Friday, October 4, 2024



HAPPY FRIDAY!! Here's a flashback for you! Old School Liz and Lucky. 


Ric tries to talk through who might have changed the lab results and it's dawning on Ava that it is probably Portia. She tries to steer Ric to tell GH it was 'probably a mistake' and not sue them or anything. He's thinking she's protecting someone. They didn't kiss. BUMMER. 

Ava goes in to see Portia and is like: Um, I know you changed those results! Then she says they have to protect Trina from knowing because Ric will find out. Portia needs her help. Portia finally admits she did it. Ava says good! keep protecting Trina. Portia thinks Brad already suspects her. Ava says they'll work together to keep Heather in jail. 

Trina sees Gio playing his violin and gives him a dollar. He talks about playing outside and how awesome it is. (He's outside of Bobbie's). She says they are rebooking the Art Gallery opening thing and wants him to play. He says NOPE, Ava pushed Uncle Sonny's daughter out the window and no way. Trina says: OK, welp, you'll never play there again! She goes inside Bobbie's. Joss comes along and gets Gio to go in and talk to Trina. Joss says not to end their friendship over Ava or Sonny. They decide to agree to disagree and he will play the opening. 

Lucky doesn't shower, doesn't go see Aiden but he goes to see...Sonny. :EYEROLL: Lucky says Luke wouldn't be proud of him because he left in the first place. He's also afraid to go see his son. Sonny tells him he has to show up and worry about everything later. Also reminds Lucky that Aiden is in school at this hour (which I forgot) LOL. Good scene. 

Carly and Joss are doing their nails and then Lucas visits. Carly is overjoyed. I LOVE this NULUCAS!! WOW... I didn't know him from before and if we couldn't have RC, I'll take him. Carly says he's back and has a job. He wrote to Michael and Willow and they are ready to let him come be an uncle to Wiley. Doesn't want to see Brad though because he's 'ethically challenged" LOL Then he asks about Sonny. They also talk about Ava and Krissy, then he goes to GH to get his ID. 

At GH, Terry gets him filled in. THEN he goes to see BRAD in the lab!! He tells him they are only going to talk about WORK and nothing else. He doesn't want him in his life EVER. 

Lucky comes into Isaiah's room and he's on the crutches. They talk about Port Charles and the people Isaiah has met. 

Carly goes to see Sonny and they talk about Lucas thinking they are getting back together. She also wants to know how they are protecting Alexis from going to jail. 

Book and Chase are going to get busy in the bedroom but the school calls and Violet is being sent home. She hit a boy in class.  Garth said her dad was a drunk. Then she slugged him and he threw grape juice on her. They think Violet really misses Finn and they will have to help her through this. 


Sonny says if they don't find the gun to clear Alexis, he's turning himself in

Ava finds out that Ric filed an emergency motion to get Heather released from jail and he thinks it's going to work

Isaiah says he's never doing surgery again. 


  1. ----Lucky wouldn't know Jordan BTW......Laura is back Oct 9
    ----I guess pressure makes Isaiah change his mind and he does Lulu's surgery and goes on staff at GH - Lucas is trama surgeon - just keeping that in mind
    ------I don't mind Violet storyline but it is outta nowhere athough school has started so I am wondering if Finn is getting out soon and maybe Violet goes to live with him
    ------so the writers changed again - the thing where Gio was supposed to play was for this well-known artist but today it was a grand opening and I truly thought Trina meant a general 'one day can you play'
    -----yesterday or today - someone said that Sam had been looking for the gun - so has she been diving???
    -----Like Lucas
    -----I like Ava and Portia BUT I hate Portia so I want her to be caught BUT the big thing is WHY in the world is Ric discussing Heather's case wth Ava? Are they gonna have a romance?
    ------the custody hearing was supposed to be like 2 weeks ago - still not understanding that Ava never asks to talk to Avery or we never see Avery etc etc - so we don't know if she misses her mom or not.
    ------I STILL think there is gonna be a huge revelation about Cates murder that we don't expect -----------------------or maybe Sam DOES find the fun and then dies.
    ------surprised Jason didn't go see Sonny/not sure why Lucky did/Lucky please SHOWER
    -----Lukcy has also never met Cyrus or Marty.

