
DeleteIf Billy leaves I'll be upset.
I was watching old Lante clips yesterday with Julie Marie Berman. Wow. Those 2 had GREAT chemistry. Their bantering was quite sexist, but it was also really, really fun too. He is such a great actor. I just can't believe still that he is gone. He did such a great job this week. Forgot how much I miss him. No offense to Emme Rylan, but she has never seemed to fit as Lulu to me. I am not a fan of Nina or Stafford, but I do have to say that she has grown on me some. Jason Thompson and Kimberly McCullough leaving was a huge, huge loss too. I really liked the talk Felicia had with Ava. I forgot all the stuff she went through with Ryan. I think that was the time I didn't get to watch as much. I am sure Ryan will come back. Ava, Felicia and Laura need to be the ones to take him down. NOT Kevin, and NOT, NOT, NOT Jason. He didn't even belong in that story line.
ReplyDeleteThe thing with Aiden is kind of silly. My grandfather was a baker back around 1930 to 1960 time frame. Back then, ALL bakers were men I am sure. He worked for a bakery and baked cookies, cakes, donuts and pastries. That was a decent paid profession back then. I am sure no one made fun of him for it. I am sure that bullying for being gay or feminine still exists, but my kids tell me most of the kids at their high school are very accepting of the LGBTQ+ community. I guess maybe it depends where you live??? Bullying still is alive and well I know. Aiden's story definitely has potential, but don't think they are handling it very well.
I like any scene with Anna, Laura, Felicia, Mac, Kevin, Lucy, Monica, Liz. Any of the vets. I do like the new Cam, and I like Joss. The Oscar story is being written so horribly. What end stage cancer patient is fully clothed, rosy cheeked, chipper, and hopping out of bed to go to a bakery? Done well that could have been a story I cared about. Sadly, now I am hoping he just dies already. I have never felt that way before. Why couldn't it be a good story like Robin and Stone, or BJ's heart? Now those stories made us feel and cry and grieve.
I used to be a huge Sonny fan. No, I feel just meh about him. Don't want him to leave the show, but he, Carly and Jason should take a vacation once in awhile. Used to love Sam, and now I am meh about her. Jasam is just meh also. Never been a fan of Ava or Maura West. She has done an excellent job acting recently though. Very well done. And, I am a HUGE fan of Genie and Finola and always will be. All in all I will give the show about a C+. The good actors who are left is the only reason I stay watching for 41 years. Oh, also they need to give Tristan Rogers a contract. He is so much fun. What did he say though getting on the elevator? "call your granddaughter she just got an award for her pooch". Did he say "pooch"? I couldn't tell.
Thank you Karen for your Sunday Surgery. So appreciate you doing this blog for all of us.
"lindie says The thing with Aiden is kind of silly. My grandfather was a baker back around 1930 to 1960 time frame. Back then, ALL bakers were men I am sure. He worked for a bakery and baked cookies, cakes, donuts and pastries. That was a decent paid profession back then."
DeleteYeah the mother who doesn't want Aidan at the birthday party because he bakes, is so stupid. It makes no sense, that I have to make fun of it.
And the fact that they'd say that a boy who likes to bake has gender confusion is beyond ridiculous. Most little boys I know love to bake with their moms or with the class at school. I think Charlotte just bullied him because he's smarter than her and she doesn't like anyone to outshine her. Also he's small for his age and nerdy.
Delete"Di says And the fact that they'd say that a boy who likes to bake has
Deletegender confusion is beyond ridiculous. Most little boys I know love to bake with their moms or with the class at school."
Yeah school!!! I guess they don't have home ec class in school!?!?!
I will tell you this: The network decides how far and how much a character like Aiden will be the way they are. Perhaps the writers are trying to find ways to create something that they are being stifled with. That is all I'm saying.
DeleteI nephew loves to cook and I'm sure he's even baked. He's 17 and has been doing since he couldn't even reach the stove.
