Thursday, January 9, 2025

Day Of Peace and NEW GH


No GH today. Just a note to all of those in harm's way with the fires; stay safe and millions are thinking of you. First responders and fire fighters are the heroes of our times. 

There will be a lot of rebuilding to do and helping those that have lost so much. Also, RIP to Jimmy Carter. I remember his term as attempting peace in the Middle East and programs for social structure. Of course, his work with HH is also a great legacy he left. 

If any of you are in CA, let us know how you are.  

THERE IS A NEW SHOW TODAY. I guess ABC is just crazy pants. Whatever!!

Everyone is at the hospital for Michael.  

Marty tries to talk Willow into moving for custody of the kids NOW. She's like NOPE, Michael's might die, not going to do it. Then Willow leaves. Martin tells Nina Willow COULD use her position as Michael's wife in charge of his medical care to bargain for custody for the kids. 

Diane tells Carly to get the kids away from Willow NOW to get the advantage. 
Lucas tells Carly they have to prep Michael for burn unit type stuff and to guard against infection. 

Carly goes into the chapel. Idiot Drew walks in. He's like "So sorry about Michael". She lays into him. Then he tells her it is HER fault Michael is in that hospital bed. 

Curtis gives it to Drew. Basically tells him he's a scum bag. 

Willow comes to GH and Joss like "hey, bitch".  She asks why she was in DC with Drew and if it was for Wiley to get to know him as his new "daddy" PFffffffft. 

Sonny and Jason trying to figure out an "Exit Strategy" . Then Anna and Chase come in and talk to Jason (Sonny left) about what happened. 

Alexis and Sonny go and look for Kristina who "stepped out for air" awhile ago. Molly comes to the hospital to see Alexis and Krissy (who's not there). 

Kristina is on the stupid roof. She and Sonny hug. ON THE ROOF IN JANUARY. In WNY. Oh my lordy. Welp! She's sad and doesn't know if she can see Michael in the hospital. 

Jason has baby Michael flashbacks. He goes in to sit with him. Michael opens his eyes and groans. 

OMG!! Diane and Chase show up at Nina's with a social worker to TAKE THE KIDS 'HOME'!! AHAHAHAHA! Curtis is there and Nina is freaking the hell out. 


Nina is saying they aren't taking the kids. Diane is like: HAND 'EM OVER


Debridement is a surgical procedure where healthcare professionals remove non-viable tissue from a wound, like a burn, to promote healing and prevent infection


  1. A new GH is ON today. Surprise.

  2. I'm getting a new episode on both stations.

  3. Today's show wasn't bad. After yesterday's especially.
    The situation in LA makes this all so trivial. I saw a Cameron Mathison interview and video. It is all so devastating. Thinking of all the people and animals being affected by these horrific fires.

  4. Only in soaps would a grandparent get temp custody for the mother making a poor decision and take her son out of state overnight. Good gravy! Time to FF for some of us, Snarly is back. I am not on Willow's side whatsoever, but let's think of all Carly's decisions when her kids were little. Every person on a soap really! Bad decisions? Yes! Lose custody even temporarily? Far fetched. Between this and Ava not seeing Avery, its a terrible slap in the face to mothers.

  5. Normally I can't stand joss in Carly Jr mode but today I was applauding her lol

    1. I was too. I thought she was great in all her scenes. And she only said what most of us would have wanted to say.

    2. Agreed! Joss was sure speaking for me today!

  6. If you are interested; Jimmy Carter's eulogy by Biden;

    Thinking also of everyone in the Fires in L.A. Hopefully everyone will come together to help them.

  7. "THERE IS A NEW SHOW TODAY. I guess ABC is just crazy pants. Whatever!!"


    Nina's home:

    Nina and Willow: Yeah Willow don't go see Michael. It would leave a very bad taste in my mouth if you go see him right after sleeping with Drew aka Ryan Lavery. Yuck!

    Nina, Willow, and Marty: Haha! I really thought Willow was going to listen to them.

    Nina and Marty: Oh boy! Willow has all the power.. Yikes!

    Nina, Chase, Diane, and another cop: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! GO DIANE! :)

    Sonny's penthouse:

    Sonny and Jason: The green beans! Where are they?! :'( Are they dead? :( Are they burnt to a crisp and they are in the burn unit?

    Anna and Brennan: I'm glad Brennan is going to help!!! :)

    The hospital:

    Carly, Joss, and Diane: Joss is acting like her mother hahaha.

    Diane: She took it the way I thought you would take it.

    ROFL! Yeah she did Diane, now she is calm. ROFL!

    Willow and Joss: GREAT SCENE! GO JOSS GO JOSS! :D Joss won the lines of the day.

    Joss: Was it to get used to Drew as his new daddy? Did you honestly think that you can bang Michael's uncle with Wiley in the next room and expect him to just go right on defending you?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I enjoyed this scene immensely!!! :D Willow is all give me grace I love Michael. Yeah shut up Willow. You don't love Michael so stop saying that, and stop making excuses.

    Krissy and Alexis: Krissy should tell off Willow too. :)

    Jason and Lucas: FLASHBACK YAY! :D Awww baby Michael. :)

    Jason and Michael: Michael is awake! YAY! Poor Michael is so burned! :(

    Alexis and Molly: Oooo History talk!!! :) Molly and Jason should have scenes together now!!! A lot more scenes.

    Lucas and Drew aka Ryan Lavery:

    Lucas: No Drew I can't, so stop asking.


    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Curtis:

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery: I've come to see Michael because he is family and I love him.

    Bull! You just feel guilty like what Curtis said! Go away Drew aka Ryan Lavery! You don't belong there. After sleeping with Michael's wife, you have some nerve!

    The roof:

    Sonny and Krissy: BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! So cold!!!!! *Shiver*

    Hospital chapel:

    Carly and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Man he is a piece of work. Being all sweet and nice and then turns on her. GO AWAY! YOU DON'T BELONG AT THE HOSPITAL! YOU CANNOT SEE MICHAEL YOU JACKASS!


    Debridement is a surgical procedure where healthcare professionals remove non-viable tissue from a wound, like a burn, to promote healing and prevent infection"

    OH! Is that what Lucas said? Debridement? I thought he said bereavement team. I'm like huh?! Oh I bet that will hurt, so I hope they make him numb before they do that!!!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to Scotty's office: Kung foo barbie has a tape of AJ.

    1. Couldn't agree more with your recap. I was applauding Diane, cheering on Joss and I seriously need to slap Drew right across his hypocritical face. He and Willow make me sick. I'm also pretty sick of Krissie and her parents enabling her. Bah! I did enjoy the show, though! (my sympathies to the green beans Sonya!)

      My thoughts/prayers/everything are with those in California. My heart breaks for them. Jimmy Carter's funeral was a beautiful thing to watch. I just love his grandson and the stories he told. Articulate, thoughtful and funny man.

    2. "Julie H says, Couldn't agree more with your recap. I was applauding Diane, cheering on Joss and I seriously need to slap Drew right across his hypocritical face. He and Willow make me sick."

      Yes! Go Diane and go Joss! :) Drillow UGH! Hate their attitudes!

      "(my sympathies to the green beans Sonya!)"

      Thank you. :(

      "My thoughts/prayers/everything are with those in California. My heart breaks for them."

      Yeah me too! So awful. :(

      "Jimmy Carter's funeral was a beautiful thing to watch. I just love his grandson and the stories he told. Articulate, thoughtful and funny man."

      Yeah his grandson is really funny. :) Love the stories. :)

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  The new show "Beyond the Gates" topped GH during it's debut week. It runs 2-3pm/est in major markets against the ABC soap. N...