Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Tuesday Narrative Day


Well, here's hoping the pace is better today because-- GOOD LORD I lost my mind yesterday. I'm really surprised that no one mentioned the Michael scenes in the hospital room. I swear I was ready to bail I was so frustrated. 

I do think those scenes with Stella and Tracey were written weeks ago and it was just kismet they ended up on yesterday. Very fitting. 

TODAY'S SHOW:  OMG there are a LOT of characters on today's show so get ready. 

Lulu goes to see Tracey at the Q's. She wants money and help to go get Charlotte back. Tracey won't give it to her unless there's a solid lead. Then thank goodness, Marty comes in the door. 

Sasha finds out from the nanny that Willow and the kids are at the Gatehouse for a hot minute. Willow tells Wiley they are going back to Gram Nina's. Wiley misses his dad. Willow says that he's in the hospital and they can't see him yet. BUT! they can make cards. WHY the HELL do they have to go to Nina's? WHY wouldn't Nina go there if she needs help?? Then Sasha comes in and tells the nanny to take the kids to the main house for cookies. Tries to stop WILLOW from taking the kids?? What?? So they argue a lot and Willow says Sasha would understand if she was a mother. DUN DUN DUN.

Drew stomps into Nina's and it's just arguing. Nina says he's controlling her. Insufferable. They keep yelling.

Lucas tells Liz (at her house) Michael was almost killed last night. Just a rundown of the digitalis story.

In the chapel, Jason is telling Sonny they need a safer place for him to stay than the Metro Court.  Dante comes in. Sonny and him hug. They end up talking about the Prague trip. In case you missed it. 

Jason goes to Carly up by Michael's room. They hug. Talk about Michael being "their kid" and yada yada. His heart operation and all that jazz. They also talk about his horrible burns. Jason thinks there may be a way to help him with that. 

Lucky and Joss talk about Cyrus and maybe him being the killer guy. Dex trying to kill Cyrus for Sonny--yada yada. 

YEAH, I had to bail on this today 
See ya. 


  1. _---for sure they are chem-testing Tracy and Marty----not sure how I feel about that
    ----because Drew gets worse and worse, I am thinking the writers DO know what they are doing and Drew is becoming a point of no return so I HOPE something happens in February and Drew leaves????????
    -----his comment of "Willow can make her own decisions" is laughable - watching the 2018-2019 shows with her and DOD, Shiloh, etc. proves she has NEVER made her own decisions.
    -----Pitiful mama Willow having to tell Wiley Daddy will come home - what a joke
    -----at least Sonny acknowledged that Sam's penthouse is across the hall and no one lives there.
    -----I like Nina and Sonny working together....
    -----and I wish Cyrus would take care of Lulu - she has a SON that she NEVER sees----her character is insufferable....
    ------I really need to know WHY Cyrus did, in fact, want to almost kill Lulu and kill Sam Dex and this other person lat summer.

    1. Dex saw Cyrus at the hospital the night Sam was killed. Maybe Sam was killed because she saw Cyrus near the woman's room the night Cyrus killed her. If Sam had asked him what he was doing at the hospital when he was banned then he would have considered her a witness too. I think Felicia may be a risk if he hears her talking about that darn bell too.

    2. "Di says, I think Felicia may be a risk if he hears her talking about that darn bell too."

      Oh oh. She better be careful and stop talking about the bell!!!

  2. and this chick nanny?? Is she like 12??? She looks like she could turn out to be a villian.

    1. Hahahaha. My first thought was that she is 16. I like your age better. :) Yeah we have never seen her before, so she could turn out to be a villain.

  3. Sonny never payed for the horrific beating he gave Cyrus. And that is his motive. It is loose but all victims have ties with Sonny. Plus Dex had extras for also trying to kill him.
    Yes, the scenes in Michael's room yesterday were awful. Plus they keep showing his seemingly unscathed face.
    I so wanted Sasha to give it up in Willow's face. But glad she didn't.
    Sad. The whole darn show is just so sad.
    Leslie Charleson obit: https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/13/arts/television/leslie-charleson-dead-general-hospital.html

    1. "Zazu says, Plus they keep showing his seemingly unscathed face."

      "Well, at least the sides of his face are burned. He has them covered.

  4. Some funny one liners today.

    Nina's home:

    Nina and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Drew has become Ryan Lavery 100% now and I hate it!!! Shut up Ryan Lavery you make me sick!!! I love how Nina was yelling at him. :)

    Nina: GET OUT! GET OUT!


