Alberta Wubs is my traveling lobster--she's met so many of the GH cast as well as other soap stars! Of course her greatest A-lister was getting signed by James Franco at the GH MOCA event. Alberta has toured the set 2x! The actor that has met Alberta the most times is Lisa LoCiccero. She's seen her in America 3x, in Mexico on a soap cruise and in Toronto Canada when I attended the "Falconeri" event there. Second up is Nancy Lee Grahn. She even got Frank Valenti to pose with her! Genie Francis held Alberta at the "Pretty the Series" opening and Maurice Benard finally embraced her on a tour set this year. I then met him at a Vanessa Marcil even on Staten Island.  My biggest wish is to have Alberta actually appear in a scene on GH--maybe with Cameron or Emma. Don't say it's impossible! Look at what she's done so far!! Follow Alberta on Facebook. She has her own Fanpage! Thank you to all the fans that have taken her with them to all these events. I've sent  her all over the USA and Canada!  Follow on Tumblr too. This is Alberta, Connie and Terry at the GHFW. Note the Lobster Red Connie wore!  

Alberta and Roger Syracuse 2016
Alberta on GH Set

Kathleen Gatti, Our wonderful Dr. O
Bradford Anderson on the Port Chuck Tour

Brandon Barash and Nancy Lee Grahn

Lisa LoCicero
Kirsten Storms--Habitat Build 
Tyler Christopher
Leslie Charleson
Vanessa Marcil-Giovinazzo
Blake Gibbons
Bruce Weitz

Laura Wright
Dom Z
John J York
Kim McCollough
Cameron Mathison

Baby Josslyn
Brandon Barash before a Port Chuck concert
Lisa LoCicero and Bob in Sonny's Office and my Fave Photo!
Jason Thompson

Kelly Sullivan

Maurice Benard 

Chad Duell
Frank Valenti (Producer) Nancy Lee Grahn

Genie Francis
Jane Elliot

Lexi Ainsworth
Ronnie Marmo
Julie Marie Berman

WITH THE DOOL Cast at the Haiti relief funraiser

ALBERTA getting a Franco Tattoo

Berta and Bradford!

Carolyn Hennesy

Erin Chambers

Wubqueen Karen and Nancy Lee Grahn
Scott Reeves 
Scott Clifton 

Ron and Dom being NAUGHTY with Berta!
Vanessa Marcil's Red Carpet  Charity Event

Rock Solid Show Today!

  I had the 2 year olds today and I'm SO TIRED so.. buckle up!!  Carly is telling Jason that he can't tell her what to do regarding ...