Wednesday, March 13, 2019

I Must Meet

I think I told you this time of year is meeting-central for me. Believe it or not, although school ends in JUNE we have our annual reviews now. Like the year is over--very frustrating. So, I won't be blogging today..which is probably a good thing after yesterday. I AM STILL LIVID! 

You know--when you watch a reg TV Show-- or even a min-series, they continue the story-- there's an ebb and flow. Yes, sometimes they jump but DAMN. Soaps are on my LAST nerve for this. Having Michael on ...taking Avery's LUNCH to school when his Mom was kidnapped and in the hospital is... um..??? And don't tell me Jason wouldn't have called him looking for Carly. He said to Willow "with my parents out of town"... Hello--Carly wasn't scheduled to be "OUT OF TOWN" so how does she know she's gone if not kidnapped and thrown into a ditch?? I also take it Sonny's unreachable in Turkey. They DO have wifi there... and you know he has a SIMS card. 

That brings me to MAXIE.  I do not have enough energy to yell about this at 7:45am. To have her trying to get some foolish DNA sample from Sasha with Peter is .well.. DUH. Did Lulu call Peter about the HUGEST BREAKING STORY EVER? Like, RYAN CHAMBERLAIN IS ALIVE?  "Um, Hi, yeah..I was attacked by a DEAD SERIAL KILLER--STOP THE PRESSES"??? Why the hell wouldn't Felicia have called her and the whole "old gang" recon at Bobbie's or something? Bobbie's not even IN this so.. I don't know what I expected.

I'm just really disappointed. I LOVED parts of this ending--- and yes the acting was brilliant but damn. So much was wrong with the "finale" too. I feel like there should have been a group moment with all this and instead we get the Metro Court Shasha Saga.  

PHEW! I feel better!! Ok, take it away people!! 


  1. Yes, ITA, of course, I already vented about this last night. I guess they are trying to tie us into the stories that are continuing, but this was not the way to do it, EVERYONE should have known about Ryan RIGHT AWAY, EVERYONE would have been called/texted. And, again, as I said last night, Joss didn't even ASK Carly what she was doing in Niagara Falls, and how she got hurt. I have gone on the Maid of the Mist, and it IS great, but I DO think things are frozen in winter . . .

    My other large disappointment--I had wanted all of the women of PC to kill Ryan, as I have said, he already is legally dead so there would not even have been any crime.

    1. But AnJoan, Joss DID ask her mother what happened and why she is there. Carly didn't want to tell her and said she will tell her later.

  2. I totally agree. As I was watching yesterday, I kept wondering where is Cam and Trina? Joss and Oscar, were accounted for. Carly was on, etc. But are we supposed to assume that Cam is with his grandmother, Laura? And if Laura, Ava, Cam, and Trina are all back in PC, how did they get there? There should have been at least one show with EVERYONE talking about, and sharing the news, of Ryan's place in all of this. Just one show would have shut me up. It's as if these writers do their writing in a vacuum without comparing notes with the other writers....... Very disappointing finish to the story.

  3. I agree - shame on them! And by the way, Jason the hero somehow managed to save Ava off screen? We really didn't need to see more of the healthiest looking dying person ever or Carly and Jason. Sorry but I can't watch Sonny at all anymore either. I guess no one in PC has a tv, radio or internet to hear about this huge occurrence. Maxie should have been the first one Lulu called. Really disgusted with how something great can turn around so quickly. I still think Frank V. needs to go - he puts all this together and really badly.

  4. Seriously? I don't need to listen to commentators about the latest news. The constant "special report" interruptions have got to stop!! (6 minutes and counting..)

    1. About 13 minutes by the time all the commercials HAD to air...UGH!

    2. And right when Kevin told Laura about Ryan. If you didn't have another station to turn to, you missed her blow up.

  5. Thank you. After reading your blog I felt better. I have watched GH since it's beginning, on and off...sometimes off for many years. This is so disappointing. They ruined what could have been an outstanding story outcome. And what's left is DOD, Turkey and questionable baby glances. Most likely Ryan will not be found to be used again someday unless...Ava does get to kill him.
    And of course the 'special report' showing many photos of flying aircraft. We needed that.
    I just want GH to be good again. It certainly is not lacking excellent actors.

  6. the boy playing cam really looks like rebcca herbst. is he her son irl?

    1. No,the actor playing Cameron is not her son;his name is William Lipton.

  7. No Flea, Mac or Bobbie again today. That being said, I don't think the Ryan story is over yet. I expect his water-logged hand to come out of the river and grab a rock any Friday now.

  8. Oh, and weird thing today. I live in Glens Falls NY and while Krissy was talking with Valerie about the cult, our local news was scrolling "Breaking News" about the sex cult Nexium, that is based in Ballston Spa just south of here. Apparently, one of the leaders pleaded guilty to something. Was very serendipidous.

    1. Yes, I had mentioned that on this blog, that the cult, NEXIVM, which is based in New York State, was branding women, likely the basis for the DOD storyline.

  9. Thank you all for wishing my a happy birthday yesterday.

    I didnt do much yesterday. I went to the casino for a free buffet (its Vegas after all...) And I talked to my mom and dad like I normally do (they are in Heaven sitting at a slot machine at a casino...) I won $50 on a slot machine. Doesnt sound like much, but growing up, my mom and dad always gave me $50 in a card for my birthday. So, yeah, I think that was definitely a sign from them. At least I want to believe it was.