DeleteGood one Wubsie! I was also very disappointed with the Dante return. It was really mishandled. Far too much Sonny in Turkey nonsense...(and don't even get me started on them inserting Robert in with a couple quick lines to prop Saint Sonny...) It was completely unnecessary the way they dragged it out which then only left a few short cut up scenes for a goodbye with Lulu in which he didn't tell her anything about his blackout with the knife at MetroCourt, his conversation with Anna about possibly being brainwashed, the scars on his back not being addressed...ugh...this was just a mess of poor planning and bad editing. Unfortunately, by the sounds of things from Dom Z, Frank only wants him back in short spurts. Although now with Michelle Stafford going to YR, I wonder if this frees up some money for Dom Z OR did TPTB at GH say no to Stafford because other contracts are in negotiations as well....have to wait and see I guess. Hmmm....
ReplyDeleteBack to this week's eps....The Aiden storyline is definitely a damn mess, I totally agree with Wubsie's two cents on that. But let's be honest people, when Aiden wasn't invited to his best friend's birthday party the reason should have been BECAUSE HIS STEP-FATHER IS A SERIAL KILLER...not because he isn't "wholesome". That is the angle they should be tackling with Liz and her boys. You all know as well as I we wouldn't want our children hanging around a serial killer, habitual liar, rape facilitator, psycho. And don't even go there with the tumor BS because we all know that's just a crock. LOL! Freako did plenty of psychotic things well after that lame excuse happened. Okay...enough of that, I can feel my blood pressure rising. LOL!
They definitely need to do better with Oscar dying. I'm just not feeling it...they don't have me invested at all. How does that happen? We should all be so emotional over them killing off a teenager to a horrible brain cancer yet....we're not. Major fail if you ask me. When I watch the scenes all I see is the magic of Joss and Cam and what a fun young couple they'll be once Oscar is dead. Terrible, I know.
I care nothing about Maxie and Parking Lot Peter. Nothing. Every time they are on they are having the same conversation over and over again eating up valuable screen time to other storylines that so desparatly need it.
KevLar is still pulling me in. I really enjoy that pairing.
Looking forward to the anniversary episode on Tuesday!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend :)
"But let's be honest people, when Aiden wasn't invited to his best friend's birthday party the reason should have been BECAUSE HIS STEP-FATHER IS A SERIAL KILLER...not because he isn't "wholesome"."
DeleteYES GINNY YES! Exactly!!! The serial killer angle would have made more sense!!
"When I watch the scenes all I see is the magic of Joss and Cam and what a fun young couple they'll be once Oscar is dead. Terrible, I know."
I agree! That is all I see too!!! Jam is magic! :)
I still want to see more chem testing with Maxie and Michael. They were great at the birthing class. NO to Maxie and Peter. All kinds of wrong
DeleteThat's so true it's laughable, Ginny. "We don't want the serial killer's stepson at the party because he likes to bake!" Beyond ridiculous.
DeleteI totally agree about Oscar and the Dante storyline too. Also when Michelle goes she can take Sasha with her and that will free up more money to bring Robert back.
You lost all your credibility when you called him Freako.
DeleteLindie said "I still want to see more chem testing with Maxie and Michael. They were great at the birthing class. NO to Maxie and Peter. All kinds of wrong".
DeleteCouldn't agree more Lindie! I think Maxie and Michael would be all kinds of cute. Parking Lot Pete has got to go.
From what I read the reason DZ left the show initially was because he had so little storyline & screen time-missed opportunity for GH. Same went for Jason T. and of course Brytni had the same issue. Great SS! Billy M probably won’t leave since his girlfriend KM is on the show, unless he had prime time opportunity. At least Jax is back but now we have to live through yet another Carly and the baby scenario.
Brytni was put on recurring along time ago so no surprise she left.
Delete"EVEN MORE NOTES: This was chopped to pieces. Why oh why didn't Lulu ask about Dante's whip marks? Why didn't Dante tell her about the knife incident? Why was this scene just cut to bits and not given the running time it needed? For godsakes, you had Dante roll all over town, why not give a few extra minutes to Lante's destruction? Robert could have explained to Lulu (and Olivia whom I would have totally included) the "WHY" Dante had to go get his brain fixed and how complex it could be."