    1. I hadn't thought of Lucky not knowing about Cyrus or Marty. Those scenes should be interesting. Plus, Lulu knew Cyrus but she didn't know he was her uncle did she? So, she will have new relatives when she wakes up. And both of them have a new nephew, Ace.

  2. Ava's art gallery:

    Ava and Ric: Oooo he is getting closer to her.. ;) Yeah too bad they didn't kiss. #Rica! Although it makes me think of Ricola.. RIICOOOOOOOOOLAAAAAAAAAAAA ROFL! Ava wins the line of the day.

    Ava: 2 seconds ago you were.. Columbo.


    Carly's home:

    Carly and Joss: What the heck are you wearing Joss? Where are you going today? Hooker school? ROFL!

    Carly and NuLucas: Oh! I like him. He is good. He has got a baby face. :) They didn't do the announcement about NuLucas. I miss it. :( Uh Lucas, Wiley's uncle? I don't know if that is such a good idea.

    Sonny's office:

    Sonny and Lucky: Geez Lucky! Go take a shower!!! Yeah you can't go see Aidan yet, because he is in college. :) *Snicker*

    Badger Bob: Man Lucky you stink! You need a shower.

    Sonny and Carly: Yeah right Sonny! You won't turn yourself in! Give me a break!

    Badger Bob: Lucky's smell still lingers!!! Sonny clean the smell out!


    Gio and Trina: It's nice to hear Gio play, but he needs a storyline! Give him a girlfriend, but not Trina. Oh Gio is being a jerk!!! QUEEN AVA DID NOT PUSH KRISSY OUT THE FREAKIN WINDOW! GAH!

    Joss and Gio: Gio just stop!!!!

    Joss, Gio, and Trina: Joss is a great mediator. :) Gio is all I'll only do this for you. UGH!

    The hospital:

    Lucky and Gannon: Mmmm Gannon is looking good. :) Won't do surgery again?! Why?! I want to hear this story! Did someone die during his surgery?! :(

    Ava and Portia: I hope Ava doesn't set Brad up for what Portia did. GRRRRRRRRRRRR!

    Ava on the phone with Ric: Ooooo nice car Ric! *Jumps into the car to sit next to Ric* :D

    Q home:

    Brace and little V: Awww mean bully!!!!!!!!!!!!! But V you should have walked away. That's what the bully wanted. Your reaction!

    Brace: I thought talking to the parents is a good idea. Maybe Chase is right? Maybe?

    Chase and little V: Chase is right about consequences. Great scene!

    Brad and NuLucas: Ow ow ow ow! Lucas. :( Brucas. :( Made me tear up. :(

    Sidenote: I've been meaning to say, that when JohnJag died, I'm concerned about his son! Who is going to take care of his son?! Who is going to tell him his dad died? But then someone on soap central site said that his son's mother is still alive. OH! Great! Okay then. :)

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1997* Carly and Keisha scene!

  3. I forgot Lucky had an earring back then. Young love...........

  4. Van Hansis is very appealing and will do well. Though I hope they give him a storyline worthy of his talents. I have a feeling his story is going to involve coming to Brad's rescue when Ava tries to frame Brad for the lab test results to help Portia...which will then put him in Ava's orbit. I'd rather see Lucas paired up with someone brand new. Strikes me that the show has introduced so many new characters or returning characters and none of them are in the opening lol.

  5. I like the NuLucas. Hope he gives Brad a break. Not a second chance but a break.
    What I don't like is Ava helping screech mama.
    Charlotte was a bully. Now Violet? Either recast Finn or make him disappear forever.
    I still don't get how adding so many characters, old and new, will enhance an already bloated cast. The stories make the soap.


Sunday Surgery: Box Car Days

  Ah... I had a good ol' nostalgia-fest this week with LL2. Early days of their relationship were magic and I for one am enjoying relivi...