    As for the writing and consistency on this show, I have some opinions on that. Well, most of you know that I have opinions on everything. There is a definite void in the writing and I want to address it, either on a comment someday or if TPTB let me, maybe in a blog when Karen is away from her desk.

    Either way, there is a definite issue and I want to talk about it (but I am at work now, watching GH on a website that I am probably not supposed to be watching it on).

    Have a great day everyone!

    1. Dave, don’t ever second guess signs from loved was a sign from your parents without question. Believing otherwise only takes away the value.

    2. ❤️😀. I meant for my comment to encourage you to believe—all in!

    3. I 2nd what Mrs. Goose said. Definitely a sign, and I would have smiled.

  10. I too SCREAMED at the TV when Michael said 'my parents are out of town' - you didn't know that--and yes Jason WOULD have contacted Michael to ask where is your mother.......and then the stupidity of Lulu not calling Peter when Maxie was sitting there and telling him what a breaking story there was-----when even CAM knew Franco wasn't the real killer....
    just ---------- scream............

  11. I was wondering what had happened to Amy . . .

    1. Yea, good thing we know she’s still nursing people...

  12. Despite the interruption, finally Laura exploded at Kevin & demanded an explanation. That was necessary and well done. That Cam kid is such a natural! I liked the Krissie/Val scenes-made sense.

  13. The hospital:

    BobTodd's room:

    Amy and BobTodd: UGH AMY! UGH! I did not miss her. She looks different. Did her hair grow? Or are those extensions?

    Amy: You are a hero.

    Damn right he is! :)

    Nurses station:

    Amy and Ava: Oh my! Ava is drunkypoo!

    Cam and Liz: Awww! Great scene!!! :) Cam feels bad of how he treated his mom! :)

    BobTodd's room part 2:

    Ava and BobTodd: Ava is so drunkypoo! She is going to have a bad hangoverpoo tomorrow morning! I hope Ryan isn't dead!!! I hope they don't find him, until years later he comes back! :)

    Cam and BobTodd: WOW!!! Cam apologized!!!! YAY! Now it's Lulu and Laura's turn!!!!

    Doc's room:


    Laura: It's not your fault.

    OH YEAH IT IS!!!!!! Oh look he admits he knew his brother was alive since May of 2018!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great scene!!! Laura is furious!!! Everyone else is going to be furious too!!!! Yes Doc this IS all your fault, and I am glad you can admit it. Oh Laura where are you going? I hope to BobTodd's room to apologize!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Val and Krissy: Oh oh Val is disparaging Shanky and Krissy don't likey!


    Shanky and Hmmm Shanky lost someone and has to find her? I wonder who she is.. Oh look has a tramp stamp too!!!! :)

    Shanky and Krissy: OH! Shanky wants Krissy to join the circle of trust! Does that mean Krissy will get a tramp stamp in the circle of trust? Oh oh Shanky doesn't want Krissy to be with her friends and family!!!! The cult begins!!! :) Does the circle of trust have a theme song?

    Sam's home:

    Jasam: They talkin about the tramp stamp and they talk about the DOD is a cult! :) I so hope the circle of trust has a theme song!

    1. I guess that just as Krissy is about to get "branded," Jason swoops in to save her!

    2. Once again you made me chuckle, thanks Sonya! Tramp stamp, Shanky, theme song for the circle of trust, drunkypoo, hahahaha!

      I really liked what Valerie said to Krissy. And I REALLY liked the brief interaction of Ava, Liz, Cam and Franco. I wish it had been longer. I know many people don't like Ava but in the hypocritical world of Port Chuck, she is just fine by me. I feel for her, and the preview of her slapping Kevin looks good. I hope she wallops him, since Laura didn't. However, there was a 15 minute news interruption about Boeing, so I don't know what Laura did or how she reacted to the news that Kevin knew all about Ryan. :(

    3. "Julie H says Once again you made me chuckle, thanks Sonya! Tramp stamp, Shanky, theme song for the circle of trust, drunkypoo, hahahaha!"

      Hahahaha You're welcome Julie!!! :) The circle of trust makes me think of the circle of life from the movie the lion king! :) The original one I mean. Ohhh that's perfect!!

      In the jungle, the mighty jungle that is called DOD
      Shanky the King sleeps tonight
      In the jungle, the mighty jungle
      Shanky the King sleeps tonight
      Near the village, the peaceful village
      King Shanky gives people at the village the tramp stamp.

    4. sonya said... I hope Ryan isn't dead!!! I hope they don't find him, until years later he comes back! :)

      *** And this time when he comes back he'll be impossible to tell from Kevin because he'll now have a bullet scar in his shoulder too. hahaha

    5. "Di says And this time when he comes back he'll be impossible to tell from Kevin because he'll now have a bullet scar in his shoulder too. hahaha"


  14. 2 things re: Carly's baby. Shocked the baby is just fine after that fall down the gorge. 2 falls really, since I'm presuming Ryan didn't climb down there with her and gingerly set her there. I guess since it's not the Q stairs, baby survived.
    And ugh, just realized they're so going to name that baby after dead Oscar. GROAN.

    Again, Jason and Carly, "As long as I'm breathing if you need me, I'll find you." SIGH. How is the most romantic couple on the show NOT their supercouple? I told my husband "That is not her husband. Her husband is the guy skulking around Turkey." He was shocked!


Tanned and Teeth

 Well, I'll be out tomorrow subbing AGAIN for the UPK kids so enjoy me while you can!!  OMG the Bach guy is on today and he's CREEPY...