Friday, March 8, 2019


Sam and Krissy. Sam says she's taking the whole thing harder than Jason. I didn't listen to most of what they said. 

Robert and Sonny in the hotel in Turkey--or somewhere-- Sonny has his gun. Palm reading lady comes in. Yada, Yada...Sonny yells he 'WANTS TA GO FIND DANTE, NOW"!  Dante is captured by Raj. Robert tells him he will help because Robin will have his hide if he doesn't and it's kind of his fault 

Carly wakes up in the ravine. Hair/makeup perfection. She tries to crawl out. 

Nina and Michael ...Michael wants to test for the kidney donation. She wants to introduce him to Sasha. yada, yada.. OMG Michael tells her about..KELP FARMING. Today of all days? Really??? 

For some stupid reason, Maxie and Peter are in Charlie's talking about Sasha not being Nina's. WTF--There's NO WAY she'd be out and not freaking over Ryan Chamberlain. And she'd know, the police would let Felicia know too. Seriously. Maxie is talking about Dante and Lulu's baby mess with her. 

Alexis and Julian. He goes over to see her. She says why are you here? He says it's because Osar is in bad shape. She wonders why he's not with Kim.  Julian "Drew and Kim are the end game, just like you and I are"... Flirt Flirt.. this can't be real can it?? Hmmmm...oh they have WILD sex. WILD. But, it's a dream. Yep, Alexis had a giant Julexis Sex Dream. 

Jason and Laura get to the hotel Laura didn't stay in the car!! Its' empty. Jason knows the footbridge is only 1/2 mile away. they go
Niagara River Footbridge--Ava and Ryan. Ava wants to call 911-- Ryan's like WHY?? She says it's cold! Carly could DIE! Ryan says; "AND"?? She said she can't do it-- Ryan is trying to convince her. 
Ava says she'll go-- and they turn to go and Jason runs up and shoots Ryan in the arm! Ava's like DON'T SHOOT KEVIN! He's having a breakdown!! 
Laura: THAT'S NOT KEVIN, that's RYAN CHAMBERLAIN !! She tries to convince her. Jason shoots in the air...Ryan says: If you do that, you'll never know where Carly is. Ava tells them she's 5 miles back. He gets mad ....she says "you're sick".. and then he kisses her and jumps over the railing WITH HER!! 

NOTE: Wonder who's watching Avery. Joss is gone...Carly's gone...Michael's out and Sonny's in Turkey
Wow, today was ruined by way too much filler that made NO difference and not enough on the Ryan story.  IT needed to be Felicia, Mac, Lucy maybe Bobbie..(since Carly's missing), Lulu telling Maxie..Maxie going to her mom. Maybe some Kidney stuff.  Hell, even some Oscar dying . 


  1. Julian makes me sick! Sucks I'm gonna miss the last 10 minutes haha!! Cant wait to watch on Hulu tonight, the look on Ava's! Countdown to how long it takes her to realize he killed Kiki.

  2. Since we don't where Spencer is either, maybe he's watching Avery. Or, Monica has starting a daycare the Q's mansion? LOL

    1. I seem to recall Spencer saying he was going back to school a while ago. He was talking to Sonny I think.

    2. Yes, but he came back after that, don't know where he is supposed to be now.

  3. I think Mike is babysitting them all. LOL. Did I miss something about him? Is he still at Sonny's house? Or, gone to a Memory Care place?

    1. He went to the place where his girlfriend lives.

  4. I get that we want the action all in one day, but the show is on 5 days a week. If they don't do filler, then they have to have outrageous (more outrageous) situations every week! I thought today was a decent balance.
    I was surprised by the Alexis sex scene on International Women's Day. It seemed VERY sexist, out of date and 1980s romance novel-ish. I would rather see Alexis stop being helpless. Now she has a bottle.
    As far as the my mind over at he Q's are Scout, Danny, Aiden, Jake, James, Wiley and Avery. Monica and Bobbie are "in charge" with kids all over the place.

    1. I agree Denise, the scene was sexist and on this day of all days!

    2. Well the show is off a day because it was Pre-empted last week.

    3. Was thinking the same things ladies. If it was a scene between 2 adults in a healthy relationship it would've been really soapy hot! Not much of that anymore in this soap. Julian & Kim gave us a little of it this wk

  5. Sonya... I'd like to nominate "Dream Sequence Julian" for line of the day:
    Alexis- "The only place I want you is behind me"
    Julian- "Well that certainly could be arranged"
    I died.
    Michael was also a little raunchy today. Offered Sascha a stiff one.

    1. ROFL! Yeah Patrix. It was really between Hiney's birds and the bees comment, and Julian's line. So yeah. Julian wins line of the day. :)

  6. I thought that Michael and Sasha were sparkling, with chem to spare--much more than he has with Willow. Alexis should be going to meetings and she should have a sponsor she can call!

    So Ryan and Ava go over the bridge, Ava will make it back and Ryan will be lost/assumed dead? Then, 25 years from now, when we all are old and grey, he will return?

    1. I don't like Sasha, because of what she's doing to Nina, who I cant stand either, but that's beside the point. I like Willow, I like her much better with Michael. As for Alexis, that whole scene with Julian, albeit a dream and then going to alcohol.....on international womans day. Haha!! I get though, how a man has a hold on you, for sure. Been there.