ReplyDeleteYes!!! You are so right!!! So much missing! UGH!
"NOTE: Can we ALL be honest here? This kid looks WAY too good to be stage 99 brain cancer and on his way out. Aren't we all just waiting for the end now?"
Yeah I am waiting for the end now.. I am still confused if the actor is really leaving or not!!
"So, he wasn't invited to a birthday party?? MY Aiden? He could bake that kid's cake in 2 seconds flat!!"
Boys that bake is wrong! It's wrong! It's bad! Bad I tell you!!! (Sarcasm)
"WELP!! He got a good deal...
Who are you?
I'm Trina, Cam's friend..."
Gia is my grandmama!
"All you need to know is that Nora is comin!!"
Yeah I know! YAY! I wasn't sure why though. Oh for Doc!!! :)
"HAIR OF THE WEEK: and.....I'm not saying a WORD."
I agree with everything you said. I really like MS as Nina but sometimes her body language and expressions are annoying. However it may have been fun to see her react to Willow, possibly, being her daughter. I think they'll recast. The short scenes and choppy editing...it's like the staff at GH all has ADD or something. Thanks for the OLTL reference. Still miss that show. Enjoy Sunday.
ReplyDeleteI still think Willow is Nina's daughter, as the two of them clashing, remind me of Alexis and Sam.
ReplyDeleteI actually wouldn't mind if they revealed that Jax and Carly had a romantic rendezvous, and the Carly's baby is Jax's.
The actress playing Trina is surprisingly good for her age! Quick sign her on!
I still want Dawn of Day to become the next Manson cult!Have Shank go off the rails!
I still want a bait-and-switch story with Oscar. He appears at Death's door, he marries Josselyn, Drew and Kim have grief sex and THEN HE SURVIVES. At first everyone's happy...and then the $#it hits the fan. Julian goes nuts over Drew/Kim. Carly & Jax become upset their daughter is now already married, despite being a kid. Joss and Oscar begin to have friction. And the cherry on top, GH investigates Oscars tumor drama, and reveal that his treatment DID work, and Terry is involved in unethical racketeering medical scheme, causing Monica to resign in embarrassment, and Obrect takes over again(ok, the last part is a bit of a stretch).
Great SS as always.....I love your Billy Miller captions :)
ReplyDeleteAnd Lulu said nothing about the giant mess in the living room when Dante flipped the table? Riiiiiiight.
ReplyDeleteI never cared for MS or the Nina character. I hope they don't recast. Just pair JPS with someone else. Alexis likes a bad boy . . . SCANDALOUS!
they are cousins
DeleteThey are brother and sister, I think.
DeleteYou two beat me to it! LMAO!!!!
DeleteExactly. So, Lulu says nothing about the table turned over mess, nothing about the scars on his back. AND, Lulu and Rocco didn't hear him turn over the table in the tiny apartment and coming running to see what was wrong????
ReplyDeleteI must admit that I watched more youtube reruns of Ryan's Hope in March than live GH, even with my hero Tristan Rogers on screen. I'll try to catch more this week with the annivesary, but damn y'all...Ryan's Hope, even with the crazy ass writing sometimes has some great stuff. I doubt we'll see a pair like Maeve and Johnny Ryan again on daytime. I don't see ABC bringing back OLTL and AMC in any way...daytime is circling the drain at this point and my guess is that Y & R will be the last one standing.
I for one won't miss Nina or Stafford at all. The only thing I was looking forward to was hopefully Willow being Nina's daughter and watching the fallout. I doubt I'll get my wish now. Lol!
ReplyDeleteTotally agree with everyone regarding Dante's story. Loved Dom, he was incredible. But too many missed moments just like you all have mentioned.
I'm very excited to see Leslie and Jax. I did forget about Gail's will, honestly that seems like years ago. GH needs to follow up sooner on random stories like this, I know it's just not me that forgets things. Ha!
Thanks for the surgery, as always!!
Julie H
DeleteTotally agree with you.
I'm baffled as to why my Candy Crush photo is showing up in these comments and not my coffee mug one!! LOL