Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Mea Culpa life!! OUT Of control!! It was the end of the month yesterday (well, today but I had to do paperwork) and today I have to file it all so--NO GH again!! I need an assistant to watch for me.I guess that's what Sonya does!! 

I see Anna is going to Brussels? I think she's looking for the midwife when she gave birth?? Is there really an earthquake or was that a joke? LOL.. I don't even know because of TILLY GIRL and MY LIFE.  Oh, it's real! Just saw the promo!! hee hee 

Port Charles had an Earthquake...1991!!  Robert was on the case! 

Kathleen Gati posted this on Twitter yesterday to her "son" ..wahhhhh!

Have a good one-- it's nice here...feels like spring but..storm coming Thursday because, well. Rochester. 


  1. "I need an assistant to watch for me.I guess that's what Sonya does!!"

    Hahaha! I guess I am! :)

    "it's nice here...feels like spring but..storm coming Thursday because, well. Rochester."

    Well it IS going to be March tomorrow! And as we know, March is the worst month here.

    "Port Charles had an Earthquake...1991!! Robert was on the case!"

    Wasn't that the time when Robert and Anna were having sex and the earthquake hit? ROFL!

  2. And look writers...Anna was in an earthquake, her daughters was missing and then wasn't a tear or a sign of hysterics in sight. Take note. This is our Anna.

    Thanks for the video.

  3. Yay - Tristan Rogers is coming back, probably in May!! It's about time!

  4. Exactly, Di. I love kick-arse Anna. I hate constantly weepy Anna.

  5. I couldn't help but notice the hole in the back of Liz's fugly sweater yesterday. I think she's worn that sweater before, but it clashed with her lipstick. She is soooo gorgeous, but that sweater did nothing for her . . .

  6. Just to be clear, Liz would look stunning in a sack, it was the SWEATER that was fugly . . .

  7. Wanda Woman said...
    Exactly, Di. I love kick-arse Anna. I hate constantly weepy Anna.

    Exactly. They need to hire someone who likes strong women. **Extra note to writers - strong doesn't mean bitchy.

  8. Tristian is coming back???!!! YES I LOVE IT GIVE US MORE ROBERT SCORPIO and MORE KICK ASS ANNA

  9. Feb 27th episode:

    Police station:

    Lante: Lulu you are so wishy washy!!! Shut up!!! UGH!

    The floating rib:

    Friz table: Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: Let me look at my black book and look for some strippers. The guy who said that honesty is the best police, I don't think he was ever married. And if he was, he probably didn't get past the honeymoon.


    Scotty and BobTodd: Man!!!! Scotty SO reminds me of his father, and BobTodd reminds me of a young Scotty who changed!!! Great scene.


    Auggy and Maxie: Boy! Lulu and Maxie both like to talk to him!!! :) It's like he is a magnet! :)

    Maxie and Felicia: I can't believe that Faison had Huntington disease! WOW!!!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Curtis and Drew: I wonder if Billy Miller really got hurt with his hand!!! :(

    Harvey's office: Oh my my my!!! Ed Winters!!! NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE! :)

    Harvey and Liz: Oh Liz you are a sly one! :) But be careful you don't know if Harvey is dangerous or not!



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...