  7. Now for the commentary.... I'm crushed that Ava didn't rescue Carly. That would of been super redemption, and forced Carly and Sonny to appreciate her. I'm equally disappointed that she wasn't allowed to make the KiKi connection and kill Ryan. Let down.
    BUT NOW..... since the writers chose not to go that route, I would LOVE for these events to turn Ava completely dark again. Evil and powerful Ava. So evil that Sonny and Carly fear her. She can become the mob boss. I'm good with that.

  8. The writers really did make Ava dumb recently.

  9. The hospital:

    Michael and Nina: Nina knows someone for Michael? I was thinking, huh?

    Alexis's home:

    Julexis: Okay I gotta say, I was so confused with this scene. Cus why is he talking to her this way?! I was thinking did I miss a scene? Cus before CarlyKim left, she and Julian were in a good place. Then I'm thinking is this a dream? The whole time I was thinking this was a dream, even when the sex was over. Still thinking it was a dream. AH HA! IT WAS A DREAM!!!!!!!! :) And yes dream Julian wins the line of the day.

    Julian: Well that certainly could be arranged.


    "Karen says Hmmmm...oh they have WILD sex. WILD. But, it's a dream. Yep, Alexis had a giant Julexis Sex Dream."

    UH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! It sure was wild and giant!!!! DAMN HAWT TOO!!!! :)


    Robert, Sonny, and Psychic lady: Oh look! Psychic lady isn't really a psychic!!! She is REALLY a WSB agent! :) Oh oh she don't know if Dante is alive or not! DOH!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Sasha and V.C.: After Nina was telling Micheal she wants him to meet someone, and they went right to Sasha, I knew that is who Nina wanted Michael to meet.

    Maxie and Hiney: Oh please Hiney! Don't be all cutsie with Maxie! It's not adorable. And when Maxie was telling Hiney about how Georgie came about, I thought she was talking about her sister at first.

    Sasha and Michael: They are being chem tested! OH HELL NO! Huge fail!!!! They have no chemistry and are boring!!!! Where the hell is Francesca?!?!! I am saying no to Masha!!! Oh look Maxie looks jelly!! Does she like Michael? :) Oh look she pulled one of Sasha's hairs!! HAHAHHAHAHAHA! V.C. even looked confused! ROFL! Maxie says she doesn't like grey hairs HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Sam and Krissy: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Niagara falls hotel:

    Laura and Jason:

    "Karen says, no Laura didn't stay in the car!!"

    Hahahaha! I didn't think she would. :) Yeah I'm surprised Jason didn't say, I told you to stay in the car!!!!!

    Ravene: Uh Carly? Don't you have your phone with you? You really should take off your HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE high heel boots!


    Rava: Great scene!!! Love how he is trying to convince her to let's just go! :)

    Rava, Jason, and Laura: Now when Jason shot him, I thought he shot him in the back! When I first saw the promo of Rava going over the bridge, It looked like Ryan pushing himself and Ava over the bridge, I was right!!!! :) Man I don't want Ryan to die!!! :( I want him to disappear until next time where he shows up again. :)

    1. Sonya, VC didn't look confused, he looked ANGRY!! He KNOWS something is up, probably figures that Maxie is suspicious of Sasha.

      I had said that Michael and Sasha had great chem, but you didn't think so . . .

      Alexis and Julian ARE sexy together, as sexist as it might be! I had a strange dream about my sister yelling in the face of some guy that we both liked, then he grabbed her and starting kissing her, then I realized it was referencing the Julexis scene.

    2. Yeh AntJoan you're right! He looked downright ticked.

    3. "AntJoan Sonya, VC didn't look confused, he looked ANGRY!! He KNOWS something is up, probably figures that Maxie is suspicious of Sasha."

      His face was great!!!! :) Yeah V.C. is smart!!!

      "I had said that Michael and Sasha had great chem, but you didn't think so . . ."

      Is Michael really going to date another lying skeezeball? I hope not. Sasha and Griffin are sparkly. They deserve each other.

      "I had a strange dream about my sister yelling in the face of some guy that we both liked, then he grabbed her and starting kissing her, then I realized it was referencing the Julexis scene."

      Oh dear! ROFL! So did they go off into the sunset together? :)

  10. "lindie The writers really did make Ava dumb recently."

    No she isn't dumb. Why would she think he is Ryan? There is no reason to think that. Everyone thought Ryan was dead.

    1. Also, her daughter just was murdered, how could she be thinking straight?

  11. I thought they were leading into a who’s the mommy story with

  12. If I hadn't read Karen's blog before I saw the show, I would have been REALLY confused, there was no indication that it was a dream . . .

    1. I normally read the blog beforehand, but being how good its been lately, I've been wanting to he surprised.

  13. Soaps are always so funny. So Ryan throws Carly down a cement ravine of sorts and she is perfectly fine. No broken bones or anything. LOL

  14. Also, why would Laura and especially Jason just stand there while Ryan and Ava kiss and talk, talk, talk?

  15. I like Michael and Sasha too. Jordan gets hit by Drew and no broken bones either.

    1. Jordan had several broken ribs, one of which punctured and lacerated one of her kideys and damaged the other.

  16. I just don't get it. Jason has had little to do with the Ryan story and yet there he is, front and center, saving the far. Yes, Laura is there too, physically. GH is the Jason Morgan show it seems. Not the way many of us would have gone with this.

  17. I had to go back and reread the RAJ storyline - I didn't remember any of it - which it what happens when you revisit and OLD storyline - it should have been Dante went with WSB on a CURRENT case or something.
    Jason had to save Carly - STILL wish Laura had killed Ryan but at LEAST Ava told them where Carly was so they WILL owe her


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...