    The hospital:

    Carly and Jason: Carly says the the child they would have had?! WHAT?! What is she talking about?! Well that is a good idea to take Michael to where Ava went to. Carly should talk to Ava!

    Carly, Jason, and Felicia: When Felicia told them they can't be there, I'm like huh?!

    Dante and Sonny: I'm glad Dante is there for Sonny. :)

    Dante, Sonny, and Nina: Ohhh. I get why Carly and Sonny can't see Michael. Now Nina wants Sonny to go sneak into Mildew's home to get the kids? But Nina! Sonny could get caught and then get into trouble. Is this a set up Nina?! What the hell?!

    Joss and Lucky: Ooooo maybe they can work together! :)

    Q mansion:

    Tracy and Lulu: Lulu where is Rocco? How come you are not with him? Listen to Tracy!

    Tracy, Lulu, and Marty: HEY! Babe (Or as I used to call her, hooker Babe on AMC) and Tad in the same scene together! YAY!!!! :D Marty wins the line of the day.

    Marty: Lulu would you kindly inform your porcupine of a stepmother.


    Mildew home:

    Willow and Wiley: Hmmm. Willow's eyelash looks like it's about to fall off and it's distracting. Someone fix it!! The make up department, or prop people, or director, whomever job it is, fix it!

    Willow and Sasha: Sasha! Tell Willow you got the preggers and who's the father! *Evil smile*

    Liz's home:

    Liz, Lucky, and Lucas: The 3 L's. :) Hey they are working together I love it! Now bring Joss in. :)

    1. Where did Ava go? I know Spencer went to Shriner's Burn center. They did lots of commercials for Shriners at that time

    2. Ava was in dome experimental treatment place, tied to cassadine/wsb where she met Jason. And then they escaped and got someone else to do the experimental procedure on her... hm can't remember deets.

    3. Porcupine Stepmother was the BEST! HAHAHHAHA!
      I needed Sasha to wipe the floor with Willow. Willow was quite the nasty cow. And my apologies to all cows.
      I loved the 3 L's and thoroughly enjoyed Lucky/Joss. He sure was giving her the "what is she up to" eyeballs when she walked away, lol!
      Lulu is getting on my nerves. She learned nothing from Laura and it was wash, rinse, repeat with what she said to Tracy. My eyeballs were rolling hard!

    4. "lindie says, Where did Ava go?"

      Beats me!

      "I know Spencer went to Shriner's Burn center. They did lots of commercials for Shriners at that time"

      Those commericals were awful. I'm not talking about the actual commercials, I'm talking about the ones when the characters talk about Shriners hospital for children. They just quote right from the real commericals and didn't feel real.

      "Julie H says, Porcupine Stepmother was the BEST! HAHAHHAHA!"

      Hahaha it was!!!!! :D

      "I needed Sasha to wipe the floor with Willow. Willow was quite the nasty cow. And my apologies to all cows."

      Yeah Sasha needed to tell Willow she got the preggers by Michael, then we can see the look on weeping Willow's face! Her head would implode.

      "I loved the 3 L's and thoroughly enjoyed Lucky/Joss. He sure was giving her the "what is she up to" eyeballs when she walked away, lol!"


      "Lulu is getting on my nerves. She learned nothing from Laura and it was wash, rinse, repeat with what she said to Tracy. My eyeballs were rolling hard!"

      I know.. Lulu repeats her self so much it's annoying!

  5. Long time reader, first time commenter. I think this whole Drew fiasco is about him getting revenge on everybody involved in the SEC mess. He sleeps with Nina, gets her crushing/lusting after him. He then does the same with her ding bat daughter Willow. That hurts Nina, Michael and by association Carly. He blows up all their lives and all he had to do was take his shirt off. It's almost ingenious but he's a skeevy creep so its ruined any potential for soapy fun.

    1. Yeah sounds about right. Great theory. :) Welcome to the blog!! You should comment more often! :)

    2. Welcome! So now I have to call WIllow, Ding Bat. :) Thanks, lol!

    3. You’re so welcome :) lol. I’m also trying to bring back “gag me with a spoon” which applies perfectly to this storyline lol

  6. "Jezebel78 says, You’re so welcome :) lol. I’m also trying to bring back “gag me with a spoon” which applies perfectly to this storyline lol"

    Hahahaha. Gag me with a spoon! Oh that is so old. I haven't heard that saying in years!! You There is also take a chill pill. :) Which when I was a teenager I would say take a chill pill with orange juice. :)



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